Thursday. Week 3. Month 1. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

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[Last day remaining to arrest Maki…]

Alice was already up, dressed in a light pink shirt and black short shorts. She smiled at the young man.

"Don't overdo it."

"I know," Clyde said, nonchalance in his voice. He was surprised at the lack of soreness while brushing up. He put away Alice's toothpaste, so that she wouldn't suspect anything. Hers tasted better anyway.

Clyde used this time to access his weekly special item store.

[Items available: Super sex potion (350,000), Ki Book: Passion Burst (900,000), Thor's hammer (75,000,000,000) Health Potion x 6 (1200), Dildo gun (2,000,000), Book of Blazing Spirit (250,000,000), Grand Equipment set 500,000), Place of Power Core (1,000,000).]

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Clyde didn't hesitate in his selection. Some of the items were outright ridiculous and made him curious about their usefulness. Not all special items were for battle.

[You have received Place of Power Core. Item class: Relic. Item value: priceless.]

[Balance remaining: $ 1,151,400.]

It was moving day, the house under Clyde's official ownership. Tear had already offered to teleport everyone's belongings to the new place, so as soon as they dealt with Maki, he'd arrange to get started.

Alice met him at the bathroom exit with a kiss. A moment of pulsing almost had the duo ripping each other's clothes off. Only the thought of dealing with Maki for the last time, prevented the love-making. They settled for one more deep kiss.

Clyde forced away the thought of going home after the Viper was killed. Not the time for that, he thought.

He dressed in sweatpants with a shirt and a thin jacket to offset the autumn air. He could feel the cold even inside.

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That afternoon, the large party stood ready, eyes hard. The amount of people would seem like overkill, but Maki had the aid of a demon trickster god, so it only made sense to even out the odds. Everyone had a job to do. He even told them about the hornet so that they wouldn't kill her while in the heat of the moment. It was a last resort plan and most of the women were reluctant to accept it. Clyde formed the layout of the team in his head.

[Assaulting party: Clyde, Alice, Chika, Tear, Kitome, Seth, Toru, Yusuke.]

[Charging attack and heavy magic user: Natalia, Sahara, Yuki.]

[Healers and suppressing attackers: Harumi, Alice.]

"Remember what I said," Clyde said. "Physical attacks until that protective net is down. Then wreck her shit. Any questions? This should be simple."

"But we all know it's not going to turn out the way it's written on paper," Kitome said. Sahara nodded in agreement.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there," Alice said. "Tear, jump us to where Toru pointed."

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Tear thrusted her hands forward.

"I hope everyone's ready for this."

Clyde didn't feel much of the stomach-lurching like before, courtesy of being used to the time-space jumps.

The first thing he noticed was a naked unconscious Naomi lying on the ground, broken katana next to her. The poor girl had bruises all over her. Her clothes, mostly shredded, were scattered in all directions. There was suspicious liquid all over her face and body. The young man noticed a bandana on the ground that read: Goddess Maki Fan Club.

No one seemed to be around in this neighborhood to help his friend. His friend… that was violated by both Maki and her giant fan club. Hundreds of members. He quickly took off his jacket and covered her. They left her for the worst in the cold and naked.

"Stabilize and heal her Harumi," Clyde said in a deadly calm voice as he knelt at her side. The pink-haired girl did, intense worry in her eyes. "Tear, Yuki, Yusuke, take her to the hospital. Tell her about Maki's fan club and the assault. The list of names can be found at the academy. The police will question Naomi when she wakes up. Make sure they contact those not under the control of Maki's family."

He looked at Naomi one last time before passing her off. Harumi's healing made her look better already, but he couldn't chance the follow-up fever. Magic couldn't heal hangovers. Fevers were probably no better.

He stood up and finally allowed a rage like never before to fill him. The sky darkened then turned red. Reddish aura burst around the young man, as his eyes glowed. Winds burst from nowhere, swirling around him then expanding. Red lightning struck in various areas.


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He snarled, images of the horrible acts done to Naomi flashing into his mind, like quick-shot photos. The entire fan club. A trap meant for his Alice, sprung earlier than anticipated.

His blood boiled, the winds intensified. And no matter how much he tried, he couldn't forget the images. These people threw away their humanity, his thoughts rang.

"After I fuck Maki's shit up," Clyde said, "I will personally see to it that she's thrown in prison. If she survives what I'm about to do to her. I will personally oversee it all. Fuck with my friend like this…Naomi didn't deserve it…she didn't."

He aimed one hand at the house again. The house he saw among the images. A sea of unnatural power erupted from the young man's hand. It took on the visible form of lightning, but was so much more. And it disintegrated Maki's house.

The monster and mastermind was now on the ground, playing with herself. She looked up at them and smiled.

"Want to finish me off anyone? I can make you come—"

Maki barely shifted out of the way of Clyde's sword of red lightning and unknown matter. It seemed to poke a brief hole in reality. His aura pulsed against even his own friends with enough pressure to make them strain to stand.

"Sahara, do your job," Clyde said. "Everyone take your positions. And if you can kill her, do so. Because I sure won't be holding back."

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