“I greet the Grand Duke A-Aizen.”

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His voice trembled and a rustling sound under a pile of weeds was blocked by the surrounding trees. It then disappeared into the other side of the quiet forest. 


“Were you on your way to meet Sola?”


Ferna struggled to avoid the eyes of Cerdian who ran into him. Ferna was well aware that he already knew everything since he had been caught. Still, he had to pretend that he didn’t know. 


No, can I really do that?


The man in front of him right now was none other than Grand Duke Aizen. After joining hands with Sola, the princess advised him to be more careful of the Grand Duke than anyone else. 


Ferna pondered for a brief moment. Will he be able to deceive this man in front of him? After agonizing for a bit, he realised that the only way he would live was if he told the truth. 


(T/N: smart choice)


Sola also warned Ferna to tell the truth unconditionally if the day he gets caught comes. 


Cerdian sneered as Ferna barely moved his motionless head and nodded. 


“I don’t know why you’re obeying Sola’s orders, nor do I care, but…”


Cerdian blurred the end of his sentence. Gulping through the tension, the sound of Ferna swallowing his saliva resounded particularly loudly. 


“It is clear that there is only one way you can go back alive from here.”


“Her Highness Sola did not betray Your Highness, Grand Duke Aizen!”


Ferna hurriedly shouted. His impulsive behavior seemed to be defending Sola. 


He thought they were simply in a hierarchical relationship but it seemed like he can’t fool the bloodline. 


Cerdian smirked as if it was interesting. 


“Did you give your heart to Sola?”




“I know Sola better than anyone. I never doubted the child.”


Cerdian knew that Sola could never betray him. So she wouldn’t do anything against his will. 


He needed to know a little more about why she was secretly acting alone…


“Did Sola warn you about me?”

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Considering that Ferna was so frightened, Sola must have told him most of the facts. 


The reason Sola gave Ferna a warning was probably in case he ever got caught one day. And he knew her own nature more than anyone else, she must have wanted to keep Ferna alive. 


But apart from that…


It has been a long time since someone looked at him and reacted like this so it felt quite different. Cerdian slowly leaned down towards the terror-stricken Ferna and mockingly said. 


“Then now you know who to obey.”


He was shaking so much that it almost made him feel sorry for him. 


Ferna nodded vigorously. It was very satisfying. 


“Go and tell the Emperor.”




“The Empress is fast asleep…”


Cerdian recalled Rodelia’s face that he had seen a while ago and continued speaking slowly. 


“So do not wake her up.”






Maybe it was just her feeling, but after drinking the tea that Cerdian gave her, she was able to easily fall asleep. 


Today, Rodelia woke up with a clearer mind than usual. She fumbled and reached out to the side table next to the bed. 


She held a document detailing the closing ceremony procedures which she had read several times, but even with her hazy eyes barely open, she slowly re-read the paper. 


After doing it a few times, she was used to it now, but she always meticulously familiarized herself with the procedure so she wouldn’t make even the smallest mistake. 


Because today is…


‘The day when the Foundation Ceremony finally comes to an end.’


Rodelia was secretly relieved. So many accidents had happened this year so the day for the closing ceremony can be considered a special day for her. 


If it all ends well, she will be able to relax as she will not have a busy schedule for a while. The concerns of the delegations had also been carefully addressed therefore there won’t be any bothersome diplomatic issues for the time being. 


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It meant that she could have some time alone. 


For the past few days, bad things kept rushing in like waves and it felt as if she was standing in the middle of a stormy sea. 


However, all was well and good now. 


The Marquis of Florence, whom she was most worried about, did not make her more distressed than she had expected. After all, didn’t he say that he would let her be as long as she sits on the Empress’ throne?


The matter a few days ago may have been just a warning to do well in the future. After thinking about it that way, she now felt confident that she can be faithful to her role as Empress. 


It has been good so far and it will always be. 


It was only her relationship with Kane that changed. Now, that fact no longer bothered her. 


‘I will just have to live my life as I have.’


(T/N: that’s right gal, do you) 


Rodelia thought all of these as she prepared for the closing ceremony, then, as luck would have it, a gift suddenly arrived for her. 


Lady Arden, who had received a large box at the door, approached with a smile. 


“The Marquis of Florence sent it!”


A voice brighter than ever. A pure and innocent voice that knew nothing. 


Rodelia’s expression hardened altogether. As if to ridicule her thoughts a moment ago, in the end, the Marquis of Florence couldn’t let her go. 


Lady Arden, who didn’t know anything, spoke about how good the Marquis of Florence was, Rodelia’s face hardened even more. 


How would they react if they knew who the Marquis of Florence really was? There were days when she thought about revealing the truth to her maids. 


However, although she thought of that, she couldn’t imagine anything because she was afraid that she would not be able to get along with them as comfortably as before. She didn’t want a flaw in her perfection and she didn’t want to receive sympathy. 


“Open it now!”


In their anticipation, Rodelia carefully untied the ribbon tied to the box. The maids were bursting with admiration . 


“Oh, how kind. It must be a dress for the closing ceremony.”


“Normally, they do not pay this much attention to their married daughters but is he more caring because you’re his only daughter? I envy you, Your Majesty.”


“Is that so?…”


Rodelia swallowed a bitter laugh. She slowly reached in and took out the glamorous dress then picked up the black card in between. 

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Rodelia took a deep breath and carefully unfolded the card. The chattering sounds of the maids, who were still making a fuss, began to fade away. 


<I heard that you recently acted like an Empress in a situation that almost lowered your prestige. I have been heartbroken at the thought that what this father has taught you was still lacking but fortunately, my daughter seems to have accepted my teaching and I am truly proud…>


Rodelia bit her lip as she read the card. 


It seemed that the matter regarding Princess Charlotte had leaked from somewhere. After she finished reading the card, Rodelia suppressed her fears. 


<His Majesty seems to care for my daughter as this dress was requested by him. By the way, it seems that you are not worried about the rumors that are too embarrassing to even put in my mouth. My daughter is the only Empress, isn’t she? Although she is clumsy at expressing herself, my daughter is truly a kind person so she should also become an empress who is well suited to the seat next to the Emperor. Please take good care of His Majesty.>




The feeling of fear subsided. 


The image of Kane looking at her with contemptuous eyes was still vivid. He hasn’t apologised nor made any excuses since that day. 


But to act as if nothing happened by using the Marquis whom she hated so much. It meant he had no respect for her as an empress at all. 


‘Is it really over?’


(T/N: yes)


Rodelia clenched the card with her fingertips and muttered inwardly. All her remaining feelings for Kane were gone. 


Amidst the envious voices of the maids, the feelings of hope that gradually rose to the surface subsided again into the depths of the sea. 


Rodelia crumpled the card and threw it in the trash, ignoring the gazes of the people around her. 


“Your Majesty..?”


“Wrap it back up.”


With a cold tone, she left the surprised maids behind and sat down on the sofa. 


Baroness Verna and Lady Arden, who had no clue what was going on, hurriedly began to repack the dress. Rodelia calmed her mind and opened her mouth as she looked at the box tied with the ribbon. 


“It was not sent by my father.”




“Send the dress to Princess Aizen. I think they sent it to the wrong person.”



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The maids did not know what to say and felt as if making a sound would be a serious crime. After being quiet for a while, she turned to Verna and Arden who were looking at her and lightly greeted her. 


“Then we will be on our way, Your Majesty.”


While Lady Arden went to send the dress to Sola, Baroness Verna cautiously approached Rodelia. 


“Then I will choose a dress for you.”


“Will you please, madam.”


Baroness Verna went to the closet room next to the bedroom and brought several dresses on hangers. 


She didn’t show it on the outside but in a word, it was a mess. Apparently, most of the dress preparation was done by Viscountess Cohen so they were all informal dresses. 


Rodelia stopped her sighs before they could leak and spoke as softly as possible so she wouldn’t be hurt. 




That was then. 


“Your Majesty, I apologise for interrupting.”


A maid came in hastily, she leaned her head towards Rodelia. 


“What’s going on?”


“His Highness, Grand Duke has sent someone.”


“Grand Duke Aizen? Tell him to come in.”


Soon after, a middle-aged man came in with a large box.


“I greet the moon of the empire, Her Majesty the Empress.”


The man with an impeccable attitude introduced himself as Cerdian’s servant then placed the box he was holding on the table in front of the sofa. 


“His Highness, Grand Duke Aizen said that the dress would suit today’s closing ceremony and he would like you to receive it in return for your favor and that there is no need to feel burdened by it.”


She didn’t know if he knew the situation or it was just a coincidence but she was happy that one of her worries was relieved. 


By the way… 


Rodelia looked at the servant with a puzzled face. 


“In return for…?”

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