Inner Lot City…

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The team bitched and complained anyway and continued their muttering until Kitome flipped.

"Shut the hell up! It's not like Clyde wants to be out here either. And Yusuke if I have to hear another goddamn complaint about your stupid online raiding party, I'll hire a priest to come banish Undine."

Undine flinched, then grinned evilly.

"Is that a challenge, dear sister?" Her voice portrayed sweet and kindness, but Clyde could see all the anime obviousness.

"Why you—"

Yusuke chopped them both on the heads and took his delinquent persona.

"You two calm down or I'll banish you both to sleep outside. Don't think I can't."

Like brother, like sister, Clyde thought. Alice looked at the trio skeptically then shook her head without saying anything.

Normally, the young man would've split the team into three to four groups, but with this Blood Hand lurking about, he couldn't risk it.

Through his mental navigation system, he could see the rough location of the fallen angel, but none of her troops. If he had the mini-map unlocked through the Ki's system, the team would be scouting for red dots. He recalled the prompt.

[You have started the learning of Area sense 1. You will be able to detect all enemies within a vicinity. You will gain a Mini-map to accompany your mental navigation system. Your foes will show up as red dots. Level this system up and you'll gain more details and range. Example: yellow dots indicating tougher enemies and much more. Requirements: Energy: 2 Love: 2 Focus: 1]

Kitome gave him energy, Harumi for love. Who was focus? God, he hoped it wasn't Natalia. It could also be Ruri or Matsume. They would eagerly **** him if he requested it. Damned monster girls. Then there was Ming, Melody, even Hinako. Sazuki and Kiko weren't officially Team Stone yet. Clyde thought about giving them a final test, but Kiko was a vampire, fully qualified. Sazuki…hid something, being level nineteen when they first met. In fact, she probably didn't know. His analysis of her didn't reveal anything either. A mystery for later—he couldn't just bring up nonsense to the girl.

The first monstrous encounter finally happened ten minutes later.

[Current party: Alice, Harumi, Kitome, Chika, Tear, Yuki, Ming, Ruri, Matsume, Melody, Airi, Seth, Toru, Nina, Undine, Yusuke, Kanako, Natalia, Ashard.]

A party of twenty, including himself. There were roughly twenty or more of the stone-like creatures moving toward them, gazing with a single eye. Seven feet tall with alligator-like heads, hunched over with somewhat muscular bodies, the creatures let out short roars.

Clyde analyzed the grey monsters.

Cyclops Stone Golem Dragon

Level: 93

Type: Monster

Work under: summoner.

Special: Low sun blast [chance to cause burn, smoke blight, and does heavy glass damage.]

Weakness: water and wind.

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Resistances: ice, fire.

Secret: this is not a sentient creature.

"Team Stone, battle formation one, all out," Clyde said. "Power level is ninety-three."

"But you said power levels are bullshit," Alice said softly. The young man laughed and kissed her.

"They are, but it's the only reference we've got, so don't take it lightly," he said, doing his best to ignore the jealous vibes behind him. His life mate didn't act smug toward the others this time, her focus on the approaching enemies. She'd be fine, being among the strongest members of his party. Fuck, everyone was strong, but Alice stood among the top tier.

[Your party has entered combat!]

The party fanned out, selected a target and engaged it. Clyde took on the first one ahead, aiming for its weakness. Not everyone could use water-based attacks and the only one who'd have trouble was Seth, most of his skills being fire-based. He trusted the blond to handle himself like always.

Kitome surprised him, taking the lead with the first spell cast—and it was probably what won them the battle.

[Kitome activated tier 3 skill: Plain of Silence!]

[All enemies within a mile has been inflicted with mute!]

The golem looked as if it tried to activate its Low sun blast—the inhaling and exhaling confirming so—but nothing happened.

[Clyde activated Tier 2 skill: Neptune's Water Edge.]

[Critical! Weakness exploited. ATTACK ONCE MORE.]

Clyde happily obliged, unleashing a Holy spirit wave to accompany his current cooldown.

[Enemy HP has dropped to 80%]

[Your MP has dropped to 150%]

He listened to the vibrations and heard it coming. It took one good jump to dodge the dinosaur-like tail.

[Enemy secret skill activated. Magic barrier.]

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Uh oh. Clyde shrugged. As if he only needed to rely on magic. He inhaled and then exhaled a golden flame. He was glad he didn't feel the fire or its heat. That would've sucked.

<Clyde channeled Dragon Breath>

The enemy BURNED. Sure, he had fire resistance, but he wasn't sure if what he unleashed was actually fire at all. It sure looked like it.

[Ki attack instantly killed enemy!]

He nodded. Melody stared at him with wide eyes.

"Did you just exhale fire from your mouth?"

Clyde smirked.

"You know, I could attempt to say something witty, but I know it's going to come out cheesy no matter what."

Melody laughed.

"Maybe. That wasn't magic."

"Ki," Clyde said.

[Enemies killed with Ki 1 of 10.]

"I think Alice was right," Melody said. "Or…you were right. Power levels are indeed baloney."

"Bull shit," Clyde said. "You have to say bull shit." He gave her a smug look.

"A proper lady can't use profane words," Natalia said, walking over casually. She hopped on Clyde's shoulders. He didn't bother protesting at this point. He wouldn't be able to get the loli off his back. The only thing that could make this worse… An excited Kanako rushed over to anime-dive into his waist, holding on, and floating too.

"These things may be big, but they're no match for me," Kanako said. Clyde smiled down at the genie.

"The same goes for the fallen angel," he said, gaining wide eyes from Melody.

"I can't believe that hadn't come to mind," Melody said. "Do you think she has the power to do so?"

"I think she can," Clyde said. "She can nerf as much as possible. It's a waste of a wish and I'll have to recha—I mean she'll have to take some time to meditate. I'll personally take her out to my secret training grounds."

"You've never taken me out to your secret training grounds," Natalia said.

"As if he'd—"

The sound of Kitome barking at Undine interrupted Melody.

"And I say you tried to hit me with that!"

Tear walked over and whacked them both on the heads, breaking up the fight.

"We don't have time for your childishness," the succubus said. "The Blood Hand is out here and they won't be pushovers like these summoned creatures. These are meant to scare the humans into their homes."

"So they want an easy search and destroy target?" Clyde asked.

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"Indeed," Tear said.

"This is so bothersome," Toru said.

"I second that," Harumi said, "but the exercise is nice." She winked at Clyde. The young man smiled.

"Let's grind them out!"

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 400,000 EXP and $20,000.]

Seeing his improved leadership and his attitude—he seemed unapproachable—something within Melody twanged, maybe blossomed. He acted as if that genie girl was his only plan, the only method of winning, his secret weapon, but what if…

Melody reached deep inside of her slumbering reserves and pleaded for them to emerge. The block remained.

She thought back to Tear's coaching and even some of her jokes. The most common joke…Or was it a joke? No…could that be a hint? She wasn't a succubus, just half trickster and half dark goddess. Surely engaging in lewd acts only worked for her kind…There was no way her powers would be blocked off in such a stupid, ridiculous way. What kind of logic was that?

"Melody, are you good?" Clyde said.

"Sorry, here I come," she said, hurrying to catch up with the others.


Mid Lot City…

[Ayu activated Tier 1 skill: En grande de ender.]

[Maho activated Tier 1 skill: Heaven arrows.]

Ayu's silver fiery magic crushed her half of the stone monsters with ease, dust and smoke briefly coating the area. Maho's glowing arrows finished off the rest of them, clean shots through their heads. Seconds later, they melted.

Hiroshi stood there, eyes widened. He needed a fucking drink. Maybe ten cigarettes. Rodger chuckled.

"They're interesting, aren't they?" he said Hiroshi. "The brats can also glide on water, forming cannon-like equipment from their magic to take on enemy nations or water monsters. They inspired me to undergo the cyborg enhancements those years ago."

Rodger pointed a finger at a dead monster—a golem pumpko. He actually fired a goddamn laser from it. Laser finger.

Hiroshi wanted a strong drink. He was the only actual human here, among…well, whatever they were.

"We detect a large group of…gifted," Ayu said excitedly, jumping up and down.

"It could be this rumored Team Stone," Maho said. "Shall we go investigate?"

Hiroshi sighed.

"Let's go to them. Maybe they're…also killing these things."

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Rodger sighed.

"More gifted for recruiting. And I'm dragged back into this shit again."

"At least you're getting a bonus for it, Mr. Cyborg," Hiroshi said. "I had no clue fucking…monsters existed until recently. And now they ask me to—"

"I know," Rodger said, laughing. "Despite their unreasonable demands, you still came out here. If they would've sent some kind of pussy to pick me up, I would've rejected that offer and told them to shove it where it belonged." He pat Hiroshi's back. "And you came here armed. Did you get one in bed? What did it feel like poking a ship girl?"

Hiroshi blushed.

"You—you know I can't risk fraternization," he quickly sputtered. "If I get in trouble again—"

"Relax man, I'm just crushing your balls," Rodger said. "Judging how you reacted, you want to."

Hiroshi sighed.

"I need a drink."

Rodger smirked.

"Don't think this is the last time you'll be interacting with the ship girls or the gifted. Too bad we're in the city. The silver-haired brat, uh, Ayu, can shoot planes from her bow. And they release bombs."

"That…" Hiroshi shook her head. "I thought that was a corny joke."

Rodger folded his arms.

"Like I said, they're interesting. And one day, we'll have enough of them to wipe this planet clean of all threatening monsters."

"Now you're sounding like one of those crusader nuts," Hiroshi said.

Rodger laughed.

"I'd like to wipe this world of those stuck-up assholes too."

Hiroshi chuckled.

"It's probably the only thing we have in common with the monsters. A mutual hate for them."

Rodger nodded solemnly.

"Ain't that the truth. It's a damn shame too. But no one's capable of working with them without the risk of getting sucked into their so-called deadly experiments."

"Traps," Hiroshi said. "And they don't care who gets sucked into them, ally or enemy."

"The gifted are ahead," Ayu said as they rounded the forth corner. "I shall recruit them!"

"Just let me do the talking," Hiroshi said. "The last thing we need is you pissing them off. I'm not calling the Draft to force anyone into our shitty positions."

Rodger laughed.

"It may suck, but we all embrace the suck together."

Hiroshi shot him a blank stare.

"And by that, you mean talk shit about others, the staff and leaders."

Rodger chuckled.

"Who doesn't these days?"

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