The red eyes staring at her were somewhat familiar now. Rodelia asked while drinking the tea that Cerdian, who was opposite her, served.

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“Since when did you know about this?”


“Well… It’s been a while, so I don’t remember.”


Cerdian, who was holding his chin with one hand, uttered in a low voice.


It’s been a while.


Rodelia’s face grew darker. On one side of her mind, she already knew that he might have. She fiddled with her hand and faintly asked.


“So you have nothing to do with this? By any chance..”


“I have no such vice.”


Cerdian dismissed her suspicions. But Rodelia’s doubts did not go away so easily.


Rodelia, looking into his eyes, squinted and asked again.


“Can I trust you?”


“As far as I know, I’ve never lied to the Empress.”


“That’s true, but……. Most high-ranking nobles were involved, and I’m sure an invitation was sent to the Grand Duke.”


“Of course there was.”


Cerdian readily admitted. Even though it was a bit of a rude question, he seemed to have fun answering it.


“Do you think I enjoy p*d*rasty?”


A low, pleased laughter was heard. Rodelia had no choice but to acknowledge his attractive appearance.


Cerdian’s appearance as he asked like that was simply perfect.


With that face, he had no need to buy a beautiful boy from slave traders.


“It’s only annoying to be involved with such filthy people.”




“You know, accepting favors as goodwill is a good practice. If you doubt too much, you’ll miss everything.”


“I apologize if I offended you. I just wanted to make sure.”


“I wasn’t offended at all.”


“That’s a relief, then.”

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At Rodelia’s coy answer, Cerdian smirked and asked again.


“What would you do if I did buy slaves?”




Rodelia answered ambiguously.


She was prepared to cover up the case if he had been involved. But Rodelia didn’t need to show it on the outside so she chose to smile instead of responding.


Cerdian, who raised one eyebrow, asked again, seemingly a little frustrated.


“Are you not going to tell me?”


“It’s a secret.”


Rodelia reached out again and took a sip of tea. When she finished emptying the cup, he slowly opened his mouth.






“I don’t think you really thought I enjoy p*d*rasty.”




Rodelia’s eyes wandered around at the sudden question. Her hardened lips clenched and the hand holding the teacup tightened.


Cerdian, who was observing each of Rodelia’s movements, raised the corners of his lips in fascination and smiled.


“I like women. Very beautiful ones.”


A voice so deep that it was impossible to feel its depth. Cerdian’s eyes curled wildly. His red pupils felt dangerous, so she couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes.


Rodelia knew very well what Cerdian’s words meant.


Her toes curled in embarrassment, but she tried to clear her throat and proceeded with a calm voice.


“I’m glad then.”


“Of course, I hope there will be no more such misunderstandings.”




“Is there anything else you’re curious about?”


His warm voice permeated her ears like the east wind. Cerdian leaned forward against the chair, saying he would answer anything.


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“No, nothing else.”


Rodelia lightly shook her head.


The palm of her hands were full of sweat and her heart was beating loudly. Still, she should not lose sight of her purpose in coming here.


She took out the papers in her hand and donned an indifferent expression again.


“……so shall we talk about the slave trade?”


* * *


“My father…?”


Rodelia’s face lost color. Her closed lips trembled in an attempt to hide her emotions.


When she finally opened her mouth after sitting silently for a long time, the steam rising from the tea had already dissipated.


“……I think it would be better for the Grand Duke to step up.”


Her choked up voice quivered slightly.


While it wasn’t very difficult, Cerdian thought it was strange to be the one to step up. But he figured that it was simply because Rodelia was reluctant to get her family involved.


He answered calmly.


“If I, who was never interested in external matters at all, intervened, I would be suspected first. And then they will hide even more.”


The solution proposed by Cerdian was beyond her expectations.


It was to reveal the existence of slaves to the public with the help of the Marquis of Florence. It was a plan that Kane would not be able to cover up and turn a blind eye to.


It was certainly the best way, however, she had never asked a favor from the Marquis of Florence. She had never once wanted such a possibility, nor has she ever even entertained the thought of it.


Her lips went dry. As there were many nobles involved, it was difficult for Grand Duke Aizen to solve it alone.


Rodelia frowned as she recalled the vile face of the Marquis of Florence. It was obvious how much more he would oppress her using this as an excuse.


“I heard that the Marquis of Florence cares so much about Her Majesty.”


As expected, Cerdian, who only knew of the rumors outside, added indifferently.


“Is there any other way? Buy a man…….”


“They’ve already been caught once. Will the Countess manage the slaves like before? They will be even more thorough and detailed.”




“You may have brought her to your side but she doesn’t completely trust you yet.”

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“……then she’ll find my father suspicious.”


“Well, shall we have a bet then?”


Rodelia frowned at Cerdian’s meaningful question.




“If the Marquis of Florence sets his foot in the slave trade, the Countess will believe that the Empress is on her side.”




“If you raise the slave issue to the surface, it will damage the Marquis.”


Cerdian had a point. There was nothing to refute, so Rodelia shut her mouth.


“She’s already hated by Sola, so she won’t be able to go back.”


The pale face grew darker. Her vision blurred with fear, but she couldn’t show it.




If she tells this man the truth, he will surely find another solution. He won’t do anything to hurt her.


But during the time it takes to do that, the slave trade will grow even more.


Rodelia became conflicted numerous times. Hearing about what Viscountess Cohen had done, it seemed that her guilt that had settled deep inside gradually expanded. It was the result of burying things even though she knew they were wrong.


If she doesn’t do this, the guilt and regret will claw at her until she dies. She didn’t want to hide like a coward this time.




“I think I can get my father’s help just this once.”’


It’s something she has gone through for a long time anyway. It was still a daunting task to face him, but what’s so difficult about holding it all in again?


All she had to do was suppress everything inside.


This was for Thebes’ sake, for the people of Thebes. Rodelia, who hesitated for a long time, narrowly opened her lips and spoke.


“Then give me a day to think.”


* * *


The maids, who were looking anxiously at Rodelia’s face full of worries, gathered around her one by one.


“Your Majesty, is something the matter with His Highness Aizen?”

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Baroness Verna asked her pressingly. The other maids also looked at her tenaciously, as if they were urging her to quickly tell them her concerns.


“Matter. What ever could go wrong with him?”


“Then why…”


“Because of the slavery issue.”


Rodelia replied with mixed feelings.


“You haven’t found the right solution yet?”


“No… we found one, but…….”


Rodelia, who blurred the end of her sentence, explained everything to the maids. Of course, they still didn’t know what kind of person the Marquis of Florence was, so their answers came easily.


“The Marquis won’t help you?”


“No, I haven’t told him yet.”


“Then why are you worried? He has no reason to refuse. I think it will be solved quickly if the Marquis comes forward like the Grand Duke said.”


“That’s right. Why don’t you tell him first…….”


Following Lady Arden, Viscountess Cohen encouraged Rodelia.


Everyone asked why it was a problem for her and praised Rodelia for being a filial daughter who cared deeply for her father. But the more they did, the more complicated her mind became.




Trembling fingertips roamed over her skirt. Her lips, which seemed about to open, slowly said.


“Do you think this is the best way?””


“Of course, Your Majesty.”


All the maids nodded one after another as if she was asking the obvious, but for a long time, Rodelia couldn’t say anything.


When the movement on her forehead, which frowned and unfolded as if she were deeply troubled, stopped, they finally heard Rodelia’s answer.


“Then I’ll try that.”


There were things she had to lose in order to protect something.


The lives of countless people are at stake. Sacrificing one’s own to protect them was something she should endure as an empress.




Rodelia’s clenched fist tightened.

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