TL: Hua

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Ji Mingjiang’s tail wobbled on the beach, swaying somewhat nervously as the waves rushed over.

Looking at Carrie, who was coming towards him with a swimming ring, Ji Mingjiang used almost all his strength to control his tail so that he would not jump into the sea directly because he felt too humiliated.

It’s really outrageous!

Why would you put a swimming ring on a fish that is about to swim in the sea?!

Do you still remember that mermaids are also fish?!

Ji Mingjiang’s pupils trembled like there was an earthquake inside.

Carl and other unknown mermaids nearby have obediently asked their own keepers to put on a swim ring for them. After Carrie looked around, she reluctantly lifted the light blue swimming ring in her hand and said, “Although I don’t know why this is necessary, for your safety and because the safety officer is still watching, put it on first.”

Ji Mingjiang also didn’t want to make things difficult for Carrie; after all, she had just gotten this job not long ago. It would be unfair for her if she was held accountable for this.

So he had no choice but to stiffen his body and let Carrie put on the swimming ring for him.

“It’s a bit odd, but the color kind of matches; I chose the blue specifically.” After pulling away, Carrie took a long look and expressed her high affirmation of her vision.

After she finished saying this, Ji Mingjiang controlled the muscles at the tail and then exerted all his strength. With a “plop”, he threw himself directly from the beach into the sea in a head-down posture.

And after entering the water, because the tail was facing upward, the swimming ring was directly carried away by the current from his body.

Just as Ji Mingjiang was about to complain that this swimming ring is obviously not for mermaids, he saw through the sparkling water that the security guard was frowning and walking towards Carrie.


He quickly swam toward the swimming ring, got in, and poked his head out to look at the serious-looking security officer on the shore, imitating Carl and showing a shy smile.

After fooling the security officer, Ji Mingjiang heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that he had never been so tired before.

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After looking around, Ji Mingjiang found that except for him, almost all the mermaids had closed their eyes against the swimming rings, as if they were asleep.

Coco also came this time. After chatting with Ji Mingjiang last time, his concern for his skin color has obviously weakened a lot. Now he was hugging his swimming ring and planning to find a suitable place to rest for a while.

After seeing Ji Mingjiang waving at him, he hesitated for a moment but still swam over.

“Lance, what do you want from me?” Coco looked a lot livelier, perhaps because he was in a better mood after letting go of the burden or because the air at the seaside is more humid and more suitable for mermaid activities.

Ji Mingjiang noticed this detail and planned to observe it later, but now…

“Are they all sleeping?” He glanced at the mermaids not far away and asked.

Coco nodded, “Because every time we come to the beach, we feel more relaxed physically and mentally, so even if we’re not very sleepy, we’ll close our eyes and take a nap here.”

Is it the natural affinity for the ocean? Ji Mingjiang was thinking when he heard Coco ask him, “Are you coming too? I can save a spot for you.”

Ji Mingjang was just about to decline the invitation when he suddenly thought of something and immediately nodded, “Then save one for me, but I’m not going over there yet; I’m going to stay by myself for a while.”

Although Coco didn’t know what he was going to do by himself, he still readily agreed to the request. Anyway, it’s just saving a spot in this wide sea.

After diving into the mermaid pile and vacating a spot, Coco closed his eyes. Ji Mingjiang waited for a while, confirming that the safety officer’s attention was now on him, before swimming in that direction.

Then, using the figures of these mermaids to block the view of the security officer, he quietly sank into the sea with the swimming ring in his arms.

After sinking into the water, he didn’t swim away in a hurry, but found an open sea area to observe the security officer’s expression. The other party didn’t show any abnormality, probably thinking that he was also resting in the mermaid school. Seeing this, Ji Mingjiang quietly dove a little deeper to prevent being noticed.

It’s the breath of freedom!

Finally leaving the area being watched, Ji Mingjiang took the swimming ring in his hand and turned it around excitedly.

If he is not allowed to move his body anymore, he suspects that his tail is going to degenerate.

After recklessly rushing away for a distance, the dark blue fishtail stretched unrestrainedly in the water, and the tulle-like fin also became more vivid under the water current.

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After reckoning that he had swum about seven or eight nautical miles, Ji Mingjiang exhaled a breath of foul air and turned back.

He really doesn’t want to go back. If it wasn’t for Carrie and the work of all the keepers present today…

So why did he send himself into that box so obediently? For the first time in his two lifetimes, Ji Mingjiang genuinely complained about himself.

However, even if he wants to run, this is not a good place to go.

Looking at the dead sea around him, Ji Mingjiang thought.

He swam so far that, except for the occasional coral clump, he didn’t see any other marine life.

There are no jellyfish, no baby whales, no fast-swimming sea turtles, and no relatives of dolphins. He hasn’t even seen a clownfish!

This area is probably cleaned up by the foster center to ensure safety, and this is too tightly guarded!

Expelling sharks and whales is fine. Is there any need to expel some ordinary small fish? And it was expelled so cleanly! He wanted to grab a snack on the way, but he couldn’t!

As soon as he swam to a distance of about tens of meters from the resting mermaid group, Ji Mingjiang’s ear fins moved. Did the security guard blow his whistle?

Oops, did they realize that he was missing? !

Thinking of this, and after confirming that the group of mermaids still had their eyes closed, Ji Mingjiang quickly swung his tail and rushed to the spot Coco had reserved for him.

It happened to be the security officer’s blind spot, and when he called Coco, he carefully observed the spot he had chosen.

As soon as he floated to the surface, Coco and the mermaids around him rubbed their eyes and woke up.

“Lance? When did you come here? I didn’t even notice.” Seeing the figure suddenly appear beside him, Coco asked in surprise.

Ji Mingjiang smiled and didn’t answer this question. Saying the specific time is too easy to expose himself. If there is a mermaid around who happened to be awake at the time he said, it would be a disaster.

He yawned, his eyes filling with water, pretending that he had just woken up with sleepy eyes.

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“Enough about that, why did the security officer blow the whistle?” He shifted the topic of conversation to the security officer.

“Oh, you’re talking about Mr. Gerber. He blows his whistle every half hour to prevent some mermaids from slipping out of the swimming ring and falling into the sea without anyone noticing.”

While swimming in the direction of the keepers, Coco explained to Ji Mingjiang.

“Of course, it’s also reminding us that it’s time for water and snacks.”

With that said, Coco moved closer to Song Li, picked up a palm-sized water glass, and asked Song Li to apply some sunscreen for him.

Carrie also came to Jimingjiang. Seeing this, Coco said: “Lance, you can also ask your keeper to apply some sunscreen for you; otherwise, your skin will get sunburned by ultraviolet rays. You can use mine if your keeper didn’t prepare any for you.”

Ji Mingjiang’s lips twitched when he heard this, and he politely rejected Coco’s kindness. He couldn’t even pinch the red marks on his skin, so how could he get sunburned?

“Sun protection? Lance, do you need sun protection?” Because of Coco’s low voice and the limited function of the translator, Carrie could only vaguely hear the familiar word sun protection.

Ji Mingjiang quickly shook his head and looked at Carrie, who had been fooled and began to bring him dried fish. In this rare instance, he was grateful for the humans and mermaids language barriers.

He thought it would be fine after drinking the water, but unexpectedly, Carrie took out a thermometer, touched his forehead, and the temperature was immediately displayed, which was then recorded by the safety officer who was assigned here.

Seeing Ji Mingjiang’s blank eyes, Carrie put away the things she had just taken out of her bag and explained: “It’s to prevent you from getting heat stroke. I have to take your temperature every half hour.”

Ji Mingjiang understood, but the problem is, they only came out for a total of three hours.

And it seems to be autumn now. Autumn, sea surface, mermaid, heatstroke… Don’t these words sound weird when you put them together?

Ji Mingjiang was very puzzled, but he had no choice but to stay put and wait for the security officer to record the body temperature of all the fish before he was allowed to go back into the water.

After going into the water for the second time, Ji Mingjiang repeated his old trick and entered the water again after avoiding Gerber’s sight.

The amount of exercise he is getting right now is not even a warm-up activity for him. After estimating the time, he plans to sprint back and forth twice at full speed.

However, halfway through the rush, Ji Mingjiang suddenly slammed his tail on the brakes.

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With his broad tail swinging back and forth, Ji Mingjiang stopped slowly and circled around. His hair was blown back by the current, and he sniffed the breath coming from that direction.

Why is there a bloody smell? There seems to be…the breath of a shark?

Oh no! Ji Mingjiang sharply turned around. The smell came from the side where the group of mermaids were located. He swam backward and happened to miss that shark!

He didn’t know if the keepers and security officers found out, but even if they did, they don’t look like they’re armed!

After confirming the direction, Ji Mingjiang’s tail flicked, and the whole fish rushed out like a stray arrow. His tail moved so fast that it became an afterimage, and the calm sea was twisted for an instant by him; even the floating seaweed was tangled up in the coral bush due to the current he carried.

It didn’t take him long to go back to his original position at full speed. When Ji Mingjiang saw the group of mermaids still sleeping leisurely, he breathed a sigh of relief and swam towards the direction of the bloody smell.

Not long after, a shark with some meat scraps hanging from the tips of its teeth appeared in front of him.

Ji Mingjiang saw the shark’s fierce gaze and didn’t even bother to waste time with it. He rushed in front of the shark and, under its dumbfounded gaze, slapped it with his tail.

This is also for the sake of survival.

Ji Mingjiang had been in contact with a few great white sharks before, and he could tell that this shark was still in a state of extreme hunger. Therefore, he didn’t use much force but only dragged it to the surface as a warning.

If you are sensible, you should leave here quickly and look for food in another place.

And if you’re on the surface, the safety officer should also notice.

Sure enough, as soon as Ji Mingjiang confirmed that the shark was about to leave in despair, he heard Gerber’s sharp whistle.

The author has something to say:

Seaweed: ?

Coral Grove: ?

Ji Mingjiang: I will give you a free sticker!

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