TL: Hua

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Three days later, the match day officially arrived, and to Ji Mingjiang’s regret, Cole is responsible for taking him to a separate room.

Knowing that Carrie had already told him the precautions, Cole probably noticed that Ji Mingjiang was not very close to him and didn’t say anything extra. After confirming that he was in good condition, he opened the observation screen, closed the door, and walked out.

It was only after the screen was turned on that Ji Mingjiang realized that it was actually a high-definition, enlarged version of the surveillance video. One screen was divided into eight equal parts, showing the eight people’s every move since they entered the mermaid foster center.

The surveillance videos are captured from many angles. If it weren’t for this, Ji Mingjiang would never have thought that there would be a surveillance camera hidden there.

The screen stopped abruptly after they entered the break room. After a moment of blackout, the original eight squares appeared with close-up photos of these people, and the serial numbers were thoughtfully marked.

The photos stayed for about a minute, probably waiting for the mermaid to remember their faces. Ji Mingjiang looked at them carefully and found that they were indeed very good-looking people. Even if some people were not particularly handsome, their facial features were also very dignified and confident.

Then the photo marked with serial number one suddenly zoomed in, and next to it, in the form of a video, displayed his occupation, family situation, and answer to the mermaid center’s questionnaire, including how to take care of mermaids in the future and whether there is any activity place for mermaids.

After No. 1 was introduced, No. 2, No. 3, and so on followed suit… until all eight people were introduced and eight options with their photos appeared on the screen.

In a multiple-choice question, he needs to choose from these eight people who he thinks can enter the next round.

Ji Mingjiang looked at the screen in front of him with pitch-black eyes.

To be honest, he didn’t want to choose any of them.

These people include the military commander, the head of chambers of commerce, a movie star who straddles the entertainment and business circles, and a scientist with high academic status… The worst among them is still the child of a minister’s family.

Their financial resources and status are not low, and they will definitely be able to provide him with a better living environment than here, and maybe even directly enclose a piece of sea for him to swim happily.

But… he can feel that his life before and after will not change much.

He didn’t know if it was to please the mermaid center and the mermaids who are observing them, but when asked how they will take care of the mermaids in the future, most of their answers are very routine and templated in Ji Mingjiang’s eyes.

It’s nothing more than the freshest food, the most spacious swimming pool, a complete medical team, the best nursing products, and so on.

With a sigh, Ji Mingjiang raised his hand uninterestedly to pick out a few people who had mentioned the key word “respect,” and then directly clicked submit.

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There were only three people who received notice of entering the second round. When this extremely low probability came out, not only the eight people present but even the person in charge were stunned.

No matter how bad the situation was before, the ratio would be 1/2.

However, he quickly adjusted his mood and said with a smile on his face, “Then, Mr. Chen Yuanchuan, Ms. Bai Yuan, and Mr. Amir are entering the second round. Please enter the observation room where the mermaid is for ten minutes.”

He bowed slightly to indicate that these three could go. “Please hurry up and don’t keep little Lance waiting for too long.”

The remaining five people, who were not chosen, are naturally still sitting in place. They took time out of their busy schedules to participate in the matching event, so of course they will not only match one mermaid. When the remaining three come back from elimination, they will choose again who they want to match.

Less than thirty minutes later, the door of the lounge was pushed open, and the young master of the Lavender family who was not selected turned his head over and was about to take a good look at which two poor souls were eliminated, but he saw…

“Why are all three of you back?!” In a rare moment, he forgot the noble etiquette that he was repeatedly reminded of on a regular basis and shouted out in shock.

The crisp teenage voice echoed for a long time in the quiet lounge, and all eight people had varying degrees of embarrassment.

Chen Yuanchuan gave him a cold look. The military uniform on his body added a bit of seriousness to his appearance. Bernie Lavender felt a little guilty and kept silent. His dad wouldn’t even dare to mess with the military, so he should shut up.

However, Chen Yuanchuan, who had a stern expression, was far less calm than he appeared to be, and his heart was about to be overwhelmed by the three words “what to do.”

He’s about to go crazy. This is a task entrusted to him by His Majesty himself. It’s over, it’s over, it’s over, it’s over! ! !

Bai Yuan didn’t care about the young boy’s offensive words. After all, as the president of the chamber of commerce, she inevitably has to deal with all kinds of people. She adjusted the hairstyle specially done for today and said with a chuckle: “I’m also a little surprised. I didn’t expect that none of us three could enter the eyes of that little guy, and even the most popular Mr. Amir couldn’t get his approval.”

Amir was also a little helpless. His outfit today was decided after combining the suggestions of the stylist and fans. He tried his best to make the sensitive and fragile mermaid feel his gentleness and kindness. Unexpectedly, he failed.

“So, is it true that no one will be able to take that little mermaid away this time?” Bernie asked the person in charge who was sitting on the side without giving up, relying on his young age and a deliberate pleading tone.

“Of course not.” The person in charge remained unmoved, maintaining a fixed smile on his face. “That’s the rule; Lance will soon be…”

As he was talking, he stopped suddenly, and his calm face was also filled with shock.

“Oddo: Temporarily add a person; you can make arrangements for His Majesty to meet with Lance directly.”

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“Oddo: His Majesty has arrived and is walking towards you, hurry up.”

Wait what? His calm facade immediately crumbled. His Majesty, who frightened and made several little mermaids cry every year, is here again???

He stood up abruptly, with a distorted expression that couldn’t be concealed even if he tried his best to calm down. “Excuse me for a moment; a few of you can send me a message after you select the mermaid you want to continue matching. I will operate the process later.”

After speaking, he hurried out, leaving behind several people in the room who were looking at each other.

In the observation room.

Ji Mingjiang was lying on the bank and wagging his tail boredly. He just met a marshal, a chairman, and a film star in turn. The emotions he sensed showed that those three people were very fond of him, and from what he had observed with his naked eye, all three of them had a pleasant surprise in their eyes when they saw him.

And after seeing the translator on his ear fins, they all squatted down and promised him in a low voice, as if afraid of scaring him, what a good life they would give him in the future and how much care and attention they would give him.

very responsible, very good three people.

Unfortunately, too much responsibility isn’t good for him.

Ji Mingjiang thought somewhat apologetically. He certainly didn’t miss the disappointment in the eyes of those three people when he shook his head.

So the match this time is considered a failure; he’s going back to the days of being “taken care of” by Cole again?

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Thinking of this, Ji Mingjiang was planning to take advantage of the rare time alone to move his tail when he heard the sound of the door opening in front of him.

No way, so fast?

Ji Mingjiang moved his ears in surprise and swatted the water, a little aggrieved.

However, what came after the door opened was not the brisk footsteps of soft-soled shoes but the dull sound of leather shoes or heavier boots as they landed on the floor. Maybe they were military boots; that’s what the marshal named Chen Yuanchuan sounded like when he came towards him, only this one had heavier footsteps.

In addition to this, the sound of cloth rubbing against each other could be heard.

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“Da, da, da.”

After three steps, a pair of jet-black and shiny military boots stopped in front of Ji Mingjiang’s eyes. He slowly looked up. His good eyesight allowed him to see the Bauhinia flower pattern embroidered with dark patterns at the hem of his military uniform at first glance.

Ah, it is a symbol of the royal family. He can occasionally see this pattern on some equipment in the fostering office. Carrie told him the meaning of this pattern.

And as far as he knows…

After looking at the pattern on the hem, Ji Mingjiang raised his head slightly and then met a pair of dark golden eyes, and both of them could clearly see their own figures in each other’s eyes.

Among the current members of the royal family, the only one who can have this embroidered pattern is the reigning Emperor.

Ha, dog emperor.

The dark blue tail suddenly popped out of the water and fell heavily. The shining light above made the silver-white glitter on the surface of the tail shine in an instant, and the splashing water wet the seemingly well maintained military boots.

Ji Mingjiang’s eyes sharply looked at the emperor, who was splashed with water and still had no change of expression.

Surprisingly, he still had the face to come to the match.


Leiden was forcibly dragged here by the steward. Probably because he was paying attention to the mermaid’s performance during this time, Rowlett assumed that he was interested in this mermaid but couldn’t speak up due to the previous refusal. So he directly pulled him into the hover car today and set the destination as the mermaid foster center.

“I’ve already greeted that old fellow, Oddo. You’d better go see him directly today. If it doesn’t work this time, I won’t mention it again in the future.” Rowlett looked at Leiden with a smile and swore by his words.

But that’s what you said last time…

Leiden looked at him hesitantly. Finally, he sighed helplessly and agreed. Let’s just meet once. At worst, he would be escorted to the monitoring room again.

When the person in charge opened the door for him, the first thing Leiden saw was the smooth and shiny silver hair of the mermaid.

He didn’t cry as soon as the door was opened?

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Leiden stepped forward hesitantly. When he was directly in front of the mermaid, he saw the mermaid’s tail pat the water surface nervously.

The blue tail with silvery light is very healthy and strong, which is rare.

He could not help but praise in his heart.

But he’s still afraid…

Just as he was about to take a step back, the mermaid in front of him suddenly raised his head, and a pair of jet-black eyes met his gaze directly. He even saw himself in a daze through those eyes.

“You…” Seeing the translator next to the mermaid’s ear, Leiden was about to say something—after all, he’d heard that everyone else up to this point was speaking of their own accord.

Then he heard the mermaid who dared to meet his gaze suddenly say, “I want you.”


“I choose you; take me away.” Dog Emperor.

Quietly swallowing the last two words, Ji Mingjiang looked at the man with black hair and golden eyes in front of him and repeated them again.

It’s not that he really wants to go back with this person and kill him secretly. After all, even without considering escape and survival issues in the future, a country suddenly missing a leader will undoubtedly be a big mess, and this behavior will not benefit the future of the mermaid at all.

The main reason is that Jimingjiang can perceive that the person in front of him is very indifferent to him, even a little impatient. And the emperor of the empire, no matter how unhappy he is, wouldn’t treat a mermaid harshly.

This person has a dull attitude toward him; his livelihood is guaranteed in a short period of time; and he may be able to figure out what the mermaid clan has experienced before. Oh, by the way, he can annoy this person who doesn’t like mermaids for some time.

With four layers of buffs added together, if he doesn’t choose this person, then who does he choose?

Ji Mingjiang looked at the emperor, who seemed to be in deep thought, and happily wagged his tail.

The author has something to say:

Translating device: So many words, so troublesome; please simplify it.

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