During the time that Rodelia was in the middle of her sleep, Cerdian’s office was quiet.

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Cerdian, who was working, took off his glasses and looked at the Green Sisters, who were frozen.


“Are you looking for the Kirkel family?”


It was a low-pitched voice that they haven’t heard lately. It was proof that they were now in a very troublesome situation.


The Green Sisters’ jaws hardened.


“Have I been too lenient so far?”


His long index finger tapped the desk lightly.


He was pressing on why there had been no news so far. It was just two sentences and small actions but it was enough to convey his meaning.


“It’s an issue where there is so little information… I apologize.”


“I didn’t entrust you with the job just to hear excuses.”


A slight wrinkle formed between Cerdian’s brows. Federica could only lower her head, not knowing what to say, and struggled to open her mouth.


“We’re secretly asking around and looking into them but we haven’t been able to find even the slightest clue. In fact, it’s unclear whether they’re even alive right now…….”


“No, they are definitely alive. They never die. They’re just trying to protect themselves, waiting for the right time.”


Cerdian looked confident. He had always been unstoppable, his actions always backed by evidence.


But not this time. There were no traces whatsoever.


However, there was no reason for him to come out so adamantly with unverified words, so the Green Sisters merely nodded their heads in silence.


“Is that the only report?”


“Oh, I heard that Prince Grey is staying in Thebes.”


Cerdian’s calm red eyes turned sharp.




“Yes. He seemed to have been staying for quite some time. And, judging by the fact that he did not move much, he does not seem to intend to leave Thebes yet.”


‘Why is Grey staying in Thebes?’


And, of all things, during this time. The man’s eyes, when Cerdian met him in the palace in Thebes, contained murderous intent.


He seemed to be trying to hide it but he was still inexperienced. At that time, he thought it was just his immature emotions and passed it off as nothing.

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‘Don’t tell me.’


The timing was bad. A shadow fell over Cerdian’s face.


After a while, he briefly ordered the Green Sisters.


“Get out.”


In the office where the Green Sisters had left, the air became even colder. Within this space, Cerdian’s heavy sigh blended in.


He tousled his neatly-tied hair. Just like his hair, which was easily ruffled by the slightest touch, things had gotten tangled up.


Was it because he chose the wrong path from the beginning?


The more he tried to protect Rodelia, the more the situation around him became entangled.


The reality that has come close to his feet penetrated his mind. At that moment, two neat knocks touched his thoughts.


In a deep, subdued voice, Cerdian let the uninvited guest in.




Bruce, who looked undisturbed, nodded lightly.


“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you standing like this.”


Regardless of whether he was familiar with Cerdian’s appearance, he started reporting.


“The trend in Thebes is unusual. I don’t think the Emperor will stay still. I have a hunch that something will happen sooner or later.”


“My guess as well.”


“I think I just told you that you don’t have time to be this relaxed.”


To Cerdian who didn’t show much of a reaction, Bruce responded as if he was being absurd.


“I heard that the emperor also noticed that the one who poisoned him was you, Your Highness.”


“Yes, it seemed to be like that the last time I saw him.”


Cerdian still replied as if it was not a big deal.


To him, trivial things like Kane’s crude anger were not important. But Grey Howard….


“Since he found out that you did such a thing to take away his empress, he must be holding a grudge. No matter how strong the army here is, without Your Highness, everything is useless, so isn’t it a dangerous time now?”

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As Bruce continued to speak, Cerdian’s expression gradually distorted.


Yes, Grey Howard.


“Since when was Grey Howard staying in Thebes?”


“Pardon? Are you saying that Prince Grey is in Thebes?”


“Where did the leak come from?”


Cerdian didn’t answer Bruce’s question and just said something incomprehensible.


“…I don’t know.”


“Why has Grey been staying in Thebes for so long?”


Bruce realized Cerdian didn’t need his answer.


He meekly shut his mouth.


“Perhaps information leaked from Sola.”




“I trust the child but since she’s reckless, she might have made a slip of the tongue.”


As if to prove that his family had not served as the butler of the Aizen Grand Duke’s family for no reason, Bruce successfully grasped the situation with only a few clues.


Kane Bayard and Grey Howard had joined hands. And in the meantime, Sola must have been involved to some extent.


“What do you plan to do?”


Bruce spoke again. It was the right question this time.


“I’ll have to summon Sola first.”


“I will make the preparations.”


Cerdian, who had been staring at him, lowered his gaze without hesitation. It meant that Bruce can leave now.


But Bruce had a question for him. The old voice irritated Cerdian again.


“By the way, I heard that you are looking for the Kirkel clan.”


Along with the question, Cerdian’s head slowly lifted. Slight annoyance was plastered over his face.


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“Bruce, I hope you don’t interfere with my business.”


Just receiving Cerdian’s gaze made his hamstrings feel numb and made him break into a cold sweat, but he had a mission.


“…..I won’t stop you from looking for them. However, please keep in mind that time is running out.”


“Useless talk.”


“We don’t know what will happen later. We’ve never been in a situation like this before, so we don’t know how far the pain will spread.”


Bruce’s dark eyes were filled with worry. Truthfully, he had no evil intentions, such as harming Rodelia.


<The power of the Aizen family, the curse of the divine beast must not be cut off.>


This was their belief as they supported the Aizen family from generation to generation. And Bruce was just moving along with it.


Cerdian was well aware of that fact. So it was also true that he couldn’t be too hard on Bruce.


“I know. Still, it would be better to try as far as we can.”


“If that doesn’t work, what are you planning to do?”




“Then, I want you to stay silent and follow my decision.”


Cerdian couldn’t answer easily. It was only then that Bruce faced the reality of his uneasy feelings. His wrinkles deepened.


Bruce slowly opened his mouth, hoping it was not as he had guessed.


“Are you serious about that woman, Rodelia Florence?”


Cerdian didn’t answer. Only his mouth twisted very slightly.


Bruce read the affirmation from his reaction, letting out a deep sigh.


“I thought Your Highness was pretending all this time… I wondered why you were paying attention to even the smallest things, but….”




“If you have feelings…..”


“You are talking nonsense.”


Cerdian’s voice as he responded did not contain any emotion. He looked at him with interest, as if he hadn’t really thought about it.


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“Pardon… ?”


Bruce’s expression darkened. Seeing that he said it so resolutely, could he have been mistaken?


As if solidifying his doubts, Cerdian drove a wedge once again.




Cerdian’s eyes narrowed.


If he accepted Bruce’s words, he would be able to catch his weakness.


Bruce’s personality is such that he couldn’t predict how he will act, so it was only right to deny it for now. This was how he could keep Rodelia safer.


‘I’ll have to tell the Green Sisters to hurry up a little bit.’


Cerdian had those thoughts and added in an uncaring voice.


“I hope you didn’t worry for nothing; she’ll be thrown away as soon as her usefulness runs out.”


It was only then that Bruce realized that he was mistaken.


Is it because he is getting older? He lowered his head, blaming himself for worrying too much.


“I apologize.”


“I hope you don’t doubt me in the future, Bruce.”


“I will keep that in mind.”


At that moment, a thud was heard through the crack in the door.


“Who is it?”


Cerdian cast his gaze toward the door.  His voice was sharp.


There was a sound that could not be hidden. Through the small crack in the door, he caught a glimpse of gleaming blonde hair.


The sound of urgent footsteps gradually faded away. His complexion turned pale.


He had no anger that someone had overheard their conversation. However, he only felt that the sensations in his whole body were becoming vivid.


Just now, there was someone there who should have never seen nor heard their conversation.


“… No.”


She was the woman who would be the companion of Cerdian, Rodelia Florence whom he wanted so much.

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