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[Ahhhh! ! ! Who is going to shake Ji Mingjiang out of the palace and let him talk properly? I can’t wait until tomorrow for popular science and explanations! ]

At ten o’clock in the evening, a brand new post suddenly appeared on the homepage of the Starnet Forum, and within just one minute, it was marked as a hot post.

After dropping a series of explosive pieces of information, Ji Mingjiang turned off the live broadcast with a relaxed expression, regardless of the question marks that filled the screen, and skillfully threw aside the camera ball that had only been turned on for a short time.

“You…that, is it okay?”

Kiro, who had witnessed his series of actions, asked in bewilderment.

After all, it really did turn his imagination upside down.

Though the two had only exchanged some basic information about mermaids after he came out of the treatment cabin this evening, such as the circumstances under which Kiro had discovered that he could take on a human form, such as what the late Emperor and Empress had said earlier when they were setting up a training program for him, and so on, Ji Mingjiang’s expression was very calm when discussing important matters, and he seemed very trustworthy and reliable.

It was far different from now. For example, he deliberately turned off the live broadcast to distract people, stretched himself lazily, and leaned against the pool. Then he enthusiastically surfed the Starnet and started watching the poor audience’s heartbreaking post.

He is obviously a mermaid but has the temperament of a dog.

Kiro, who was pulled aside to watch the forum together, suddenly had this thought.

But would it be bad form to talk about your savior like that…..


“Oh, it doesn’t matter. I’m used to it, and they should be used to it too.” Ji Mingjiang waved his hand nonchalantly after hearing his question just now: “I just want to whet their appetite, so that they’ll be more enthusiastic and more serious when Leiden sends out the official notices tomorrow.”

He had already discussed this with Clarice and Rowlett before the live broadcast. In addition to this, there were actually several other points to consider.

—For example, the audience whose appetite has been whetted won’t be willing to have their own worldview collapse and will definitely pull in more people to watch his live replay or other screencasts!

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Just like a snowball, it’s not impossible to turn a fist-sized snowball with hundreds of thousands of people into a giant snowball with hundreds of millions of people after rolling overnight.

By the next day, the emotions these people had accumulated all night were bound to explode when they saw the report that recorded the detailed ins and outs of what had happened to Kiro in the past ten years. By then, it will be like an avalanche in which the victim of causality is the Orfield family, completely throwing themselves to the ground with no possibility of turning over.

They can also use this example to warn other families who “may” have been involved in this matter but were not caught by the mouse tail, telling them that you are not the only one who can play with public opinion and people’s hearts.

But there was no need to mention these to Kiro.

Looking at the shocked expression of the black-haired and black-tailed mermaid next to him after hearing what he said, Ji Mingjiang touched his nose and silently swallowed these words.


After all, having been imprisoned since the age of sixteen, it could be said that those ten years in between were vacant, and it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to say that he is actually sixteen years old now. And if he had grown up in a mermaid center, he might still be a little mermaid who didn’t understand anything. Even if he has been taught by the late emperor and empress, under normal circumstances in interstellar society, he is just a child who is still in school. It’s better not to mention these twists and turns for the time being.

Probably because of the emotions perceived through his mental power, Kiro was also truly shocked at this time, and Ji Mingjiang realized that he had completely misunderstood.

In fact, all Kiro, who looked shocked, was thinking about was…

It’s becoming more and more relevant! This is a mermaid with a dog-like personality! It could at least shock him for another hundred years!


At eight o’clock in the morning the next day, still one hour away from the normal scheduled time for work and school, all kinds of forums on the Starnet, including those that usually only discussed games, were already active, as if sending out some kind of rallying cry, calling others to squat under the royal family’s official account and Clarice’s account.

[Day two! I directly just ran under the official account to do a squat!

[I’m so sleepy. I’ve never gotten up so early before going to work. Let me see how many people are suffering like me.]

[It’s finally dawn. I was so anxious that I didn’t sleep well last night… Why is there no news? The person operating the account isn’t awake yet?]

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[The mysterious big boss seems to have not been online for several days? Has the boss been assigned to stand guard at Orfeild Mansion?]



[Here come friends! ]

Although the discussion in the forum and under the official account was in full swing, with a bunch of new posts and comments popping up every few seconds when refreshing, in fact, not much time had passed.

At 8:10, who had checked and proofread the graphic content again, pressed the button to confirm the release.

Before the netizens could refresh the page again, two Starnet push notifications popped up.

“The blogger that you followed, @EmpireRoyalOfficial, has released new content; go check it out quickly!”

“The blogger you followed, @LeidenClarice, is online again after a month and has released new content. Go check it out quickly!”

Netizens: “!!!”


The official account that has never seen the light of day and their emperor, who never came online for hundreds of years, were actually revived from death?? What outrageous things did the Orfield family do?!

However, after following the notifications with excitement and clicking on the account content, the relaxed and happy mood of getting out of bed and having breakfast on a cool late fall morning was instantly gone.

@EmpireRoyal Official Account: In response to the concerns of the general public, we will sort out and announce the causes and consequences of the actions taken by His Majesty and His Highness Ji Mingjiang yesterday. Due to the lengthy content, here is a warm reminder: don’t forget to go to work and school.

As His Majesty said in an interview yesterday, the Orfield family has three main crimes.

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The first item was an attempted kidnapping. On October 29, Bisnar Orfield instructed Zhang Cheng to infiltrate the palace and wait for an opportunity to take His Highness Ji Mingjiang away. However, His Highness noticed and stopped him in time. Zhang Cheng confessed to his crime, and the detailed record was released in the form of pictures at the end.

The second item is the mutilation of a member of the royal family, who was initially introduced by His Highness Ji Mingjiang during the live broadcast last night. His Highness Kiro Clarice, a mermaid jointly adopted by the late Emperor Berek and Empress Shanas, was kidnapped by Bisnar Orfield ten years ago. During this period, Bisnar Orfield kept His Highness Kiro in the basement for torture, forced the mermaid to provide him with mental counseling, and assisted him in achieving some of his goals.


The third item is attempted rebellion. After investigation, it was found that Bisnar Orfield had been planning to overthrow the royal rule for ten years, during which time he had bribed countless people and colluded with the Imperial Research Institute. On October 29th and 30th, Menguse Hollimawi used a stimulant developed by Gus, a member of the institute, with the intention of damaging His Majesty’s spiritual sea. Fortunately, with the help of His Highness Ji Mingjiang, the impact was minimized. His Majesty’s spiritual sea was also repaired without causing any major harm. Both Menguse Hollimawi and Gus have pleaded guilty.

It has been reported by others that Bisnar Orfield has committed a number of other offenses in addition to the above, which will be dealt with together at the public hearing.

[Attachment 1]

[Attachment 2]

[Attachment 3]

Above all, other residents who wish to report are welcome to contact us with a guarantee of accuracy.

And the content on the much-anticipated Clarice’s account was pretty routine and expected—he just forwarded the contents of the royal family’s official account and then briefly introduced Kiro’s identity.

Although there wasn’t any additional content related to Bisnar Orfield from Clarice, just looking at the series of evidence and the large black text listed on the official account is enough to make people’s faces turn black, and a surge of emotions called anger welled up in their hearts.

If it weren’t for the fact that Bisnar Orfield and all the people in the Orfield household had been taken away and that a cordon had been drawn around the outside of that mansion until now, the well-manicured garden lawn that could be seen through the fence would probably have already been filled with all sorts of garbage by extremely angry citizens.

Even so, those who are not in the capital star and don’t live near the central city have no intention of just holding their breath. Some pulled over their friends or even random passersby on the road to curse at Bisnar Orfield together.

And those who are very close to the central city or near the Orfield Mansion, even if they have to take a long detour, have to go to this empty building with a yellow warning tape to give it a fierce scolding.

The major forums are even more explosive.

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The internal forum of the Empire’s First Military Academy was also bustling at this time, with new posts floating up at all times.

[Holy sh*t, I’m beyond shocked. What does the Orfield family want to do?]

1L: F*ck, you took the words right out of my mouth, OP! I didn’t take it to heart when I heard His Majesty’s words yesterday. After all, plotting rebellion… Well, it’s completely normal for noble families to have such thoughts. Anyway, as long as His Majesty is still standing in front of us, it definitely means there’s nothing wrong. But…ahhhh! ! ! Bisnar Orfield, die for me, bastard!

Without reading the subsequent replies, Lin Nan threw the light brain aside after venting his anger and fell straight back on the bed.

After two seconds of silence, under Zhuang Zhiye’s “I knew it” gaze, the man who was lying on the bed like a corpse scratched his hair and shouted irritably again.

That is to say, their school dormitory is well soundproofed, and all the students around him are either in class or in the same mood as him. Otherwise, someone would knock the door open and beat him up.

With a silent sigh, Zhuang Zhiye turned off his light brain. He was also watching the discussion on the school forum just now.

The students of the military academy will basically join politics or the military in the future. Affected by the school atmosphere, they value strength more than false rumors. In their eyes, Leiden Clarice, the former senior and current emperor who has made a name for himself, is almost like an idol, so naturally they will pay more attention to this matter than the other people.

And this revered and capable Clarice, who has reclaimed countless energy stars from the Federation, was almost destroyed by the selfish nobles. Although he was fine in the end, it was still a bit unacceptable and unbelievable to them.

Why can those nobles be so shameless?

Just when he didn’t know how to comfort Lin Nan, who was obviously in a bad mood, the light brain on Zhuang Zhiye’s wrist suddenly vibrated. After opening it, in the friend list of the game partition, an avatar that had been gray for a few days lit up.

“Hey, Lin Nan, Yu Quanquan is online. Do you want to go play some games with him?”

He raised his wrist and shifted the topic to something else.


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