Lot City Parks….

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Maki's smile widened as she watched the journalist take pictures of birds. At first, she considered ruthlessness, but even with her connections, doing that to a journalist wasn't exactly the smartest of ideas, not without cornering her first. She couldn't let her lust make her stupid, else she'd never surpass the silver-haired demon on the test boards.

A bird landed on Maki's leg. With lightning speed, that not even she could understand, the young woman caught it. She fed it a few bread crumbs and pet it. The bird seemed to purr. She released it, smiling. Animals never got in her way. They lived care-free lives, on instinct, except for the ones captured by scummy businessmen and sent to who-knows-where.

She turned to the journalist ahead. A useful tool. Maki had plenty of money to keep the broke college girl motivated.

She approached her on silent feet, wetness already emerging in a certain spot, but that was due to lingering thoughts of Clyde. Not because she accidentally peeked into one of her cousin's BL books. Totally not the reason!

"Such a peaceful Autumn," she said. Naomi jumped. That startle made this worth it—she forced herself not to cum off that alone. "Take it easy, we go to the same school, remember."

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She sat by the journalist, picturing her naked and tied in hundreds of positions. To Naomi, Maki seemed perfectly fine, that kind girl that paid her for an administration job.

"Oh…hi Maki," she said. The purple-haired woman gave Naomi an easy smile.

"Your caring of the birds and nature is admirable," Maki said.

"Thank you," the journalist said with a faint flush of embarrassment. Maki wondered if the girl just knew how gorgeous she was. A life of journalism—what a waste. Did she not get approached by men? She needed deflowering so bad.

"Naomi, let's make an employment deal," she said. "You see, I want you to spend more time doing what you love, which is apparently appreciating nature's beauty. I've seen your photos, you're great, but they're so few because you find yourself wasting time on poorly-paying jobs to buy necessities."

Maki smiled when Naomi's eyes brightened. She had the journalist just where she wanted her. Sheesh, no challenge, how disappointing, Maki thought. If Naomi didn't resist, getting into her panties wouldn't be fun. All it took was one word, one action of consent, even if had a different meaning. Maki could easily manipulate things into her favor, but decided to just let this one be.

A real challenge would be to…try of one Clyde's friends. His female friends of course. A risk—if he got seriously angry with her, she wouldn't be able to live with herself. Of course she'd move on, life was too short to be clung to some guy, but…he was the only man who didn't obey her. Her equal and she had to have him. If only he was approachable and not guarded by sluts. "Naomi, starting tomorrow, I'd like you to work for me with a simple job. Here's some advanced pay. I'll pay you more and bonuses for success. Your fail or success won't matter as long as you remain under my employment." She handed the girl a wad of cash before she officially agreed. "I want a picture of him—any kind. I can't find him on any kind of social media nor in any records, which is strange. Your job will be to dig up his info. I want to know much about my future boyfriend as possible."

Naomi blushed then handed the money back to Maki.

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"I can't do that," she said. Maki's eyes widened at the sudden backbone. "Clyde is my friend and I won't violate his privacy." She stood up and gave Maki a condescending look. "You tricked me for his address, didn't you?"

Maki stood too, excited.

"Like I said, administration work. You know of my boring school-relating activities. And you have no proof of anything else."

Naomi's face reddened with raw anger.

"He's not your future boyfriend and if you do anything to him, I'll sink your reputation, right into the ocean."

Naomi shoved Maki to the side, storming off. Full of ecstasy, Maki grabbed the unsuspecting journalist and heaved her into a wild kiss. She pulled her to the ground, but didn't expect a well-placed fist into her face.

Maki grinned at the snarling girl, giggling hysterically.

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"You're fucking crazy," Naomi said, wiping her mouth. "I don't swing that way."

She attempted to kick the laughing woman, but Maki caught it with a single hand. Playtime was over. She pulled Naomi close.

"I tried to be nice, offer you employment."

"I don't need your fucking charity," Naomi snapped. "I work hard and build character. I don't need some spoiled brat looking down on me." She shoved at Maki, but it was useless. The hold Maki had on her was unusually strong.

"You've obviously forgot whose reputation is too big to be sunk," Maki said in a dark voice. "In a phone call, I'll have your club shut down, your pitiful paper banned, you expelled, and rumors all over the place, speculating. I've tried to give you a break because you're one of Clyde's friends, his minor ones of course. Don't make me look like the bad guy. It's a simple picture. Simple information. Don't overstand against people who could shatter your life. Especially me." She licked Naomi's neck. "I'm in the mood—so much and you will be my meal, unless...."

"No," Naomi said.

"Fine, fine," Maki said. "Accept my employment or I'll do more than what I just stated. It's for the good of the administration if we find out more about…my future husband."

Naomi shook her head.

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"You're crazy. You're absolutely—"

Maki slapped the insolent girl, drawing blood.

"How disappointed will your family feel when they hear about this?" she smiled widely. Naomi looked crestfallen, defeated. "Let me take off some of that stress."

She shoved her hands into the journalist's panties, massaging. Maki had her in checkmate. There was no one that could possibly save her new tool. No one had a reputation bigger than Maki nor more connections.

She pulled off both of their clothes and eagerly mounted, grinning widely at the defiant glare. The ride gave her bliss and a climax that sealed the deal in her mind.

"Now let's talk about your assignment in a more civilized setting—your room of course," Maki said, casually dressing. She handed the wad of cash back to the girl. "Lack of payment is not an option, my tool."

She grinned. Naomi's face was a volcano of anger. Maki hoped she'd attack—rough and humiliating sex topped as one of her favorites. To her disappointment, the journalist didn't. She only remained silent, listening, which was good enough.

Maki gave her the orders, expecting no mistakes.

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