Volume 1 – Chapter 5 (Part 1)

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Li Yun saw that the empress was no longer staring at her but finally turned to the Crown Prince, then she was slightly relieved. She was used to being superior, as she always criticized her subordinates is her previous life. So she couldn’t be accustomed to being reproached by others. Regardless of the purpose of the Fourth Prince to help her, she would remember his favor this time. Wangchun Tower, as its name suggested, wasn’t a good place, where might be an ancient whorehouse. The noble prince of a country should visit the whorehouse. It was not only a matter of stigma but also a sign of low-grade character.

However, looking at the Crown Prince’s decent look, she really couldn’t tell that he was a lecherous guy. The conflicts for the imperial power were like battles without blood, but people would die or survive in these conflicts. It was also possible that he was framed by the Fourth Prince. After all, there were certainly many people who yearned for his inheritance. However, there were so many people who handling filthy matters secretly, though they might look glamorous from the appearance; while he (the Crown Prince) happened not to be one of them, which was possible as well.

With a rare respite, Li Yun thought of all kinds of ideas. She would like to see how the Crown Prince responded to this censure.

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“Cool off muhou, yesterday erchen did go to Wangchun Tower, but I was assigned by fuwang to investigate some things, and I didn’t stay long there. When sister Yue arrived there, I had already gone for a long time. Erchen have been brought up by muhou since childhood, with muhou’s teaching, how can I be an immoral person? If muhou don’t believe it, just ask fuwang.” The Crown Prince wasn’t nervous in the empress’ glare, he glanced at the Fourth Prince and then answered calmly.

When hearing these words, the Fourth Prince puckered his thin lips, and his hands in the sleeves also clenched, his blue veins bulging. It was obvious that he didn’t expect the Crown Prince went to Wangchun Tower with the emperor’s command. He then kept silent.

Hearing the words, the empress moderated her facial expression slightly and nodded, saying in a softened tone, “Bengong* know you aren’t that kind of immoral people. It turns out that His Majesty commanded you to go there for an investigation. No wonder. But you’d better not go to a place like that, in case you would be captivated by coquettish women.”

“Yes, erchen will keep muhou‘s words in mind!” The Crown Prince bowed and replied respectfully.

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Then the empress turned to Li Yun again. Her gentle voice became quite harsh, “Yue’er, you’re too presumptuous. Although the place is filthy, you shouldn’t set fire to it, and you even forbid the people inside from coming out. Anyway, they are living human beings!”

Li Yun didn’t expect that the Crown Prince would escape the responsibility so easily. Facing the empress’s censure, Li Yun didn’t know what to do. To confess the guilt? But it was Yun Qianyue who committed it, rather than Li Yun who just came here. Even if she didn’t confess that, she was already accused by many people of doing it. It seemed that there was no way out for her. She felt a little upset and could only keep silent.

This time, the Fourth Prince didn’t speak for Li Yun anymore and didn’t even look at her. Apparently, he didn’t manage to destroy the Crown Price’s reputation, so he decided to distance himself from this unfavorable situation.

Thinking of that, Li Yun quite understood his choice and knew the reason why the Fourth Prince must drag her here – to prove that the Crown Prince didn’t live an honest and clean life so as to damage his reputation. She sighed secretly – that’s quite normal in ancient times, and the root of all the troubles was the throne. It seemed that the Fourth Prince was not a person who was satisfied to live a relaxed and leisure life.

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When the empress finished her words, all people around fell silent. Dozens of eyes fell on Li Yun, and a variety of expressions showed on their faces, gloating, cynical, and indifferent. But no one stood out to help her.

Li Yun thought that Yun Qianyue’s character was so bad. She even had no intimate friend!

“Yue’er! Have you heard bengong’s words?” The empress didn’t refer herself as Yun’er’s aunt anymore. The word “bengong” revealed her high status, serious and majestic. She was indeed the empress.

Li Yun lowered her head and said with a low voice, “I’ve heard it!” The voice was full of grievance. Saying these words, Li Yun burst into tears. She sobbed, “Aunt, just now you said you would help me as I’ve been bullied by others. Why are you educating me now? Wangchun Tower is such a filthy place. I want to burn it for a long time.”

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The last sentence was full of resentment, and it seemed that burning it was not enough to eliminate the anger in her heart.

The empress had been confused just now, but she was relieved when she heard the last sentence said by Li Yun. It seemed that Yue’er was still the same as before, and nothing had changed. The reason she kept silent just now must be because she had known that she was wrong this time and was bullied by someone. But she became the normal Yun’er now. The empress sternly said, “Do you still think you have a reason? You don’t want to repent your faults, and you even get into trouble in the imperial palace. I must have been too indulgent in the past so that you became so anarchic now.”

Li Yun had been crying desperately, she stopped saying anything and just stood there still. Wasn’t the empress indulgent to her? She would like to see if the empress really doted on her.

“Guards, come in and put this bastard who has brought great trouble but doesn’t regret into the jail of the Punishment Ministry. I’ll ask the emperor to deal with her!” Shouted the empress who seemed to be irritated and infuriated at what Li Yun had done.

When the empress finished these words, Li Yun clearly felt the atmosphere in the entire pavilion instantly became easier. It seemed that there were many people who wanted her to die. Many girls were showing a happy look. They must be thinking that there would be one less opponent who wanted to marry the Crown Prince once she was arrested.

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