Naomi's apartment…

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Forcing herself to stay awake, Naomi pushed through the production of her next news article. Thanks to her friend, whom she considered precious due to having very few, she had a plethora of content. All of it was aimed toward boosting the popularity of Team Stone. They literally saved her life, multiple times, and she…didn't know how to thank them, except by the only means she knew. Counter as much bad press as possible, replace it with good things.

The green-haired girl yawned, the dark circles around her eyes seeming to expand. As the sole member of the newspaper club, especially of the best college in the nation, she had to triple and re-triple her efforts to producing the most impressive papers ever. Fortunately, Sazuki was a little friendlier these days, ever since the old dean vanished. She hoped the new one won't turn her back into the ice queen or else getting anything approved would become a chore.

Abruptly, a feeling of dread filled the hardworking girl until her heart pounded fast and she trembled a little. A voice that echoed everywhere and nowhere, made up of hell itself.

"You left the band, an old life, but what have you actually accomplished? Journalism? How laughable."

Naomi frowned.

"The voice again, after all of this time. Leave me alone—get out of my head! Maki has lost and changed. Not even she will—"

"That woman was just a mere distraction. A black Ki test." A dark laugh filled the room. "You, who was once called the Silent Sword…Why do you not open up your second compartment within that chest. Why not use the real cursed blade? Are you doubting yourself?"

"Silent Sword…yeah I was going through a phase," Naomi said in a deadpan voice. Clyde would totally call her an edge lord. "Remember when I told you to fuck off, stupid voice. My disposition toward you still hasn't changed." She sighed. She must be going crazy. Lack of sleep while trying to keep her club alive, catch as many scoops as possible, take pictures, write articles, and work a part-time job.

Just then, images of a smug Maki flooded through her mind.

"You hate her. Let that hate be your strength. Open your heart to the blade again. Entertain me, Silent Sword."

Naomi rolled her eyes, cringing. She clasped her hands together.

"Great Goddess Venus, if you're watching over me, please cleanse me of the evil that speaks in my head."

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The voice actually gasped—which Naomi didn't expect. She only mentioned Venus offhandedly, because Clare used to worship her.

"Calling on another deity when you have me? It doesn't matter, I no longer need your vessel. I can taste… pandemonium in the air." The evil voice chuckled. "Pandemonium, cousin to black Ki. This pathetic city surprises me twice. Farewell, failure who calls herself a child of Venus. One day, I may take the time out of my busy schedule to make you regret filling my heart space with that wench of a goddess."

And just like that, the presence vanished. Naomi collapsed to her knees, tears streaming from her face. What did she do to deserve this? She gave up the sword to be a better person, and she still gets punished after many years? She wiped away her tears.

Stay strong, Naomi, she thought. Stay strong. She would not let that…thing win. He was gone now and could no longer return. Venus…Was she protecting her? If that evil thing hated the goddess, then she had to be for the good.

Maybe she should attend one of her churches. That thought made her think of an old pain in the ass enemy some years back…the old days. The crusaders. And the evil within: crusader researchers. If they were gone, the bastards would possibly be a non-bullying force for the right cause. Probably.

She shook away the thoughts. She didn't want those fuckers fresh in her mind again. A long life…Lives…

Naomi sighed. She was no longer the old her. Just a normal human. And no evil voice would tell her otherwise. What's pandemonium? She thought.


That early evening…

Clyde's house…

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The dinner table was still lively, despite the cold-hard fact that Matsuko got away. No one on the planet had the ability to track a Jump. The young man contacted Detective Tetra and convinced the beautiful dark elf to keep a police surveillance on the fallen angel's hotel. Somehow for openly relying on her, the relationship level increased.

[Your relationship with Tetra has jumped to endearment, friend level 5.]

The prompt stood as a reminder that relationship levels silently auto-increased in the background. And for this case, it was because the woman protected him from the authorities, unwarranted investigations, surveillance of his friends' homes (as they had no idea where Clyde lived), door-to-door searches for him, so on. He looked at her with a new respect.

While the women were lively and impressed with Melody, the young man couldn't help but notice Toru's disturbing silence. Normally he'd be either a part of the conversation, on the phone with Fumi, or even teasing some of the others right into his blank stare trap. He didn't know what to say to him, deciding to just give the man his space. Alice stole a few glances too.

Unable to take the dark vibe from his friend anymore, Clyde decided to go to Harumi's room for positivity. He made sure to knock first, just in case Sazuki somehow teleported in the room, not that he developed a habit of barging in on people. The pink-haired young woman had an open-door policy, mainly in the case of someone needing healing.

Unfortunately, she wasn't alone. Her hellhound room guests smiled and before he could back up, so that they could continue their girl-time conversation, Ruri anime-dove into him. He playfully reached for Harumi. She smiled.

"Help," he said, petting the adorable white-haired girl. Airi tiredly walked into the room, but stopped to stare blankly at the two.

"There are plenty of unoccupied rooms for that, you know," she said then sat on the pink-haired girl's bed. "Is there any way we can help Toru?"

The mood in the room dropped. Ruri's ears sagged. So much for gathering the positivity needed to come up with a new solution for the situation.

"I don't know," Clyde said as he took a seat. "From my world, slimes were a myth, but also immortal, except by the hero's magic."

"That's true," Matsume said. "Most slimes are impervious to non-magic attacks. But really, they aren't that hard to deal with. Had you not taken any down yourselves?"

Clyde nodded.

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"But from what you told me, Hideo said he killed her by blade. Was it some kind of holy sword, like in the books?"

"He called it the Fading blade, a sword for monster-killing," Matsume said, "but really, the only thing special about it is the ability to make it appear and disappear at will."

Clyde froze.

"How long does it take for a slime to regenerate?"

"In a matter of seconds," Ruri said. "But if the damage was magic-infused, it could take longer."

"This is irrelevant," Matsume said. "He mentioned the purple flames. She's gone."

"Purple flames doesn't always mean death," Clyde said. "It didn't for Gamen, not for Nezerath." He sighed. "Never mind, no use of digging for the impossible."

That night, Clyde found himself rolling around in his own thoughts. Chika studied at the desk, Alice wrapped up the evaluation of her father's...well, her businesses. All three of them abruptly let out a collective sigh.

"I just want to snap that man's throat in two," Chika said. "Toru's uncle's a jerk!" She folded her arms and harrumphed liked a tsundere or anime girl style.

"I want to disable all of his powers, break every bone in his body then toss him to the futas. I'll make sure they'd be plenty angry that day," Alice said. "Maybe they'll make him explode into a million pieces."

Clyde let out another sigh, but didn't add to the gruesome declarations. Sure, he'd obliterate Hideo down to the molecule then send his soul to…

The young man's eyes widened. Why did he have these thoughts? As if…He…Clyde gulped, realizing something. His mind flashed back to what the Genie said earlier.

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An angelic being could probably get away with it once, if lucky.

That was just an angel. But what about him? Hmm, what if he made a command? Before the young man could resonate any further thoughts, Melody burst into the room, tears in her eyes.

"Toru…Toru ran off. Something isn't right about him."


Toru's room before Melody walked in on him….

"Toru, the caller of Zang, the man whom I've been looking for. You are in an impossible situation, but I can help you. Zang is incredible, but you're unable to increase enough of it in time. Hideo, the one who took away your soul mate, gave her an unfair death, will be leaving soon. And once he does, you will never find him, at least not until you're in chains and on your way to being converted into a filthy crusader. Is that what you want? Of course it isn't. But today is your lucky day. You see, I like to watch events, give boons just to see what happens, and then take notes. Let me give you the Zang to avenge your love. And I will be direct with you, the amount I give you will probably burn you out if you don't finish him off fast enough. Not that you care. You are still recovering from losing the one who you spent day after day with. You were about to propose to the Suraimu girl, were you not? And he took it all away using a blade that had an enchantment which disabled her ability to regenerate. He killed such a beautiful woman and force of nature in the most…dishonorable way."

The video-like image of Hideo answering the door and killing Fumi in cold blood, flashed through Toru's mind. He could feel the semi-cool autumn air that night, smell the charcoal-like odor of the purple flames—even felt the heat. The young man, eyes wide, fell to his knees, trembling…shocked. Tears streamed from his eyes. Why couldn't he be there for her? He would have given everything, used all of his power to defend her. "So let me ask you this. Do you want the power to avenge her? You've already heard my upfront honesty about this much power. You already know that it may kill you. Yet…you still desire revenge. After seeing that, can you live with yourself without doing anything about that filthy crusader?"

"I don't care what happens to me," Toru said as he stood, eyes glowing yellow. "Give me the power to kill him."

"You've opened up your heart to me and so I will grant you the power. Kill that crusader—it will make the world a better place. Of course, the price you're paying becomes two. Your possible burnout.. Or no longer recognizing friends as allies."

Toru didn't hear the words as the ecstasy of power infused within him. And Zang took over his soul.

Melody walked in to check on the young man after feeling a presence that shouldn't be there, but it was too late. A fully dressed Toru dashed past her, armed, surrounded in crimson aura. She followed, but then he Jumped. An ability that the young man didn't previously have….

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