A classic idea formed in his head as he silently panted. The climax neared, his horn basking from the silver-haired girl's technique. If he shot an unnatural load… Clyde grabbed one of Chika's feet and tickled with all his worth. Startled, she snatched back while stifling a laugh, bumping the table. Everyone looked at her. Boner calm, Clyde used that opportunity to stand.

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"I'm going to head back first," he said. "I'll see you after class."

As Clyde left, someone watched him in a far back corner, alone. A fist clenched, crushing a soda can. A can that she imagined unopened. The young woman shook her head.

"These morons…so noisy and over them? Tssk. I need to do something about those con artists. As if they could actually wield the great power that I yearned for my whole life. I know I have hidden power stored inside me—I just do. As soon as destiny is ready to show me off to the world, I'll glow. Maybe become a magical girl." She thrust her hand out to the side and accidentally flung her phone, nailing a scary fourth-year in the face. The super-muscled young man glared at the girl. She fainted.

"Sheesh girl, I was just going to hand you back your phone," he said. "Shit happens. A scrawny thing like you wouldn't mean any harm."

"That's Misaka," a girl beside him said. "She's a delicate flower. She spends too much time watching anime and reading that Loli Saga nonsense. I'll take her to the school medic."


The rest of the school day rocketed by in Clyde's opinion.

[You have entered an Exam!]

[Subject: Sciences.]

Satovian sciences. This class was perhaps Clyde's most difficult subject. While the natives knew even the most basic elements and something they called rhythm, the young man struggled at first. Chika and Harumi not only caught him up but taught Clyde memorization techniques to retain the information.

[What is the third rhythm of solar-ice? Solve its formula using 4 as a holster.]

Clyde wanted to kill himself. How in the fuck… A memory of Chika removing a layer of clothing for every question he got right, enticed him. Every question he missed resulted with her not only putting the wardrobe back on but taking one step toward Alice's pie. If she reached it, Chika would start moving toward the young man.

Get enough wrong answers and well, in addition to a pie in the face, would be a wrath untold. Alice's wrath. He remembered everything—also had to stifle a laugh. Chika's silly game was quite fun.

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Solar ice grew in spots on the south pole that interacted weirdly with Satovia's sun. Rhythms were like elements or some shit Clyde would have to put time into understanding. He marked the answer on the test. Thank the stars for multiple choice.

Thanks to the women, he breezed through the rest of the exam. The last question made him wonder.

[What is the mythology behind essence?]

Apparently, it was the building block of all life and forces. Clyde marked that on the test. Odd, the professor didn't believe in the supernatural. She wasn't there during the showdowns nor accepted anything shown by the media. Quite the stickler for a young and beautiful teacher.

To Clyde's huge surprise, he finished first and fast. It was as if the struggle didn't exist. When he looked at the class, the young man saw pained expressions.

"Very good. You may go now," the professor said, twirling her bright orange hair with a single finger. Clyde secretly wished he could bang her too…Poison thoughts. Try to retain some humbleness, Clyde, he thought.

His grandmamma would give him the deadliest stare if she found about his thought process.

He unleashed all of his mental strength in his final class.

[You have entered an Exam!]

[Subject: Crafting.]

The written crafting exam was so easy, Clyde finished first and under ten minutes. He checked his answers then turned in the test.

"Ok mister Clyde," said the professor. He was the only man among his instructors. "Craft up figure four and you're good to go."

"Yes sir," Clyde said, smiling then got to work. Because of his crafting level being at five, he went above and beyond. The professor stared at him, mouth agape.

"Perfect score," he said softly. "Can…can I keep this to show off to my future students?"

"Sure," Clyde said. "It'd be an honor."

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The professor shook his hand energetically, thanking the young man. Carefully, he picked up the object and set it in a glass display case.

"You're welcome to stop by and show these slackers how it's done anytime. Also…It'd be an honor to catch you practicing, so feel free to use this room, just not while I'm teaching." He grinned.

[Congratulations! For going beyond the norms, you can now craft at the academy whenever you please, as long as the professor isn't teaching.]

[Congratulations, you have survived exam day! You have received 520,000 EXP and $10,000]

[Congratulations, you have reached level 71! Stats increased.]

[Charm has increased to level 4. Shatter strike increased to level 6.]

So exams were like battles, except with the brain. Clyde could explain this no other way. At last, the school day ended. He almost took the Jump without the women, eager to get as far away from the academy as possible. Friday, a date with Harumi and a butt ton of quests to clean up off the log.

Quest log:

Main story.

Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

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Call or visit Chika in the late hours. (MS.)

Either call or visit Kitome in the late hours.

Talk to Melody….again.

Investigate Niyoto (multi-step quest. Required to defeat demon lord)

Craft 1 complicated item. (MS)

Get to know Sazuki over time.

Ask Yuki about the Abyss to the Blackness

Take all female party members on one date

He could simply call Chika or Kitome out to meet him somewhere during the late hours. Will this work, System? Clyde thought.

[The parameters are acceptable, desu.]

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The image of a smiling bubblegum-pink-haired girl flickered in his mind for just a second before vanishing. Odd.

When Clyde opened the door, he froze. Natalia, humming innocently chugged one of the sex potions that Melody left in the fridge. Yuki was supposed to do something about them.

"That lemonade tastes funny," she said. The others brushed past Clyde to their rooms, oblivious to the situation. When they cleared, Natalia skipped toward the young man, goofy grin on her face.

"Hiiiii pervy nii-chan."

He backed up and slammed the door shut. The backdoor should be fine, he thought, but upon opening it, the loli awaited. In a nightgown.

"Pervy nii, I think it's time…" she hiccupped. "That you found your way, the way that is inside of me."

"That is not something a kid should be saying," Clyde said, then pointed at her. "Go…to Alice."

"I don't swing that way," Natalia said, taking a step toward Clyde. She hiccupped. "No one in this house swings like that. Well, that bone-headed masochist girl probably does, but who cares about her. And pervy-nii." Her face was flushing, eyes filled with yandere-like lust. "I am a woman. And you will satisfy me—I don't care what form!"

"Oh fuck no," Clyde said as he slammed the door shut. The loli was on his tail this time, giggling. He tried to cast.

[Due to the special effects bestowed in the sex potion, Natalia was able to borrow and instantly cast Kitome's tier 3 skill: Plain of Silence!]

[Your magic has been disabled for 3 minutes…]

"Front door it is then," he said, dodging a tendril of rope-like magic that shot from Natalia. She intended to bind him.

If he let himself get raped by a loli, he'd give himself a game over. This was a race to Alice.

"Ah, I see what you're doing, but I won't let you! I am a woman. I need loving too!" She giggled. "Pervy nii-sama."

"You're a brat," Clyde called to her. "And if you don't stop being a pest, I'm going to ground you."

"You can't ground me," Natalia said, "I'm your right hand. You know what Tear said about men and their right hands?"

"I don't want to hear it, you—you loli rapist."

Since when did a sex potion become so overpowered? This would not end well if he didn't do something quick.

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