“Come to think of it, isn’t it the first time we’ll be meeting with an appointment?”

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Their meetings have so far all been one-sided. Cerdian either came unannounced or they ran into each other by chance.


It was possible that Cerdian had been the one who left the note so she purposely asked to meet him on a holiday when the maids didn’t go to work.


“Why did I do that?”


She was nervous for some reason.


Rodelia was busy preparing early in the morning. It was no exaggeration to say that she wasted most of her time just choosing a dress.


In the end, she chose the usual white-toned imperial dress.


Rodelia stood in front of the mirror and carefully checked her appearance. There’s nothing different than usual, but why was she so nervous?


Perhaps the slave dealer was a bigger shock to her than she thought. Rodelia finished preparing and told a maid to prepare the tea in advance. By the time she finished setting the table, it was almost time for the appointment, and Cerdian had arrived.


“For some reason, the empress called for me first. I’m glad…you’re even more beautiful today.”


It was embarrassing. She just dressed as usual but he praised her like that when he was the one who looked perfect.


Rodelia didn’t know how to react, so she just smiled and guided Cerdian to a seat in the drawing room. She sat across from him soon after, offered him tea, and thanked him.


“Thank you for your meeting with me, Grand Duke.”


“Don’t mention it. It’s only natural that I make time.”


“The reason why I reached out to the Grand Duke like this is because…….”


“Because of the slave trade?”


Cerdian asked without any hesitation. With calm eyes as if he knew that she would seek him out from the start.


“Did the note also come from the Grand Duke?”


Cerdian slowly nodded without denying it.


“Why did you give me this information?”


“Because I want to help?”


His voice was still indifferent as he said so. Somehow too nonchalantly, Rodelia frowned.


“Then couldn’t you have just told me personally”


“You wouldn’t have believed me anyway. That’s why I gave you time to find out yourself.”



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She couldn’t refute it.


It was exactly why she didn’t look for Cerdian right away even though she had an inkling that it was from him.


“So, was it helpful?”


Fixing his posture, Cerdian crossed his legs, leaned forward, and put on a pretty smile. His low voice contained a hint of laughter.


Rodelia opened her lips and answered.


“To be honest…… I don’t know why the Grand Duke informed me of this.”


“Why do you think I told you?”


“To help me win over Countess Cullen……?”


“You know very well.”


“Thank you for your help. But I…….”


Rodelia paused before she could finish. Obviously, it was a good thing to get a hold of Countess Cullen’s weakness, but instead of that…….


“You want to solve it. Then you can do what you want.”


Again, Cerdian said so indifferently.


“It’s not that easy.”


He said it as if it was a simple matter, but it was actually a tricky one because it was something that affected many people. He should know this as well.


Rodelia continued agonizingly.


“As you know, His Majesty has permitted this affair, and I am not capable of solving it.”


“Isn’t that why you called me? You need my help.”


Rodelia couldn’t hide her embarrassment and chewed on her lips at his blunt remark. After trying to sweep her hair in a composed manner, she gently said.


“That’s right.”


As long as she was in the empress’ position, there were bound to be many restrictions on her behavior. Her current situation does not allow her to take care of matters of high risk.


So it was natural to ask for help in a way, but…….


Even after giving a positive answer, her anxiety did not disappear.


‘What kind of answer will Cerdian give?’


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He had just given her information to coax Countess Cullen, so he might think that it’s troublesome because she was trying to solve it.


By the time she looked at him after going over one thought after another, the answer was surprisingly simple enough that it made her worries somehow embarrassing.


“With pleasure.”


Again, as if he knew from the beginning that this would happen.


* * *


Countess Cullen, as expected, accepted the meeting with Rodelia.


“Are you going to reveal it to the public?”


The countess came in with an angry face and immediately brought up the main point. Rodelia didn’t respond and guided the madam to her seat in an elegant manner.


“Sit down first.”


Countess Cullen sat down trembling. She asked sharply, biting her lips to the point that it looked like it was bleeding.


“Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”


“I want you to stand by me.”


The countess snorted.


“……I think this is the wrong way to go about it. Besides, when I said I wanted to be Your Majesty’s maid, you didn’t listen to me, but now Your Majesty wants me on your side?”


“Can’t I?”


“You’re more brazen than I thought.”


The madam looked like she wanted to grasp Rodelia’s hidden intentions. But Rodelia’s serene expression showed no weakness.


Though she seemed to be perplexed by the sight for a moment, the countess repeated.


“It won’t work out as Your Majesty wants. I will still stand on Princess Aizen’s side, and if it becomes public, there will be a lot of backlash from the nobles involved.”


“I know.”


“……No matter how influential the Marquis is, can he handle it? The Emperor has already allowed it.”


“Is that so?”


Rodelia, who was listening to Countess Cullen, smiled and took a sip of the tea. Putting the teacup down on the table, she offered the lady tea.


“Oh, have some tea. It’s going to get cold. I prepared something especially fragrant for you.”



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“I guess you don’t feel like it. You seem to want an answer, so I’ll give you an answer.”


Rodelia straightened her posture and stared at Countess Cullen with deep eyes. Her overpowering figure startled the lady.


“If it is known that such illegal things are prevalent, His Majesty will reluctantly step up. And….”


Rodelia added, looking at the lady, as she blurred the end of her words and closed her mouth.


“I am not His Majesty the Emperor. Of course, it’s not enough for the Marquis to take on alone.”


“Huh… Did you call me to the palace just to say that?”


“Of course not. Did I ever say that only the Marquis is focused on revealing this dirty corruption?”


“What are you…”


“Grand Duke Aizen.”


The moment Grand Duke Aizen’s name came out, Countess Cullen’s eyes, which had been glaring at her throughout the conversation, opened widely.


This is because she had thought that Rodelia would not be able to directly bring up Cerdian due to her scandal with the Grand Duke.


Rodelia said dryly, staring at the lady and pretended to be calm.


“The Grand Duke will come forward. He’s not looking at this in a positive light.”




“Of course, I can acquiesce. If the Madam will be on my side.”




“Countess Cullen……. Since you know about the scandalous rumors, I believe you know better than anyone who the Grand Duke will choose. You may go now.”


Saying only what she had to say and ordering her to leave, Countess Cullen was confused by Rodelia’s attitude.


The empress has changed.


This fact unsettled the countess above all else. Rodelia smiled and said her final words to the lady, who could not hide her quivering eyes.


“I look forward to your positive response.”




The hem of her dress rustled across the grass. Her neat steps left a green mark on the roadside.


The tall trees swayed in the wind all over the Stella Palace, and long shadows spread beneath them.

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By the time she reached the garden blooming with winter flowers, she heard ladies’ harmonious laughter. Fortunately, the information didn’t seem to leak out to Sola.


Of course she might find out later and come out to the tea party in a rampage.


But what can she do? It would be too late by then.


“Your Majesty, you’re here.”


As Rodelia approached, the ladies who were chatting stood up one by one. Rodelia looked at them all and smiled lightly.


In the end, Countess Cullen did not come. It was disappointing, but this was enough.


At least there was no hostility here.


That fact alone gave her quite a sense of relief.


“It’s good to see you all. How have you all been?”


“Your Majesty, please sit down quickly.”


As Rodelia moved forward, exchanging their greetings, Baroness Verna quickly pulled out a chair.


After expressing her gratitude to the Madam and sitting quietly, she immediately got to the point.


“I think you might have guessed the reason why I invited you all.”


As Rodelia said that, several ladies nodded slightly.


“I won’t talk in circles. I need your help right now.”


Rodelia’s green eyes were filled with resolve. The ladies did not show a noticeable reaction but it was something she had expected to some extent.


“How can we help?”


Her lady-in-waiting, Baroness Verna, asked first. In fact, it was because the people gathered here didn’t have any particular strength, so it was doubtful whether they would be of any help to Rodelia.


“Nothing. I just need you to stand by my side.”


It was just a precaution. There was never a single case in the Thebes Empire’s history where an empress stepped down from her seat, however the position of empress was not absolute.


There were two ways to unseat an empress, one for obvious reasons and the other was rare.


When an empress dies and when the majority of the parliament decides to impeach the empress. One of these two things had to be done perfectly before the empress could be deposed.


So, that means it’s that difficult.


Rodelia, who was staring at the ladies, drew in a long breath and continued.


“If you stand by my side, I can make your wishes come true.”

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