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Chapter 46: Why Running? Even Though It’s Magic Practical Training

TN: Special thanks to Micheal C. for the amazing coffee. An extra chapter was released in appreciation.


The opposite sex is prohibited from entering the basic dormitory.

Boys are not allowed in the girl’s dormitory, and girls are not allowed in the boy’s dormitory without permission.

Normally, it’s no good, but if you apply to the student council and get permission, you can enter. Because some of the servants brought by aristocrats are of the opposite sex, It seems there will be various problems if it’s completely off-limits.

Erica and Natalie immediately got permission from the Student Council.

There is a separate staircase leading to the 3rd and 4th floors where the upper aristocrats live.

There are always guards at the entrance to the stairs, who strictly check if those who are entering do not have a permit on their chest. The security is perfect.

From now on, we’ll eat every meal in my room, Mifa’s movement seems to be difficult, but I’m glad it wasn’t Mifa’s room.

To be honest, it would be difficult if I was supposed to go out every time.

“Ze, ze … huh, huh … huh …”

“Luke, do your best”

“This staircase is tight every time …”

Iris supports me, but it’s a real pain going up to the 4th floor!

“Luke, we have 90 minutes for lunch, since we’ve taken a lot of time, this time, we’ll cook light dishes.”

“Yeah. Anything is fine.”

I sit on the leather chair of the reception set I bought the other day, and watch the three beautiful girls cooking without hesitation while drinking the tea brewed by Iris.

What a luxurious sight!

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Apron in school uniform!

In Japan, how much would you pay to make it happen …

“♪ You’re thinking like an old man! It’s vulgar! 』\

“But, can’t It make money in Japan? 』\

“♪ It’s true that you can make money not only in the other world, but also in this world …”

The three maids are cooking, but sometimes I hear words that interest me.

Words about me … “make him lose weight”, “moderate amount”.

“Luke, didn’t we bother you suddenly? I’m really sorry, Emilia also.”

Mifa worriedly asked me.

“Huh? I was surprised, but it’s not annoying. However, this meal will be tense until I get used to it …”

“Are you nervous?”

“I’m the only man in the midst of five girls, right? I’m a little nervous cause I’m surrounded by cute girls. It’ll be fun once I get used to it.”

“Mifa neesan, rather, I’m glad that you got in between us like this. It would have been hard for me to even seat like this If it was just me. Um … Luke-sama … a little … I have something to ask you. “

Emilia talked to me by herself!

“What is it?”

“Don’t you care about my true face?”

I’ve been a little hesitant to ask —

“♪ Everyone wants to see her true face, but you didn’t show much interest, so she seems to be very interested.”

“If I say I’m not interested, I’m lying … I’m curious, but you’re worried that if you show me your true face, I’ll change my mind and attack you, right?”

“That’s … no… yes. I don’t think I’ll be attacked, but I think you’ll be interested and change your attitude …”

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Mifa is next to me and I can’t lie so I immediately rephrased it and conveyed my true feelings.

“For me, who doesn’t know your true face, I can’t help but think, ‘This over-self-conscious woman! But I was glared at by your house’s knights the other day, so I guess it’s probably cute.’

“Ufufu, that’s right. The elite knights were frozen under the intimidation of Jail-sama.”

“Did that happen?”

Mifa briefly told Emilia how it happened.

“The knights of my house were very rude! I’m sorry.”

Emilia bowed deeply and apologized.

“Well, most of the rumors are true, but the knights know Emilia’s true face, don’t they?”

“Yes. I declined social occasions such as parties, but I participated in official events in the territory … If It were a knight, they would have been there as escorts. I think they know my true face. “

“You just sit down for the most part of the evening. I see …”

“♪ They don’t really love her because they saw her face. It seems that the cause of her popularity is information given to the male knights by the female knights and the maids, and also sisters of the church. It seems that Emilia’s gentle behavior during their service quickly created rumors. ”

“It’s the exact opposite of Luke, whose known for causing problems”

“Um … it’s a rude act to the royal family, to be disguising himself, so if Luke wants to see it, I’ll remove the collar …”

“Navi! What do you think 』\

“♪ You want to see it, but be patient here. It’s more likely that she’ll open her mind if she’s not alert than if she’s anxious about what you see. She’s still talking to you while nervous. You don’t need to know her true face right now. If you can’t help it, I’ll show you an image of her real face later. “

“You can do that too. Then, I guess I want to see It … Show me at night. “

“♪ I understand”

“No wait, It’s fine as it is. Didn’t Mifa say? What’s inside is more important than you see.”

“♪ I said I could help you see it, but this was the correct answer, I’m relieved. However, you may need to be careful because she may stick to the collar and be like “I’m relieved because I have a collar”. “

“So you get it. After all, this girl is troublesome … “

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They said they would cook lightly, but the food served was delicious.

Natalie seems to be a good cook, and it seems I’ll be able to eat delicious food for three years.

* * *

It’s practical skill class from the afternoon —

“Then, first of all, 10 laps around the field!”

Why run for magic skills!

“♪ This is a knight academy … You can’t march as a knight without the minimum physical strength. I won’t accept “I can’t keep up cause I’m a rearguard”. It’s also required to get the minimum physical strength in the first year. “

“I understand the theory, but … huh hah, I’ll die … That’s it! 』\

I come up with an idea! If it’s like this, climbing the stairs will be much easier in the future!

“Come on! Luke! It’s forbidden to lighten your weight with [Float] magic! Don’t cheat! That won’t give you any physical strength!”

The moment I used it, I got caught!

“♪ I’m a magic teacher. My [Magic detection] is naturally excellent. “

There are 5 teachers in the practical class. At least two of them are always in class, but it seems different people will be in charge depending on the day. Teachers also have different main attributes that they’re good at.

Hmmm, I’m already lapped behind, and I can hear voices of ridicule from around me.

“Look! It looks like an orc is really running!”

“Ahaha, don’t say that, but it’s just like that.”

I run hard while my stomach bounces, but my body is heavy and I can’t speed up.

This is even though my skill level of [Physical Strengthening] has been raised to 5 using [Customize].

“♪ That’s right. After all, it’s like running with four filled-up kerosene cans. If you set [Physical Strengthening] to level 7, it will be much easier. “

“It’s like this at level 5, it won’t change that much if I raise it by two, right? 』\

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“♪ No, the dimension is different after level 6. At level 10, you can jump vertically to the second floor of the school building with your current weight. If you train and lose weight, you should be able to go to the 3rd floor easily. “

“The second floor! Since it is a school building, that’s 4m? 8m? Seriously, the 3rd floor! 』\

“♪ With [Physical Strengthening] Any level 8 adventurer can do that much. The master’s basic physical strength is just too low. What do you do when you’re losing to the blind Mifa! Please try your best! 』\

Mifa, who is being pulled by Erica, is running half a lap ahead of me. Of course, she can’t run that fast even if she can see a little in a bright place outside. In other words, now I’m more walking than running. With each lap, my pace slows down.

On the 8th lap, except for me, everyone had finished running and took a break.

In such a situation, I inevitably attract attention, and my classmates secretly whisper to each other while looking at me.

“He’s shaking more than you!”

“How rude!”

“Prince seems to have a B cup, aren’t you an A cup that doesn’t shake?”

Shit! Certainly, they’re about C cups if you measure them!


“Oh my!”

“Wow, that should hurt …”

My legs got tangled and I fell down.

Uu~~ it’s embarrassing!

“Come on! It’s a shameful act, laughing at someone who’s running so hard! Luke-sama are you okay?”

“””We’re sorry!”””

Stop Mifa! You’re making it worse!

Iris rushes to raise me and treat me with healing magic, but it’s kind of sad.

I wanted to say “I can use recovery magic myself! I don’t need help!” but didn’t.

I would’ve regretted it later if I had put it in my mouth … I have to lose weight quickly!

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