The Amber Sword

Chapter 243


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The shadow within the darkness disappeared as fast as it appeared. Brendel hesitated for just a second before he raised Halran Gaia and chased after it. The endless passage was illuminated by the soft glow of the Stone in his hands. The walls were plastered with a type of cement that was commonly seen in most dungeons to waterproof it.


The youth's footsteps resonated louder, proving that there was a large cavity ahead. Brendel slowed down just to see the silhouette flash in front of his face and fired two spikes of crystal at him.


"Shit!" He slashed in the air and shattered the crystal projectiles. He gritted his teeth and brushed his arms. He admitted in Marsha’s name that the monster had ridiculous strength. Seeing that his attack had failed, the monster retreated. Albeit slow, it hid in the shadows and quickly disappeared.


Brendel swore furiously and chased the monster. But after a few steps, he halted and looked back that the corridor he came from with the Stone in his hands. Apparently, he had made it past the corridor and is not in the chamber he saw earlier.


The area was an open hall filled with tall pillars. The light from the Stone did not even cover one percent of the entire area. The floor alternated between black and white slabs of rocks. Besides the smears and cracks on the ground, it was evident that the place was once a majestic place.




He could not help but hold his breath. The place did not resemble that of a catacomb, unlike one befitting a king. “Eh?” The ground and the lower half of the pillars were filled with strange patterns. At first he thought it was some kind of artistic murals, but upon a closer look he discovered that they were grooves with mithril cast into them.


Brendel's hand trembled. He nearly used Halran Gaia to dig out the mithril for himself. After all, he knew that there was only one thing that could be used with it - a Magic Formation.


But he forcefully stopped himself and studied the area carefully. The silent and vast darkness seemed to contain some sort of mystical energy, and he was at a loss of words for a moment: this entire corridor is actually a giant Magical Formation! He recalled his experience in the Everwinter Hall, a sanctuary that was blessed by the Goddess of the Northern Winds, Jubius. That divine territory was protected by four statues of that Goddess, with several kilometers of golden runes to cast a neverending cold wind. And surprisingly, those runes were similar to the ones he was seeing in the tomb.


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With nothing could be heard, nor seen for miles, it may seem that the Magical Formation seemed like a graveyard, the silver runes seemed seemingly lost their usage 


"Just what is this place exactly?" Brendel muttered to himself. He trekked across the worm-like silver-colored runes and went deeper into the hall. His lonely footsteps rang out in the darkness and he appeared like a small light moving across a dark world from afar.


Legends had it that the Everwinter Sanctuary was very far away, secluded from the rest of the world in the Evermist Mountains. But what about this place? Who could build such majestic structures?


"Orthlyss, you have any idea about it?"


“Never heard nor known about it.” Orthlyss's voice was curious as well, "but the origins of this place seems to be pretty important. The runes look like they are even older than me. You lucky brat, to have found such a place randomly without even trying to.”


Brendel's response was a dry smile.


"Careful, that thing is near you." Orthlyss's voice suddenly became taut.


"That thing?" Brendel quickly understood it was the Crystal Wight. He cursed and was about to look back, but was stopped by Orthylss: "Don't turn around and keep walking forward. Wait for my signal." 


Brendel's eyes brightened. That monster seemed like it was very familiar with the hall's structure. If it was determined to play hide and seek with him, it would really be troublesome to deal with that monster. However, if he followed Orthylss’s judgment, he might actually manage to finish the guy off.


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He gave an affirmative response and continued to walk forward with a relaxed gait, completely trusting in Orthlyss. The two of them had overcome many troubles before, there was no way she would harm him. He walked slowly, his footsteps were like a metronome's tick. He placed his hand on his sword sheath. While he looked as if he was observing the surroundings, he placed his focus behind him, at the monster.


It did not take long for Orthlyss's sudden shout to fill his ears: "Turn to your left, behind the third pillar!"


Brendel's reaction was immediate. Halran Gaia was flung out with all his might. A pillar of white light broke through the pillar with a loud explosion and it was followed by an inhuman scream. A figure retreated swiftly out from the dust and rubble, but it was clear that the monster had been injured as it was slower than before.


"Are you still trying to escape!" Brendel was about to curse at the thought of the monster fleeing.

He Dashed to cut off its escape. The monster took the unexpected hit and lost a leg. No wonder. Brendel thought. However, he was not the sort of person to pity it and thus stabbed at the monster.

Although it had a ridiculous amount of strength, its defense and agility were unexpectedly low. Usually, Brendel would have more trouble dealing with BOSSes, but he should have easily bypassed the Wight’s defense. His sword began to glow, an indicator that the Stabbing skill was active.


There was no way for the Crystal Wight to avoid his attack. But a card suddenly appeared on its chest and a wave of energy burst out and clashed with Halran Gaia's sharp tip.


"A Card of Fate?!" Brendel was startled. A tremendous force pushed the sword out of his hands.


Brendel rolled backward without caring about his right hand that fell numb. He used his left hand to activate his own Card of Fate, the Sun Blade, manifesting a physical flaming sword that shot through the air to pierce the Crystal Wight's chest.


The entire room fell silent.


Then cracks radiated from the monster's chest and spread everywhere. It struggled towards Brendel as if he was out for revenge, but after a few steps, its entire constitution shattered into fragments.

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Both Brendel and Orthlyss were stunned.


Brendel sighed with relief and looked at the Sun Blade card. The colors were already dull, indicating that it would be going back into his deck. He was not concerned about the fact that he could not reactivate the card until the crisis was over, but rather the fact that it held so much destructive power.


The Sun Blade was never a powerful card, but it's effective in dealing with the undead. He was surprised to see the Wight using a Card, and had thought that he would be fighting against a powerful Planewalker. But it seemed that Ciel’s warning was a fluke.


Why is the contrast between reality and expectation so big?


Brendel took several more moments to compose himself before noticing a notification in the corner of his eyes.


- Elite Boss "Half-crystallized Leader" has been killed, 72310 XP received.


"It's really a boss.? Half-crystallized Leader? It's actually a Boss NPC?" Brendel read the words before he quickly searched through the crystals on the floor and found it.


There was a silver-colored card resting quietly in the broken crystals, glittering against the light.


Brendel was troubled. How did the monster know how to use a Card? According to Tuman, only a Planeswalker can perceive the relation of the Laws with the Cards. So a normal human or monster should not be able to use it.


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 Brendel absentmindedly rubbed his numb arm. He picked up the silver-colored Card that signified its rarity - as well as its cost-efficiency. Silver Elf Medissa was such a case. With only 15 points, it was his strongest card.


The card that Brendel picked up was called "Anrolda's Divine Ring". It seemed like an artifact, only to discover that it was a magic spell. 


- Anrolda's Divine Ring (Paradise of Adversity XX)

- 10 Light EP

- Spell - Instant

- Effect: The next attack you receive is nullified

- "Divine protection."


"Another card belonging to the Paradise of Adversity....." Brendel immediately understood why his attacked failed. After looking at the card several times, he still could not discover anything unique on the card that would allow the Crystal Wight to use the card.


If this crystal statue is a Planeswalker--- But how can that be? A Planeswalker that only has one card? There should be more on it, right?


There were sudden footsteps coming from behind the puzzled youth. Both Brendel and Orthlyss were shocked: they did not perceive its presence. It was normal for Brendel to not notice it, but Orthylss? The thousand-year being? Although she did not have a physical body, her powers did not regress much.


The enemy was probably abnormally powerful.


"Be careful." She reminded the youth in a strict tone.

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