Wednesday. Week 3. Month 1. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

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[You have been inflicted with a hangover. All stats decreased by 25% until hangover is cleared. Remember this in the future…]

[2 days remaining to arrest Maki…]

The alarm threatened to explode Clyde's head. He mentally shut it off and his frustration at taking a large debuff. A softness—an amazing softness was on top of him, pried the young man to open his eyes despite the painful sunlight. A naked Yuki slept on top of him, Chika was on one side holding his arm, Alice on the other as well as Harumi. Hell, he was naked. What the fuck happened the previous night? He desperately tried to remember, to retain something, but hit a blank. Did he fucking pass out? NOOOOOO. So much of that weird brandy….

Clyde's horn shot up, awakening Yuki immediately. She looked surprised for just a second then smirked. She placed a finger over her lip, indicating the request for silence then curled her tongue in a place that made the young man clench his fists in intense glee. One of the other women stirred. The young man held his breath, but seconds passed without her waking.

Yuki's grin widened. She whispered in his ear.

"You have class, but…one night, you must let me have you to myself. I am a demoness. I have needs. And I like you, a lot. A lot." She stroked Clyde's manhood with her breasts, while curling the tip of it with her tongue. Within minutes of a technique that felt beyond amazing, he released a load onto her face, twice, but was still rock solid and ready to continue. Yuki waggled her finger, wiping her face with someone's shirt. "I would shower with you, but…Alice attends your school now." He was a little sad to see her go and she gave him a full view of woman. "I'll wake the others, you go shower. Your clothes will be waiting for you when you get out."

She smacked his ass and herded him to the bathroom before he could protest against her being a maid. Yuki's amusement only seemed to increase.

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[It is highly recommended that along with your life mate and Harumi, consider marrying Yuki too. The more wives, the more god tier extras you gain access too, desu.]

Leave me alone, System, Clyde thought. As he showered, Alice casually joined him, with her flowery women's shower gel and shampoo. Barely five minutes passed after soaping herself that she leaned against the young man and fell asleep.

"Alice," Clyde said playfully.

"Mmm, five more minutes," she murmured.

"Fine then." Clyde stuck two fingers inside her. She gasped and squeaked.

"Hey." The demoness fixed him with a blank glare. "We have class."

"Then wake up sleepyhead."

Chika simply barged in like it was nothing, grabbed Alice's shower gel and washed. Clyde awaited the outrage, but it never came.

"My head is killing me," she said then leaned, back and ass-first, against Clyde's raised horn. "Class is going to be painful."

Alice groaned.

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"There's a test next week… And I just enrolled."

"I'll catch you up," Chika said softly.

"You're the best," Alice replied.

Clyde decided not to interrupt the moment—the two women actually not clawing at each other's throats for once.

"If it weren't for this headache—I'll risk us going to class late," Chika said to Clyde. She rubbed against his mountain, teasing. She even allowed it to slide just a little inside, gasped and giggled. His control began to slip.

"You humans," Alice said. "Don't fool around with him or we really will be late."

Chika shrugged.

"Like I said, headache. Otherwise, I'd do something about that." She grabbed Clyde's horn. "I should've brought my bag of tools."

"What even happened last night?" Alice said.

Clyde winced against his headache.

"Too much of Yuki's bottle."

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"It was so strong, but the sweet and tart aftertaste made it irresistible," Chika said.

"I have a feeling we did something weird…" Alice shrugged. "Oh well, let's go. Harumi's probably waiting for us."

"She went back to her place for a shower," Chika said. "Yuki couldn't convince her that skinship is okay."

Clyde tried not to gape. Too bad those two wouldn't appreciate Yuki's sense of humor. He couldn't help but picture the demoness and large breasts, nice thighs, and all over him. Dammit school, he thought, and damn this world for turning me into a super-pervert.

After dressing, he dragged-ass into the kitchen. Since Yuki hopped into the shower, he'd grab an apple for breakfast. It should hold for a bit.

To his surprise, four cups awaited on the table. Three of them were filled with a bubbling transparently liquid. There awaited a note on the table from Harumi.

Something to help with the hangover.

Clyde wasted no time downing his.

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[Normally, hangovers cannot be cured by magic alone, but Harumi's refresh was infused with the drink. Your hangover has been cured.]

He made sure the others drank theirs before leaving. Harumi met them as they stepped out. It was a windy day with a sky full of thick clouds. Fewer people were out than normal, traffic slow. The group chatted mostly about the upcoming test.

[Let it be known that you were placed in the school for a reason. Scoring at the top of the board will invoke special opportunities, increase hidden reputation with all professors and the academy, and increase your charm with the students. Failing the test will slide you toward the image of delinquent. Unknown consequences for that. If you somehow best Chika, you will automatically become top student.]

Clyde was the top student at his prior college, but all of the subjects were from his world. He learned a lot about Satovia, but the silver-haired girl still had home advantage. Well, there's nothing wrong with trying. He sure as shit didn't want to score on the lower end of the chart. Chika wasn't his only threat. Alice could give her a run for her money and it wouldn't be a surprise to the young man if she took number one. But, they still had the upper hand, being apart of the class longer.

Upon reaching the gates, Sazuki stood, glaring at them, arms folded.

"I have questions for you."

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