Chapter 134: In order to be strong

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“EDITOR: GhostApe”

What came to mind right now is that one pathetic silver dragon, the one known as Doradora-san.

He was also taken away somewhere by Rēko and something irreparable happened to him.

I will never let that tragedy happen again.

If such a good girl like that is transformed into a demon like Rēko, the feeling of guilt in my chest will go through the roof.

「But there is no way I can consult with any guard in the city… It will be bad if Rēko gets arrested for kidnapping.」

And of course, I can’t chase after Rēko who ran with astonishing speed with my slow legs.

Then, there is only one person I can rely on in this situation.

「Yoro-san, where are you? I had a little problem so I’d like it if you could help me—」

I raised my voice as I ran along the main street that has many bars on it. Yoro-san walked in this direction earlier, so I’m sure he is drinking nearby.

Surely enough, after walking through the main street for a while, I spotted an insanely conspicuous armor in a bar.

「Mu? What?」

「Something troublesome happened. Can you look for Rēko as fast as possible?」

「You can ask that, but I don’t have any clairvoyant tricks like that little girl.」

「But you can move much faster than me and have better eyesight too. If you still have a conscience, please help me.」

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「Well, I am still a Demon King…fine.」

Yoro-san stood up from the bar counter, 「For the bill」he said as he placed a gold coin on the counter. He then carried me on his shoulder outside and jumped as hard as he could.

So high.

I can get a panoramic view of the capital. The view is like climbing on top of a small mountain. I still got chills even though I have flown before.

「Umu, It is a big city as I thought. Do you know where she went?」

「K, kinda, maybe around the outskirts of the town that looks suitable for training. A place that has rocks that are okay to break.」


Yoro-san’s body stopped mid air at the highest point of his jump. Seems like he can fly freely.

His cloak fluttered as he started moving to the outskirts of the capital.

「Look, there is a rocky place right there.」

「Oh. That place looks like it meets the conditions. Could you try stopping there a little?」

In the corner of the capital where some buildings are lined up, there was a rocky area where the bedrock is exposed for some reason. It was a disproportionate sight, but in such a place, Rēko would be able to wield her magical power without worrying about it.

「…Is that?」

However, I noticed something immediately after landing there.

It looked like a simple rocky area from a distance, but when we approached it, the rocky place was strictly divided by ropes, and there were even warehouses where tools like pickaxes were stored together.

「Is this a quarry?」

「Seems like it.」

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It’s not an abandoned rocky place, but a quarry that is still in use.

If you think about it carefully, most of the buildings in the capital were made with igneous rock such as marble. Since it’s not a building material that is so easy to transport, it is only natural that there is a quarry nearby.

There is no one around, probably because of the festival.

「How about it, Dragon? Did you see the little girl?」

「No, but maybe Rēko wouldn’t go wild in a place like this. If you break something, some  compensation will be asked.」

「But everything else is in the city.」

「That is the problem.」

Did Rēko fly and go outside of the capital?

「There is a blockade in all directions. Well, it is probably not a big problem anyway. I’ll go back to the bar to drink, maybe you should join me.」

「That is not the case. To tell you the truth, Rēko took a child and went away without permission. That child might get brainwashed as it is.」

「Geez, just what you are doing. The reason why this whole thing happened is because you are not disciplined.」

「I really can’t say anything back.」

While saying “Can’t be helped.” Yoro-san raised a finger toward the sky.

「Let’s drop a small lightning bolt in this area with my magical powers. That girl has good senses. She should be able to detect it and come to see what happened.」

「Oh. Attracting Rēko here instead of searching for her. That’s a good idea.」

「Of course. Well then.」

Thin but sharp lightning struck a corner of the quarry in line with the movement of the finger that Yoro-san swung down. My field of vision is dyed white along with a thunderous sound.

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—And the lightning ignited an explosive that seems to have been stored somewhere.

Flames start rising all over the quarry. The rocky place starts collapsing one place after another. A warehouse also collapsed because of the falling rocks.

Yoro-san and I stared at the quarry, which has turned into hell on earth, with no expression on our faces.

「…Then, I shall excuse myself.」

「Wait! Don’t leave me alone in this scene! Take me away for the time being!」

Yoro-san buried some gold nuggets that he took out of his cloak in the rubble as a silent compensation, and then jumped out to the sky again.

「Yoro-san is surprisingly honorable, huh?」

「I just hate tricks. If I break this place and run away, it will look like some kind of sneaky sabotage on the humans. I definitely don’t want that kind of image of me. If I want to attack, my pride won’t let me forgive myself except if it’s a frontal breakthrough with a single horse.」

For a moment I thought that Yoro-san is a person with common sense, but when I thought about it again, he wanted to fight with a god. That means he is by no means a person with common sense. He is just a muscle brain that has reached the pinnacle of sportsmanship.

Seeing the explosion, a lot of rubberneckers started gathering in the city.

While escaping in the sky with haste, Yoro-san looked at the crowd from a distance.

「How is it? Did you see Rēko?」

「Wait.. I think I do. I saw a girl that is carrying a baby in nun clothes.」

「Is that true? Can you go closer?」

「Of course.」

Yoro-san turned around in the air and flew to the side of the street where the rubberneckers gathered. Then we landed on the shade nearby.

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When I sneaked out from the shadow, I certainly saw Rēko and the girl in nun clothes.

While carrying her in a piggyback, Rēko is having a conversation with the girl.

「Nee, Onee-chan. Is it really okay? There is a lot of smoke rising you know?」

「I already told you it’s okay. As far as I can see with my clairvoyance, no one is injured. Some rocks just collapsed. Don’t get upset with just something like this.」

「I’m sorry…」

「I don’t mind. Well then, let’s resume our training.」

I was about to jump out, thinking that the brainwashing would start if nothing was done, but just before that, Rēko raised something with one hand.

It is a skewer with thick slices of meat.

「Come on. Eat to your heart’s content. It’s delicious.」

「It’s, it’s not good! I am in training and the festival is near, so I shouldn’t eat anything extravagant!」

「Do you hate meat? If so, I will prepare some sweets.」

「Uu, this is bad. I must do my best… Oh God. Oh God. Please give me the power to resist this temptation.」

The piggybacked girl is in a praying position, enduring the onslaught of skewers and cookies that Rēko flickers in front of her.

For a moment, I thought it was priestly training to put up with one’s desire, but Rēko wouldn’t come up with such an idea.

Then I remembered it, the training theory that Rēko had before, which is very simple.

Rēko looked at the girl with a suspicious face.

「Why won’t you eat? If you don’t eat well and sleep well, you can’t become strong.」

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