Clyde invited the entire party to dinner, but Toru wanted to get back to Fumi and also check on his gothic loli assistant Nina. Seth, Kitome, and Yusuke declined too with their set of excuses—but the young man saw the tiredness in their eyes. Sazuki thought for a second, considering, but she wanted to check on Kiko.

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"Where'd Melody go?" he wondered aloud.

"She took off ahead of us," Alice said.


When they stepped outside of the academy, Clyde initiated the Jump. Toru gave the non-housemates a ride home. Upon opening the door, the delicious aroma of Yuki's divine cooking hugged everyone's noses. Melody, dressed in an apron, finished setting up the table, although seeming to put extra care in two spots. One obviously for him, the other, more than likely meant for herself. Sophia seemed a little annoyed having her job stolen by the redhead.

Melody smiled upon noticing them, eyes on Clyde. As everyone walked in, she hurried to him.

While unbuttoning his school uniform shirt, she said,

"Would you like a bath, or dinner, or..." She blushed, and he already knew the answer to that question. Chika ruined the moment by whacking her with a paper fan.

"I've already done that." She continued onward to their room. "Who's making these?"

"Okay, I propose a ban on the paper fan gag," Clyde said to his crew then turned back to his teary-eyed redhead who probably asked Yuki for advice. What they fail to realize was that the mischievous demoness, twenty-two years old, pulled all of her examples from the books she read. She lacked the experience to actually give advice but couldn't turn down the cute opportunities to mess with them. "A bath actually sounds nice, but I have one more stop after dinner."

Melody had actually prepared a hot bath for him.

"Damn," Clyde said. "You're the best."

Stars shined in Melody's eyes.

"Come on, strip, my Soother." Clyde feigned innocence, pretending to cover himself up while batting his eyelashes. Melody laughed. "I'll be doing your laundry."

"Wait—" Clyde tried to say, but it was too late. The redhead took his clothes and left. Sighing, he got into the tub and relaxed. Minutes later, Melody returned, dressed in a thin robe.

"Let me wash your back," she said. His erection burst into maximum overdrive.

"Well, you are my fiancée," he said. Before he knew it, Melody was kissing him, tears streaming from her face. She pulled back.

"It didn't hit me until after it was done," she said softly. "I made you take a soul-oath without any explanation. It's almost like—"

"It's fine," he said. "I'm not mad, but quite the opposite. It's a little different from my world, but I'll explain that to you some other time." He wanted to surprise her with the ring.

System, can I craft this ring? He thought. Melody kissed him again.

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[Yes. You will gain additional EXP and relationship points for crafting something like this from your heart.]

"Do you want to join me in the tub?" Clyde said, voice nonchalant. The redhead chuckled.

"I'm here to wash your back, remember?" she said. "Everything else can wait until bedtime."

And she did. But not just with a washcloth. When he felt the softness, he began to wonder if Melody had some of Yuki's brandy. Then again, he knew the young woman was trying her best. Hell, so was he. He didn't show any weakness in front of his team so that they'd always feel like they could rely on him.

Melody did join in the large, jacuzzi-like tub eventually. And at last, the blushing returned. The redhead covered her face.

"This is so embarrassing."

Clyde scooped her into his embrace, grinning.

"You've got nothing to be embarrassed about. Damn I love this about you."

[Your relationship with Melody…Absolute endearment has evolved to Absolute Cherished level 2.]

Melody was his. She leaned back on him, closing her eyes, long hair giving off a sweet flowery fragrance. She seemed to have determined something. Turning back toward him, she was smiling.

"I'm going to be a better wife than all the others."

Clyde wiped away the nosebleed and laughed.

"Good start. Now, how can I be a better husband?"

That made Melody laugh.

"Keep being yourself," she said. "Oh and don't hide all of your problems from me. As your fiancée and soon-to-be wife, it's my responsibility to help you with everything."

"Fair enough," Clyde said. Melody hugged him.

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"I love you."

When the duo dried off and put on bathrobes—their clothing awaited in Melody's room—they opened the door to see a wide-eyed, open-mouthed Natalia standing there. The loli dropped her staff.

"Marry me too onii-chan!" she anime-dove into him and whined. "That's not fair Melody, you can't cheat." She pulled suspiciously hard at the bathrobe, soliciting the young man's blank stare.

The redhead plucked her off with a single hand. But Kanako seemingly appeared out of nowhere to replace her, hugging his waist.

"Where were you all day?" she whined. "I was so bored and lonely without you."

"I take it you didn't enjoy the time spent with Yuki and…what's her name… Sophia."

"Oh, how mean to forget your devoted maiden," Sophia said, walking toward them, beautiful as ever. Long white hair, green eyes, and dressed in a…silky white dress that hugged her curves. Of course his maidens would be different. Then again, this could be one of Yuki's infamous wardrobe ideas.

Clyde let out the millionth sigh.

"Yuki and Sophia were great, but they can't replace my master," the genie said.

"I told you to stop calling me that," Clyde said, even though he still gave her the head pat. Melody laughed.

"I just hope this lively moment lasts forever in our hearts," she said.

After dressing, they joined the others at the dinner table—Melody somehow getting her spot—and enjoyed the amazing cooking of the advanced chef.

"I'll be back in an hour or so," Clyde said after dinner.

"Where are you going?" Kanako said, floating toward him. He dodged her three attempts to hug his waist. The others were looking too, curious. Melody especially.

"I'm going to train, practice some skills," he said then in a lower voice, "that's pretty much the gist of it. I may drop in on Tear."

Alice and Chika followed him all the way back to the room, glaring as he changed.

"And why do you need to see my cousin this late?" Alice said.

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"Are you jealous?" Clyde said, pinching her cheek, then he pulled the half-demoness into him as he sat down. "Yep, you're the most beautiful woman I know."

Taken aback, Alice's anger melted away.

"Hey, he's mine too," Chika said, joining Alice on his lap. He wanted to see Tear alone, but two cute girls who shared as much of his heart, changed things. Melody popped in and forced a spot for herself, surprising the other two.

"He's mine too," the redhead said. That statement was a finality that not even Alice could challenge. "And I love him."

Instead of outrage, there was agreement. AGREEMENT.

"So do I," Chika said.

"I love him too," Alice said. "And first."

Natalia ruined the moment.

"Fivesome!" the loli said as she anime-dove into the group.

After calming down the commotion, Clyde put on his shoes. Alice gave him a look of longing.

"Fine, you can come with me," he said. "As for everyone else, don't forget we've got both the parents meet and the cultural festival tomorrow. Get some rest."

They reluctantly nodded, seconds from protesting their desire to go too.

"I'll meet you outside," Clyde said to Alice then took off down the hall. He stopped at Harumi's, who chatted with Airi. The open door of course sparked his invitation.

"Look who's coming to pay his other wives some attention," Airi said. Clyde laughed. "Ah, he thinks I'm joking."

"I can't tell anymore," he said as he sat in the chair closest to Harumi. Before he could say the first word to her, she hopped into his lap. Her fox ears and tail were out.

"Need something?" Harumi said, "or are you just happy to see me."

"I'm always happy to see you," Clyde said, chuckling. How did she maintain the innocent look while teasing him? "Is everything okay with your sister?"

"Sure is," Harumi said, cheerful. "She really appreciates your protection."

Clyde nodded.

"If you need anything, Harumi, just let me know."

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"Anything, huh?" Airi said then folded her arms, giving him a playful pout. "I don't see the offer being extended to me."

Clyde laughed, though his eyes caught the panty flash that she did on purpose from her side of the room. Short nightgowns…

Harumi stood, turned around, and kissed Clyde.

[Your relationship with Harumi has increased to friend closer level 10, Absolute endearment plus.]

"You're always doing so much for me," the pink-haired girl continued.

"It's because I love you," Clyde said. "N—"

[Your relationship with Harumi…has evolved to Absolute Cherished, level 2.]

[Your relationship with Airi has jumped to friend, closer level 7, passionately interested and very curious.]

"Do you have to go see Tear?" Harumi said as she straddled him. "Why not just—"

"I don't know if you're a smooth talker, playboy, or genuinely has no idea what he's doing, other than just being honest," Airi interrupted.

Clyde chuckled.

"Or I'm just being me," he told her. "Like always." He gazed into the golden eyes of the fox girl, who's tail was wagging. Natalia ruined the moment.

"Pervy-nii have sex with me too!" The loli anime-dove into Clyde and Harumi. Airi sighed.

"What an annoying child."

"Tell me about it," Clyde said, agreeing with the Super druid. His erection vanished thankfully. The last thing he needed was Tetra arresting him. "Anyway, I'm off to do some training before heading to Tear's. Alice is going."

"I think she's jealous of… Tear's assets," Natalia blabbed. Harumi glared at her then also let out a sigh.

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