It was the will left by the Marquise of Florence.

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Everyone said Rodelia’s recovery was a miracle.


Her complete recovery granted the imperial physician a tremendous reward. He was bestowed a title and enormous wealth without knowing what happened. Of course, this was natural as these were the conditions to keep his mouth sealed.


From Kane’s point of view, it was such a relief that everything had been wrapped up like this. He wasn’t going to let anyone ruin his reputation as the perfect emperor.


Oh, of course, he was glad that Rodelia was completely cured.


He finished his morning routine and walked towards the Empress’ Palace. Rodelia’s face was so lively that no one would’ve believed she had been ill. She even seemed to look much better than before she got sick.




When Kane cleared his throat to announce that he had come, Rodelia, who saw him, put a smile on her lips.


“You’re here, Your Majesty.”


For some reason, Rodelia neither frowned nor hardened her expression as she saw Kane. She just welcomed him like she used to.


Until a few days ago, she had been exuding a chilly air.


“How are you feeling?”


Kane was a little surprised by Rodelia’s small response, but did not express it outwardly and simply asked how she was doing. He thought, ‘After being sick once, the desire to be nicer to me must have sprung up’.


“Thanks to you.”


Kane smiled softly at her voice filled with goodwill. As expected, Rodelia cannot betray him.


Seeing Rodelia’s smile after a long time, Kane was convinced. That smile must be his forever. She is the Empress, and as long as she fulfills her duties as the empress, he would keep her confined in the imperial palace.


Kane did not have any intention of throwing Rodelia away. Of course, that still remains to this day. He approached the bed and patted her on the shoulder a few times.


“You’ve suffered greatly.”


Rodelia’s gaze rose sharply and headed towards Kane’s blue eyes. He continued, still looking her in the eye.


“I was worried.”


Of course, he was worried about his own reputation being tarnished, but he was also worried about Rodelia to some extent, so it wasn’t a complete lie.


The shape of Kane’s mouth raised neatly, not noticing Rodelia’s stiff expression.




It was pleasant to hear the rustling of the hem of her dress as it brushed against the grass. The gentle wind that brought along the smell of spring was fragrant, however, Rodelia’s face was filled with unknown anxiety.

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She had been dodging Cerdian for days.


It was only natural. She was embarrassed to speak with him. Of course, unless she intentionally visited, there was no chance she’d meet Cerdian, but she was careful and wary of everything.


Now, it has even reached to a point where she was startled at the sight of silver hair. Of course, there was none as flawless as the silver hair Cerdian had.


How can I look him in the face? With him…


‘I kissed him.’


“It’s crazy.”


Rodelia closed her eyes tightly.


When she remembered kissing Cerdian, her face flushed. She quickly cooled the heat on her cheek with the back of her hand in case someone was watching.


She walked alone in the garden and comforted herself. Of course she had an unavoidable situation. It was certainly a good reason.


But the immorality she felt as the Empress was quite big. She didn’t feel disconcerted at all. It even made her feel good. There was a sense of security as his cool skin touched her.


How was she able to face Kane casually when she did such a terrible thing?


She thought it would be quite hard to face Kane, but when she did, she did not feel any guilt. Surprisingly.


‘Was I such an unscrupulous person?’


Rodelia bit her lips hard. As she walked  a little more to forget such thoughts, she heard a familiar voice.


“I’m finally seeing you.”


The root of the problem was that she was not wary of the surroundings because she was in the Empress’ Palace. Did she walk too aimlessly?


When she came to her senses, Cerdian was right in front of her.


It’s a distance where she can’t run away.


Since this happened, Rodelia decided to pretend to be okay.


“Grand Duke, it’s been a while. How have you been?”


It was a very good way to say hello to a friend she hadn’t seen in a long time. Her behavior was casual.


Rodelia sighed with relief inside, thinking her reaction was fine.


“The Empress seems to have been doing well since I hadn’t seen her.”


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Cerdian raised his lips charmingly. It was a bit of a playful smile, as if he knew that Rodelia was deliberately avoiding him.


Rodelia pretended not to know and straightened her hair that was fluttering in the wind.


‘Don’t you know that your appearance clearly shows you’re embarrassed?’


Cerdian laughed quietly.


“…Thanks to you.”


Rodelia, who had a strange smiling expression, gave an ambiguous answer. It was true that the fever has been cured and she’s doing well thanks to Cerdian.….


“By the way, what brought you here?”


He probably didn’t come to the Empress’ Palace just to see her, so there must be something else.


“I thought I should tell you myself.”


Rodelia stared at Cerdian with questioning eyes. He hesitated for a moment, then came a little closer and slowly opened his mouth.


“Tonight, I’m going back to the Grand Duchy.”


For a moment, his words didn’t feel like reality.


‘Going back to the Grand Duchy?’


Cerdian was the master of the Grand Duchy, and it was only right to leave one day because it should not be left empty for a long time. But…


“All of a sudden?”


It was so embarrassing for Rodelia’s position as she had not received any news that he was leaving. She clasped her dress tightly with trembling hands.


“Something happened in the Grand Duchy. It’s a position where one shouldn’t be away for a long time.”




Rodelia could only nod as she didn’t know how to react.


There was a heavy silence between them.


She was somewhat disappointed to hear that Cerdian was leaving. She didn’t know why she was so upset, but she didn’t feel good.


‘Is it just because my new friend is about to leave that I’m having complicated feelings?’


Rodelia frowned and pursed her lips. Her lost eyes wandered aimlessly.


“When are you leaving…?”

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‘Oh right, he said tonight. I heard it a while ago, but why did I ask again?’


Rodelia’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Then, she hid her expression and asked again.


“Then you won’t be coming back, will you?”


“For the time being, maybe.”


Cerdian laughed. He looked as if he didn’t mind going separate ways, as if it was nothing. Her heart felt as if it was on the verge of tears.


“…Go home safely.”


A choked voice leaked out. It was so hard to look him in the eye that she lowered her gaze.


“Look at me.”


Cerdian’s unique low and deep voice in the air tickled her ears. He covered Rodelia’s cheek with a careful touch. Her deep blue eyes entangled with his red eyes.


“You look better now.”




“You still have my coat, don’t you?”


What coat? Rodelia frowned, seemingly oblivious.




Cerdian smiled lightly. Only then did the buried memories slowly begin to come to mind.




Was it the day when she was crying alone sitting on the grass after finding out of the existence of the concubine, that is, Sola? Cerdian had approached her and placed a warm coat on her like a salvation.


She had forgotten about it, but if she looked for it, it would definitely be in her room. The maids were not ones who would throw away her things recklessly. They must have kept it well somewhere, thinking it was Kane’s.


“I’ll come back to get it, so you have to keep it until then.”


“I’ll give it to you now.”


“I want it back later.”



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Nodding slowly, Rodelia’s gaze turned to Cerdian’s lips as he spoke.


‘I’m sure you’re just saying it without meaning, right? How are your lips?’


As soon as the idea came to mind, she started seeing only the red lips of Cerdian. Rodelia was ashamed of her own reaction.


It was funny that she reacted as if it was her first time even though it wasn’t her first kiss. Cerdian didn’t seem to care, and it looked like she was the only one making a big deal out of it.


And that appeared to be true to some extent. Because he didn’t seem to mind.


That kiss was like charity to a dying person..


Yes, it was nothing but charity. He was probably not the type of person who helped others easily, but she and Cerdian had gotten quite close. He might have thought it was to save his friend.


But, how did the boiling fever go down with a kiss….?’


“It’s a secret.”




Her train of thought was cut off by Cerdian’s sudden remark. Rodelia raised her gaze, and his eyes were curved wildly.


“Because you were staring only at my lips.”


Her face heated up at his playful voice as if it were on fire.


“When did I…!”


Rodelia, perplexed, reached out and pushed him away gently.


“If not, that’s fine. Then…….”


“I know!”


Rodelia cut him off quickly. This is because she was embarrassed that the matter about the kiss would come out of Cerdian’s mouth.


As he was taken aback by the loud noise that suddenly came out, Rodelia babbled an excuse.


“I know……. You can’t reveal it anywhere that you’ve done something like that…….”


Rodelia wanted to sew her mouth that spewed gibberish with a needle. Doesn’t this look like a young girl standing in front of a man she likes?


It’s not that kind of feeling. It’s just a disgraceful feeling.


Rodelia forced the corners of her stiff lips up, hoping that Cerdian wouldn’t misunderstand her feelings. Fortunately, it seemed like a pretty plausible smile was being made.



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