“… Please go back.”

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Finally, the cold voice that had been trapped in her throat escaped.


As a matter of fact, it was not a voice that consciously came out of her nor did she try to appear strong. It was just a natural reaction stemming from her repulsion towards Kane.


However, as it was a completely unexpected reaction, Kane, whose way was being blocked, gave a shocked expression.




His tightly closed lips moved slowly in disbelief. Rodelia looked up at Kane’s face that was distorted in bewilderment and gave more power to her feet on her ground. Then she answered in a voice even colder than usual.


“Literally. I will not return to Thebes.”


“Surely, you jest?”


“No, I mean it. I don’t want to go back there.”


“… That can’t be.”


Kane shook his head in disbelief. Then, after muttering something for a while, he frowned and grabbed Rodelia by the arm. The tightening pain in her wrist made her contort her brows.


“Why are you doing this?”


Kane’s question mixed with doubt was something that Rodelia could hardly understand.


If she goes back to Thebes, she will certainly be treated as a criminal again and locked up in a mansion.


Kane was a selfish man to the point that he ignored her cries even when she begged him to let her go. She once thought that his actions in the past were because he cherished her. So she tried to understand when he spewed out hurtful words and behaved violently.


But now she knows that it was all an illusion. The man named Kane Bayard had never cherished the woman named Rodelia Florence for a moment.


“What is this…?”


Rodelia twisted her wrist to free her arm from his hold but she had no way to overcome his strength. He squeezed her arm tighter, as if Kane couldn’t let go even for a second. He exerted so much strength that her skin stung.


 “It hurts, please let go.”


Frowning in pain as Rodelia said that, Kane finally came to his senses and relaxed his grip.


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“I’m sorry. It was an unexpected answer, so I was a little taken aback.”


He said in an anxious voice as he stared at her reddened wrist, seemingly embarrassed.


“Are you still mad at me?”


[T/N: Are you f**king kidding me?!]


Kane asked the question as if it was ridiculous.


She could almost hear his voice in her ears chanting in an overbearing tone, ‘Surely you didn’t keep such a trivial thing in your mind.’


He came to put her back into an abyss of despair yet he dares to act with such a light-hearted attitude, as if they simply had a petty lover’s quarrel.


Rodelia frowned and took a step back. Kane’s eyebrows frowned deeper and deeper.


In fact, as she guessed, Kane was a little ashamed. As far as he knew, if it was Rodelia, she wouldn’t have been angry all this time.


Some called her a level-headed empress, but she was always generous and tender with him. So he had no doubt that she would do the same this time. Besides, in the end, he didn’t do anything wrong.


Wasn’t he simply fooled by all the situations Cerdian designed?


“Do I look angry? I am just in a hurry.”


Therefore such a cold attitude was something he couldn’t comprehend. Of course, Rodelia probably wasn’t aware that Cerdian caused this situation…


But will she believe him if he just says it outright?


He was sure that she’d think it was nothing more than an excuse. Recalling the vicious words and actions he had poured out on Rodelia, Kane’s face began to turn pale.


Shortly after, Kane, who had finally made up his mind, started to speak again.


“… If you’re not angry with me then why won’t you go back?”


“I think Your Majesty is well aware of the reason.”


Kane’s face st*p*dly twisted at the sharp answer that came as it was unlike the Rodelia he knew. After only blinking for a while because he was at a loss of what to say, he finally continued.


“Thebes is the hometown where you have lived your whole life. Everything about Rodelia Florence is contained in that place. Is there any reason not to go back? If you’re mad at me, let it go.”


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Obviously that’s how it had to be. He had never for a moment thought that Rodelia would never come back to his side.


But what he got back from her was still a cold reply.


“You are seriously mistaken.”




“I’m sorry but I have no feelings left for Your Majesty.”


“That, what does that…”


“It means that even wasting my feelings on Your Majesty is a waste of time.”


Only then did Kane realize the reality he was facing. Truthfully, how long has it been since he dethroned her?


One week? One month?


[T/N: or Thousand years???]


 Ahh… A season has passed.


Kane’s large hand touched his forehead. Where the hell did the confidence that Rodelia would return come from?


Frustrated, he added hastily.


“Then what about the people of Thebes whom you loved so much? Do you know what kind of life they are living now?”




He knew it. As soon as the mention of the people came out, the frigidity in Rodelia’s face began to fade. Kane did not miss this opportunity.


“They need you. The wise empress, Rodelia Florence, who always thought and loved the people first.”


“They need me…”


Rodelia let out a laugh.


Alas, as expected, Kane had come to pick her up to use her again.  It was because he needed someone to properly play the role of empress.


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Kane must have had no inkling that that appeal became an opportunity to solidify her decision not to return to Thebes.


He wouldn’t have said that if he had known how they treated her and what almost happened to her.


She answered, her body shaking at the memories of her past that she didn’t want to recall.


“If I come back now, will anything change? The trust has already been broken. I wasn’t the first to let go of your hand. It was Your Majesty and… the people I cared for. Why now?”


“The reason I let go of your hand was because of a misunderstanding. Rodelia, you know that, right? All the evidence pointed to you! I mean, if you had been in my position, I’m sure you would have made the same choice.”


She couldn’t understand.


She couldn’t understand the domineering emperor who spit out harsh words at her without hesitation. In the end, right before her eyes…


Yes, Kane who was scrambling and just saying anything, like a child with an unreasonable demand. She thought his judgment was clouded because he had been poisoned but she only realized now that she was wrong.


He was an ugly and worthless person from the beginning. It’s just that the prestige of the emperor didn’t show that side properly.


Rodelia let out a small sigh and answered in a dispassionate voice.


“If I had been in Your Majesty’s position, I would have listened to Your Majesty’s words without blindly doubting you. At least… Because that’s the minimum courtesy for the person I care for.”


“That… Could it be because I neglected you? It was beyond my control. I thought you were the culprit, so I left you alone. But if I hadn’t told them not to kill you, you would have died then. So you owe me your life.”


[T/N: Oh my blood pressure!!]

[E/N: asdfgjghfgjk!!!]


“What do you mean?”




Kane hurriedly poured out words without thinking and realized that he had made a slip of the tongue. His face started to lose color. Rodelia backed away with a look of disbelief.


What did he mean? That he left her alone even though he knew? 


Her two weak hands trembled. Her buried memories began to come out and occupy her mind vividly.


So, right now, Kane Bayard was admitting that he had a hand in the worst moment of her life.


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That terrible moment that almost cost her her life.


But she didn’t want to think about it any more.


Rodelia opened her mouth, trying to shake off the nightmarish memories that resurfaced. A choked up voice leaked out from her lips..


“You knew, yet you neglected me.”


“That… I won’t make any other excuses.”


Kane readily admitted his own mistakes.


Rodelia’s expression, which had become emptier at the sight of him, twisted.


“You knew what I… what could have happened to me?”


Rodelia laughed bitterly as she watched Kane’s undulating gaze sink to the floor. From the look on his face, he seemed to have already known.


Perhaps Kane had intervened.


As she thought so, she felt a sense of disillusionment with everything she had done.


What the hell had she been working so hard for?


Rodelia erased the painful emotions and hardened her face coldly, and said.


“Your Majesty used to say this. To trust Your Majesty and wait a little longer. So I waited silently. But what was the price that came back for trusting you? How can I return to Your Majesty when my trust has already been broken?”


“That was…… for another reason. It’s because I was tricked!”


Kane answered, close to tears. He made only vague excuses and acted like someone who didn’t know what he had done wrong.


“Please, Rodelia. Come back please. How can I make you believe me? All I need is you. I’m telling you.”


Rodelia sneered. She really didn’t have the slightest bit of trust in his words.


[T/N: You look so dumb right now

Standin’ outside my house

Tryin’ to apologize

You’re so ugly when you cry….lalala *singing Take a Bow by Rihanna]

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