[Your Ki has increased. Here are Chika's Ki stats. Currently, she has cultivated the highest.]

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[Vitality: 5. Speed: 5. Aura: 5.]

There must be a way to break the once-a-day Ki increase, Clyde thought.

Clyde was pleasantly surprised that Tear had prepared what seemed like a boardroom. What other nice surprises did she set up? Like that movie theater room. In fact, she was seated beside him as the women agreed that sitting on his lap would make him seem less of a leader. Alice flanked his right. The love he felt from the two only served as a reminder of his luck. The young man had, at last, stopped wondering if he deserved it. Or pushed the thought somewhere in the depths of his mind. Maybe the women liked modesty. Maybe not. Instead, he'd focus on putting effort into being there for all of them.

Yusuke had a neutral expression on his face. Harumi too, but the twinkle in her eyes spoke volumes. He felt Alice's annoyance of the ninja through the bound and almost sighed. To bring down the disapproval of the two most lax members of the team. His phone buzzed.

A text from Kitome? She was there, of course, the third seat from him.

Kitome: you look good with the necklace. But…Are you sure you like it?

Clyde: Kitome, this is literally epic. I fucking love it.

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Kitome: Don't lie, I'll box your ears if you are.

Clyde: Kitome, I wouldn't be wearing something I didn't like. Now focus. And thank you again. You are the best.

Clyde put away his phone and briefly eyed each member of his team. They housed looks of expectancy for their leader. He could lay on the dramatics like some of the CEOs on TV, but decided that Toru wouldn't be the only one giving him a blank stare.

"We've got a few things to talk about, but let's get the elephant in the room out of the way," Clyde said. He looked at Yusuke. "I'm going to be blunt man—and while you've apologized for it—we've got to beat this dead horse again. First, let me make this clear. Do not under any circumstances target me with your ninja soul again. I'm just barely starting to properly control these powers. They're like acid to you. If you find yourself burned ou—"

"You needlessly put the entire team in danger," Harumi snapped. "Did you know that Clyde had a vision and in it, we all died horrifically. Your actions were irresponsible and quite frankly, Clyde is being too lenient on you."

"Running off on your own is the number two taboo of an adventurer's party," Airi added. "After the party saves the moron, risking themselves in the process, he or she gets the boot. Which surprises me, Yusuke." She glared at him. He paled. "I've known you since high school. You weren't this stupid. So, what the hell?"

"Oh you don't know about his reaperess girl," Kitome said, her voice full of distaste, though strangely, not as strong as before.

Airi's eyes widened.

"Reaperess? Pfft, there's no such thing. What girl ticked you off this time? I wish I could say y—"

She froze as Clyde's glowing-eyed glare continued to coat her.

"I apologize," Airi said. "I—I didn't mean to interrupt."

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Clyde nodded, then continued. They could sit there and scrutinize Yusuke all day, but it wouldn't solve the problem. He let the tiny trickle of power go to avoid aggravating the strain. He would've accused the system of place limits on him to prevent the OP, but as his grandmamma once said, "boy you betta learn to crawl before you walk. Or else, you'll keep falling on your face." Clyde folded his arms, eyes locked with the ninja. "You will be retrained. Harumi will be assisting Toru, whenever she pleases. Or she may not at all. You'll probably pray for the latter. This isn't me being a dick, dude. This is for your own good." Yusuke reluctantly nodded, dropping his protests. "Harumi's right about me being lenient, but nobody's perfect. Sometimes we fuck up once in a while. Kind of like how we began." He turned to Airi to see that she was pale.

"They're…not human," she said. "I couldn't tell at first..."

"That's because Yuki's aura masks everything in here," Clyde said.

"It does?" Chika said, then nodded a couple of seconds later. "You're right. I simply grown used to it."

"Demonesses," Airi said softly.

"Don't forget us," Ruri said, waving, allowing her wolf ears and tail to show. Airi bounced out of her seat, eyes wide.

"And me," Tear said, allowing her wings and tail to show briefly.

Airi nearly fainted, but quickly covered up her surprise by doing the fake clearing of her throat again.

"I have so many questions," she said. "And especially for you." She pointed at Clyde. "You don't seem to be human either. But neither demon." She looked at Melody briefly, then Alice. After a few moments, she sat back down and shrugged. "I will not begin to try to understand this clusterfuck. You all seem to be nice people and so that's that. Yuki, may I have another drink after this, please? Or better yet, I'll pour one for both of us."

Yuki laughed.

"Harumi's not as formidable with it as you."

Airi grinned.

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"When you've traveled to as many places as I have, you taste even the strongest. The only one I couldn't handle was the Jobberwock Surprise."

Yuki cringed.

"You…actually drank that. You do know what's in it, right?" Yuki said.

"It was a dare by some ditzy elf," Airi said. " That being said, my group had to babysit me all the way to my room."

Matsume shuddered.

"You could not pay me to drink that. Did you at least vomit it up."

"Yep and the dinner I hate," Airi said. "Anyway, enough about that. Clyde take it back."

Clyde gave her a Toru-style blank stare. Toru actually joined in, which she snatched a small pillow off the floor and nailed the noble in the face. "He still does that stupid look."

The other women burst into laughter. Clyde cleared his throat, silencing them.

"Let's talk about Niyoto," he said. He told them about the news report. Fortunately, before the meeting, he was able to verify that men were still going missing. The claims of minotaurs were even more strongly in the air. There was even a minotaur-worshipping group called the Children of the Minotaur. The women were nuisances to the people in the city. Claims of having magic-users within their group kept away anyone that would challenge them. "So yeah," Clyde concluded.

"Let me join you on this," Airi said. "I didn't get the chance to come back and challenge Hades again."

"You challenged my father?"

Airi's eyes widened then she marched out of the room. Harumi hurried after her. Alice's expression showed the fucks she gave. None. Minutes later, the legend twenty-seven returned with a cup. Harumi shook her head.

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"I don't know where she snatched this alcohol habit."

"I've seen a lot of things, but a gathering like this and Hade's daughter?" Airi downed her cup in one go. "This is extraordinary. Something never-before-seen or done. You know the whole human-demon thing right."

Tear sniffed.

"Get out of the fairy tales. Demons these days are about money, business, and maintaining and building their positions of power, whether in the demon realm or the human. These aren't the old tales of terrorizing villages."

"I didn't mean to imply any stereotypes," Airi said, then gave a short bow and hands clasp, as if asking for a favor. "I simply wish to learn as much as possible—I've never seen a gathering of friends like this before."

"Anyway," Clyde said. "Who's actually able to go to Niyato? Chika and Maki will handle everything with the school. It shouldn't take us no more than a few days, if that."

"Are we patrolling?" Toru asked.

"I think we have no choice on that," Seth said. "When a demon lord's there, monsters spawn at night."

"Which means, Detective Tetra may be there too," Ming said.

Clyde blinked.

"You're absolutely right. There's a chance. If she is, put off her questions as quickly as possible." He stood. "So who's going?"

Everyone raised their hands. "Excellent. Start packing. Tear and I won't have time to Jump you here, so don't leave anything."

"I'd better ready my bag of tools," Chika said, soliciting a blank glare from Clyde.

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