“It feels worse than I thought.”

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Did she say something rude to him? While Rodelia was at a loss thinking back to their previous conversations, Cerdian let out a laugh and added,


“It’s no longer enough that you call me by name now.”




“Because it makes me feel like I am in the same position  as the emperor to you.”


“That can’t be.”


Rodelia, frowning her forehead, said sternly, as if he were talking nonsense.


How could the person who pushed her into a pit be in the same position as the person who reached out to her in that pit?


She opened her mouth to correct him, but Cerdian said, sheepishly.


“I’m jealous because you seem to know the emperor so well.”


Then he made a hurt expression and looked just like a drowning puppy. She had a sudden urge to stroke his cheek.


“Call me by something other than my first name now.”


“Which one?”


“Well, a nickname or something.”


Cerdian’s eyes curved charmingly.


Oh my goodness. Though she wasn’t even close to him, she could feel Cerdian’s ability to casually blurt out slick words. Though they didn’t feel cringey at all.


‘It’s just a little embarrassing.’


Is it because of his unique smirk?


In any case, it was an amazing ability.  Rodelia, who only blinked in surprise, stammered.


“That, that…..”


“Are you not going to call me?”


Another playful voice came back.


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“I’ll think about it later.”


“Then I look forward to it.”


Rodelia lowered her head but could feel that that wasn’t enough because aside from her cheeks, even her ears were burning bright red. She bit her lips, thinking, ‘I have to change the topic. What should I bring up?’


As she rummaged through her thoughts, she came across a suitable subject. It was good timing as it was something she had to ask anyway.


Rodelia’s tight lips opened.


“And I have a request….”




“I want to go to the plaza again. Before Kane does anything.”


She guessed she should see the old woman again. She had to solve this awkward mystery before a conflict with Kane arose so she wouldn’t worry more.


As Rodelia recalled the terrifying encounter with the old woman, Cerdian frowned in embarrassment.


“I don’t think I will have time for a while. I have a lot of work to do.”


“It’s alright. I can go and come back alone.”


Rather, it was a good thing. If what the old woman said about Cerdian was right, it would only cause trouble if he accompanied her. 


Rodelia smiled quietly as if telling him not to worry and Cerdian opened his mouth after much thought.


“Then I’ll have a knight escort you.”


“You will do that? Thank you.”


It was far better for her than going alone.  With a smile, Rodelia offered to go into the room but he stopped her in her tracks.


“But it seems we still have something left to talk about.”


Did they have more to discuss? Rodelia looked at Cerdian with questioning eyes.


“What you said earlier.”


“What do you mean?”


As Cerdian asked, Rodelia’s eyes shook as if they had lost their way.

[ED/N: Panicking.]

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“Didn’t you tell the emperor that our first night is tonight?”



[T/N: hehe]


When Rodelia made a troubled expression, Cerdian gave her a small smile.


Did he take it seriously?


Then it was a really difficult situation. Of course, legally, they were married, so there was no problem formally. However, her relationship with him is so complex that it cannot be explained in words.


In fact, Rodelia decided that she would let Cerdian go once everything regarding this matter has settled.


He was also the Grand Duke in charge of Luvenia and he should enjoy a happy life with the real Grand Duchess.


“Are you going to pretend now that it didn’t happen?”


Therefore, his behavior in talking like this was hardly understandable. He would dismiss it as a joke anyway.


Did Cerdian know that such words and actions made her expect a little bit?


Rodelia’s calm eyes stared at him.


“It’s a joke.”


She knew it. Again, his low voice said it was a joke, dispersing Rodelia’s complicated thoughts far away. She smiled bitterly and said in a tiny voice.


“I knew it.”


She was the one who acted as if nothing was wrong with jokes like these. So she assumed it would be the same this time.


‘Did he think I was taking our relationship lightly?’


Cerdian’s face hardened, surprised to see this reaction from Rodelia for the first time. She finally opened her heart, but he couldn’t turn it back to the beginning.


Cerdian, who had been staring at Rodelia forcibly smiling without trying to meet his eyes, broke the uncomfortable silence between them.


“It’s the first night that was decided due to the emperor, so I didn’t like it.  It bothered me that he was involved in our relationship.”


He lowered his upper body to meet Rodelia’s gaze. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sudden closeness.




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“I can’t help but regret it.”


With a charming smile on his face again, Cerdian stepped back. He left the place first, leaving Rodelia behind as she struggled to interpret what he had just told her.


“I will send you a knight tomorrow so you can go to the plaza. You must be tired today, so take a break.”




D*mn it, d*mn it, d*mn it. 


“D*mn it!”


Kane walked forward irritably past the bushes that blocked his way without hesitation. The escort knights following him recalled what had happened a little while ago, and did not know what to do.


[Know that if you block my way from now on, your throat will be cut.]


Kane stopped the knights who were ahead to guide the way and gave a terrifying bluff. It was about two hours ago when he returned to their lodging by himself in a terrible mood.


Rodelia, who he was supposed to bring back was not present, and no one knew what had happened as not a single apprentice knight followed him.


Curiosity arose but the atmosphere seemed like something would happen if they so much as said a word. They were not pathetic people who would trade their lives for curiosity.


[We’re going back to Thebes now.]


[It’s too dark. We need to pack our belongings and prepare emergency supplies, so it’s better to stay for one more night and leave tomorrow……]


[You dare ignore my words, do you want to die?]


Kane was incredibly stubborn. Because of that, their plans to stay one more day were thwarted. They hastily packed up and now were on their way back to Thebes.


Kane was like a madman. Despite the thorny grass growing all around him, he didn’t mind and pushed through them with his bare hands.


At this rate, they might have their heads blown off for failing to preserve the emperor’s body. They couldn’t do anything. Just when they were about to try and stop him after exchanging glances…


“Cerdian Aizen, you son of a b*tch. I will kill you!”


As soon as Kane’s booming voice resonated throughout the forest, the terrifying eyes of wild beasts that only inhabited the mountains turned to them from here and there.


“Sh*t, halt!”


The contemplative knights surrounded Kane and drew their swords.

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[T/N: looks like the Luvenia beasts are going to have a royal gourmet for dinner]




“Lady Rodelia, the escort knight sent by Lord Cerdian has arrived. What should I do?  Should I tell him to wait a little longer?”


Since Cerdian and her legal marriage has yet to be revealed, the servants of the mansion have not changed the title they used to address her.


“No, I’m going now.”


Rodelia, who had been looking out of the window with her hat pressed down answered quietly. It was a nice sunny day to go out. One of the maids asked again as she lifted her bag that she had left on the table.


“Perhaps you need a hand, may I accompany you?”


“I’m alright, I’m not going out to buy anything.”


“I see. Then please travel safely.”


She opened the door and saw Rodelia off.


After exchanging an appropriate greeting with the knight Cerdian sent, she began to slowly walk while thinking about various things. Thanks to the knight guiding her, it was not long before she got to the plaza but only then did Rodelia realize that she had no information.


Did I come out too haphazardly?


However, since there weren’t many blind old women, it wouldn’t have changed anything even if she had investigated first.


Just like everywhere, the square was crowded with countless people even though it was not a festival. Standing blankly in the middle of the plaza, she let out a small sigh. She then turned her gaze to the knight, who looked at her with puzzled eyes.


“Sir Mark, do you perchance…….”


Rodelia stretched her words out. He was the one Cerdian gave her, so she was worried that he would inform him. She wanted to see this issue resolved as quietly as possible.


When she seemed to hesitate, the knight calmly opened his mouth. Unlike other knights, he was quick-witted.


“Is this something you don’t want His Highness to know?”


“I guess. Can you keep it a secret?”


“Of course. Although I am his knight, I am currently serving as Lady Rodelia’s escort. You don’t have to worry.”


Relieved, only then did Rodelia nod and ask.


“Is there a place in Luvenia where one can get their fortune told?”

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