“Your Majesty, a letter has arrived from the Grand Duchy of Luvenia.”

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“From Luvenia?”


For someone who rarely smiled, Sola’s face had this bright glow recently.


She stopped what she was doing and quickly snatched the letter from the maid’s hand.


Yes, there was no way Cerdian would abandon her. Surely….


Holding the letter in her hand, Sola’s raised lips gradually went down.


<Thebes’ movement is unusual so return to Luvenia as soon as possible.>


The first letter he sent to someone he hasn’t seen for a long time was just a single sentence asking her to come back.


Of course, Cerdian’s neglect was nothing new.


It’s just that she had been away for a while that she didn’t expect something she was so familiar with to affect her in such a strange way.


She was aware that he really thought of her as a younger sister. But she didn’t think it was to this extent.


Couldn’t he have asked how she was doing or show his concern for her?


“I’m nothing to him after all….”


It was to the point where she felt so sorry for herself for secretly having expectations from Cerdian. Sola gritted her teeth.


Her mind, torn between anxiety, guilt, greed and helplessness, finally found its path.


Sola properly embraced the rising ambivalence. Crumpling the letter, she left the empress’ palace.




Sola’s slender hand opened the door to the imperial palace’s office.


Her impetuous steps annoyed Kane. He rolled his eyes and complained.


“Can’t you walk like an empress?”


He clicked his tongue expressing his dislike of Sola’s behavior.


“What happened for you to come unannounced?”


“Kane, this isn’t the time for you to be so relaxed.”


However, Sola didn’t care about Kane’s reaction. She sarcastically dismissed his words lightly.


“What are you talking about?”


“My brother has summoned me.”


The frown on Kane’s expression changed to surprise.


“… What?”


“It seems that the news that Grey Howard is staying in Thebes has reached Luvenia.”

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“Ah, that means….”


Kane’s face became calm again after he uttered a small agreement.


When Sola narrowed her eyes, he replied as if he were trying to satisfy her curiosity.


“Isn’t that expected? We at least know that Cerdian is monitoring Thebes’ movements.”


“You fool…!”


Furious at Kane’s taciturn and weak reaction, Sola raised her voice.


“What did you just say?”


Sola raised her eyes and added, noticeably exasperated.


“Did you not hear from Grey?”


“About what?”


“About the Aizen family.”


“Ah, I heard.”


Kane didn’t seem to care. In fact, he didn’t even seem to believe it yet.


Things like divine beasts were just uncertain things like legends that have been handed down.


It was clear from his bland reaction that he thought so.


“You don’t believe it.”


“Isn’t that obvious? Then Sola, you must also be a descendant of a divine beast, but what kind of abilities do you have?”




Sola blurted out with a perplexed expression.


If she were to reveal here that she and Cerdian weren’t real siblings, things would get messy.


Sola chose to keep her mouth shut.


As if she was no longer worth dealing with, Kane swiveled his chair and turned his back to her.


“Anyway, Sola, do what Cerdian wants.”


“Do you even know what my older brother said to me?”


“He must have told you to come back with a reasonable excuse. If you stay here, you might be taken prisoner.”


Having hardened his heart, he was different from the past.


Thinking that perhaps things could get tricky, Sola replied.


“I won’t lie.”


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“Fine, it’s time for the Prince Grey to come soon. Just get out.”


Glaring at Kane’s back, Sola left the office.


She had a strong hunch that something would go wrong. 




Getting out of the dungeon was easy.


No one caught Rodelia, as if Cerdian had taken care of it in advance.


She headed straight for the old woman who claimed to be of the Kirkel clan.


She was the one who told her to beware of the red-eyed man so she must know something. Perhaps she would find out why Cerdian needed her.


“Come in.”


The old woman greeted Rodelia like she was expecting her.


“Are you really from the Kirkel clan?”


The old woman who was guiding Rodelia into the house, turned around.


“Why? You don’t think so?”




“You are free to believe it or not. But isn’t the young lady already convinced that I am a member of the Kirkel family?”


Rodelia frowned.


The old woman was right. She wouldn’t have come here if she wasn’t certain that she was of the Kirkel clan.


Rodelia moved on without answering her question.


As she entered the house, a smoky smell pricked her nose.


Her eyes stung at the unfamiliar white smoke but she endured it. As she got used to it, her vision cleared.


The structure was slightly different from last time. The old woman guided Rodelia to a sofa in the corner.


“Wait here for a moment.”




“You’re still a guest who needs me, shouldn’t I treat you hospitably?”


The old woman laughed as if her mouth would rip then disappeared towards the kitchen.


Rodelia was then able to look around.


She didn’t know because she didn’t think to look around before, but there were quite a few strange things around her.


“There are many things you’re seeing for the first time, no?”


How did she see her when both of her eyes were blind?

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The returning old woman put the teacup down in front of her and giggled.


“I knew you would come eventually. Have you decided to give your eyes away?”


An eerie voice scratched her ears.


Rodelia responded, not bothering to hide her displeasure.


“No way.”


“Then why did you come? Aha…! So you have gotten away from that man after all?”


Pushing up right at Rodelia’s face and looking all over, the old woman clapped her hands audibly as if she had realized something.


She looked pretty happy.


“Yes, it has been so boring for a while. It’s been a while since I met such an interesting lady, what a time to be alive.”


Rodelia recalled the information about the Kirkel clan she had read from a book.


The Kirkels morbidly loved seeing the future match with the prophecies they made.


<They can grant you information without a cost. When the prophecy comes true and if the protagonist of that prophecy is in front of them—that’s the perfect time. To gather information from them.>


Judging from her reaction, it seemed that now was that time.


“But what to do? That man is now going to die.”


Tut tut. The old woman clicked her tongue.


“It’s good for you, though. You’ve escaped death.”


“… What do you mean?”


“Oh…… I don’t know what’s going to happen to you because your fate is leading to so many events.”


Rodelia narrowed her eyes, at the old woman’s mocking voice.


“No, I am not asking about my fate. You said that the man is about to die.”




“What do you mean?”


The wrinkles on the old woman’s forehead deepened. As if she was surprised, her mouth curled up.


“Are you curious?”


The old woman’s eyes bent sharply and asked in a jeering tone.


“Why are you asking the obvious?”


“Then give me your eyes.”


Kikikiki. The old woman started to laugh in her unpleasant voice again.

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“Don’t play word games in front of me.”


“Word games. We, the Kirkel clan, do not give out information without a fair price. Especially when it comes to interesting stories.”


“I know. That prophecy that pleased you so. Am I not the main character of that prophecy?”


The old woman’s eyes, buried in the saggy skin, widened. She straightened her slouched back and stared at Rodelia in amazement.


Her reaction must be of wonder. How did she know the customs of the Kirkel clan?


“Then I guess I won’t have to take my eyes out.”


Facing the old woman with a cold expression, Rodelia added firmly.


“Isn’t that so?”




The bewildered old woman cleared her throat for no reason.


“I thought you were a timid girl.”




“This is tricky.”


The old woman moved her wobbling leg. She sat across from Rodelia and muttered with a meaningful expression on her face.


“Did I give you too many hints?”


Rodelia, startled by the old woman’s suddenly rejuvenated voice, lifted her gaze from her lap.


“I thought you didn’t find it at all.”




“You must have found that space.”


The mouth of the old woman, who had taken the form of a young woman, raised its corners faintly.


[T/N: Oh boy.. I mean girl]


“You look surprised.”


As Rodelia froze, unable to say anything, she brushed her flowing black hair back and said in a seductive voice.


“I should introduce myself again, right?”




“Hello, my name is Marca Forte.”


Marca, with her legs crossed, bent her upper body deeply towards Rodelia.


Where her white eyes had disappeared, jet-black eyes stared right through her.


“I am the last remaining member of the Kirkel clan.”

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