“You came?”

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It was a bored voice and expression that was no different from usual. Cerdian greeted her as if he had been waiting for Rodelia. 


“I didn’t think you’d know I was going to come here.”


Rodelia was puzzled by his sudden appearance and asked with suspicion in her eyes. 


“You came for this, right?”


But as always, there was no answer to the question. Instead of responding, Cerdian shrugged his shoulders and pulled out the handkerchief from his arms, held it up and waved it slightly. 


“How did you know?”


Rodelia did not accept the handkerchief. She only asked a question with a more vigilant look on her face. 


She looked like a cat with its back arched to the fullest. Cerdian chuckled. 


“Gut feeling?”


“You want me to believe that?”


Frowning, Rodelia raised her hand and tucked the hair that was fluttering under the hat behind her ear. Perhaps because of her vigilance, the hat that she touched with a quivering hand slid off. Cerdian’s gaze followed her wavy hair as it came flowing down. 


Maybe it was because of the humidity, or his sensitive state, or perhaps due to yesterday’s event. 


He didn’t know why. It’s just that Rodelia’s unique body scent touched him deeply so maybe that was why his eyes kept following her. 




Rodelia asked again as if urging. 


Cerdian’s red eyes, which had been quietly looking at the long white neckline peeking through her soft hair, found their place again. 


And at the moment when her shaky eyes, which couldn’t hide her embarrassment, met his, a smile lingered on Cerdian’s lips. 


“If you’re asking how I knew it was you…”


Even though he seemed nonchalant, her presence aroused his interest. 


“It’s obvious if you walk upright like that. How can a maid have perfect manners?”




“Don’t tell me, you thought that I knew the Empress was coming in advance and that I came here to wait for you?”




It was ridiculous to admit that he was right. Instead of answering, Rodelia mumbled her words. 


“You have too much self-confidence.”

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Cerdian chuckled. The laugh was unfamiliar to Rodelia and she looked at him blankly for a while. 




Rodelia could not understand why she was sitting here and sipping tea. 


He knew that she had come to pick up the handkerchief when she met him at the entrance of the North Gate. 


So, shouldn’t he hand it over to her?


But somehow, Cerdian made a condition instead of returning the handkerchief. 


[I would like to serve the finest tea to the Empress and if you do this one thing for me, I will return this handkerchief.]


She did not want to accept such an outrageous offer. 


Whenever she faced Cerdian, her nerves seemed to melt away. In other words, her thoughts do not work properly. 


Rodelia’s eyes flitted around then moved to Cerdian, who had been staring at her without uttering a thing since earlier. 


It had been so quiet so she had tried to get up. 




[Drink all the tea then go. It must have been difficult to get here. The handkerchief, isn’t that what you wanted?]


He won’t say anything so why couldn’t he let her go until she finishes drinking her tea? Was he playing with her out of boredom?


That might be the case. The North Gate barely had anything and it was embarrassing to say that they were within the same castle. 


However, to be playing around like this, it was difficult for her to keep her composure because of yesterday’s events. 


She wanted to get out of this awful awkward situation quickly. She continued to tilt the teacup. 


As a result, it seemed to have relieved her fatigue somehow. 


‘The scent of the tea is unique.’


Rodelia, who had half emptied her teacup, thought to herself. She then glanced up at Cerdian, who was still staring at her. 


As if he was appreciating a work of art, he slowly moved his gaze. 


Thanks to this, the surroundings had gone silent as if time had stopped and Rodelia’s eyes only moved rapidly. After she finished drinking the little leftover tea, she set the empty teacup down on the table. 


“Now that I’m done drinking…”


“Your feet…”



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“Are they okay? It looked fine when you walked here. Still, I asked just in case.”


As if it was nothing special, Cerdian asked with an indifferent tone. 


“Oh… Thanks to you.”


Rodelia blushed in response to Cerdian’s stern gaze. She was embarrassed as she felt like she was the only one who put meaning towards what happened yesterday. 


“Oh, I heard you won. Congratulations, Grand Duke.”


It was so out of the blue so Cerdian couldn’t help but laugh. 


“Isn’t it too late to congratulate me?”


“Ah… That’s right. I should have congratulated you earlier but I was too busy yesterday.”


“It’s a joke. Your congratulations will be received. It’s all thanks to you.”


Rodelia had no idea what he meant by that. 


And as if nothing had happened, Cerdian naturally continued the conversation as if he had just sat down. 


Rodelia had to be alert to avoid getting involved with him. 


“…..It must have been unpleasant, but you will enjoy the winner’s perks. “


“Is that so? What should I ask for?”


“He will listen to whatever it is. His Majesty is not one to break public promises.“


“Then may I ask him to bring me in as Your Majesty’s concubine?”


It was a sudden remark. Rodelia frowned and looked at Cerdian. 


She felt bad because of his consistently light attitude. 


Don’t continue to be swayed by him. 


Rodelia let out a cold voice, ignoring her aching heart. 


“Duke, it is true that I have been casual with you as of late but such a joke… That’s pretty pestering. I want you to stay in line.”


“Did it sound like a joke?”


“Is it not?”


“I meant it.”



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“Why are you being so quiet? I’m hurt.”


Saying he was hurt yet his expression was calm. Rodelia couldn’t understand Cerdian at all.


Cerdian, who had been looking at Rodelia’s shaking gaze for a long time, took out a handkerchief from his arms. 


“Now that you have granted my request, I’ll give it to you.”


Rodelia reached out and grabbed it but he wouldn’t let go of the handkerchief. A questioning gaze turned to Cerdian. 


“But I like that decisive attitude.”




“It is not appropriate for the Empress to be submissive.”


Cerdian raised the corners of his lips enchantingly. 


“Especially for those who do not know what they have done wrong.”




“Because usually, the person who did the wrong thing raises the heat more.”


Cerdian, who uttered words she couldn’t understand, finally loosened his hand. Rodelia quickly put the handkerchief in her arms. 


“I do not know what the Grand Duke is talking about.”


With a hardened expression on her face, she got up from her seat without any regrets. 


It was obvious that she was perplexed so it seemed a little funny now to try and maintain an indifferent attitude. Cerdian, who hid his feelings, answered calmly. 


“This was pleasant. See you at lunch a little later.” 




It was an extraordinary meeting that was held almost for the first time since Kane took the throne. Countless quarrels arose between the nobles gathered in the audience over the hunting contest. 


“It is a place where even foreign delegations have come.”


“You’re right. If the matter with Viscount Cohen spreads, Thebes’ status will clearly go down.”


The aristocrats pointed out that the mood amongst the envoys was horrendous due to Viscount Cohen losing his leg. 


They seemed to be keen on seeing the Emperor in trouble. 


“It is a matter of finishing talking with the person concerned so I hope you do not mention such an unpleasant thing anymore.”



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“Let’s end today’s meeting here. Do you have anything more to say?”


Kane cut them off as if they weren’t worth hearing anymore. 


“Then, Your Majesty, what will be the reward given to the winner of the hunting contest? It is clear that something unpleasant happened but I understand that. In any case, no compensation has been given to His Highness, Grand Duke Aiken. The Grand Duke is also here, so please give him a fitting reward.”


As he tried to get up, Earl Paulton sarcastically quarrelled with him. He seemed to still mind the fact that his youngest daughter, Lady Sarah, had been sacked from her position as Rodelia’s handmaiden. 


Only their wealth was gone but they still had power, so they had enough strength left to trouble Kane.  


“… Although there were unfortunate incidents, a promise is a promise, therefore Grand Duke can enjoy the privileges of being a winner.  Is there anything else you want?”


Kane’s voice trembled slightly as he asked afterthought. 


“Well, there’s nothing else I want.”  


Cerdian’s voice was still dry. 


He was angry at his clumsy reaction but he couldn’t show his disorganised appearance in front of the nobles. Kane asked again, trying to be composed. 


“Then you want prize money?”


“There is as much money in the Grand Duchy as in the Empire.”


“..You can tell me anything you want.”


“I am not going to covet His Majesty’s position…”


“Because neither my power, money nor my people’s hearts are inferior to the Empire.”


In the end, Kane, unable to control his anger at Cerdian’s sullen reaction, screamed with trembling fists.  


“Then what do you want!”


“Can I really say anything?”


As if waiting for such a reaction, Cerdian now showed interest. 


‘What the hell do you want?’


‘No way…’


(T/N: pfft..that’s right, Your Fartness)


Rodelia’s image suddenly flashed through his mind. Kane didn’t say anything, only gritting his teeth. 


Meanwhile, Cerdian got up from his chair and smoothed his coat once. He approached Kane, who frowned and raised his lips slowly. 


“I will take it myself.”

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