Cerdian’s black horse began to slow down.

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A curious expression crept over his face. It was because he was quite intrigued about what was going on with Kane.


Will he do foolish things for his own benefit as expected, or will he pretend to be a good and wise liege and use his people?


It wasn’t long before he knew the answer.


Cerdian’s lips twisted. Not far from where he was, a strange wave could be felt.


And as he predicted, Kane was a foolish emperor. All his questions had been resolved, so he turned around without hesitation.


It was purely coincidental when Rodelia’s face came to mind at that moment.


‘You’ll be sad.’


She would be sad to see an injured Kane.


He had no desire to help Kane, but he didn’t want to see her sad face.


Cerdian changed his mind and turned his horse back around.


‘Have I gone crazy?’


It certainly seemed that way. It was because he was now going to kill the spirit and symbol of his family that had settled in this forest for a long time.


If the ancestors of the deceased Grand Duke and his wife were to see this now, they might have gone ballistic, saying that he was crazy.


But now that it had lost its ability, there was nothing wrong with killing a troublemaker who was only large in size.


Because it was just one of the annoying things that would bother the Aizen family.


If it had acted against the imperial family, then it would be a good thing. Besides, he didn’t want to see Rodelia’s sad face, so it was indeed a good thing.


In any case, she was the woman who would be welcomed as his companion.


The closer he got to where Kane was, the louder the screams got. Soon after, he caught sight of a riot of blood and horror.


It was indeed a sight worth seeing himself.


Cerdian, who shed a smirk, fixed his rifle. He then pointed his gun at the giant snake that was raging with ferocity. His long finger pulled the trigger.




It was only one shot. With that single shot, the gigantic snake fell to the ground.


A thick layer of dust scattered in all directions. Petrified, Kane and the nobles had no choice but to let themselves be covered in dust.


After a while, their eyes widened and they let out shrill voices.




“No matter how hard I tried, it couldn’t get caught….”

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Their stiff heads turned back. And the moment they met Cerdian’s eyes, their faces turned blue.


They were terrified upon seeing Cerdian who had the same eyes as the snake that made Viscount Cohen lose his leg.


Cerdian’s gaze, who had been looking at them indifferently, stopped at one place. Eventually, his lips rose in an arc.


He hadn’t even thought of it, but it seemed that he had found an unexpected harvest.


He very much liked Kane’s disgraced eyes, in this situation wherein he once again owed him his life.




The gentle breeze and the unstoppable laughter of the ladies revolved around the grounds.


The sounds of teacups clattering at the elegant gestures of the ladies, the rustling sound of biscuits, and the fragrant scent harmonized to create a complex atmosphere.


On the marble table covered with light-toned lace tablecloths, Rodelia, her ladies-in-waiting, and Princess Tanya of the Guerney Kingdom were seated.


“Oh, has that cheeky Princess Charlotte asked for forgiveness?”


Princess Tanya asked, touching the ruby ​​ring on her right hand’s ring finger as if it were a habit.


Rodelia, who smiled faintly, was about to answer, but a loud horn sounded from the forest.


“Oh, I’ll have to listen to this story next time. I think there’s a winner.”


“I wonder who it is. Didn’t His Majesty the Emperor say that he would grant one wish to the winner?”


“Yes, but it won’t happen. Perhaps the winner will be His Majesty.”


The ladies, including Princess Tanya, all stopped talking and looked towards the forest. Rodelia’s gaze also followed.


The horn sounded three times in a row.


The chattering of the ladies who trembled, and the rattling of teacups stopped. Rodelia’s expression also hardened in an instant.


The surroundings became quiet in an instant, as if time had stopped.


“Three horns. What does that mean?”


The only bright one among them was Princess Tanya, who did not know the Imperial custom.


‘It’s somewhat ominous.’


Rodelia got up from her chair and slowly started walking.


Through blurred vision, she saw Kane being supported as he dismounted from his horse. Doctors rushed towards the Imperial Palace’s infirmary.


Everything seemed slow.


After one horn, three blows signaled the injury to the emperor, and four blows meant the emperor’s death.


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Is it a situation where she can say that it was fortunate because it was only three times?


To get to Kane, she had to go round the wide road, but she didn’t have time for that.


Rodelia began to cross the shallow creek without being aware of the ladies’ gaze. The cold water seeped into her shoes.


After crossing the creek, Lady Arden, from afar, ran towards her.


“His Majesty… Is he okay?” [Rodelia]


“Fortunately, he was not seriously injured. Grand Duke Aizen saved him.” [Arden]


“Oh…” [Rodelia]


The strength in her legs eased along with the feeling of relief. Lady Arden quickly helped Rodelia, who was sitting down.


“Your Majesty, your shoes are all wet. You need to change clothes.”


Even though Arden had grabbed her, Rodelia did not stop walking. She didn’t seem to care about her feet being cold at all.


As she got closer to Kane, the smell of fishy blood lingered on the tip of her nose.


‘She said he wasn’t seriously hurt…’


Her calm heart started beating wildly again.


Rodelia managed to break through the crowd who were buzzing around the wounded. And when she finally saw the injured man, she had to sit down.




Kane’s face hardened terribly as he was being treated by the imperial medical staff.


It’s just a small scratch, so why are you making such a fuss?


“That’s enough. No one else would care.”


Kane said, who stopped the doctors from fussing.


Right now, these wounds were not important. He was sure that everything would go as planned.


“Cerdian, that b*st*rd… ”


The sound of grinding teeth spread loudly. Annoyed, Kane pressed his hand to his forehead.


There was only one goal in this hunting contest.


To kill the snake that has been sitting in the Imperial Palace hunting grounds for hundreds of years.




To get rid of it, the agenda was raised at every meeting, however, it was met with severe resistance. It was because they feared what might happen to them once they got rid of the spirit creature.


But Kane was determined to dispose of it. So he summoned the fallen nobles.

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He could get rid of the snake, keep the nobles in check and raise the imperial faction.


He might be able to raise his position by getting the credit for killing the snake, and if that were to happen, the imperial faction will not be shaken while he reigns.


It was true that no matter how powerful the emperor was, he needed the support of the nobles.


He expected for the process to be arduous, but fortunately, it was not difficult to convince those who were cornered.


He thought there would be no failure. That was until he found out that the snake was stronger than he anticipated.


Was it a mistake not to look into the details? Kane, who was blaming himself for the painful mishap, hardened his expression.


“D*mn it… .”


Perhaps the biggest reason was the loss of morale due to its overwhelming size.


No, they were no match in the first place.


They miserably failed to kill the snake. Viscount Cohen also lost his leg.


But Cerdian killed it with just one shot. He had no idea that it would be this shameful.


Kane’s eyes glared at the pitch-black forest.


It was all because of Cerdian that his plans went awry.




With the help of those around her, Rodelia barely got up.


“It is a very painful scene for Your Majesty’s eyes.”


The knights blocked Rodelia’s view with their bodies. What did she just see?


Her hands were trembling uncontrollably.


Fortunately, the treatment had been completed to some extent, so it wasn’t that terrible  a scene. 


But not for Viscount Cohen.


“His Majesty, where is His Majesty? No, first the Viscount Cohen…”


Rodelia, who was moving her eyes slowly, raised her voice with difficulty. Her cracked voice broke out faintly.


“His Majesty is safe.”




It was Viscountess Cohen who supported her. She looked calm.


Perhaps you are not aware of the news yet?

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It was clear that her husband lost his leg, how could she be so calm?


‘How am I supposed to explain…’


Despite Rodelia’s worries, it was the Madam’s concerned regards that returned.


“Your Majesty, weren’t you very surprised?”


The Madam held Rodelia’s trembling hands tightly. Her expression hardened even more.


How was she supposed to explain this terrible fact to the Madam, who only showed concern for her, unaware of anything?


“Madam.. Viscount Cohen…”


“I know.”




It was a frighteningly calm voice. Viscount Cohen, her husband, had lost a leg.


But how…? How can you be so calm?


She didn’t understand. No matter how calm and strong a person may be, how could she show such a calm reaction in a situation like this?


Even her, who had only exchanged small greetings with the Viscount, was terribly shocked.


Rodelia’s quivering eyes turned to the Madam.


“The Viscount’s leg…….”


“It’s alright. It’s the price to pay.”


Viscountess Cohen’s expression was unusually cool. Rodelia didn’t respond.


“You don’t look well. You must have been very surprised, but the Empress will be entering now.”


Trying to understand the Madam’s words, she was awakened by Kane’s voice who had approached.


Rodelia’s gaze moved urgently. Soon after, she realized that Kane’s body was fine, and only then could she let out a sigh and ask.


“… Is anyone else injured?”


If there were others who have been injured, it would be a big deal.


Viscount Cohen was of the Imperial faction, so it wouldn’t be a problem, but had there been any wounded from the other members of nobility……. 


It was obvious that they would continue to attack the imperial family with this incident as a problem.


“Who else?”


Kane asked a little sharply. Then, with a suspecting gaze he said to Rodelia, as if accusing her.


“Empress, are you asking me if Grand Duke Aizen is safe?”

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