The Ancient Mermaid Transmigrated to the Interstellar

Chapter 8: Genetic testing; he was sent by t

TL: Hua

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After confirming that the mermaid is willing to go back with them, Oddo plans to take off the translator. He needs to rush back to the foster center as soon as possible to perform a genetic match on the newly discovered mermaid to see if he’s a cub left by other mermaids. Well, although the likelihood of that was basically zero.

Afterwards, it’s necessary to conduct a physical examination, arrange a keeper, and observe how this wild mermaid adapts to his kind to decide whether to arrange a separate living area.

In addition, if there really isn’t any mermaid in the gene pool that can match up with him….. then it needs to be reported directly to His Majesty; after all, the Federation and the Empire have had some strained relations these past few years, so who knows what those hypocrites can do to break the bottom line?

Thinking about it this way, he might be busy recently.

Oddo sighed. His spiritual sea was a little restless about the itinerary in an instant, but it was still within control.

But then a crisp voice rang in his ears. The mermaid’s unique voice was like a cool sea breeze, calming his restless spiritual sea instantly; even the fatigue caused by the recent late nights was brushed away a lot.

Oddo stared blankly at the puzzled mermaid in front of him, who seemed to be wondering why he hadn’t answered his question.

After a long time, the aging director recalled what the mermaid had just said. It seems he was asking to keep the lid open?

“No problem! No problem, we won’t close it if you’re uncomfortable!” Oddo didn’t even think twice before agreeing to the request, which wasn’t really a request.

Only after confirming that the mermaid had no further needs did Oddo retrieve the translator fastened to the mermaid’s ear fins with a trance-like look on his face.

“Move carefully; don’t bump into it.” After making way for the guards behind them, Oddo and Wu Yuan followed behind, tirelessly instructing them.

Until everyone got on the hover car specially sent by the Mermaid Center, Oddo still hadn’t recovered from the shock just now.

He couldn’t help but look over and over again at the mermaid, who was properly placed next to the porthole.

Is it true that there are mermaids who are willing to speak and offer to give spiritual guidance to people they meet for the first time?

But seeing the mermaid look intently at the scenery outside the window, Oddo had no choice but to put up with all kinds of doubts about this unknown mermaid.

Ji Mingjiang didn’t notice Oddo’s emotions. His strange perception ability wasn’t enough to perceive such complex emotions.

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He was curiously observing the world outside the window.

The skyscrapers are no different from the ones he was used to seeing in his previous life, but they look a little more advanced.

The outer walls of most buildings are paved with something similar to steel, which should be very convenient to clean. With his level of eyesight, he did not see any dirt on these exterior walls.

The traffic track is divided into two kinds: one is the regular road, and the other is the air track that Ji Mingjiang is now experiencing.

Several translucent tracks that are much higher than ordinary floors stood from one distance to another. The hover car doesn’t directly touch this road but treats it as an indicator, hovering in the sky and moving forward at a high speed.

When the hover car occasionally passed a high-rise store with floor-to-ceiling windows, Ji Mingjiang saw sharply that some of the service personnel inside were robots.

It’s normal, he thought. After gnawing through the system’s learning package in his previous life, he devoted his energy to science and technological development. At the time of his death, there was already a relatively mature robot industry in the world, and service-oriented robots were widely praised.

It seems that the difference isn’t very big, and adaptation shouldn’t be too hard. After gathering the information he wanted, Ji Mingjiang closed his eyes in satisfaction and intended to rest for a while.

After an unknown amount of time, the suspension car landed smoothly, and the slight tremor made Ji Mingjiang wake up from his light sleep very quickly.

He opened his eyes and looked out the window. Four semi-oval buildings were scattered in all four directions, and in the middle was a building only three stories high, with connections between all five buildings.

There were two door signs posted at the main entrance, one reading Mermaid Foster Center and one reading Matching Center.

Thank goodness, these words, although also mutated, were still within the range of his understanding and did not turn him into a complete illiterate.

He understands the foster center, but what does the matching center mean? This place won’t force breed him right…

While he was muttering in his heart, several people in white coats also walked out from the gate, pushing a large fish tank that was many times bigger than the box he was in now.

When he got off the hover car and the two sides were handed over, Ji Mingjiang was eager to leap from this cramped box to the large fish tank on the opposite side.

Sure enough, it’s comfortable to have a big place. Ji Mingjiang relaxed his tail, which had been curled up for a long time. The dark blue fish tail that seemed to be sprinkled with a layer of glitter lifted happily, and the tail fin stuck out of the water and curled up in a beautiful arc.

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The keepers, who had just received the notice to bring the delivery equipment, froze in place. They’ve never seen such a cooperative and energetic mermaid.

“Okay, you take him for genetic matching first and send the results to me as soon as they come out.” Oddo glanced at the time and began to arrange work for these people in front of him.

“Wu Yuan, go and check the equipment at the first inspection office. Prepare to use both connected and offline devices.”

“Carrie, go to the foster office to arrange the future residence of this mermaid first, and arrange one in a separate pool. His filing and follow-up matters will be discussed after the genetic test results come out.”

“Shawn, go and make an appointment with the chief steward to meet His Majesty. Try to make it after three o’clock this afternoon.”

The test results should also come out around that time, which will determine whether he should remind His Majesty that the Federation may have made a move or inform His Majesty that he had found a new mermaid to match with him.

After arranging everyone’s work, Oddo smoothed the folds of his white coat and followed the queue to the genetic testing office.

Ji Mingjiang didn’t speak all the way; he swam around quietly in the huge fish tank, and the breeder in charge of transport couldn’t help smiling when he saw the lively appearance of this little mermaid.

Ji Mingjiang got a general impression of the surrounding environment after swimming a few laps.

From time to time, patrol officers in professional uniforms walk along several roads in the foster center. Although he didn’t know the specific power of the weapons in their hands, they seemed to be improved firearms from the interstellar era.

There are no tall trees in the entire center, and even fewer bushes. They are basically neatly trimmed grass and flowers.

Contacting the patrol personnel he saw before… Is it to prevent outsiders from invading? What kind of existence do mermaids have here, anyway? This is a little too much emphasis.

All the roads in the Foster Center have been leveled, presumably for the convenience of coping with today’s situation.

Ji Mingjiang was pushed safely all the way to the door of one of the four semi-elliptical buildings, and a sign was also placed at the door.

Genetic testing department, what is this?

After recognizing the words on the sign, Ji Mingjiang felt a little puzzled. He thought that he was pushed into a physical examination, which might be enough to check whether he was carrying any viruses, parasites, etc. Why did he need to check his genes? He’s a mermaid that matches their genetics.

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After entering the building, he passed through several security gates before he finally saw what the inside of the building looked like.

The floor is smooth and reflective, and various instruments are neatly arranged. On the right wall is a screen that occupies a quarter of the area.

The cold room made Ji Mingjiang feel a touch of warmth. He spent nearly half of his life in such rooms in his last life.

The only difference is that almost one-third of the rooms have been turned into a swimming pool.

The water quality is pretty good; it’s crystal clear, and it seems to be cleaned frequently. Ji Mingjiang commented.

From the perspective of the keeper, who has been following him all the time, this picture shows that the originally bored mermaid became interested in the more spacious swimming pool and couldn’t even move his eyes.

She chuckled, and after the fish tank was pushed to the edge of the pool, she tapped on the glass facing the pool to draw the mermaid’s attention and then pressed the button at the bottom of the tank.

The glass in front of him disappeared instantly, and Ji Mingjiang was washed into the pool along with the water in the fish tank.

The unsuspecting Ji Mingjiang rolled in the pool before he poked his body out of the water again. Water droplets dripped down his hair, and a few of them hung on his eyelashes.

Ji Mingjiang wiped his face helplessly and looked at the keepers, who were exclaiming in a low voice, feeling depressed again by the language barrier debuff.

“Knock it off.” Oddo walked over with the instrument and said, “Take a blood sample first, and then collect some of his hair. Which one of you will come?”

Looking at the mermaid’s long, smooth hair, everyone automatically skipped the previous task.

“Let me. I have always been responsible for this kind of thing before.”

“Stop it. You still want to monopolize the work? It’s time to give others a chance! For example, I have never done this job before!”

“Come on, you’re so careless at first sight. Will you take responsibility if you hurt the mermaid?”

Mandessa looked at her colleagues, who were arguing in full swing, and quietly slipped from the outer circle to Oddo’s side, taking over the test bottle for the hair.

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“I have small scissors with me; I’m going!” She whispered.

“Mandessa!! Despicable!” After the keeper, who had emerged as the winner, came to Oddo in a messy state, he was alerted to see Mandessa, who was already crouching by the pool, and shouted out in grief and anger.

“Heh, what do you know? This is called excellent execution.” Mandessa, who had always been gentle in front of the mermaid, punched her colleague hard. “You’re just in time. Why don’t you take charge of drawing blood from this little mermaid.”

“? No, I…” The bewildered keeper was quickly stuffed with a blood collection device by Oddo.

Patting him on the shoulder, Oddo encouraged, “You can do it.”

Ji Mingjiang looked at the noisy group of people in front of him. He noticed that the woman approaching him was holding this pair of scissors. Was it to take a section of hair? But his hair is not easy to cut now.

Ji Mingjiang remembered how he had used his hair to entangle several small fish before and silently cut a section with his nails.

“Eh?” Mandessa turned her head and found a pair of slender hands in front of her, holding a piece of silver-white hair in his palms.

After carefully collecting it into the test bottle, Mandessa looked at the calm-faced mermaid again and praised him in front of her colleagues who came over: “Although the facial contours are more distinct than those of other small mermaids, which look more difficult to approach, he’s really well-behaved. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a smart and cooperative mermaid.”

With the cooperation of Ji Mingjiang and the relaxing music playing when the needle is inserted, the blood sample collection is also quickly completed.

The keeper, who didn’t expect it to go so well, was thrown out of the analysis room after handing over the sample to Oddo in a trance, and then also managed to join the Mermaid Worship Group led by Mandessa.

Only Oddo stared at the analysis results with a stony face for a long time without moving.

Is it really a mermaid sent by the Federation…

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