The Ancient Mermaid Transmigrated to the Interstellar

Chapter 5: How to form a good relationship w

TL: Hua

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After being woken up by the whales on time the next day, Ji Mingjiang floated out of the shell house, dragging his somewhat sleepy body.

Seeing a group of excited little whales around him who looked like they were going on an outing, Ji Mingjiang resignedly picked a whale at random and then laid himself on his back.

The dark blue fishtail patted gently on the broad back of the humpback whale.

Ji Mingjiang looked around for the captain of the usual group of small whales.

“Let’s go.”

After meeting his gaze, he raised his finger and pointed upward.

Although neither side made a special effort to learn the other’s language, after so many days together, they still understood some simple instructions from Ji Mingjiang.

Accompanied by the long cry of the leading humpback whale, more than a dozen whales swam together towards the sea surface.

The whale leading the team in the middle will occasionally change the route of the team, for example, when they run into a school of fish.

At this point, the whales will form a predation formation and force the school of fish together by continuously exhaling air bubbles, catching them all at once.

Eating halfway was just to replenish energy. After eating this meal, they resumed their previous formation and continued upstream without an additional reminder from Ji Mingjiang.

The surrounding sea became brighter and clearer as they went up. Ji Mingjiang gradually began to see the sunlight shining through the sea.

He had no idea what it was like outside; perhaps he’d see a fishing boat as soon as he lifted his head out of the water…

Ji Mingjiang sat up slightly, his eyes reflecting on the billowing water, and he couldn’t tell whether he wanted to see people or not.

The humpback whales kept an upright posture when hunting on the surface. Before adjusting his posture, the humpback whale that had been carrying Ji Mingjiang twisted slightly to remind his mermaid friend that he could get off him.

Along the way, under the impact of the icy water, Ji Mingjiang’s drowsiness was basically washed away.

After receiving the signal from the humpback whale below him, he moved his tail and floated his head out of the water together with the dozen or so humpback whales.



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The sun shone wantonly on his smooth, long hair. The scenery in front of him was undoubtedly beautiful and eye-catching.

Under the scorching sun, the golden light of the water waves along with the breeze, gently lapping up one wave after another.

The whales cry with a unique rhythm, and gulls fly over their heads from time to time, forcing the small fish in the water to run into the humpback whales’ 90° opening and closing mouths.

On the wide sea, in just a short while, Ji Mingjiang saw a few dolphins jumping out of the water, their smooth bellies stretching and then curling up. Judging by his good eyesight, one of them even gave him a wink.

The wild and powerful beauty of nature is vividly displayed. If this were his previous life, Ji Mingjiang would come to visit such a naturally beautiful and pollution-free place at least once.

But there are no one.

These humpback whales picked a sea area close to a wide stretch of coastline. It is said to be close, but in fact it’s more than ten nautical miles away, so Ji Mingjiang can take a panoramic view of this not-so-small area.

After turning into a mermaid, his eyesight became so much better, as if a telescope were set up in front of his eyes, allowing him to observe the situation on land and in nearby sea areas very well.

The sea sometimes gently and sometimes fiercely lapped at the rock wall at the shoreline, and each time it retreated, it swept away a few pieces of debris that had been slapped down.

There are no people, no fishing boats, no lighthouses, and no docks. The nearby sea is full of fish, and the land areas are full of grass and plants. He can even see a forest in the distance.

It doesn’t look like there are cities or humans at all.

He would see sea turtles, jellyfish, and other creatures every day when he went out with the humpback whale group after spending so many days at the bottom of the sea, but he has never heard them mention the existence of humans.

Despondently, Ji Mingjiang brushed back his dripping hair: Could he have traveled to an ancient time when there were no humans yet?!

Ji Mingjiang, who was immersed in his sorrow, didn’t notice that under the water surface obliquely in front of him, there were two great white sharks huddling together, staring intently at his faintly shining tail.

“Brother, this fish is so big, can it be eaten?” The smaller shark on the left bared his fangs and asked.

“Bullshit. Eat, eat, eat; do you know anything else besides eating?” The bigger shark simply swatted the body of the shark next to him with his tail, cursing in a low voice.

“Did you not listen to what the boss said yesterday? This is the fucking mermaid that almost scared him until he turned his belly over! You still want to eat him!” After saying that, he smacked him with his tail again.

“Keep quiet, let’s report back.” After confirming that their existence had not been discovered, the big brother white shark took the initiative to turn around and swim back to their group’s location.

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Because of this mermaid, these sharks, who usually don’t get together, were called together one by one, forming a temporary group.


It’s fine if the mermaid can’t be eaten, but what about the group of humpback whales behind him? They obviously look like a group of calves. The two of them can definitely handle it.

Although he still had some doubts in his heart, the younger brother, who didn’t have much of a brain, decided to obey his big brother. Anyway, he didn’t want to be slapped by the tail again. It really hurts QAQ.

And just a few seconds later, when he turned his head to catch up with his brother, he found that the beautiful fish tail he had been coveting just now had stopped in front of his eyes.

A silver-white strand of hair floated along the water to his ferocious fangs. Immediately after the fish’s tail moved twice, Ji Mingjiang’s whole body appeared in front of the great white shark.

He got caught!

“Brother! Help!!!”

O’Neal opened his mouth, his sharp teeth gleamed coldly, and a sound similar to the roar of a tiger sounded.

It’s just that the actual meaning expressed is so cowardly.

After Ji Mingjiang turned into a mermaid, his five senses were actually strengthened, and he was immediately shaken by this scream. His head was a little confused.

Is this shark threatening him?

Ji Mingjiang, who didn’t understand the language, frowned and thought.

Although he never had a pet in his previous life, he also knew that some cats and dogs would express anger and warning by growling. Could it be that sharks are like this too?

But what does it have to do with him? Ji Mingjiang thought with an expressionless face. The fact that kittens are cute when they are angry does not imply that sharks are also cute when they are angry.

“Stop barking!” Seeing that the shark seemed to want to scream again, Ji Mingjiang directly slapped the snout with his tail.

Finally, the silence returned.

But after the shark stopped screaming, Ji Mingjiang didn’t know what to do.

He swam over at first because he saw that the shark was too close to him and the group of humpback whales, which made him think that the shark was looking for a suitable time to hunt.

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But now it seems that this guy is heading in the opposite direction from where the humpback whales are. He must have misunderstood.

Glancing at the shark that had stopped stiffly in place, Ji Mingjiang counted the number of humpback whales in the distance and felt guilty after confirming that there wasn’t one missing.

“Shoo, shoo, don’t let me catch you again.” Knowing that he was blocking the way, Ji Mingjiang quickly swam to the side, leaving a passage for the shark to either run away or go home.

The big, stiff creature carefully glanced at him several times with his dull eyes, and after confirming that he meant to give way, he hurriedly swam in the direction of his brother at the fastest speed of his life.

“Scare this shark to death, QAQ”

After swimming away for a long time, the two brothers successfully rendezvoused, and behind them were many sharks that they had met yesterday.

“Are you all right?” Looking at his brother, who had not lost a single piece of flesh, Auger asked uneasily.

“It’s scary. That mermaid stared at me for a long time and then slapped my snout with his tail when I asked for help. I felt like my teeth were almost knocked out.”

The Great White Shark, who didn’t know how he managed to escape with his fish life, became frightened once again when he saw so many of his kind.

“…… Looks like we’re going to have a talk with that mermaid.” The temporarily elected boss spoke with a grave expression, “Since he released O’Neal back, it means he is different from the cruel and belligerent group of mermaids fifty years ago.”

“Perhaps this is also his warning to us to submit to him as soon as possible. The group of humpback whales may be given preferential treatment because they have seen through this very early.” Auger, who is much smarter than O’Neal, added after a moment of thought.

“But we can’t dive to the depth where the group of humpback whales is.”

Thinking of this problem, Nika, who was elected as the boss, patted his tail fin a little anxiously.

“And, boss, can you speak the language of the mermaid?” While listening to his brother and boss discuss how to meet the mermaid again, O’Neal suddenly thought of this question.

“I can’t understand what he said, and I don’t know if he understands me.”

Damn, things have gotten worse. Not too old, Nika, who hadn’t learned the mermaid language, thought blankly.

“It’s okay, we can show our friendship first.”

“That’s right, that’s right. I heard from my mother that if they wanted to seek asylum from the mermaid back then, the most important thing was to provide fresh food to the mermaid every day. We can give him the prey directly when we meet him!”

“Isn’t Lord Mermaid taking care of the humpback whales now? Auger said that today the mermaid is practicing hunting with a group of small humpback whales. We can offer some food to those humpbacks to show our friendship!”

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Watching Nika and Auger fall into silence, the other sharks gave their advice in a variety of ways.

Some of them are indeed quite reasonable.

“Then do as you said. Now go hunt some tender fish. Let’s go and see if the mermaid is still there. If he is, we will give him food. If not, we will eat it ourselves.”

After a little thought, Nika quickly gave instructions.

After driving away the great white shark, Ji Mingjiang, who was worried about another accident, stayed near the humpback whale group to prevent another shark from appearing when he wasn’t paying attention.

He didn’t think it was boring to keep the little whales safe. After all, the surrounding scenery was still very good. When he occasionally saw a few familiar little fish, he would catch them and eat them as snacks.

In the past few days at the bottom of the sea, he has already gotten used to eating raw fish. He can only choose between starving to death and trying.

Fortunately, perhaps due to good water quality or some other reason, the fish meat here is very tender and firm, and he can taste a little sweetness.

Ji Mingjiang used his sharp nails to debone the small fish in his hand and looked at the still intact body of the fish with satisfaction: The good news is that his control of strength has also greatly improved during this repeated feeding process.

An hour later, the feeding of the whales was almost over, and Ji Mingjiang prepared to lead the team back after counting the number of fish heads.

At this moment, he twitched his nose and keenly caught the smell of blood that was constantly coming towards his location.

Waving his hand to signal the group of whales behind him to stop, Ji Mingjiang’s muscles tensed up, his sharp eyes fixed on the direction where the smell came from.

Then he saw a group of great white sharks coming with fish in their mouths, and he was soon surrounded by them.

Some of the sharks even screamed excitedly while rubbing the prey in their mouths against his face.

With that look and that movement, Ji Mingjiang seemed to hear what his assistant said every time he didn’t eat well: “You have to eat well, boss, or it won’t be good for your health. Eat quickly; don’t be dazed.”

After carefully examining the expressions of the sharks around him, Ji Mingjiang was a little at a loss. His face was stiff, and he wanted to get out of the encirclement.

What happened? Didn’t he beat the shark just now? Why are they bringing him food now…

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