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Level: ???

Type: Entity

Work under: ???

Special: ???

Weakness: ???, taint.

Resistances: ???

Secret: likes to sneak grapes from his main master's bowl when she isn't looking. Secretly likes dark elves.

[You are being confronted by overwhelming power….]

[Prepare yourself. Endure…]

[You have entered a Super Death Sentence!]

[Mortem activated gold tier skill: Divine Lashes of Punishment.]

Clyde put a spirit shield but the gold whip that appeared from nowhere smashed through his shield. He rolled out of the way just in time as it put a huge dent into the sidewalk.

"What the fuck are you doing, Mortem?" Clyde said. "You have no right to do this."

Mortem sneered.

"I'll do whatever I want. And you'll take it, mortal. You're overdue for lashes."

"If you think I'm the same weakling from before," Clyde said, "then you're mistaken."

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"Oh? You think you've got the vigor to even scratch me, puny human? You really have gotten too big for your britches."

Mortem teleported next to Clyde, but the young man had already flash stepped several feet away.

[You activated tier 2 skill: Neptune's water edge.]

Mortem seemed surprised when the magic knocked him back.

[Mortem's HP has dropped to 19,800%]

He laughed.

"Mortal, mortal, you just don't understand the difference between you and I. Let me show you."

Before Clyde knew it, he found himself flash stepping just to dodge silver energy balls. They melted away meters of ground upon contact.

[Mortem used Divine ball.]

[Mortem activated gold tier skill: Divine Lashes of Punishment.]

Clyde was grazed by one, but the searing agony spiraled him twenty meters from the creature. If time wasn't frozen, the truck ahead would've run him over.

"Truck-Kun," Clyde said. "Not today."

He forced himself to fight the pain and stand. Stand dammit!

[Your HP has dropped to 3%]

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"Credit where its due, you lasted quite long, but I'm not satisfied just yet." Mortem grinned, exposing his shark teeth.

<Mortem accessed Red Ki. Mortem channeled Fire whip!>

Clyde dropped to the ground to dodge the giant lash of fire.

[You invoked Mystic wrath.]

"What's this?" Mortem said. "Never seen…"

[You activated Mystic Lightning.]

Clyde scored a direct hit that actually made the batty asshole howl.

[Weakness uncovered: All Mystic skills x 56]

[CRITICAL. Mortem's HP has dropped to 16,000% WOW WELL DONE! STUNNED. ONCE MORE.]

"Fucking cool down," Clyde muttered, but he felt excited within.

[You activated Mystic Six Hand Skill.]

<Mortem's passive activated. Entity aura>

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[Your attack was canceled.]

Mortem stood up.

"I see."

[Your HP: 3%]

[Your MP: 43%]

Clyde knew he wouldn't be able to hold off long much longer. The difference in health and power was just too great. Mortem nodded again to himself.

"You've gotten stronger, but too big in your head if you think you can take on me. Still, I the stress is—" He coughed up blood. "You…why you filthy worm! I will not be humiliated by a mortal. I'll kill you and your friends. How about that? Beg for your life."

"I've had enough of you," Clyde said, his voice tinged with venom. "You've thrown me in this world with jack shit, threatened to kill my family, then raised the stakes to blowing up my planet. I WILL FUCKING OBLITERATE YOU."

At that moment, Clyde became one with time and space…. And he roared. His eyes glowed with gold, reflecting the matching aura that surrounded him. A halo hovered above his head, silver and gold in its brilliance.

[You've invoked Full Deity Stone Mode.]

[Warning, you can only hold this state for one minute. The strain is severe.]

[Mortem has been paralyzed by your pressure.]

[Mortem has been inflicted with deity blight.]

[Deity blight holds! Mortem cannot damage you.]

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[The pressure of this state has negated all of Mortem's natural barriers and armor.]

<<<You've requested to delete Mortem from existence. Doing this will have consequences, as he is your guide. Delete?>>>

Mortem fell to his hands and knees, bowing deeply, trembling. Apparently, he knew the feeling of that prompt.

"I…didn't know—I didn't know you—please don't erase me, my lo—."

Clyde kicked the shit out of him—the punt sent the entity through time and space—five thousand years into the past, and then back to his spot. The young deity could somehow tell. To say Mortem looked defeated afterward was an understatement.

[Mortem HP has dropped to 0.1%]

[Mortem has lost the will to fight.]

[The trauma has made Mortem terrified of you.]

[You cannot enslave Mortem as he already belongs to Venus, the goddess of love and sex.]

[Warning, it is best not to provoke the interests of the other deities until you've trained. Remember, you've only been exposed to your power for less than 3 weeks. Challenging gods at this time is not advised.]

Clyde allowed the System's reason to alter his next move. He picked up the near-dead entity.

"Listen here," he said, his voice trembling space and time and even the edges of the multiverses. "Deliver this message to your master and if it isn't correct, I will do more than just erase you. I'll make you suffer for an eternity. I'll personally carry out everything you threatened on my family, you fuck. Do you fucking hear me?" He threw Mortem down. "Tell your master that if she sends you on me again, I'll make it my mission to find and destroy her. I will also report her for interfering with the stone-viper games."

"Y..yes…great deity," Mortem wheezed, his voice nearly a whimper. Clyde didn't give him a chance to muster up any kind of dignity.

"Now get out of here before I change my mind."

All happened simultaneously: Mortem vanishing, the resuming of time, and Clyde's transformation wearing off, mystic wrath only half a second behind Full stone mode.

Clyde collapsed into blackness, the fading call of his friends briefly touching his ear. Despite the unconsciousness, all of his contracts held just as strong, perhaps even stronger now that the young man allowed his body to sink into the pits of rest.

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