After the bath, Clyde followed Yuki to somewhere deep in the back, until they entered a room with soft couches and a giant projector system, yards ahead. A movie room? Chika probably mentioned it, but the passing comment washed over the young man.

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"Who had time to set this up?" Clyde said, eyes inspecting the carpeted floor, the cup holes in the couches, expensive lighting system, and even a popcorn machine. He briefly thought about creating a mancave, but figured it'd become a man-Alice cave, then eventually everyone would intrude.

Just then, he became aware of someone else entering and shutting the door. Yuki sat down a bottle of some unknown fancy drink on a nearby table with…three glasses. Three? He himself had no intention of touching any alcohol, classes were in the morning—but three.

"Yuki," he said without turning around to look at the intruder. "This was a wager between you and I. Just us two—and nobody's supposed…"

Arms wrapped around him and a seductive voice skyrocketed his erection—like the jumpstart of a car. Yuki could do it, but there was only one whose voice had no equal.

"You certainly won't mind if I join, right? You wouldn't deny me the show."

Tear nibbled his ear. Even if she did try to use succubus magic on him—which wouldn't work—he'd still let her into the show. The softness pressed against his back forced out a tiny nosebleed. He wiped it and grabbed a cup. One should give him the confidence to entertain two assertive women like these. Yuki took it away.

"I have a new idea," she said. "I'll give you the drink from my mouth."

Tear gasped. Clyde looked at her just in time to see the succubus wiping away a small nosebleed. She shrugged. He took notice of her short translucent-black nightgown. In what seemed like two swift hand movements from Yuki, Clyde's boxers, shirt, and robe were swiped and tossed to the side.

Abruptly, Tear pushed Clyde to the couch and jumped him. She ran her tongue along his neck, but Yuki intervened.

"He's the entertainer," Yuki said. "And he needs his drink."

Tear gave her a pouty face.

"You can't present a man like this to a succubus and expect her to be able to control herself."

"A lesser succubus, sure," Yuki said. "But everyone in this room knows that you're no lesser succubus. You who taught Lady Alice herself."

Tear sighed.

"Fine. I don't mind the kink."

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"Good, because I won the wager. And I'll be giving him his drink."

Yuki pulled off her nightgown and Clyde gaped at lingerie. The demoness straddled him as she grabbed filled a cup, swallowed a mouthful first then leaned over to him.

"The next kink is mine," Tear declared. Yuki smothered Clyde with mouth to mouth, massaging his tongue as the sweet but strong alcohol rushed down his throat. The young man was beyond ready to go, but the demoness held him at bay. She took another mouth full of the drink and fed it to Clyde. Some of the purple liquid spilled, rolling down their chins. Some rolled down Yuki's chest. She took off the rest of her clothes.

"Lick it off," she said. The young man eagerly obliged. He so badly wanted to slide his horn into Yuki, but she positioned herself on one of his legs. The feeling of wetness as he sucked cleaned her breasts drove him crazy. She let out a small gasp, followed by a barely audible moan. She rubbed herself across Clyde's leg while taking a third mouthful of the drink, meeting Clyde's mouth, and playing with his tongue.

"The show must go on," Tear said, giving Yuki a start. "And don't look at me like that, you can't keep a succubus waiting."

"Damn," Yuki said. "That was so much fun. Now I feel like I regret inviting you."

Tear laughed.

"What woman wouldn't? Now move. Come over Clyde. Suck the drink off my thighs."

"You want me to what," Clyde said. Tear stripped then poured the alcohol not just on her thighs, but breasts too.

"Entertain me too," she said. He did. His made noises as he did so, switching from one leg to the other gliding. His tongue was seconds from tagging her wet center, but Yuki's hand blocked it.

"Breasts. Entertainer."

Clyde sighed, his horn throbbing. Fucking throbbing. Still, he obliged, feasting on a mouth full of Tear's breasts. She giggled, took a mouth full of the strange sweet drink and fed it to him. Tear's devil tail puffed into existence and wrapped itself around the young man's manhood. He gasped and grunted when she stroked.

"Hoh…fuck," he actually felt himself weaken a bit as she continued, immersing the young man in intense pleasure. He kissed Tear softly. "Let me give you a gift for all of your hard work."

Clyde slipped two fingers inside her as if to test the ocean that he felt. But there was more than an ocean. A planet maybe? A galactic-sized hot spring?

Tear's kisses grew wilder, her husky breathing pronounced.

"Inside, now," she said but Yuki pulled him away.

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"Me first," she said. "My show."

"Are you kidding me?" Tear said. "If I have to wait any longer, I'll lose my mind. You don't keep a succubus waiting." She pulled Clyde back to her. Before Yuki could object, the young man saw a tail shove its way inside her. The demoness gasped, trembling, falling to all fours as Tear basically…did her. They both moaned, but Yuki more so. The young man's mouth was agape in fascination. This touched the surface of the darker anime tropes.

"Come, give me the gift," Tear said. "I want to feel you both."

Clyde entered her, the tightness threatening to make him burst. She wrapped her legs around the young man as he plowed like a machine. As he smashed like a car accident... "Harder! Rougher! Pull my hair."

He could only describe his actions as going "beast mode" at that moment. Hell, the young man could feel magic oozing from her tail. That was probably what subdued Yuki. Tear had no intention of playing fair.

[Quest completed. Reward: +1 summon for Tear. The 97x more potent effect activates.]

[Your relationship with Tear has dramatically increased. It evolved from cherished, skipping many ranks to beloved. Relationship: Friend- closer level 9 + beloved. Warning, Tear is of noble blood. If she gains another set of ranks, the relationship will become worshipped. Her mother is a female demon lord, close friend of the Supreme demon lord. If Tear starts worshipping you—especially in front of them, they will come to either kill you or make you a sex slave to the Supreme demon lord.]

[Tear has fallen in love with you.]

"I love you!" she declared in the heat of the moment, hugging him during her convulsion. Somehow, all three of them came simultaneously. Clyde pulled out in time, while letting both Tear and the prompt soak in. And holy shit, what he read was a lot to take in.

He wasn't sure if he deserved her love. But the more he thought about it, the time spent with her from planning his house, every combat situation, everything financial related, and some other things plus the usual anime girl logic, the young man had no choice but to accept it. Not that he was complaining—but this suddenness felt insane. That ninety-seven times boost… did it affect her real feelings or the relationship level? The prompt answered.

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[The 97x boost cannot force someone to love against their will, desu. In fact, that is impossible. It effects strictly stats and numbers. The confession from Tear is a result of her own feelings, though the relationship level and the heat of the moment encouraged her to speak them. It is recommended to make her one of your wives.]

Tear's bat-like wings appeared then spread as she panted, Clyde beside her. Yuki rested on the other end of the couch.

Abruptly, Clyde felt like something struck him from the inside... Tear gazed at him with love in her eyes. Ah, shit—he didn't want to set close cousins against each other, not those two.

"You…basically screwed me," Yuki said, though she didn't seem to have the energy or heart to raise her voice. "That tail can work wonders, but if you ever do that again succubus, I'll string you up so the dark abyss can have its way with you."

Tear laughed.

"You should know what to except when inviting a succubus to the party."

Yuki rolled her eyes.

"I need a drink. Sorry Master Clyde, we'll screw each other to our hearts burst some other time. You have class in the morning."

Clyde sighed. Sometimes even the mundane escaped into the anime world. Although…what will the watchers do if he decided to ditch the idea of school. Maybe see this world…

"And that's why I insisted on doing this another day," he said.

Yuki shrugged.

"I'm a patient woman. For now. It will make my reward that much sweeter. Besides, I've pledged to bear your child."

"You did? Why? And there's no need to go that far—trust—"

The demoness talked right over Clyde.

"Because I want your child. Nothing to it."

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"I wanted his child first," Tear said. "Even more so now. Maybe two, three, seven. Twelve. No, I think that Chika girl wanted that many, but I'll still be fine with having a lot."

Clyde gaped at Tear. And a pregnant Yandere? What would that be like? Would she take "motherly" to the extreme? Would she feel like she had a piece of Clyde inside of her and always make sure he knows it? The young man pushed aside those thoughts. Chika loved sex and only said things in the heat of the moment.

Yandere or not, there was just no way she'd actually want to be impregnated—especially before graduating and getting whatever job she wanted. She'd probably run a ton of companies.

"Alright, I'm off to shower and bed," Clyde said.

"Let me join you, love," Tear said. The young man gave her a suspicious look. "I won't try anything." She smirked. And… she teased him until they had sex three times.

Your Ki has increased! Tear's Ki represents: Spirit, passion, and love. Yuki has Heart, power, and mystery.

[Life: 1. Lightning: 1. Heart: 2.]

[ Strength :1. Passion:2. Energy :1.]

[Soul: 4. Command: 4. Radiance: 4.]

[Vitality is at 1. Speed is at 1. Aura is at 1.]

[Love: 1. Spirit: 1.]

[Power: 1. Mystery: 1]

[Let it be known that you can manifest the stats in various forms once you've gained control of your Ki. People will react to a Command from you if you insert Ki into your voice. This could be useful if you learn Ki-based compelling. However, be wary of attracting black Ki and dark gods or in your case, dark goddesses. They will try to control you.]

[The color of your inner Ki is gold.]

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