After Bernie finished communicating with the president of the primary beastmen protection center, he quickly joined the barrage exaggeration team.

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He complimented the mermaid and himself at the same time.

Look at this shiny and smooth hair; look at this lively and healthy tail; look at this appearance that is more natural and eye-catching than almost all the stars he has seen.

Ah, as expected from the mermaid he recognized at first glance! Even the name he gave himself is so nice!

“Aunt Wang.” The auntie was sorting out the things on the shelves behind him when Bernie turned his head and pointed excitedly to Ji Mingjiang on the screen to show her.

“Isn’t this little mermaid beautiful?”

Wang Huirong looked at the young master, whose nature had not changed half as much as a few years ago, and gave a very dignified nod.

Since the failure of the mermaid match day, almost everyone in the Lavender household, even the pruner in charge of building the garden bushes, has been told by Bernie how beautiful and picky the little mermaid named Lance is.

Wang Huirong did not understand before and thought that this was the result of the beastly mutant adding too many filters to the mermaid. But now, after seeing the shining mermaid in the live broadcast room, she must admit that her young master’s eyesight has never been wrong.

After wiping the last ornament in her hand and putting it back where it should go, Wang Huirong wiped her hands, walked behind Bernie, and asked, “What software is this? I’ll download it after I finish my work. Listening to this little guy talk, I feel that my waist is not sore anymore.”

Unexpectedly, Aunt Wang, who has never been interested in this entertainment software, would take the initiative to ask about the live broadcast room. Bernie, who was always nagged to study hard so as not to be beaten by Bernard, suddenly turned his head to look at Wang Huirong, and his eyes lit up. He said lightly, “Then I will help you download this software now and tell you how to use it after you finish working.”

When the two of them were tinkering with the light brain, there was a “pop”, and the lights of the originally dim home theater were instantly brightened.

Bernie squinted his eyes uncomfortably and looked up towards the door.

Then he discovered that his brother had returned home during the day for the first time!

“Brother?” He yelled in disbelief, “Have you been fired?”

“…” Wang Huirong glanced at the young master beside her with an indescribable expression and decided to play it safe.

After all, she couldn’t stop the elder brother, who wanted to teach his younger brother a lesson.

“Young master, then I’ll go out first.” It happened that the live broadcast software on the light brain had already been downloaded, so Wang Huirong decided that it was better for her to explore the functions of this software by herself.

Bernard nodded at her and waited for her to leave before closing the door of the home theater.

Bernie’s eyes widened slightly as he watched Aunt Wang, who was on good terms with him just now, cruelly abandon him, and the sound of the door closing drew his attention back.

Looking at Bernard, who was striding towards him, Bernie, who made a slip of tongue just now, showed a flattering smile. “Brother, I mean, why did you come back so early today…”

Bernard glanced at him, too lazy to bother with his stupid brother. He moved his eyes to the screen that was still projecting the live broadcast, pinched the center of his brows, and spoke in a rare, troubled tone.

“His Majesty came to inspect the work this morning. He has gone through most of the departments, but when he was about to arrive at the Ministry of Finance, his guards suddenly informed us that the inspection was temporarily canceled.”

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The work of the Ministry of Finance was already very busy. Today, after going to work, he received a temporary inspection notice, and he quickly organized the recent report with all the people in his department.

“There’s nothing to do now after the temporary cancellation of His Majesty’s inspection, so I let them get off work early.”

Then, when he returned home in a state of apprehension, he saw that his younger brother was not at the training ground but was instead lounging in his home theater watching the live stream.

However, the anger that arose when seeing this scene disappeared strangely in the mermaid’s soft voice.

“This is the mermaid you’ve been obsessed with?”

Seeing that the flashing barrages on the screen were almost all expressing the same feelings as him, Bernard looked at the complacent Bernie and asked.

“Mm-hmm.” Sensing a rare, tame look from the great white shark in his spiritual sea, Bernie nodded.

Then he was dissatisfied and then excitedly said, “His match is very irresponsible; I have already reported it to Uncle Li. Ha! I’ll reapply for a match when his match is disqualified!”

During this period, he will carefully watch every live broadcast of Ji Mingjiang, and he will definitely win his favor by then!

As he spoke, his mutated hearing, which was much more sensitive than ordinary people’s, caught a slight footstep sound, and Ji Mingjiang, who had been seriously interacting with the barrage, also tilted his head as if feeling something.

“It should be his match who was notified and rushed back.”

While explaining these things to his brother, who didn’t know much about them, Bernie didn’t stop moving his hands, madly complaining about the weak footsteps with other barrages.

“This is too weak. You’re this weak, and you dare let the precious mermaid live broadcast alone? If something happens later, can you bear the consequences?!”

“I’d like to see who the little mermaid’s match…”

Before the words fell, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room. When those golden eyes looked straight at the camera, Bernie’s facial muscles moved stiffly, and he spit out the last word: “is…”

Bernard next to him was not much better, and the water glass he just picked up fell silently on the carpet under his feet.

The person who just appeared at the entrance of other departments in the office building suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room of the mermaid, which was quite shocking.

But immediately, Bernard turned his head to look at Bernie with a sluggish face, his tone trembling and erratic.

“You just said that you went to report to the primary beastmen protection center?”

“That’s right.” Leiden briefly turned off the audio function of the live broadcast software and explained with some helplessness, “I suddenly received a communication from Oddo and the primary beastmen protection center, saying that a large number of people reported that I abused a mermaid.”

Ji Mingjiang was still wondering why Clarice came back so early today, but after hearing this sentence, his expression suddenly became weird.

“Abusing… me?”

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He pointed his finger and tail fin at himself at the same time, his face full of confusion.

“Why is there such a report?”

In just a few seconds, conspiracy theories flashed through Ji Mingjiang’s mind one after another. He even wondered if the families headed by Orfeild wanted to further discredit Clarice’s reputation after watching his live broadcast.

He doesn’t believe that the distorted and not-so-good reputation of Clarice is spread by the people themselves.

But the only thing he didn’t expect was…

“Because I wasn’t by your side when you were streaming.”


Ji Mingjiang began to wonder if there was something wrong with his ears.

“What kind of reason is this to report!”

However, he heard Clarice say in a complicated tone, “There is indeed such a rule. I was negligent.”

“Let’s talk about it after we finish this.” Looking into Ji Mingjiang’s round eyes, Leiden’s previously restless mood instantly calmed down. “How much longer is your live broadcast? The people at the protection center are waiting outside and say they will come in to see your situation later.”

Ji Mingjiang, who never expected that so many things would happen on the first day of his live broadcast, wagged his tail, feeling a little tired in his heart.

“I have nothing to do today; just tell them to wait a moment.”

Seeing that Clarice had exited the shooting range of the camera, Ji Mingjiang reached out and reopened the audio button that had been turned off for a few minutes.

And in just a few minutes, the barrage that saw Clarice’s figure almost explode.

The number of viewers in Ji Mingjiang’s live broadcast room increased directly from 10,000 to 380,000, and the dense barrages overlapped, filling the screen to the brim.

“Okay, okay, everyone, stop swiping; I can’t even see what your barrage is.”

With some headaches, he pressed the button to clear the screen and then answered a few questions that seemed more important.

“Has His Majesty abused me? No, really not. If so, you can definitely see it from my state.”

“When did you come to the palace? About half a month ago, maybe a month ago.”

“Did Clarice force me to learn Interstellar Common Language?”

When he saw this question, Ji Mingjiang glanced at Clarice next to him and couldn’t hold back anymore.

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“Of course I want to learn it myself. Clarice is the emperor, not a teacher. How could he have the time to care about what I learn? Your… stereotype of him is a bit too heavy.”

Pursing his lips, Ji Mingjiang still replaced the word prejudice with a relatively milder term, stereotype.

Hearing this, Leiden gave him a surprised look.

The number of barrages decreased for a moment, as if thinking about what Ji Mingjiang said, but then came out with a firm tone.

[No way!]

[His Majesty has been scaring the crap out of his matching mermaids for years on end.]

[He also said before that he doesn’t like creatures like mermaids.]

[Although we admire His Majesty, he is really… not suitable for living with cute and delicate fish.]

The last barrage received the support of many viewers. Thinking of the stern expression on the first day he saw Clarice, Ji Mingjiang turned his head and mouthed silently, “You did it yourself.”

Just as he was about to explain to the audience again, Ji Mingjiang suddenly heard a series of chaotic footsteps and the familiar sound of dragging machines.

Immediately there was a knock on the door, and taking advantage of the time when Clarice opened the door, Ji Mingjiang straightened the camera and quickly finished his farewell speech.

“I have something to do today. See you at nine o’clock tomorrow morning.”

After speaking, he simply turned off the camera suspended in midair.

In the next second, a large circle of people surrounded the originally empty pool.

There are elderly people bending over on crutches and young people with vibrant eyes who are curious and alert.

Ji Mingjiang glanced at the signs hanging on their chests. Um, they are all from the primary beastmen protection center.

“Give way; let’s all make way!”

A familiar yet irritable voice came from behind the crowd. Along with the sound of the machine’s wheels, a person whom he had only met a few hours ago appeared in front of Ji Mingjiang.

“Lin Feng? Why are you here again…”

Didn’t he just check his body this morning?!

“Don’t ask me that; I don’t want to either.” Lin Feng’s white coat was messed up, and he started to debug the machine angrily, saying, “You should ask those who insisted on bringing me here. I have shown your test report to them, but they insist on testing it again.”

“Watch your words!”

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Hearing his words, someone immediately became displeased and raised their voices to accuse him: “Caring about mermaids is something we should do! Besides, it has been almost three hours now, and there may be some fluctuations in numerical values during this period that you may not have detected before.”

Those words were almost accusing Clarice that he used some other means to cover up Ji Mingjiang’s real body data in the morning.

“Heh.” Lin Feng sneered and took a deep look at this overly abrupt young man. He had black hair, black eyes, and an average build. He was an existence that would not be remembered in the crowd without special observation.

“All right, come in.” When his eyes shifted to Ji Mingjiang, Lin Feng’s sharp aura suddenly softened, and he patted the open detector.

“I know you have a good relationship with… and you have good intentions, but, wait, are you letting the mermaid jump in by himself? Lin Feng! Now I suspect that your primary beastmen’s medical qualifications will have to be reviewed again!”

Seeing this scene, the person who spoke just now quickly pointed his finger at Lin Feng again. Ji Mingjiang only frowned when he heard those increasingly domineering words.

Estimating the distance between the two of them, Ji Mingjiang’s dreamy silver tail heavily slapped the water surface. After attracting everyone’s attention, Ji Mingjiang raised his tail and slapped it hard on the water.

A handful of water with a huge impact hit the man’s head. Ji Mingjiang looked at him expressionlessly and decided to use his aggressive mental power.

“You are loud; shut up.”

The sharp water sword pierced the mental power barrier fiercely, and a crack gradually appeared. Gripa felt the stinging pain in his spiritual sea; his face turned pale, and his feet took an uncontrollable step backward.

The people who didn’t know that he was attacked by the mental power thought he was regretting that he had offended the mermaid and persuaded him one after another: “Okay, Gripa, I know you care about the mermaid, but you should also say a few words less.”

Another group of people turned their heads to persuade the mermaid. Before they came, they knew that this little mermaid could understand and speak Interstellar Language, so they were very serious when persuading him.

“…Don’t be angry; I’ll carry you to check your health first.”

At the end of the persuasion, someone saw the detector that was still vacant and changed the subject while trying to pick up the little mermaid in the pool.


Ji Mingjiang swam backward for a certain distance, and after seeing the other party withdraw their hand, he cautiously swam to the front of the detector. He gently propped up the edge of the pool with both hands, and his tail drew a graceful arc in midair.

“Lin Feng, I’m ready.” Regardless of the shocked gazes of the people around him, Ji Mingjiang popped his head out of the detector and shouted.

The examination of the mermaid’s body in the palace and the review process for Clarice’s qualifications were going on in chaos, and after Ji Mingjiang’s live broadcast, the discussion on the topic of #Clarice Mermaid# also became a hot topic on the Star Network.

A group of people said that His Majesty is a qualified leader who is good at war and diligent in government affairs, but it is these qualities that make him unsuitable for taking care of fragile creatures like mermaids who need companionship.

Another group of people said that a smart and beautiful little mermaid like Ji Mingjiang would have been in trouble if he wasn’t under the heavy protection of the palace.

These two groups of people’s quarrel reached its climax when someone clipped Clarice’s attitude towards the mermaid in the past few years, his frightening aura in every media report, and the stern face and sharp eyes that appeared briefly in today’s live broadcast.

Everyone came to the same conclusion: wait for the mermaid’s second live broadcast to continue observing the situation. They must also save the contact information of the primary beastmen protection center as the first place in their address book!


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