Large backroom in Niyoto Hotel…

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Clyde nodded at the large lump on Ashard's head. Removing her hands from his throat, Alice glared at the fairy boy for a few more seconds before sitting down. The deep purple bruise almost made the young man wince. Almost. Damn did he love Alice. Fuck with me, you deal with her, he thought. A worse fate.

He closed away the delayed prompts to address the party. As his hand petted Ruri who laid across his lap, he wondered just how were they taking him seriously at that moment? And none of the other women raised an objection to the hellhound wordlessly demanding the petting. Well, no one could really see her since they had a large table brought in. The young man finished the rest of the story, then paused, allowing the party to intake. He carefully read their expressions, ranging from awe, neutral and indifference, to anger.

"As much as I hate to sound like the downer, dude, fighting multiple level two hundred plus magical steroid dudes doesn't sound appealing," Seth said.

"Nyyaa, crusaders may be hated as much as the Ashfall family," Neko said.

Clyde sighed.

"Speaking of Ashfall, how's the cleanup, Tear?"

"Finished that days ago," the succubus replied, triumphant smile on her face.

"You're fucking awesome," Clyde said then addressed his party again. "For now, we're going to avoid getting involved with them. The team as a whole is just not strong enough."

"Couldn't we just have the police arrest them?" Tetra snapped. "I don't care about my beatings, but they could've done worse to so many innocent people."

"You know the obvious answer to that, dark elf," Clyde said. Everyone stared at her. The demonesses didn't seem surprised, most likely wondering why the young man invited her to the meeting.

"Whoa," Seth said. "Can you show us the ears?" Kitome elbowed him in the ribs. "Oof."

Tetra sighed and revealed her pointy ears, which were covered by her hair.

Airi leapt up, bafflement in her eyes. Maybe stars. Her skirt was tilted in a way that showed blue striped panties. He tried to focus on petting the hellhound girl but failed. Ashard, Toru, and Seth tried to pretend they were looking elsewhere, but Clyde wasn't fooled. He forced himself to maintain a neutral expression.

"I have so many questions!" Airi said. "Is it one hundred percent true that the Alethians gave themselves to the Supreme demon lord? Are they really slave and master kinky loving—"

Harumi covered her friend's mouth and sat her down.

"Sorry—she gets like this when she's overexcited," Harumi said.

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"I was not born in Messalay—not all dark elves are," Tetra said. "Within, there were various open statements of displeasure and opinions on the surrender, but that happened a long time ago. The truth remains unknown. It doesn't matter anyway. The Supreme's influence changed my people's thinking patterns. We who are unaffected arrogantly label those left behind the uncivilized." The dark elf folded her arms. The demoness frowned. Neko sniffed. "To think that I considered building a case against the same man who rescued me." She let out a half-chuckle. "I don't even know anymore." She looked at Clyde. "Just who are you?"

"No need to worry yourself with that," Clyde said. "I'm Clyde and that's that." He turned to Ashard. "Let's talk about the man of the hour himself."

Ashard shrugged. Alice's glare returned. Melody continued to look bored, but the young man didn't miss her attempts at stealing glances. Ming, Yusuke, Sazuki, Kiko, and Yuki gave the fairy boy a blank stare. Clyde started to see why some of his friends at home got annoyed with the "T" underscore "T" emoji.

"Send him to the futas," Alice said.

Ashard's eyes widened. Clyde laughed.

"While I could do that for personal revenge," Clyde said. "Since he basically whisked me off against my will, left me in the middle of a forest to get attacked by monsters, not to mention the weasel monster girls that were strong enough to rap e the crusader camp. If we were to take a vote right now, you'll be experiencing what's like to be…rear-ended." Clyde didn't pause for what would probably be either silence or collective groans. "You made an enemy out of us from the get go."

"Anyone pretending to be the Stone deserve death," Ashard said. "This was the surefire test. Simple. And if you couldn't save one woman—"

Clyde raised a hand to silence him as well as stop Alice and Tear's fists.

"Why are you still here?" Clyde said, scratching behind Ruri's ears.

"Do I not have the right to be in this city?" Ashard said.

"You're the son of this Titania person—"

"What does Mother have to do with this?" Ashard said, interrupting Clyde. "Do I look like a child to you? Why I'm here is none of your concern." He stood or at least tried to, but couldn't budge against Tear's magical hold.

Clyde shook his head.

"Look Ashy, we can be at this all day or you could be an adult and tell us what we need to know. You know who I am, so what the fuck are you doing? Do you not want this world saved?"

"Let him think about it while taking a futa-smashing," Alice said.


"Let him talk," Clyde interrupted before Natalia could sing. "We already know that you're on the run from the other fairies that were converted into monster girls."

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"Not just them," Ashard said softly. "All of Fairy Kingdom submits to the Supreme. Pixies, sprites, leanan-sidhes, dwarves." He looked at Tetra. "Even your elven cousins gave in."

The dark elf's eyes widened.

"But they're trying to establish relations with the Prime Minister?"

Ashard shook his head.

"Even worse. Full integration."

"Your story isn't adding up," Chika suddenly said, gaining everyone's attention. "Tear and Alice told me a lot about monster girls." She gave Ashard a look of distaste. "Anyone under the Supreme's influence attack only human men and renewable spirit energy."

"Ah, so you're wondering why my own people would attack me," Ashard said then chuckled. "I'm part human." He shrugged. "The prince of Fairy Kingdom is half human, half fairy."

Everyone's eyes widened.

"That should be impossible," Tetra said. "The Supreme's influence keeps the blood pure."

Ashard chuckled.

"Alright, but that still doesn't explain why you're here," Clyde said. "Enough with the exposition." He looked at Airi, something coming to mind. "Why haven't the other gifted dealt with her?"

"Pfft, as if this is a situation that some newbie gifted could handle," Airi said. "No offense. I love you all. And you're definitely the exception. Do you know the difference between an adventurer and a gifted?"

"Are they not the same thing?" Clyde said, giving her a blank stare.

"Technically yes, except you know, adventurers actually leave the city for adventures. Some of them end up saving many villages, towns, and even nations, you know." Airi wagged a finger. The young man rolled his eyes. They weren't there for Lot City nor for Niyoto. "Adventurers have ranks from the top S-class all the way to the newbie F-class. The only thing below th—"

"Can you get to the point," Clyde said. "Not to be rude or anything, but you're trying too hard to dodge my question."

"I was getting to it," Airi snapped. "The Supreme is something that only S-class adventurers can handle, except the few that are around, don't care."

"Does that include you?" Toru said.

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"No, it doesn't," Airi said, "but if you expect me to charge at her by myself, you can think again, bucko."

"In other words, we can't count on the adventurers for shit," Clyde said. Then speaking over Airi's attempt to protest, said, "And that's why Team Stone will only be for Team Stone and the people around that need us."

"Clyde," Harumi said. The young man's caress on Ruri's head slowed to what could be perceived as sexual—the motions that set the hellhound off before.

"As for Ash," Clyde said. "If you're running away from your Kingdom, why here?"

"I don't owe you any explanation of my actions," Ashard said bitterly. "I can go wherever the fuck I—" The fairy-man froze at Clyde's glowing-eyed glare.

"Remember, you dumped me off in the middle of nowhere to die," Clyde said. "I'm seconds away from accepting Alice's suggestion. So, dodge me again. Just try it. When you're getting done in or whatever futas do for sick kicks, you'll wish I came in here with guns blazing."

Ashard locked eyes with Clyde for a few seconds and the nodded.

"I see Team Stone's leader isn't a pushover after all," he said. "You can stop glowing your eyes now, it's unnerving."

Clyde allowed the power to seep back into himself.

"I was just passing through here," Ashard said, "heading to the Fairy Goddess's alter to pray for help. I'm…actually being chased by my mother as well as my cousin. My mother wants to appease the wishes of the servants and marry me off to seal a deal with someone she didn't mention. My cousin just wants to do what every other monster girl—anyway, that altar's my only hope of safety. I managed to ditch my mother in some strange nation. My cousin was a bit harder to lose, but after flying into a crowd of men, I did. The Supreme's instinct changed its target. Unfortunately, this place turned out to be quite the shitty hotspot. First, a Viper maiden struck me from the sky and the minotaurs captured me. That rap e felt like it went on for days." He shook his head. "I have no problem with having sex with beautiful women but when a man has shit to do—every minute of being held prisoner is like being stabbed. So yeah, the minotaurs need to be killed or detained. But…it was the maiden that cursed me with the contract."

"Slow it down buddy," Clyde said. "A Viper maiden? Mind explaining what that is?"

Ashard's eyes widened.

"I thought you were in this city to eliminate her. To think you don't even know…which means your own maidens are just twiddling their thumbs. What about your prophets? Are they twiddling their thumbs too?"

"I'm actually right here," Ming said, raising her hands, sad smile on her face. "And there can only be one prophet."

Ashard sighed.

"At least you're halfway there. To be honest, I'm not fully sure if any of the maidens can be trusted."

"More pieces of the puzzle we don't need," Clyde said. "Anyway, the gist of it is that you're on the way to the alter. Well, don't let us keep you here longer than you need to be." He stood, gaining the pout of Ruri, and looked at Hinako. "I'll leave the rumor tracking for this Viper maiden to you, okay?"

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The professor smiled.


Clyde looked at Tetra, happy to see cheerfulness in her eyes, not the cold look from before.

"Everyone, get dressed," the young man said as the idea formed in his head. "It's six. Let's mingle with the public for a bit, maybe learn a few things about the city. Tomorrow, we're going back to locating and destroying the demon lord. Maybe even a patrol or two."

"Ooh—we could go to that Dragon-Honor festival tonight," Matsume suggested. Natalia hooted.

"Nyya, there's lots of food," Neko said. "Annnnd despite being cheap, it tastes better than the overly trying-too-hard rich food we have here."

Good thing they were in the back of the hotel, otherwise the hotel staff would probably pass the word onto the chefs. Clyde figured they'd give neck a spicy surprise.

"I want to go!" Alice said.

"I want more petting," Ruri said. "But they have meat, so I don't mind."

"Maki, you're coming as well," Clyde said to the purple-haired young woman sitting alone on the far side of the large room. She smiled, mouthing her thanks.

[Your relationship with Maki has jumped to Friend level 6, sex slave, intense sexual craving.]

[There is a 1% chance of this becoming endearment.]

"Well don't stand there, get dressed," Clyde said, smiling. "It's our day off. We're going to have some fun."

The party cheered. Even Maki. "Oh, and someone invite Clare and the magical girls. Seth?"

The blonde young man nodded.

"You got it dude."

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