TL: Hua

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“Lin Nan, do you want to go out for dinner together?”

After the handover ceremony for the re-election of the student union, seeing all the younger students leaving the conference room, the former members of the student union cheered and walked towards the door together.

Although he knew that Lin Nan didn’t usually like to have dinner parties, Zhuang Zhiye squeezed his head out from under the arms of the crowd and asked the person who was still sitting in his seat with messy hair.

“I’m not going, so have fun on your own and don’t forget to check in at night.”

Although he is already a junior, the requirements of the First Military Academy have always been strict and even harsh. The unchanging sleep check every night has been scolded by students for countless years.

After waving at his former vice president and the group of students who were finally relieved of their work, Lin Nan stretched and plopped down on the long table in the conference room, disregarding his image.

“Let me see how my ranking has improved since I haven’t been online in the past few months…”


“Huh???” A loud voice suddenly came from the quiet conference room: “Why did my ranking drop to more than 600??!”

Seeing the record on the light brain, Lin Nan widened his eyes and suddenly straightened up.

“Although the ranking of 666 is quite auspicious, how could it be so outrageous?”

He picked up the suit jacket that he had just taken off and put it on the back of the chair and frantically complained about his rapidly declining ranking while his hands were gathering the documents that he had just flung all over the table.

After tidying up the table hastily, the pile of papers was tucked directly into his suit jacket.

The door of the conference room was quickly locked, and after stuffing the key into his trouser pocket, Lin Nan walked quickly towards the dormitory area.

His face was vaguely annoyed. “I should have known that even if I was busy during this period, I should have spared time to play a few matches.”

Others may not know, but Lin Nan, whose half of his elders have positions in the military, is very clear.

The low-level and mid-level games of these battle games may still be purely game-like, but there are already many military school students and cadets in the high-level games.

On the list of 1,000 people, two-thirds of the top 100 are among the best fighters in the military, and many of the rest are newcomers who are favored by all sides.

To a certain extent, this list has become supplementary material for the military bigwigs when they select people, and it is a big plus if a cadet ranks high on the list and has stable grades.

After this semester is over, he will be preparing to enter the military department! ! !

He will not allow himself to have a problem with this game material! Never!!!

After returning to the dormitory, he threw the suit jacket on the bed casually, and the scattered documents covered the entire table. Lin Nan glanced at Zhuang Zhiye’s extraordinarily tidy bed next to him and suddenly fell silent for a moment.

Oh yeah, Zhuang Zhiye!

This guy has the leisure to go to a dinner party!

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After gritting his teeth and sending a reminder to the exceptionally big-hearted former vice president, Lin Nan opened the holographic mode on his light brain.

After walking out of the cloakroom, he noticed a noisy street that he hadn’t seen for a while. Lin Nan recalled the location of the game area before walking in the direction of the flow of people.

Were there so many people who went to the game area before?

Lin Nan, who hadn’t been online for three months, was a little confused.

However, he was only stunned for three seconds when a match request suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Player Come And Beat Me, long time no see. Player/eh564e has challenged you. You have ten seconds to decide. ]

“Wow.” Lin Nan, who had just come online and received a long-awaited challenge message, raised his eyebrows and felt very amused.

Although he has now slipped to 666th place, those who were on the list before didn’t know that he used to be a stable 100-150 ranking person.

And this ID is too weird. Why is it like a mess of garbled characters? He has no impression at all.

So… a newcomer who just arrived during this time?

Ten seconds passed quickly, and Lin Nan pressed the [OK] button at the last second.

Although 666 is at the bottom, it is actually an intermediate ranking. To directly challenge this ranking, he was quite curious about the current level of rookies.

Of course, another reason for choosing to accept the challenge is that he doesn’t want to walk on his own.

The figure that was originally caught in the crowd became a little blurry after he pressed the button. Like a bad signal connection, Lin Nan’s figure flickered a few times before disappearing in place.

The next second, Ji Mingjiang raised his head as if feeling something, and the system screen appeared in front of his eyes.

[Player Come and Beat Me has accepted the challenge. The game will start in ten seconds. ]

[Pre-match reminder: This game is a random map. ]

After the sound of the system fell, Ji Mingjiang adjusted his posture in the cockpit and looked forward with burning eyes.

The next moment, the scene changed.

In the first second after the scene changed, before Ji Mingjiang had time to observe the surrounding environment, a sense of crisis went straight to his heart!

He immediately rolled on the spot, and the thick mecha dexterously hid behind a building.

Sure enough, the next second, a laser light beam shot down from the air, severely piercing through the piece of land where he was previously standing.

Ji Mingjiang maneuvered the mecha and looked up. Several armed helicopters were circling in the air. The laser beam was shot down by them.

“So is it necessary to get rid of your opponent in the case of active interference from the external environment?”

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This is a situation he has never encountered before. He doesn’t know if it’s a special feature for the ranking match or if it’s a map played by advanced field players.

“However, it is indeed much more interesting than before.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Mingjiang saw the loudspeaker in his upper right corner suddenly light up with a red dot, and an unfamiliar voice came out of it.

“Hello, can you hear me?”

The voice is very young and a little lazy. Anyhow, they didn’t seem to take the opening killing scene just now to heart.

Thinking back to the audience of this game that Clarice had told him about before, this confident and open attitude should be expected of an undergraduate cadet, right?

Seeing that he did not make a sound, the other party was not discouraged and introduced the map to him enthusiastically.

“This map is quite difficult to find. I have only encountered it two or three times in the past few years. You’re surprisingly lucky.”

“See those helicopters? They will attack all moving objects on the ground indiscriminately. Their laser cannons can directly shoot through the cockpit of your mecha.”

Having said that, the other party’s deliberate intimidation and attitude of waiting to see a joke are way too obvious.

Ji Mingjiang dodged a beam of laser light, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Are the college students of this era also this childish? These people are only a few years younger than Clarice, right? How can the difference be so big?


“Come on, be direct about what you want to say; don’t waste my time.”

He said it with some impatience.

After hearing his words, the person on the other side was obviously silent for a few seconds, and then the voice resounded again, but the previous joyous emotions were obviously restrained a lot.

“This map just needs us to avoid getting shot by the patrol helicopters to obtain victory, but I don’t think it’s interesting.”

Ji Mingjiang raised his eyebrows. “Do you want to compete with which of us shot down more helicopters?”

“You guessed it!” The voice on the other side revealed a bit of joy: “Friendly reminder: these helicopters can be classified as A-level in terms of mecha level.”

After saying this, when Ji Mingjiang looked up again, the red light on the loudspeaker had already gone out, and it was obvious that the other side was about to start the playoffs.

“The advanced field is just different.”

Both the map and the opponent are much more interesting than before.

Ji Mingjiang retracted his gaze and focused on the hovering helicopters.

The strength of a level A mecha?

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Then let’s see whether his fist is hard or the mecha is harder!

In the dimly lit streets and alleys, a mecha flexibly stepped on the protruding part of the building and jumped towards the roof.

The helicopters that detected a moving object turned their heads one after another; the black muzzle pointed at the helpless and unsupported mecha in midair, and a dozen laser beams shot out, almost illuminating the entire sky.

The building collapsed suddenly, but the mecha controlled by Ji Mingjiang nimbly climbed up the intact building opposite the smokey masonry.

Five seconds later, another ten laser beams were fired at the same time.

Ten seconds, fifteen seconds, twenty seconds.

Thirty seconds later, the sixth laser beam was fired, and Ji Mingjiang had already reached the highest point of the new building.

He jumped, and the heavy mech flew through the air as if it had lost weight and then landed heavily on one of the helicopters.

Under the pressure of the huge weight, the helicopter plummeted fiercely downward, but apart from that, there was not a single mark on top of it.

Ji Mingjiang didn’t pay attention to this. He just swung his arm around and hit the helicopter’s fuel tank with all his strength.

An orange-red flame suddenly appeared in the sky, and then there was a “bang”. Ji Mingjiang agilely jumped to another helicopter before this one exploded.

Five seconds passed, and the helicopter, which had finished storing energy, began to blast away at Ji Mingjiang’s location without distinguishing between friend and foe.

“The one who destroyed the first helicopter achievement has been completed.”

Looking at the red light that lit up at some point, Ji Mingjiang thoughtfully made a real-time relay.

Three minutes later, the helicopters around Ji Mingjiang turned into scorched metal fragments and fell to the ground.

JJi Mingjiang tapped out the map on the operation panel, looked at the red dot that was almost diagonal to him, and headed straight from the roof of the building to that location.

In front of him was the last helicopter. Lin Nan moved his stiff fingers and let out a breath.

When he encountered this map before, he didn’t choose to fight these helicopters because he wasn’t strong enough. Today is the first time he realizes the strength of A-level mecha.

He and the rookie on the opposite side actually wanted to go to the same place. Both of them chose to let the helicopter attack themselves. He didn’t think the newcomer would fight this hard. He seems like a good seedling.

The feelings in his heart did not slow down his actions.

This is the last helicopter he has here. The laser’s trajectory was a bit off just now, so it wasn’t directly killed, but the muzzle was damaged a bit. Maybe he can try it with this B-level mecha…

When he was thinking about where to start, Lin Nan frowned suddenly.

Why did he hear a sound coming from behind?

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Before he opened the panoramic view to see what it was, the thing behind him jumped directly over his head.

Lin Nan: ?

Taking a closer look, this thing seems to be their given mecha?

After being stunned for a moment, the mecha jumped in front of the helicopter.

“Hey! You—”

Before he could finish his words, the mecha belonging to the newcomer rounded its mechanical arm and hammered heavily at the position of the helicopter’s fuel tank.

“—can’t break it.”

A wave of heat wrapped in sparks came, and a huge explosion drowned out Lin Nan’s last half sentence.

He was dumbfounded, looking at the mecha jumping out of the flames.

“Change places, and we’ll both fight.”

The cold voice came out from the loudspeaker; Lin Nan swallowed, and the battle intent in his eyes intensified.


Although the strength of his opponent is beyond the scope of human beings, Lin Nan is confident that his skills can still effectively make up for this deficiency.

Fifteen minutes later, the battle between the two ended with Ji Mingjiang being scrapped off a mechanical arm by Lin Nan and Lin Nan being nearly knocked through the cockpit by Ji Mingjiang.

At the end of the game, both sides returned to the original universe.

[Player/eh564e has successfully defeated the player Come and Beat Me. Congratulations. Currently, your leaderboard rank is 666th; do you want to play the next match? ]

After clicking the exit button, Ji Mingjiang returned to the mecha hall, stepped out of the cockpit, and took a deep breath of fresh air.

At the end of the game, he and the opponent had destroyed almost half of all the buildings on the map. At that time, the dust almost choked him to death.

But this fight was really refreshing; it’s rare that it wasn’t a one-sided fight.

“Let me think: what am I going to do after that ……”

Ah, Bernie seems to have been ditched by him. Now he should have pretty much forgotten about what he just said, so he can get out.

Just as he was about to walk out, Ji Mingjiang suddenly turned his head, and behind him, a student-like man with messy hair retracted the hand that was about to pat him on the shoulder in embarrassment.

Lin Nan fondled the drawstring on the front of his hoodie, looking at the thin and tall player/eh564e in front of him who was wrapped in a cloak.

… Isn’t the contrast too f*cking big? ? ?

After a moment of silence, he pursed his lips and said, “Student, is it convenient for us to meet up? I’m Lin Nan from the First Military Academy.”


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