
TL: Hua

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Extra 2-8

Abbott Wilson officially sent out the invitation the week after receiving Clarice’s affirmative reply. At the same time, he repeated the same words on his private account and the Federation official account, with a more sincere expression of his anticipation.

Regardless of the purpose of the invitation or the meaning behind it, the people of the Empire paid great attention to it.

Six o’clock in the evening is the leisure time when most people have just gotten off work and are preparing for dinner. It is also the time when major forums and the entire Starnet are most active. Among the countless new posts of all kinds, titles that have Ji Mingjiang and Clarice names quickly piled up and became the hot post of the day.

[Have you seen the pictures and videos sent by the Federation today? Jiang Jiang and His Majesty look so handsome in suits. But I don’t know if I’m overthinking it; why do I always feel that the atmosphere between the two of them is weird…]

4L: I saw it! Hehe, not only that, I was watching the live broadcast at the time. Speaking of which, His Majesty really didn’t look like he was on a diplomatic visit this time. He and Jiang Jiang didn’t bring anyone else with them. I’d believe it if they said they were for fun.

7L: I have a bold guess. These two people have been too busy at work recently and took this opportunity to go on vacation. Otherwise, when has His Majesty ever run to the Federation before?

10L: But in response to what the original poster said, they don’t always act like friends or lovers. OP, is this the first time you saw Jiang Jiang and His Majesty alone together?

20L: Setting aside everything else, their clothes seem like a couple’s outfits. Am I the only one who thinks so?

30L: It’s not an illusion! It’s a couple’s outfit! My sister is in charge of His Majesty and Jiang Jiang’s dress design this time. She told me that when Jiang Jiang was asked to choose some details, what he said to His Majesty was so easily misunderstood that she thought she was going to design wedding attire this time… Fortunately, neither His Majesty nor Jiang Jiang is a fussy person, and the clothes are indeed very well designed.

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48L: I’m laughing so hard. What a genius mistake! Jiang Jiang has said at least 10,000 times not to mention CP stuff in front of him. Now look at this, hahahahahahahaha.


73L: No, the two of them don’t mind because the press is talking, right? Did no one really notice? The corners of Jiang Jiang’s and His Majesty’s mouths are swollen! It’s all swollen!!! [Enlarge detail image.jpg]

80L:? ? ?

99L:? ? ? ?

121L: Damn it? ? Is it true? ? ?

157L: wow!

Ji Mingjiang found a post related to himself and Leiden and clicked in to watch the excitement. He never expected that the relationship he had just confirmed this morning would be revealed by netizens in the evening.


While watching the excitement and replying to the post, Ji Mingjiang touched the corner of his mouth.


Is the swelling that obvious?

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“What’s wrong? Are you bored?”

Leiden, who had noticed his movements, put down the glass he had been using to make a show of himself and asked as he came closer.

“That’s not true.”

Ji Mingjiang glanced at the crowd in front of him who were drinking and laughing with their own thoughts, glanced at him from time to time, and shook his head.

This kind of occasion is definitely not fun, but it is still interesting to see all kinds of people saying hypocritical things with different thoughts.

He showed Clarice his light brain screen, and after confirming that the other party could see it clearly, he sighed: “I was just thinking that it would be a pity for these netizens not to become scouts.”


After skimming through the discussion of this post, Leiden was silent for a moment and was about to speak up when he noticed Abbot Wilson walking in this direction. At the same time, he also saw several young men and women following him.

No way, he really guessed it, right?


Leiden frowned slightly, and as soon as he took a step back, he was held in the waist by Ji Mingjiang behind him, and in this delay, Abbot Wilson had already led people to the two of them.

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As if he hadn’t noticed Ji Mingjiang at first, when he walked up to Clarice and saw Ji Mingjiang behind him, the wrinkles on Abbot Wilson’s face trembled, and his smile almost dropped.

He really didn’t understand why this person and the fish always stuck together. How come food and drink at this banquet couldn’t attract Ji Mingjiang’s attention?

But no matter how much he didn’t understand, for such a fish that could directly charge into his base camp and beat people up, Abbott Wilson wouldn’t take the initiative to provoke him, no matter how much he wanted to, let alone that he had something to ask of Ji Mingjiang now.

“Your Majesty Clarice.” He raised the wine glass in his hand towards Clarice, and the two transparent goblets collided lightly and made a crisp sound.

After taking a sip of the red wine in the glass, Abbot Wilson patted the shoulder of the person behind him and said with a smile, “I heard that His Majesty is going to take Mr. Ji Mingjiang to stay in the Federation for a few more days to see the scenery after finishing the business. And we’re, of course, very welcoming to this, so we’ve also specially found a few people who are very familiar with the planets for the two of you. They can also act as tour guides if needed.”


Leiden gave Wilson, who was waiting for an answer, a somewhat surprised look.

This old guy actually knows how to find superficial excuses for the embarrassing things he wants to do. He thought that, with how the Federation handled things, they would speak out directly without blushing.

“No, we don’t need a tour guide.” Putting the wine glass in his hand on the table behind him, Leiden simply rejected Wilson’s enthusiastic recommendation. Seeing that he and the people behind him still wanted to say something, he immediately said very nonchalantly, “Or are you worried about letting us see something we shouldn’t, so you’ve specially found someone to spy on us?”

As soon as these words came out, Abbot Wilson did not dare to say anything anymore. The men and women behind him, who were originally full of expectations, also turned pale in an instant. After receiving the instructions, they left here directly.

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“I’ve already asked them to leave. If you two don’t want to, I won’t force anyone on you.”

After sighing pretentiously, Abbot Wilson changed the topic and said, “Since you guys don’t want me to get involved in what’s going on after that, let’s get down to business? Regarding those mermaids, do you two have any plans at the moment?”

At this point, Wilson still had an expression of anxiety on his face that was probably half deliberate and half genuine. It could be seen that this matter had indeed put a lot of pressure on him recently.

“You’re too impatient.” Ji Mingjiang was eating a cake on his own without giving a face when Leiden and Wilson were talking earlier. At this moment, the plate with the cake in his hand had not been put down yet. He looked at Wilson and shook his head in disapproval. “You’re so impatient; be careful not to get kicked out of this seat if you’re confused and do something wrong one day.”


Wilson’s forehead twitched a few times visibly, but Ji Mingjiang didn’t plan to push him too hard. He just admired his twisted expression and said compassionately, “But there is still a basic idea, so you don’t have to worry. And I’m sure I’ll do better than you people when the time comes anyway.”

“Then I hope you’ll be true to your word.” Finishing this sentence through gritted teeth, Abbot Wilson turned around and tried to leave this place full of trouble.

After taking a few steps, he turned around to see the image that made his eyes widen in shock.

Is he blind?

If he weren’t blind, why would he see these two violent people, Clarice and Ji Mingjiang, so close to each other? They were almost kissing at this distance!


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