The Mansion…

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Harumi covered her mouth as she took in a mansion painted with blood. Limbs and heads were burning into purple flames. Walls of dark red, ceiling dripping, the thick smell of iron and gore made the young woman want to puke. The intense pressure in the air frightened her more than any of the destruction. It didn't take her long to spot him, sitting on the throne with a leg propped up on the arm of the chair. The tainted aura of black, red, and gold surrounded the young man. Harumi wanted to go to him. She…She pulled herself together. Everyone had a seal—thank goodness Alena didn't leave the pressure to just one person. But…her thoughts stopped as she heard Clyde whistle a strange tune. Maybe something from his homeworld?

Harumi stretched her hand out in front of Chika, who no doubt would run to him. Or try stealthing. Those eyes. They would see through everything.

Time and space warped around Clyde like an extreme version of heat-shimmering. Seth took an involuntary step back, but inhaled and forced himself forward. Harumi wished she was that brave. It took everything in her to stay rooted in place.

She looked at Clyde again as they finally stepped into his view. Everything bone in her body trembled. Then his eyes widened.

"Sup guys," he said in his normal voice. Harumi nearly fell backward. His eyes widened farther until Harumi was sure they'd pop out of his head. He teleported to Chika and scooped her into a hug. "How?" A few tears…normal tears, fell from his eyes. "I fucked up so much...charging my team in without a decent plan. I didn't know how I would ever face you."

"Clyde…" Chika held onto him tightly. "I don't blame you for what happened. I was so scared when…" Tears fell from Chika's eyes.

"Wait, so no epic showdown against our leader?" Seth said. "And then we get beaten up to the point where Alice just barely puts on the seal to change you back. The taint and all—And then you spiral into emo-like depression—"

"Oh, the old cliché me succumbing to the taint?" Clyde chuckled. "Come on guys, I'm not that weak." He hugged Chika again. "Goddamn, life without you would be terrible for me. For all of us." Chika melted into Clyde with a blush so deep, Harumi felt jealous. "You see, I've been waiting for that tiny spark of taint from the Omen's sphere to pop out. When it came, I used it to root the vampires in this hell hole. Sorry about the mess by the way. At least I got most of them—I think the top two leaders are out of town and I don't know about you guys, but I'm too tired for that shit. Afterward…well it took a little effort and the old trope of fighting with myself in the inside to snuff it out."

"Then why do you still look like that?" Toru said.

"Yeah Clyde, you're freaking me out dude," Yusuke said.

"That's my line," Seth said to Yusuke.

"And your scent is off," Ruri said.

"My scent?" Clyde said, giving them all a Toru-style blank stare. Except that it looked terrifying to Harumi.

"Are you really well, my heart?" Alice said. Clyde's eyes lit up to her voice.

"To be honest, no," Clyde said, letting go of Chika. "You never know you're capable of crying in life until a close friend die. And then an evil voice tries to get into your head. Anyway, I haven't turned off the transformation simply for the fact that I'm probably going to die."

Tear leapt toward him, eyes frantic, grabbing a hold of the young man. Everyone looked at her in surprise. Melody looked as if she was about to take that step, but held back. Harumi noticed her foot was ahead too.

"Don't speak like that," Tear said, voice strong. "Don't."

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"It's the truth," Clyde said. "I pushed my luck too far this time."

"How can you be so calm?" Natalia said.

Clyde shrugged.

"This form does things. Besides, Chika took all of my panic with her when…that happened."

"So all of this…now what?" Melody said then sighed. "I need some of Yuki's brandy when we get home."

"Home…" Chika said, eyes glistening just a bit.

"I mean if you guys want a fight against this, you could always find me some taint," he said. "Not that it would do any good. I think I may soon learn how to purify it like a machine. I just have to…"

Clyde fell to a knee. "Well, the transformation is wearing off. I'm fucked. Shit this strain's going to hurt. A goddamn painful death."

"Let's stop standing here and try the seal," Chika said then pulled it out her of pocket. Harumi immediately noticed something strange about it. The silver-haired girl was too caught into happiness to notice.

"Wait, Chika don't—that seal has absorbed the taint from the air!" Harumi yelled too late.

When it touched Clyde's skin, he roared. Chika quickly backed away from him.

"No fuck! What the fuck?" Seth yelled. "Clyde, no, fight dude, fight it."

"This place is full of taint," Harumi said. "We're unaffected due to Alena's spell. The self-protection Clyde had was shattered by the tainted talisman."

"Wait, so does that mean all of our talismans—" Kitome said.

"Everybody back up," Harumi yelled, shutting away her fear. It was time. No more hiding it. She would heal Clyde, break a promise. "Go outside, out of this taint. Leave Clyde to me."

"You can't possibly be sane," Toru said. "We're not leaving you to face him alone."

"Seriously!" Ruri said. "I smell danger. It smells worse than that blood."

Clyde roared louder, his eyes glowing red. He thrashed about, destroying furniture and pillars with single swipes. He…was in pain. And the taint took over.

"Please trust me," Harumi said. "Please, everyone. I can fix him, but you must go. And don't come nor look in here until I say it's okay"

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"Fine, but don't get yourself killed," Alice said then took off behind everyone else.

Harumi looked at the man she one day hoped to marry, with icy determination in her eyes.

[Harumi has foolishly challenged the Stone, God of Life and Eternity to a fight!]

[Harumi has entered a MAXED death sentence!]

[LIFE AND DEATH! Save Clyde!]

The god walked toward her, lucidity not present in his eyes, enormous red and black and gold aura pouring from him. Harumi took a deep breath then exhaled.

[Harumi has invoked Kitsune form!]

Fiery pink aura surrounded Harumi as she took on the form she hid from her friends. She grew fox ears, a fox tail, and even foxlike pupils. The aura swirled around her, happy to be released. Electricity joined that aura.

"Come on, boy," Harumi said in a confidence, maybe overconfident voice, then grinned. "Let's dance."

She aimed a hand at the god and unleashed a literal ton of lightning. It stopped in front of him and turned to dust. "Tsk. It wouldn't be so fun if it was so easy."

Harumi decided to let go her sense of self, but kept the reminder of healing in the back of her head. She blurred toward the young man, engaging him. He blocked all of her attacks with just a single finger. Then with that same finger—just a touch—rocketed her backward to crash into a table. Harumi laughed, trembling with joy. A true challenge!

"I suppose I should stop having fun," she said.

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"Is this your idea of a joke, fox?" a voice that was definitely not Clyde's said. "You take me lightly…Let me show you one thousand years of pain."

Time and space warped in all places, surrounding the kitsune, but instead of screaming in pain, Harumi laughed. The gold and red magic surrounded her like fire and yet, she just couldn't stop enjoying herself.

[Clyde used Unknown Tier Skill: Eternal Shock.]

[Harumi's HP has dropped from 1000% to 1.2%]

The god stepped toward her, eyes glowing, the taint swirling around in like a whirlwind. The real taint, not just the aura. He was intimidating, driving the kitsune's sex drive up the wall.

Harumi forced herself through the pain and the wanting to stand. Her grin didn't fade.

[Harumi activated GODDESS Tier Skill: Breath of the Last Kitsune.]

With one hand aimed at Clyde, she unleashed a massive amount of magic in the shape of a glowing pink fox.

…The god smacked it away with a single hand. Tsk…no effect on him whatsoever. Magic that could obliterate an entire city with ease.

"Well, that could've gone better," Harumi said. "I suppose even I should be wary of challenging the great and mighty god of eternity." She laughed.

[Harumi has activated Fox Flash Heal!]

[Harumi is unable to heal due to Clyde's unstoppable pressure.]

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She chuckled.

"Well now. Uhm Clyde, mercy?" she winked.

The god roared, which sounded like a dragon. His deep and dark voice made her quiver with excitement.

"Insolent mortal, you continue to mock me. Perhaps a thousand years isn't enough for you."

"Gods and their bravado," Harumi said. "Oh wait, my sensitive self wants to heal you. Whoops, forgot about that. I'm definitely going to pass out of nervousness when I go back to normal." She stuck her tongue out then winked. "Let's go, boy."

The god teleported next to Harumi, but the kitsune dodged his light-speed punches, kicks, and various martial arts that definitely didn't belong to her Clyde. "Ha, I can see your attacks one second before they come, you know. You'll never hit me. Except with your super-cheap undodgeable magic."

Harumi bounded to Clyde's side, then leapt onto his back. She licked his cheek then nibbled his ear.

"Mmm, a fox's gotta try sometime," she said. "Now let's heal."

[Harumi has activated KITSUNE GODDESS TIER SKILL: Kitsune's RE: Purify!]

Her healing magic funneled into Clyde's mouth like a giant tornado. Whirling and whirling until it vanished into his psyche, cleansing him.

Clyde gasped as he collapsed to his knees shimmering. His transformation flickered rapidly then vanished. The kitsune took out her purified seal and placed it on his skin, still smirking.

"Our beautiful man," Harumi said. "Make sure you take care of me…" She kissed Clyde, activating a second layer to the seal. His eyes widened then he fainted. "Ha, proof that I'm the best a man could have."

Harumi took a deep breath and then reluctantly let go of the transformation. Her face reddened as her normal senses returned. She wanted to die—embarrassing herself like that. She wasn't sure why she acted that way, a persona that others just couldn't see.

It wasn't until recently that she broke her inner limits to unlock the true part of herself. A part of her entire family, before they died to enemies. Enemies of the Kitsune. This was a secret sworn to keep between two sisters. She broke that promise twice now. The first, accidental while training alone. And now…for Clyde.

The seal of his powers wouldn't hold forever and in fact, his rage may still invoke the half-deity state that he used to take out Nezerath. To think… that was less than half of his power—Clyde stood as a man worthy of her.

She shook off the kitsune's thoughts. Clyde is Clyde, she thought. Alena appeared next to her, eyes glowing, knowing, and set on her. Harumi stared her down, coldly.

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