
TL: Hua

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After wasting a while in the car, when Ji Mingjiang and Clarice got off the car, the fine snow that had just started to fall outside had begun to get heavier. The moment the two officially stepped into the corridor, The wind and snow behind suddenly picked up.

The whistling wind was about to brush against the edge of Ji Mingjiang’s clothes, but was ruthlessly blocked by the swiftly closing door.

Ji Mingjiang’s eighteenth birthday is not that special. After all, he has already experienced this special time in his previous life. The boundary between minors and adults has never appeared to him in his life, let alone that he had already started working a year before he turned eighteen.

The only thing that makes him feel that his age is useful… is probably the fact that he can finally righteously reject the overly underage titles that appeared during live broadcasts.

There is no significant difference between the life of the eighteen-year-old and the life of the seventeen-year-old. Besides bringing him too many jobs that he shouldn’t have at his age, it doesn’t cause a significant change in his life. His daily schedule is basically the same as before.

When he said he wanted to celebrate his birthday on New Year’s Day… in fact, it was just a sudden whim, and he wanted to become an adult quickly. He didn’t take this birthday seriously.

So when Clarice suddenly said happy birthday to him in the car, Ji Mingjiang was stunned for a moment before he reacted.

How long has it been since he last received a sincere blessing from others or properly celebrated his birthday?

But thanks to Clarice’s words, Ji Mingjiang paused thoughtfully when he was about to open the door of the dining room and then handed over the task of opening the door to His Majesty, who seemed to be a bit distracted when he was walking next to him.



“Why don’t you open the door?”

Seeing Ji Mingjiang’s hand stretched out and suddenly hovering in mid-air, only a little away from the door handle, Leiden couldn’t help but feel a little strange. As he asked, he stepped forward and pushed open the closed door of the dining room.


“Happy birthday – Jiang, uh…”

The door of the dining room was open, and the party popper sounded in the smooth corridor, mixed with two somewhat excited congratulations.

Although it got stuck halfway through,.

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New era, new technology.

Ji Mingjiang admired the dazzling galaxy sloping down from Clarice’s head with a look of amazement.


By the way, he was thankful that he stopped immediately when his intuition gave him a crazy warning.

His eyes quietly drifted to Clarice’s head, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was true that it looked good, he didn’t want to hang something shiny like this on his head.

Because he was at his own home, Leiden opened the door of the dining room with any vigilance and was sprayed with a headful of party poppers.

He could even see some tiny particles on the bridge of his nose!

Sensing Ji Minjiang’s guilty gaze and then thinking of his strange pause just now, there is nothing else he didn’t understand.

“Ji, Ming, Jiang…”

Leiden ground his back teeth, not caring about the somewhat embarrassed pair in front of him. He turned his head and accurately caught the figure behind him, who was trying to run at the sight of the situation.

A lot of shiny pieces had stuck to the hem of his sleeves. Leiden looked up and down at him before finally patting his head in frustration, giving up the idea of sprinkling the things on his head.

After all, if a bunch of silver pieces are mixed in the long silver hair, it will be impossible to clean it, no matter how hard you try.


Seeing the two people quarreling among themselves, Kiro and Greni, who sprayed at the wrong person, looked at each other. Then Kiro came behind Greni with a clear conscience and pushed his wheelchair to the table.

“You two…”

Lin Feng leaned against the table with his arms folded. He rarely took off his white coat, which seemed to be welded onto his body, and changed into a normal casual outfit, but his tone still had a hint of hospital-like coldness.

Looking at the two people who were both stopped at the door, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and interrupted: “If you want to fight, go out and fight. Ji Mingjiang can start another live broadcast, by the way. If you don’t fight, then hurry and come in to eat. The cake is going to collapse in a while.”

“Ohhh, coming.”

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Ji Mingjiang took a picture of the sequins on his clothes, glared at Clarice before walking forward, and then paused in response.

He raised his head and looked directly in front of him; his eyes widened slightly in confusion, and his tone was also full of confusion: “Lin Feng, why are you here?”

If he remembers correctly, Lin Feng and Lin Nan are family. Why is it that Lin Nan has to go home for a reunion dinner after watching Chen Ning, and Lin Feng comes to stay with them?


Lin Feng stared at him with speechless dismay. After a moment, he looked somewhat incredulously at Clarice, who was standing next to him, and then saw the same look in his eyes as that of Ji Mingjiang.

“You guys are being serious right now? Do you need me to take an extra shift on vacation to look at your eyes?”

Lin Feng laughed angrily.

So he’s been standing here all this time, and neither of these two people who could single-handedly pick out federation people from the crowd noticed him? ? ?

“This is a very reasonable confusion. Who would have thought that you didn’t go home during the Chinese New Year and come to our place?”

Ji Mingjiang twitched the corner of his mouth and argued for himself and Clarice.


“So, does your family really have no objections? I met with Lin Nan before I came back. Your family does have the custom of having dinner together.”

As he spoke, Ji Mingjiang pulled Clarice’s sleeve and walked towards the dining table.

Lin Feng looked at the two people walking one after the other, focusing a few glances at Clarice before retracting his gaze when the other party looked back in confusion. He didn’t say anything; only his expression became odd for a moment, but the swiftness with which it disappeared again made Leiden wonder if he had imagined it.

He lazily straightened up from the dining table and moved his legs and shoulder joints a little before pulling out the chair next to him and sitting down. He said very nonchalantly: “Eighty percent of them won’t be there, and I reckon they don’t want to see me so early at the table, so I’ll just go over there in the evening. As the saying goes, the fragrance is far away and the smell is near1远香近臭 [Yuǎn xiāng jìn chòu] The fragrance is far away and the smell is near is an idiom, which means that distance produces beauty. When people are very close, they often have conflicts for various reasons, and all they see are the shortcomings of the other party., so if we spend more time together, there’s no guarantee they won’t look at me more dissatisfied.”

Leiden, who always felt that this guy’s words contained deeper meaning, paused in taking the plate and glanced at him.

Lin Feng looked back with an innocent face.

“Let’s cut the cake.”

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Leiden felt inexplicably that he was being targeted, but he had no evidence and could not find a reason. He just thought that Lin Nan was having another illness. He handed the knife in his hand to Ji Mingjiang and whispered.

The sharp silver tip of the knife disappeared into the delicate and sweet cream and soft cake embryo, and the sweet scent of the fruit gradually soaked into the air around Ji Mingjiang.

“Happy birthday–”

Looking at the pictures of several people around him who were sincerely happy for his “adulthood,” the corners of Ji Mingjiang’s mouth tilted up uncontrollably to a new high.

After the New Year holiday, Ji Mingjiang devoted himself again to the renovation and reconstruction of the Mermaid Center and the guidance and correction of the behavior and character of the little mermaids currently living here.

He originally intended to share the pressure of live streaming and gradually shift the audience’s attention and love for mermaids from him to younger mermaids, but what he didn’t expect was…

What about the promise that love doesn’t disappear but only transfers? Obviously, he had only heard of these two possibilities in his two lifetimes; how did it become a copy and paste in his case?!!!!

Seeing the rapid increase in the number of fans on other little mermaids accounts, Ji Mingjiang wanted to quietly get rid of his “part-time job” and thought helplessly. Who knows? When he tried to cancel the live broadcast on the first day after the new year, he found that his backend information had almost exploded.

[Jiang Jiang is Jiang Jiang, and the other little mermaids are other little mermaids. Although they are all cute, Jiang Jiang is still different! ]

Thinking of the answer he got when he first asked this question, Ji Mingjiang couldn’t help but sigh.

Damn it, why is everyone so good and obedient? Do universities now offer such courses specifically?

Ji Mingjiang thought angrily while sketching on the draft in his hand.

When the nine o’clock alarm rang, Ji Mingjiang took a look at his light brain, put away a pile of documents and drawings on the table, got up and walked out the door, and turned on his live broadcast equipment.

[Jiang Jiang didn’t even broadcast live during the Chinese New Year! Although there are also messages and private messages, it’s better to wish Jiang Jiang a Happy New Year and Happy Birthday here again! Anyway, there’s no such thing as too much blessing…]

[On the first day of resumption of work, I saw Jiang Jiang, and I took off happily~]

[Is Jiang Jiang eighteen years old? He’s grown up! ]

[! ]

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The live broadcast room had just opened, and compared to before, a lot more viewers swarmed in, filling the stream with dense barrages. Ji Mingjiang glanced over and saw a few lonely barrages floating by.

“Well, yeah.” Most of Ji Mingjiang’s face was hidden under the scarf, and his voice was a little muffled. He glanced at the camera, responded, and said, “So you should change the way you call me. Don’t you think it’s weird?”

[Hey, not at all! ]

Ji Mingjiang:……

Give up the struggle.jpg

“Brother Jiang.”

Fortunately, Ji Mingjiang didn’t collapse for too long. He soon saw Chen Ning waiting for him at the door. The other party stood on tiptoes and waved to him happily.

The relaxed look on his face made everyone in the broadcast room think that Ji Mingjiang had come over to play a relaxing little game with them today, until the two of them walked forward while talking in whispers and walked onto a wide river with fine ice flowers floating on the uppermost layer.

Next to them were the other little fish, who also had some excitement and eagerness on their faces.

[…… Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what’s going on here? It can’t be what I think it is, right?]

[Ahhhhh, you don’t really want to jump in; it looks cold! ]

[Is it really okay? ! ]

The questions, full of confusion and panic, weren’t answered immediately. After seeing Ji Mingjiang coming, the mermaids standing nearby couldn’t wait to change back to their original mermaid forms and jumped into the cold ice with lightness and flexibility. In the river, tails of different colors were looming under the sparkling water.

Ji Mingjiang helped them put away their clothes before looking back at his live broadcast room. After noticing the question marks on the screen, he paused and then said with ease, “Well, at least face up to their mermaid status. The temperature right now might be a bit low for humans, but it’s really okay for mermaids.”

The camera shook a few times and was stabilized after a few seconds. At this time, Ji Mingjiang was swaying his tail and half floating on the water. He said with a smile in his eyes, “Let’s go; I’ll take you to see something under the sea.”

1远香近臭 [Yuǎn xiāng jìn chòu] The fragrance is far away and the smell is near is an idiom, which means that distance produces beauty. When people are very close, they often have conflicts for various reasons, and all they see are the shortcomings of the other party.

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