“…I’m being careless?”

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Princess Charlotte’s golden eyes twinkled faintly. It’s because she didn’t even think that Rodelia would come on strong to her.


Rodelia put down her teacup and continued to speak as she glanced at Charlotte.


“It’s rude to express opinions about the culture of another country,” she said. “Did you not learn that?”




She asked stupidly.


For a moment, the atmosphere at the table became cold. Only the sound of a conversation from afar could be heard.


She only blinked her eyes blankly, not thinking that she had heard it wrong, Charlotte didn’t even think of lowering the corners of her lips that she had raised.


“I think the princess has something else to say to me. Don’t openly humiliate. So….”


Rodelia smiled kindly.


“Think carefully and decide.”




Rodelia was now warning Princess Charlotte to apologise about her opinion regarding the day’s event.


But Princess Charlotte’s pride was not so easily broken.


She already had a positive conversation with the emperor about the port opening so what can she [Rodelia] do? Isn’t she just an empress who isn’t even favored?


‘Still, I guess she has her pride as an empress.’


She was obviously an Empress who can’t say anything. This time too, Princess Charlotte twisted her lips convinced that she would win.


However, as if she didn’t care about the princess’ reaction, Rodelia took a sip and turned to the others.


She felt bad. She really didn’t like that elegant attitude, those eyes that put people to shame.


Charlotte vowed never to do what Rodelia wanted. 


It was about time that the atmosphere was changing again.


“Your Majesty, my apologies for interrupting.”


A servant called on Rodelia and approached her. She was holding packages in her hands. 


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At a glance, she seemed to be bearing fairly expensive items, so everyone was curious.


“What’s going on?”


“The Marquis of Florence has sent gifts. He had also asked to convey his words, hoping that it would be useful to the delegations and ladies.”




Rodelia frowned.


As she turned her gaze towards the envoy’s barracks, the Marquis of Florence, with a glass of wine, pretended to toast.


Princess Charlotte’s face turned white when she saw it. It was because she remembered what she had forgotten.


 ‘…The Empress is the daughter of the Marquis of Florence.’


If the Marquis of Florence did not think positively about the port opening, everything could go to waste.


He was a marquis who was said to love his daughter so much that even a foreigner like her knew.


Embarrassed, Charlotte licked her lips.


“Oh my, what is this?” [A lady]


Leaving her behind, the other ladies asked with twinkling eyes.


“Well, I don’t know either.” [Rodelia]


“Oh, isn’t this Guerney’s perfume?  How did you get this precious thing? My father doesn’t want to release this perfume… Certainly, Marquis Florence is great.” [Princess Tanya]


 When Rodelia answered with a dazed smile, it was Tanya, the princess of Guerney who responded.


Guerney, a desert country, was a country where the perfumed oil industry was extremely developed.


“Oh, Your Majesty the Empress. Please thank the Marquis for me.”




After a few thanks, the ladies, who turned their attention to the perfumed oil, stared at Princess Tanya with curious eyes.


“Is this the reason why the Princess’ skin is shiny?”


“It cannot be said that there are no benefits in perfumed oil.”


Princess Tanya narrowed her eyes. It was such a charming smile that everyone was mesmerized.

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Clearly, she was a striking beauty.  Her smooth copper-colored skin,  strong body, coveted lustrous black hair, and golden eyes shining like the sun reminded them of a lioness.


It was only natural that their interest in the beauty products she used soared.


Tanya, who kindly answered the ladies’ questions, stared at Charlotte.


“Anyway, if Princess Charlotte wants to make the port opening successful, she will have to stand out to the Marquis of Florence.”




 “I wish you all the best.”


Tanya secretly rebuked Princess Charlotte. Charlotte, with her reddened face, bowed her head.


 Rodelia’s expression slowly hardened without anyone noticing. The strength in the hand she had been squeezing increased.


She was grateful to Princess Tanya, but this will also fall into the ears of the Marquis of Florence.


He would scold her since she couldn’t handle these things herself.


 Rodelia squeezed her eyes shut.


How much does he know? He was aware of the fact that Princess Charlotte had disgraced her and he knew her intentions.


‘So he must have sent these gifts on purpose.’


Perhaps it was meant to instill in her consciousness that she could do nothing without her father.


‘It must be his intention to shake me up again by holding my hand.’


Her manicured nails dug into her flesh. Before she knew it, the palms left with red marks were sore.


A minute ripple broke out in Rodelia’s calm eyes. The wind felt exceptionally cold.




The faint scent of perfumed oil mixed with the wind spread through the air.


The voices of the ladies who were excited to receive the precious gift were quite pleasant to hear. Meanwhile, Charlotte, who had been keeping her mouth shut, opened her mouth gently.


“But did you all know? They said that the method in this hunting competition is a little unusual.”


The ladies who stopped talking looked at Charlotte.


Charlotte then opened her eyes even wider, stimulating their curiosity. In the past, the winner was the person who caught the biggest game, but…

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“I guess. They said that the prey has been decided.”


Rodelia answered, stirring the tea with a teaspoon.


The unintentional cold voice surprised her, but Princess Charlotte didn’t care.  With her characteristic bright smile, she opened her eyes and asked.


“Then what is the prey? Your Majesty the Empress, would you know?”


“Well, it was prepared so secretly, even I don’t know.”


As Rodelia spoke as if she didn’t know, the ladies and the delegations began to murmur. It was because they were worried that it might be a dangerous beast.


 “What the hell are they supposed to catch? Isn’t that dangerous? It’s inside the Imperial Palace, so beasts can’t enter, so it must be safe…”


The ladies turned their eyes to the dark forest and swallowed their saliva.


In the forest so thick that even sunlight did not come in, the roar of a wild beast could be heard faintly.


“When you enter the Imperial Palace hunting grounds, all kinds of wild beasts are lurking, right?”


“Well, I’ve only heard of it, but I’ve never been there.”


“I am so worried that my husband will get hurt. After all, His Majesty the Emperor will win the championship, but I don’t know if he’s just hurting himself.”


“So… I’m saying this because I don’t think Your Majesty the Empress would be offended by this, but in fact, every hunting contest is like a well-crafted play that will make His Majesty stand out.”


Rodelia couldn’t help but laugh. It was true, but she couldn’t agree with them, nor could she lie.


No matter how much skill they show, they will not be able to defeat Kane, but isn’t there such a thing called a ‘what if’ situation.


Even if they couldn’t win, it would be a big deal if they showed off their skills and inflicted a scratch on the emperor’s body or even offended his feelings. So there were a lot of people who were subtly dissatisfied.


“Anyway, we will find out when the hunting competition begins. I wanted to participate too, but it was a pity that women are not allowed to participate.”


When Rodelia showed discomfort, Princess Tanya of the Kingdom of Guerney changed the subject.


“Princess Tanya? After all, the kingdom of Guerney was a place that followed the law of the weak and the strong, irrespective of gender. I forgot for a while.”


“Sure. In fact, I have the confidence to win.”


Princess Tanya said playfully, but confidently. 


Her words were not empty words. As soon as she became an adult, she defeated the princes and it was Tanya who rose from fifth to second, in the line of succession.


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Her confident appearance yet indifferent look and her assertive speaking manner all made Rodelia feel something unknown.


“It looks like we are going to start soon.”


As Rodelia was immersed in her thoughts, Tanya said while looking at the starting line.


Rodelia and the other ladies turned to where she was looking. All those who were participating in the hunting competition were wearing neat riding clothes and riding horses.


And to her surprise, she found an unexpected person on the spot.




Did he stand out so much that it caught her eye?  Was it because the silver hair reflecting the sunlight stood out?


Most of all, she was curious as to why he participated in the hunting competition.


“We also have to get up. We have to give them our handkerchiefs.”


As Rodelia was lost in her thoughts, the ladies rose from their seats one by one. She also slowly moved her steps towards Kane because she had to give Kane her handkerchief anyway.


She knew it would be compared to Sola’s embroidery, but she had no choice as he wanted her own handkerchief.


“Be safe.”


“I will.”


As Rodelia took the handkerchief out of her arms and handed it to him, he unfolded it and smiled at the sloppy embroidery.


“The Empress still has her embroidery skills.”


Are you being sarcastic?


Her face turned bright red. It was because he spoke too loudly, so the attention focused around him.


Rodelia couldn’t say anything to Kane, but only smiled awkwardly. 


“Is Princess Aizen going to give His Majesty a handkerchief?”


“Is that so? What if they get compared? Don’t you know Princess Aizen is recognized for her skills? Her Majesty’s embroidery skills are… everyone knows.”


Hearing the scoffing of the nobles, Rodelia’s jaw hardened. But she had to pretend it’s okay and not to hear.


As she tried to keep her composure, she heard a familiar voice.


“Is it that good?”

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