Of course it’s on me.

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As we parted, she told me that she would accept the renovation of the inn, and then we left the old village chief’s house.

As I was walking along, making plans for the future, I heard a lovely sound coming from Sophie’s stomach next to me.

[It’s already noon, isn’t it?]

It goes by so fast when you meet the nobles.

Pop’s restaurant was the only option for lunch outside, but recently there had been a few more set meal restaurants.

Sophie usually eats only meals. I felt like I wanted her to try something different once in a while. It might be a good idea to give it a try.

[Why don’t we go to this new café that opened recently? I hear their noodle dishes are delicious. My treat, of course.]
[Are you sure?]

Even though she was working as a waiter at night, she was probably not getting paid much. This level of consideration should be expected.

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[Of course. You’ll get bored if you only eat Pop’s cooking.]

She smiled vaguely, having trouble answering. The expression on her face was enough to convey what she wanted to say.

She still seemed to be a bit hesitant to ask for money, so I decided to go ahead and force her.

[Shall we go then?]
[Ah, …….]

Before she refused, I took her hand and walked towards the store.

I was expecting her to complain, but she followed me in silence. After all, I was tired of eating Pop’s food, wasn’t I?

Is your ear a little red because you’re nervous about going to a new store?

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I felt that her reaction was typical of a girl in a box.

But then again, she had been kicked out of the church and was now working as Zelma’s hands and feet, doing muddy work.

She may be having a hard time adjusting to life. There’s not much I can do to help her, and tomorrow she’ll be as busy and tense as ever. At least for today, I want her to have a relaxing time.

While I was thinking about this, I arrived at the restaurant I wanted to visit.

The store was crowded with young men and women. I hadn’t seen any of them before, so they must have recently moved to Yang or dropped by during their trip.

The sight of them chatting and eating elegantly is a common sight in prosperous cities, so it felt strange to see them here.

[Welcome. Please take a seat at any available seat.]

A young woman greeted me in a professional manner.

It wasn’t a stuffy old man or an obese middle-aged woman. Her sophisticated hairstyle and outfit fit the atmosphere of the restaurant, but I still felt out of place.

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[Thank you.]

A seat in the back of the room was available, so I waited for Sophie to sit down, and then I sat down in the chair.

[It looks like an expensive place. …… Are you sure?]
[Of course. You don’t need to worry about it, because I have some extra income from Zelma–sama.]

After saying that, Sophie was finally relieved and seriously wondered what to ask for. She couldn’t seem to decide on one thing, so she stopped and let out a “Hmmm”.

Did she like to eat?

That was a surprising discovery.

I guess I hadn’t noticed it before because I had been so focused on her combat abilities and her special position in the world.

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The former saint is also a human being and a woman. It’s okay to like to eat and to have a hard time deciding what to eat.

[What do you want to eat?]
[I’m conflicted between noodles full of meat and noodles with sweet and sour fruit. They both sound delicious. ……]

Who decided that you can only choose one.

It’s okay to be free. I’m not a fan.

[If so let’s ask for the both of them.]
[Are you sure?]
[I was just thinking I’d like some too. Why don’t we both share?]

The smile on her face seemed to clear her mind, as if she had been subjected to a cleansing spell.

If I could see her like this, I would want to invite her back even if I didn’t have any business with her, but I can’t help but think about Sophie, so I guess I should talk about work.

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