Tuesday. Week 1. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

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City: Niyoto, Satovia

[Current quest: Investigate Niyoto. Step 3!]

[Alert: today will more than likely be worse.]

Day two…

Step three? Well, at least there's decent progress, Clyde thought.


"Harumi! Kitome's bullying me!"

Clyde winced at Kitome's echoing yell from the hall. So much for soundproof walls. He paused, gasping as a hand grabbed his horn, massaging it. He should've known that falling asleep alone didn't mean waking up alone. Come to think of it, did he check? The room was pitch black the prior night, but he didn't feel anyone there. On most nights at home, he ended up spooning either Alice or Chika.

Clyde did not expect Yuki. She stroked harder.

"A good morning release will help you focus," she said flatly. Clyde chuckled.

"Then let me spread the love." He climbed on top and entered a wet bliss. She was in her maid outfit, panties tossed to the side. The young man jack-hammered.

Yuki wrapped her legs around him and held onto his back as he rode. He barely pulled out in time. The demoness decided she wasn't done yet, pulling the young man to the bed. A kiss later, along with some horn-stroking, she mounted and galloped. Her horny breathing seemed to double his erection. It quadrupled as he watched Yuki's large breasts bounce. She let out a climatic moan that once again, almost awarded herself with a chance to be filled with Clyde's load. She lied on top of him, panting.

[Ki increased!]

[Yuki's crests are Heart, Power, and Mystery.]

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[Your body is beginning to adjust to the amount of cultivated Ki. Keep this up! You may need this more than you think.]

[Life: 2. Lightning: 2. Heart: 4.]

[ Strength:1. Passion:2. Energy: 1.]

[Soul: 4. Command: 5. Radiance: 4.]

[Vitality: 5. Speed: 5. Aura: 5.]

[Mystery: 2. Power: 2 Ambition: 1]

[Submission: 1 Unpredictable: 1 Spark: 1]

[ Rain: 1 Spirit: 1 Love: 1]

Clyde could just not keep the erection down, but more than an hour had passed. Ignoring the planned mission was not an option.

"Do you really have to go?" Yuki said, hand on his chest, as he rose.

"Yep," Clyde deadpanned. "Around the cultists. Wanna join?"

"Sure, but I get to be your right hand," she said.

System, can you please set a reminder for me tonight; call or invite Kitome, Clyde thought

[The System is not responsible for your forgetfulness nor habit of getting off track.]

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Yes, you are fucking responsible, Clyde mentally snapped. No response. He headed to the shower without thinking on it further, Yuki following. This ordeal reminded him of the days his Uncle Lenny argued with a computer. No results.

What kind of anime tropes was he going to deal with this day? Another question to avoid answering.

When Clyde opened the door, Ruri jumped back.

"I told you not to sniff in there," Matsume said as she approached the trio from down the hall.

"But he was taking so long," Ruri said. "I Just wanted to make sure everything was okay."

Clyde gave the hellhound princess a suspicious glare. She smiled sadly.

[Talent, main character stuff: head pat.]

She melted into Clyde's caress. Her tail wagged and her tongue lolled out her mouth for just a second. The adorable blush made the young man smirk.

"Ruri, since you're not doing anything right now, you'll be joining me on the infiltration."

Her ears perked up, tail wagged harder.

"Okay," Ruri said, "but Alice has to sit this one out."

"Blasphemy," Clyde said. "I don't go anywhere without Alice."

Alice just happened to be approaching them, hearing it all. The young man glared at the smirking hellhound. The half-demoness stopped by Clyde's side, grabbing his arm.

"Who's the idiot to make such a suggestion," she said. "My hus—Clyde and I have fought together since the beginning. By the way." She looked at Yuki. "Why'd you bail on the women's meeting this morning. We canceled it to be fair."

Yuki shrugged.

"It slipped my mind."

"Women's meet?" Clyde said.

Alice waggled a finger.

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"Girls only, so don't try to pry."

Clyde gave her a skeptical look then shrugged it off. These particular women were brilliant. He figured having them strategize things should be no problem.

"Anyway, I'll go fetch Natalia," Alice said.

"Don't worry about that," Clyde said. "Yuki, you, Ruri, and I will go."

"I'd like to go," Matsume said.

"No, I'll need you—"

"I want to go," Matsume whined. Clyde rolled his eyes.

"Ruri, explain things to your servant," he said.

"You're not going," Ruri said simply. "We can't have a large party—and especially not two hellhounds."

"Besides, Chika's going to give us a boost," he said.

"Why not use that ninja," Matsume said.

"Yeah right, I'm not trying to fail," Clyde said. "Besides, Harumi and Toru's training him right now."

"Indeed. Maki's with them," Yuki said. "She'll have a break today under Harumi's care."

"You let that poison near our Harumi," Alice said.

"She's not as bad as she once was," Yuki said, giving Alice an icy glare. "What do you think I've been doing the entire time? Not just labor. I haven't told anyone, but I'm her therapist too."

Alice nodded, just briefly taken aback.

"Whatever," she said. "But it's going to take more than that to make me forget what she did to poor Naomi."

Clyde sighed.

"Yuki, keep up the good work. Now, let's go scoop up Chika and get going."

Clyde had a few ideas to go about this task. Most involved using some skills. As for that night, he'd complete Kitome's quest.

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That may take an elaborate plan to dodge the other girls. Well, not really. He'd call the magical girl from somewhere in town, praying the minotuars don't fuck up everything and… This was just not going to work.

No matter how he looked at things, completing Kitome's quest… He dropped that thought. A month ago, he vowed not to be a dumb shit indecisive main character. Now wasn't the time to give in. First, he'd initiate the challenge himself.

Clyde texted Kitome. Yuki tried to eavesdrop, but he held the phone out of her reach.

"Clyde's texting someone in secret—cease the phone!"

That was Natalia, rushing toward them, happy-go-lucky attitude radiating. She dove into Alice's arms.

Clyde gave the loli a blank stare, but then noticed everyone behind him creeping closer and closer, hands in a grabbing position.

[Clyde activated Special Tier Skill: Energy Materialize. Weapon: Paper fan.]

A paper fan made of energy materialized in his grasps. A paper fan…that was not made of paper, but felt like it. He whacked all the woman on the head in one swift move, then pocketed his phone.

"Save your sneakiness for the cult headquarters," Clyde said. "Tear's done a good job, tracking them down so quickly—I need to get her—" He quickly changed the subject. "Anyway, focus on breaking that contract."


A minotaur watched from the window, giggling. Stealthing was nice.

"As if you're going to waltz in on our servants and ruin years of structure." She turned to her partner, a holstaur. "They have him. Go ahead and commence the full assault right now. And capture any man you desire. Violations on sight and husband declaration is allowed. Save our comrade too. They'll never expect that we minotaurs can organize when someone takes something that's ours or hurt our friends."


The red-cloaked being chuckled.

"Once again, I have to miss out on the juicy stuff."

He saluted the air and Jumped.

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