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“EDITOR: Ghost Ape”

Raiotto, who was holding the communicator in Ariante’s study, perked his ears up to the words “Evil Dragon’s kin.”

『Oh? Are you hesitating? Don’t you want to help your friend, Rēko? I thought I would be of help to you, though.』

「Wait, you…, according to Doradora, you’re one of the Demon King’s highest commanders right? So why do you come to someone like me? If you go yourself, wouldn’t everything be settled?」

『Well, you see, things are complicated.』

From over the communicator, an uncertain voice could be heard.

『The one who entrapped my master Lord Revendia and my comrade, Rēko, is none other than a Demon King Commander, the same as me. In other words, I want to avoid internal conflicts.』

「….? Aren’t you a kin to the Evil Dragon? The Evil Dragon said he would defeat the Demon King, so why do you care about the Demon King Army?」

『That’s very troubling, I have not yet heard any word from Lord Revendia about defeating the Demon King. Neither have I been ordered to leave the Demon King Army. Perhaps my lord has the intention to have me act as a spy. Thinking along those lines, for me to have conflict with my fellow commanders, it would be very disadvantages for me.』

「Why hell would I care for your circumstances.」

Why do I have to be wrapped up as a pawn in the Evil Dragon’s plans? So thought Raiotto but…

『Oh, how heartless, is that okay? With me being unable to move, at this rate, I don’t know what will happen to that friend of yours…』

Shit, Raiotto could only grit his teeth.

With Rēko being used as a shield, Raiotto couldn’t just simply turn off the communicator.

『Are you going to abandon her?』

「I’ll save  Rēko. However, even so, why would you come to me? I’ll tell you now but I’m just a brat that started training recently. Towards someone that even the Evil Dragon has trouble against, what do you expect me to do?」

『No need to be so humble, within our circle of kin, your name is already famous.』

「Famous….? Wait a minute. What’s with that circle of kin?」

“Do you not know?” the kin responded.

“How would I know?” was Raiottos only thought, were there so many kin made by the Evil Dragon that they formed their own society?

『At this moment, it is a society formed only by myself and  Rēko. In other words a small elite group.』

「….I get it now, bastard, you must be an adventurer in this town right? I’ve heard of this kind of joke before.」 

Saying so, Raiotto looked around. Now that he thought about it, after losing during training, the scribblings on his forehead that said “Loser” haven’t disappeared yet.

There’s no doubt that those guys are hiding in a corner somewhere and looking at him.

『Unfortunately, you’re incorrect. However to have been mistaken for someone who you are close to, those adventurers must be like me who is honest and sincere.』

「Yeah, they’re so nice that I want to vomit.」

There’s no longer any point to this, Raiotto was trying to find a good place to end this conversation.

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If he continued to ride on this joke for any longer, it’ll be more stains in his history to be made fun of.

『It seems that you don’t believe me.』

「Of course, I’ve already got an idea of who you are. To use  Rēko as a way to make fun of me, the only people bad enough to do this is the swordsman Saizus or the spearman Ian huh…. Since the voice is changed, they should both be in it. If you’re gonna use a voice changing potion then the alchemists…」

『It can’t be helped, in that case, I’ll show you that I’m serious.』

A sound of fingers being flicked could be heard over the communicator.

At the same time, from behind Raiotto, a sound came like something hitting the wall.

『Have a look behind you.』

Looking back without even listening to the voice, stabbed into the wall of the study was a single edged sword.

Furthermore, it wasn’t just a sword.

Even from the eyes of an amateur, although at first glance it looked like a black rusted steel sword, an unbelievable amount of heat emitted from the body of the blade could be felt.

The sword wasn’t too long or too short, an adult adventurer could easily swing it with one hand.

「…What’s with this sword?」

『Your dagger was taken by Rēko, right? Although it is bold of me, i’ve prepared a replacement.』

「Like hell I need it, do you think I would accept a weapon from the subordinate of the Evil Dragon and a Commander of the Demon King Army?」

『Oh? So you believe me now?』

Raiotto kept silent.

It’s not strange that, with the personality of the people in this town, they would make such a bad joke.

However on the other hand, they are all warriors and have their own codes and views and the one phrase they all said was “It’s a hundred years too early for you to handle a real weapon.”

“Only learning a little can be a dangerous thing”– or so they say.

Ariante also said that without even learning the basics, wielding power beyond what one can handle will only lead one down to ruin.

At the very least, within this town, there was no one that would give him a weapon.

『For whatever reason, I would like you to take that weapon. You’re the descendant of the hero who once was able to injure Lord Revendia. To a kin like me, you are worthy of my respect. It’s only a matter of principle that since your sword was taken by  Rēko, we would prepare a replacement.』

「…. Stop with that hero or whatever. Our ancestors may have once been glorious but my family has now become rotten. We’ve stopped swinging our swords since several generations prior and drowned ourselves in indulgence.」

『However, you have broken away from that. I see the potential of your ancestors in you. That’s why I held expectations for you and came seeking your help.』

Raiotto glared at the sword stabbed into the wall and fell into thought, then asked one question.  

「Is Rēko currently in danger?」

『I don’t know the details. However after being taken into a certain demon’s barrier for two weeks now, while I have no idea what has happened inside, it’s just that being trapped in the barrier for so long means that something big has happened there.』

Being agitated, the kin quickly continued.

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『The demon that entrapped Lord Revendia is called “Sousou.” A pillar of the Demon King Army’s highest commanders, a demon who wields a massive amount of magic power but the strange thing is that it has a peculiar appearance, it’s in the form of a rabbit doll. Isn’t it strange?』

「It’s not strange. I’m being serious here, I don’t care about appearances.」

『Oh, so you’re someone who doesn’t get jokes. This demon named Sousou, like her name implies, is one who controls dolls but she has one other special trick. This should be a doll’s true role, and that is possession.』


It’s not a commonly used term but Raiotto came from a house of priests so he knew.

Used as a catalyst to gather the gods and devils.

A doll is often just a toy but could also be used as an offering to ward off evil. It had the role to take on any curses or disasters that may befall the owner in their stead.

From this, evil magic power is often stored and they become demons.



“EDITOR: Ghost Ape”

「So? Just from the name “Possession” what kind of power is it?」

『Originally, dolls are used as substitutes to “house something.” With this role, its power is taken a step further– to take in someone else within its body and “house” them. This time, it’s dealing with Lord Revendia so it would not send a pawn but rather the main body.』

「Even the Evil Dragon can’t escape?」

The kin immediately denied this.

『If Lord Revendia became serious, he could easily tear through the doll’s body. In the first place, it can only act as a sort of binding to buy time against stronger demons. If you had the will to resist and have a sufficient power level, then Sousou would have no choice but to spit you back out. If you had eaten something and it wreaked havoc in your stomach, you would spit it back out right?』

「That’s a strange way to put it.」

『I apologize. Well, with that reasoning, Sousou would usually not use it on something with consciousness. Something like a spirit with a weak ego will have less resistance, so it can easily be sealed though.』

Spirit? So thought Raiotto but he let it slip from his mind. Now wasn’t the time to care about other issues.

「So then why can’t the Evil Dragon and Rēko come out? Didn’t you say that you can escape as soon as you resist?」

『Sousou could have made it so that they wouldn’t resist.』

「What kind of schemes…?」

『For example, making the interior of the barrier resemble the real world and not even letting them realise that they’re in the barrier. With just this, the resistance of the captured prey will fall greatly.』

「What’s with that? Is it performing a play to distract them? Can’t the Evil Dragon even see through that? Unexpectedly the Evil Dragon is full of holes.」

『I would like it if you would not insult my master.』

Raiotto could feel a cold chill run through his back.

After all this time talking crap like this, as soon as the Evil Dragon came up, a tremendous pressure could be felt from over the communicator.

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『….Excuse me. I have a habit of becoming excited when it comes to my master. This isn’t exactly an excuse but my master, Revendia, should have long ago noticed Sousou’s play.』

「In that case, he should come out right?」

『That’s so, but the fact is that he hasn’t. So I believe that the reason does not lie with Lord Revendia but with Rēko』

「With Rēko…?」

『Exactly, I believe she’s become a burden and they can’t come out.』

That reason didn’t really hit Raiotto hard. If the Evil Dragon just realized “This is inside a barrier” and ordered Rēko to escape, that would be the end. Looking back to the time at the village, Rēko had awakened to quite a lot of power as a kin.

Even with that and still being considered as a burden, Raiotto couldn’t imagine it.

The kin continued…

『From what I’ve seen, Rēko is a kind hearted girl who wishes for peace. Don’t you think so too?』

「….What’s with you so suddenly.」

『For example, within the barrier, Rēko saw the image of a “peaceful village,” then due to her original kind personality, she would like the environment even knowing that it was fake.』


Raiotto then opened his eyes wide. He didn’t know what the situation there was like but this sounded like it could happen.

Rēko was a girl kind enough to sacrifice herself to the Evil Dragon on her own accord.

Raiotto didn’t think that Rēko had the aptitude to be the kin of the Evil Dragon.

Being shown a peaceful illusion within the barrier, Rēko’s heart as a normal girl would be daunted.

『Lord Revendia will also watch over her and wait for her to throw away her human heart but if Rēko, after waiting a long time, still can’t throw away her humanity and continue to act unbecoming of the Evil Dragon’s kin then…』

「I understand.」

Raiotto then immediately left the communicator and pulled out the sword stabbed into the wall.

「Before the Evil Dragon becomes disappointed in Rēko, I just have to pull Rēko back to reality right? If not, Rēko would be deemed to be unusable as a kin and– be put down by the Evil Dragon.」

『That’s the right way to think.』

「Sorry for my rough speech, it’s strange to say this to a demon but, thanks.」

That demon didn’t only think of the Evil Dragon but also cared for the wellbeing of Rēko.

Leaving aside the other points that couldn’t be trusted, that was the only point that he could thank.

『To be thanked by the descendant of a hero, it is my honor. Then this may be against the rules as a Demon King Commander but I’ll send you within Sousou’s barrier. Once again, do not speak about me being involved in this.』

「Alright, I’ll leave it to you.」

It’s not as if he’ll be fighting, if it’s just persuading, then Riotto thought he would be enough.

However just in case he encountered Revendia, he took the sword and gripped it tightly.

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『Lastly one final thing, may I say?』


『Inside the barrier, if you encounter my master Evil Dragon Revendia, do not lay a hand on him. Make sure to remember.」

Raiotto didn’t know why but he smiled faintly after hearing that.

As if he desired from his heart to do so or not.

Without even having the time to respond, the light of magic spread from under his feet and in the next moment Raiotto’s vision warped.


「Waaashooi!! Waaaashoi!! All hail Rēko! All hail Lord Evil Dragon!」

「Our nation of Granard will swear to walk the same path as the Evil Dragon!」

「From this day onward, this country will be renamed to the Divine Lord Evil Dragon Empire!」

As soon as we entered the capitol covered in fog, this kind of parade began, it’s already been two weeks and it’s still continuing.

Being carried on a portable shrine, everyday Rēko made a satisfied expression, she was filled with the feeling of accomplishment for being able to surmount her first mission.

On the other hand, staring at her from afar.

「Welcome Lord Evil Dragon!」

「Please feel free to stay in this city for as long as you desire Lord Evil Dragon!」 

Receiving an never before seen amount of welcome, my eyes watered from the deep emotions I felt even after staying for two weeks. 

If I requested, the people would bring me any amount of hay I desired and on top of it all, no one was afraid of me.

Even though my appearance has shrunk due to the potion, receiving this type of treatment even after knowing my identity, this is in fact the peace that my heart desired and the peace that I couldn’t stop longing for.

Looking at us with the spirit riding on her shoulders was Sheina, who had cold eyes.

「Lord Evil Dragon…. I think this is probably not the capital. Other than the parade route, everything else is hollow like paper mache. Most of the residents, if you spoke to them, they only say the same things. I’ll just say it, this is… a diorama with shoddily made details.」

「I know… Even I know that this city’s details are strange. I secretly snuck behind the royal palace and it was all just plywood…」

「In the first place, the faces of all the people here are unfamiliar. Even when I went back to my home, no one was there – no, it was also made of paper mache. Coming this far already, it feels like a horror show.」

「I have no excuse for letting you experience such a scary thing.」

「Well, it’s fine. If I had to say so, everything is so shoddy that it’s funny. Apart from that, Lord Evil Dragon, isn’t it about time that you get serious and solve the problem? It’s already been two weeks, you know? If we don’t go back soon, there’s going to be a commotion outside.」

Being encouraged by Sheina on my back, I started to face the problem straight on while crying tears inside. There’s a deep and complicated reason that we can’t exit this fake capitol.

Within my sight, Rēko was continuously receiving a thunderous applause which heightened her sense of accomplishment of having completed her first mission. Her intoxicated expression was like one who had just conquered the world.

「So from here, how do we lower Rēkos tension down to a safe level….」

If Rēko approached the real capitol with this type of tension it would be like the approaching ruin of the country. 

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