Chapter 20: First things first, let’s investigate.

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As I entered the forest, I walked towards the direction where the magic power was strong.

If you could visualize the magic, you would see a complex pattern of dark and light areas intertwined, like a mixture of paint dripping in water.

Just because you arrive at a dark area it doesn’t mean that it’s the center.

You have to carefully search through the dark areas one by one to find the dungeon. It’s a mission that requires a lot of energy and effort.

「This one’s out of the way.」

I sat down on a stump and unfolded the map and marked it.

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By noon, I had visited two places where the magic was strong, but I couldn’t find anything that looked like a dungeon entrance.

I drank some water and ate some preserved food. I took a break and got up.

If we didn’t find the dungeon, we wouldn’t be able to start anything. There was no time to relax. We need to find it before Yang’s economic and human losses increase.

Walking unsteadily like a skeleton knight, I began searching for a place where the magic power was strong again.

I move forward, cutting through the vegetation to make a path. As the sun was about to set, my vision suddenly opened up.

「It’s not much of a lake, is it?」

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There was a puddle about a 100 meters in diameter. It seemed to be an undiscovered place as it was not shown on the village map.

The water was so clear that I could see all the way to the bottom. It looked like it could be used for drinking water.

I looked around, but there were no animals in sight. The animals may have escaped from this forest.

There are many dungeons that occur in these hidden places. Maybe we can find them. Such hopes swelled in my heart.

「First things first, let’s investigate!」

As I walked around the lake, I checked for anything unusual.

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The entrance to the dungeon is distinctive, so it’s hard to miss. There is a hole in the ground, a house that was not there yesterday. Something like that. But alas, I found nothing.

I made a mark on my map and dropped my luggage.

The sun was starting to set and there was no time to continue my search. This is the best place to camp for the day, so I’m going to rest here tonight.

I quickly assemble the tent and quickly eat some preserved food. I brought the water from the lake to a boil before adding it to my water bag.

By this time, the sun had completely set.


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Using the magic of lights to brighten the surroundings, I left the tent without walls.

After attaching magical alarms to the surroundings, I entered the tent and went to bed. Only one person in the forest at night. All the preparations are done, so there is nothing more to do.

Because of all the walking I’ve done, as soon as I lie down I feel sleepy and lose consciousness. Soon I was to be completely asleep. At such a moment, I heard a rattling sound in my brain and was immediately awakened.

An alarm sounded!

I drew my sword from its sheath and jumped out of the tent.

T/N: My University exams starts from tomorrow, so I will going hiatus on this series. ~~Meanwhile anyone is allowed to pick this up.~~

~~If there’s nobody doing it after a week, then I will resume it. If you want the MTL raws then you can tell me and I will provide them(upto chapter 30).~~

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