Downtown Lot City…

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Clyde's and the eyes of the others went wide as the sky, taking in the scene before them on the starry night. Street lights seemed brighter, the breeze felt colder, and two figures squared off. A worn and rugged Toru, surrounded by crimson aura, breathing red mist, stood with his arms folded, as if he wasn't concerned with the world. Towering over him….was a giant shadow whose presence of evil blanketed the entire city. Ironically, it masked the use of the illegal wish—this was the young man's gamble.

Twenty feet or so away from Toru, stood Hideo. He looked as if he bench-pressed galaxies for a living. His orange eyes glowed, matching the color of his sword. That also applied to his aura, which rotated around him like a giant tornado. That wasn't all. A glowing cross emitted from his chest, pulsing like a heart.


"Toru!" Fumi cried, interrupting Clyde's command, racing toward the young man. The uncle was so surprised that he froze and just watched. Toru paled. For the first time in his life, he looked ashamed. The reunion didn't get too happy.

As Fumi crossed the distance, fifteen feet from her lover, a geyser of laughing bloody aura erupted from the ground in between the two. It spoke.

"This is my vessel and I cannot have you interfering with my deal. Now go back to your friends and watch the show. You'll get a bonus view of him burning out too." The dark laughter of what Clyde could only describe as fucking Satan, echoed through the area. Any human hearing that shit would probably faint.

Toru looked as if he struggled to deactivate….whatever state he was in. He…just wanted to get to Fumi.

Kanako aimed a hand at the shadow above Toru.

"That is the shadow of a dark god who is not actually here, but is somewhat interested in this event. I will banish it."

"No you won't!" the fallen angel from before, Matsuko landed, eyes filled with mania. "He sent his shadow at my request. He is my freedom and I will protect him."

"Melody, finish her off," Clyde said. "Ruri, Matsume, Seth, Airi. Assist her as needed. Everyone else will be helping me reunite our two friends." He nodded at Fumi. Hope returned to her eyes.

"We'll have to do something about the shadow's magic," Tear said. "Natalia, that's your que and you know why. Yuki, do you mind guarding her, please?"

The demoness nodded. Natalia pouted.

"I'm pervy-nii's right hand," she said. "He needs me or he'll cry and die."

"Don't make me give you the paper fan of discipline," Clyde said, "little girl."

Natalia flinched then stuck her tongue out at him.

"I'll show you! A little girl can't negate the magic of a dark god's shadow." And just like that, the loli began to chant. Melody and her group engaged Matsuko. Clyde, with his, moved toward a bewildered Hideo. Clyde analyzed the fuck head. Level two hundred fifty-seven with a status of Injected. Of course, he'd juice himself with a super buff.

Toru seemed immobilized, but he was also taking damage, even after Harumi healed him. Which actually didn't heal much. His damage was five times the speed of poison. The dark god's shadow planned to kill him outright.

[Your party has entered a Showdown, phase 2!]

[Life and Death!]

[Kill Hideo! Free Toru!]

[Kanako needs to banish the dark god's shadow from this plane; however, she cannot with its defensive magic interfering. Protect Natalia until she can disable it.]

Clyde cast all of his buffs. His party did the same. Hideo chuckled.

"New challengers, I see. Will you end up like my pathetic nephew too, selling himself for a slime." He laughed.

Clyde snarled.

"You're a cold-hearted piece of shit and I will make sure you pay for what you did to Fumi. Her race or species does not make her less of a person. Why can you not get such a simple thing?"

He unsheathed his wind blade.

[Clyde activated Summon Mist.]

Thick fog coated the air. This wasn't just for Hideo's dismay, but to keep civilians from seeing too much. Maybe they wouldn't bother going outside for the night until the creepy fog that came out of nowhere disappeared.

[Clyde invoked Mystic wrath!]

Hideo walked toward the group, cautious. Alice and Kitome thrusted their palms forward. Both Chika and Yusuke stealthed.

[Alice activated slip distraction]

Hideo stopped for a second, but that set the group into motion.

[Alice activated Tier 1 skill: Radiant Mocker's wind.]

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[Kitome activated Tier 1 skill: Cupid's heart arrow.]

[Clyde activated Tier 1 skill: Star storm!]

All the magic hit and did very little fucking damage.

[Hideo's HP dropped from 200% to 194%]

Toru's bastard uncle cackled.

"You shitty lower levels. I don't inject myself unless I'm left without options," he said. "And your silly little mist doesn't work on me. Now, get a load of this!"

[Hideo activated Tier 1 skill, Holy light lance.]

He chucked a spear of holy magic at Clyde, dead center.

[Clyde took no damage.]

That confused expression was exactly what the young man wanted. The arrogant bastard simply had no idea whom he faced.

[Harumi activated Blessings of the Kitsune.]

[All party members received a boost in accuracy, defense, and composure. All status alignments if any are cleared.]

Clyde rushed the man, swinging his blade. He parried and stab forward. The young man backstepped. Chika and Yusuke came out of stealth, nailing the bastard with a combination of dagger stabs and what appeared to be ninja arts. Hideo bashed them both to the side with magic-outlined fists.

[Yusuke's HP has dropped from 125% to 94%]

[Chika's HP has dropped from 100% to 80%]

He thrust both palms to his side.

[Hideo activated Tier 2 skill: Galant shock field.]

Clyde put up a spirit shield, but it simply wasn't enough. The pain of the electric magic knocked the breath out of him and probably anyone without high electric resistance.

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 190%]

[Alice's HP has dropped to 445%]

[Yusuke's HP has dropped to 50%]

[Chika's HP has dropped to 55%]

[Tear took no damage.]

Tear, who arrived from assisting the other group, engaged Hideo. Airi helped anyone who had trouble standing.

"Remember, a high level's no joke," Airi said. "I know you've fought plenty before, but usually after it's weakened or maybe lack the common sense to realize you're exploiting its weakness. So in short, you guys are a great raid party."

Airi put on her game face.

"Shall I get straight to abusing my Stone Mode yet?" Clyde said.

"You could or let me show you something cool," Airi said.

"Fine, but only since you're leaving us tomorrow," he said, unhappy about that. She smiled.

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"It won't be a permanent goodbye—and honestly, you guys provided me with plenty of adventures, but I'm not interested in school life. Now watch."

[Hideo activated Bronze tier Skill: Odin Light Wave.]

The gray magic materialized right in front of the super druid.

"Don't think I'm going to stand around and wait for whatever you're planning," Hideo said, laughing. The magic exploded, propelling Airi backward a few meters.

"It will take more than that to down me, jerk face!" Airi shouted as she hopped back to her feet. A little blood drizzled from her head.

[Airi's HP has dropped to 30%]

[Airi has been inflicted with Anti-healing blight. She cannot be healed until the blight wears off in a few minutes.]

What a nasty blight, Clyde thought. He was about to tell Alice or Harumi to get rid of it, but Airi started casting.

[Airi activated High Chant- Magician's last spell.]

[Airi invoked Nature's call]

Clyde didn't know what the fuck was going on, except that trees erupted from the ground, towering meters into the air, grass covered the road and the sidewalk, and so much white aura radiated from the super druid.

[All nature stats, attributes and elements, and abilities have been increased by 100%. If you were married to Airi, it would be significantly more.]

[Your Mystic wrath has evolved to God of Wisdom Mode while in the Forest of Airi.]

[Airi has forcefully shifted you to God of Wisdom Mode.]

Clyde roared as the transformation manifested.

"What's happening to him?" Alice said, worried.

"Is he…what's going on…" Chika said, equally worried.

"Stay back," Harumi told her. "I'm watching his health and well-being. Airi's the most powerful druid in the world. Ever since Clyde read some book—I think he called it Mystic something—he's gained a huge affinity with nature."

Clyde became one with nature—way beyond the typical mystic wrath. He was nature and could shape, twist, create, and command it. And he felt Airi. Her heart beat, breathing, and her vast power. She wasn't just a druid—not even fully human.

Clyde's green eyes glowed brightly, his hair shifting from black to white. A wooden staff materialized in his hands. When he spoke, his manner of speech was that of a commander, a wise man, and a god all in one. But also himself. His sense of self could never be changed except if he chose to do so.

"Airi…Harumi, heal your friend of the blight first."


Ming wasn't there. Yet, in this form, he gained the knowledge to communicate with his prophet. He'd work harder to increase his friendship with her so that he could access her full capabilities. And…he liked her. The sweet girl grew on him. "Are you dressed?"

"Clyde? Uhm…yes, I'm dressed," Ming said telepathically.

"Get ready," he said. "You're fighting with me as my prophet."

"Okay," she said. "I'm ready."

With one wave of his finger, Ming appeared in midair. He caught the young woman then let her down.

"Whoa…what happened…never mind," she said, eyes on an alarmed Hideo. She took a second to scan the area.

[What you have done was activated the hidden skill Summon Prophet. +100 composure and intellect for using this skill ahead of its level 105 awarding time.]

[Your prophet has created a link to you. Accept?]

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Clyde wanted to cheer as he could now astral project himself without suffering whatever consequence the system implied. Fun for later. He accepted Ming's link and felt her as well. The intimacy…was just intense, like sex without the sex. Maybe closer.

Hideo sneered.

"I've had enough of this. I don't care what kind of magic trick you're trying to pull, you're going to die with my idiot nephew."

Both hands aimed at the sky, orange aura blasted around the man, its shape not quite fire, but there was definitely some Dragon Ball shit that Clyde noticed. "You will be made an example to those who dare challenge the crusaders. Say goodbye to this city too."

[Matsuko's HP has drop to 0%]

[Natalia activated Anti-void skill: Grey Eater.]

[Kanako activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Wraith Banisher!]

[Toru has been released from a dark god's curse.]

[Toru is free! Objectives completed. +50 free points.]

[Hideo activated Special Tier skill: Genesis's End.]

With a palm raised, unconcerned, Clyde cast, borrowing stabilization from his prophet and Airi. Both women slightly convulsed, but held strong.

[Clyde activated Mystic omnipresent aide.]

A giant tree branch snaked around Hideo's body and instantly sapped all of his magic.

"Holy shit…I can do that?" Clyde said.

[Did you really forget that you had this in your skill pool, baka!]

[Mystic Omnipresent Aide: invoke the power of nature to assist you. Does nature damage. 150% attack increase everywhere.]

Hideo struggled.

"What is this? I will not be done in by your cheap, low-level tricks!"

"I don't really have a level while in here," Clyde said. "It's kind of weird, but I suppose it's fair since everyone else lived in this world far longer than me."

"Lived in this world? What are you talking about?" Hideo said.

Airi was already moving toward him, stars in her eyes, but limping. Harumi stopped and sat her down for healing. Well, held her down—the druid wanted to shove trillions of questions in his ears.

"A question that you will get no answer to, dead man," Clyde replied.

Toru, blade in hand, seemingly appeared out of nowhere and stabbed his uncle in the heart. The man's eyes widened. For some reason, the noble made sure the long sword went deep, as if the dying man wore armor. The light in Hideo's eyes faded.

Clyde sighed, but let his friend claim well-deserved vengeance. "Well, let's get out of here. Hinako texted me about school events earlier and I'd like to get some rest before we start tomorrow afternoon."


The system's warning came too late. The horned shadow spawned into existence, right in front of Clyde.

The young man felt massive chest pain and magical heat as he was blasted backward at what felt like hundreds of miles an hour. He coughed up a mouthful of blood upon impact with the ground. His sight blurred and dimmed.

[Your HP has dropped to 0.5%]

[You are dying…]

Hideo laughed.

"It went through on its deal! Ha! I made a deal just to see you die—all of you!" he laughed maniacally.

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"What a sore loser," Clyde said as he stood up, "but you've made one mistake."

The shadow simply stared without replying. Hideo's eyes widened. "You won't easily kill me while I'm here. Oh, I could give you some long, cheesy friendship speech to make you cringe in pain too, but….remember all of that energy I absorbed from your stupid attack."

Clyde aimed a hand at the struggling man. The man who did not notice that the branch that held him didn't budge… His level didn't matter against pure field advantage and maybe some brokenly overpowered skills. "Nature says fuck you."

As the blast of orange magic consumed both Hideo and the shadow, Harumi fully healed Clyde, then pulled him into a kiss.

"Don't scare me like that," she said.

[Hideo's HP has dropped to 0%]

[Kanako has successfully banished the wraith.]

[Battle completed! Victory! Reward: 4 million EXP, 10 million dollars, and a gold key card to Hideo's secret lab.]

[Congratulations, you reached level 92. You've learned, Bronze Tier Skill: Holy Wind Storm.]

[For relying on Ming and being very intimate with her, you gain several relationship levels.]

[Your relationship with Ming has increased to Friend, closer level 5. You now have the relationship level to utilize her prophecy powers. She could potentially become one of the most powerful members on your team, but you must pull her into your life. It is recommended to start that off by simply taking her virginity. Impregnating her would really spice things up, but considering her job, talk to the young woman first. Think before you release!]

Oh, what the hell, System, you pervert, Clyde thought.

[For trusting Airi on a deeper than average level and being very intimate with her during a dire moment, you gain several relationship levels.]

[Your relationship with Airi has increased to friend, closer level 5, passionately interested and very curious.]

[Your relationship with Toru has increased to brotherhood, a very rare relationship level. He has full respect for you and now sees you like a brother. Don't take it lightly.]

[Your relationship with Fumi has jumped to Friend, closer level 10, full Stone supporter. You can count on her for anything non-violence related and toward your cause.]

[Quest: investigate Hideo's secret laboratory.]

[Quest: attend the parents meeting on Friday. Any of them showing up at any school-related events count, as long as you interact. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Hahahaahaha.]

System, why do you hate me? Clyde thought. He was not in a rush to lock eyes with Melody's creepy hot mother. He didn't know how he felt about Alice's angelic mom, which was sure to be his mother-in-law first and foremost. And of course…Chika's mother. He let the thought drop.

Alice anime-dove into Clyde.

"I almost had a heart attack—don't do that to me," Alice said, holding him tight. Her relationship level was already maxed out. Or at least at a special place that no one but she could reach. "You've lost a lot of energy. Come, let's go home. I'm going to stuff your face with cake."

Overwhelmed at the adorableness, Clyde laughed, his nose bleeding. He walked over to Toru and Fumi and offered the noble a hand. They shook. Seth of course put out his fist and all four men bumped.

"Wait, me too," Alice said. "Although, I'm not sure what that means."

"Some guy thing," Tear said.

"Highness, I need to talk to you about my cloaked cookie I left in the fridge last night," Natalia said as she walked over to the half-demoness. "Triple-cloaked and undetectable."

"Whatever could you be talking about," Alice said. "Did you not set up a camera?"

Natalia folded her arms.

"Yuki wouldn't let me."

"Of course not," Yuki said. "You can't just go about and set up cameras in other people's houses." She wagged a finger at the loli.

Kitome sighed.

"What a perverted loli."

Everyone burst into laughter.

"You know, I feel like we need another break from this fighting," Clyde said. "Enjoy life a bit, have some fun."

"We've got to set up things for the cultural festival," Melody said, snuggling her way into Clyde's arms. Seth rolled his eyes. Toru chuckled, holding Fumi close.

"Cultural festival?" Alice asked.

"Yep! Don't worry, you'll learn." Melody grinned evilly. "Sazuki now has a new person to enthusiastically enslave—teach."

Alice groaned.

"No thanks. My Clyde needs me at home with him."

"Oh, he'll be there too," Kitome said. "Everyone's required to help out. It's been a high school tradition and Sato Academy strives to keep it alive." She sighed. Seth groaned.

"Well, I suppose I'll get the chance to spend more time with the president and her bratty sister," Clyde said.

"Bratty?" Melody said.

Clyde slightly flinched, realizing that he almost spilled a hint about Kiko's interaction with him. He needed to finish off the dates and get the quest completion…Else, he'd have to add even more to that looooonnnggg roster.

"I'm glad I don't attend Sato," Ming said, smugness in her smile.

"Ming," Kitome said evilly. Harumi joined, eyes starry. "As the author to a well-loved series, you are invited to guest star at the festival."

The dual-eyed girl gave Clyde a teary, pleading look, but he grinned.

"It's only right that you spend time with the team," he said, laughing. Ming groaned. The others joined in on the laugh at the adorable girl's expense. She pouted.

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