[You have entered a DEATH SENTENCE, phase 3!]

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So, she was a three-phase boss. The entire time, Melody's mother didn't fight in her final form. The young man mentally kicked himself for thinking of memes as death prepared to rain down on him.

He took in Natalia's advice and her warning about what would happen if Amaterasu wasn't defeated. No pressure at all, he thought sarcastically. Allow the power to flow without pushing against it. Do not resist…

The warmth of Natalia's magic comforted him. Five minutes without the threat of the strain. Thoughts of his party and the festival guests dying simply because some supernatural figure wanted them to, really started the fires within. And he bared teeth.

Clyde felt himself become one with time, space, nature, and even the people that fought and bled with him.

Amaterasu seemed taken aback as the tremendous aura filled him.

"It's….too much, onii-chan," Natalia said softly, but it was too late. Clyde could no longer push back against the flow. His eyes changed, one gold, one red. A halo of black and silver hovered inches above his head. The aura that surrounded the god outshone the sun.

Clyde's pressure obliterated the time-space bubble Amaterasu created. Cracks of gold appeared across the sky like on the night Chika fell. Wings sprouted from his back, one gold, one black.

Hurricane-force winds raged across the town, howling like demons. And this power engulfed the multi-verses, drowning them with utter fear.

"What's going on?" the trickster demoness said. "You hadn't shown this kind of power before."


[Full Deity Stone Mode + 75%]

Free from the endless fighting bubble, Clyde's party witnessed the actual fight. And they had no idea how to take it. Selkie was back in her spot, eyes now wide. Alena landed beside her, also silent. Chizuru, who bowed to the young man, could not comprehend the appearance of an angel.

When Clyde spoke, time and space warped, and lightning raged through the skies.

"Amaterasu, wife of Platus, She Who Dawns Time, I accept your challenge."

Amaterasu, the legendary trickster demoness, she who lived in the lore of many tales, she who played with lives at the count of her finger tips, looked uncertain. Then her eyes hardened. Red aura surrounded her.

"I don't care how much of a show you put on, you're just an ant before me," she snarled.

[Amaterasu activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Sorrow—]

Clyde removed his fist from her gut, allowing the woman to drop.

[Amaterasu's HP was halved.]

Amaterasu trembled with rage as Clyde watched, looking down at her. His expression was neutral, but those cold eyes no longer offered pity. The trickster demoness teleported to a secluded section of the roof, but the young man was already there waiting for her.


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She launched two balls of magic that could easily shatter the molecules of anyone else. Clyde smacked them away with a single finger.

"Onii-chan," Natalia said softly. "I can't hold on much longer. Finish her."

Amaterasu's eyes widened. She aimed both hands at the young man as he slowly walked toward her, expression unreadable.

[Amaterasu activated GODDESS TIER SKILL: Angel song spirit wave.]

Clyde stared at the screeching giant white beam of magic without emotion. It snuffed out upon contact with the god's aura. Smoke briefly oozed from the woman's hands, only to get swept away by the intense wind.

[No effect.]

[Clyde's HP and MP have been fully restored. All stats doubled. Absorption of holy element quadrupled all defenses.]

[Amaterasu's attack and defense have been halved due to extended exposure to Clyde's pressure.]

Enraged, the trickster rushed at him with glowing punches and kicks that could split mountains in half. Clyde easily sidestepped and dodged them, then blocked the final punch with a single finger. The one she put all of her strength into…

"Amaterasu, She Who Dawns Time," Selkie said, "you fucked up when you thought you could come here and cause trouble."

"You do not fuck with my Clyde," Alice said, voice almost a cheer. "Bash her face into the concrete, love!"

"Language Highness," Natalia said, soliciting a pout from the half-demoness. Alice still rushed over to the loli and scooped her into a hug.

Amaterasu sighed.

"You played me this entire time. Why?"

"Should a hornet explain why it stung you if you kicked its nest?" Melody emerged from the roof entrance. The door to the staircase behind her almost shut, but a hand caught it. The voice spouted a few curses at the redhead before directing to Amaterasu.

"A better question is why did you fuck up the entire festival?" Kitome entered, followed by the rest of Team Two. The crusaders bowed to Clyde.

"Enough of that," the god snapped. "I will have you crusaders answer to your organization's crimes soon."

"Are you going to kill them?" Amaterasu said, intrigue in her voice.

"I'm not you," Clyde said. "And just because your husband's a dark god does not mean I'll sit here and take his shit. Shit in which he started in the first place. So…" He looked at Melody, but just didn't care for her family.

He backhanded Amaterasu with little effort. That spiraled her backward at the speed of sound. With a hand aimed, he released the spell.

[Clyde activated Unknown tier skill: Breaking a goddess. This skill is an evolution of your Spirit Wave.]

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Everyone's mouths were agape. Amaterasu screamed as the gray, fire-like, magic covered her.

[Amaterasu's HP has drastically dropped to 4%]

"Clyde, are you going to kill her?"

Clyde looked at Selkie.

"Maybe I should. She sure had no problem with killing all of you. If Ming hadn't passed that message to Natalia, we'd be dead."

Melody looked torn but said nothing.

[Amaterasu activated Jump.]

[Clyde's unstoppable pressure negated the skill.]

Clyde chuckled.

"Of course, we could work out a deal," he said. With a wave, the god used his telekinesis. He placed the defeated trickster demoness woman on the ground before him. Tears of utter fear poured from her eyes.

"Please," she said softly. "Don't kill me. Please."

"Not so high and mighty now, are you?" Clyde said as he sat next to her.

[Amaterasu, for the first time in her life, has lost the will to fight.]

[Alena made sure you received all of the EXP and awards from this battle. Unfortunately, no chest can spawn without her death.]

He already knew who was his favorite mother-in-law. For just a second, he thought about "accidentally" releasing a giant blast of energy upon Amaterasu—but that joke was too dark even for him. He didn't want to become like her, but also not a goody-goody two-shoes. Besides, axing off Melody's mother in front of her would definitely backfire.

"He actually defeated She Who Dawns Time…"

That was the voice of…Mortem. The entity grinned, raising a fist. Then he clapped.

"Now that's a sight I'm etching to my memory."

He teleported in Amaterasu's face and laughed. "How does it feel to be thrown on your ass for once?" He laughed harder. The trickster trembled with rage. "This is going to be one hell of a story to tell to my master." He observed the people around, but upon noticing Tessa, Mortem vanished, his fading words being, "what a nuisance."

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"I'm guessing you've had a past with Pippy?" Selkie said, but Amaterasu didn't answer. "Why did he…" She looked at Tessa. "Clyde, I know you hate exposition, but the Wind being here is a real problem."

Tessa looked as if she wanted to cry, especially when the god looked at her.

"We'll sit down and talk after I do one thing," Clyde said.

He placed a hand at the center of Amaterasu's chest.

[You have sealed Amaterasu's ability to use magic while in this city. She must have your permission. This contract expands to all who serve her.]

"Heh, I wasn't sure if I could actually do that," Clyde chuckled. "But it's better than enslaving you. I sure as shit don't want you living with us."

Amaterasu gave Clyde a brief micro-glare.

"I'm a perfectly fine house guest," she said.

"No, you're not," everyone said simultaneously, even Chizuru.

"Fix this mess, I don't care who," Clyde said. "We're going to have a large discussion over some food."

Natalia's warmth shut off, but the young man had already let go of the power, so the backlash only felt like being hit with a frying pan instead of a semi-truck. He managed to keep it together, but credited that to the loli.

Silent suffering to save face. Clyde sighed. The incoming prompts to his relief, delayed themselves.

[Battle completed! Victory! Reward: 40 million EXP. 500 million dollars.]


Cultural festival….

Eating area…

"Damn, that feels so good, Yuki," Clyde said as he awaited his food. The massage seemed to be induced with muscle-relaxing healing magic. Everyone saw through his bravado and ignored the young man's protests about getting anything himself. Instead, Alice and Melody left to retrieve his food and a drink. Airi offered a flask tucked away in a skirt pocket, which he considered, but the angel gave him a disapproving look. And just when he thought things couldn't get any more complicated, the parents started to show up one by one. He found it a little surprising that Airi didn't just ditch him. Harumi squeezed his hand. Yuki wrapped her arms around him from behind and kissed his cheek. Alena shook her head. Clyde shrugged. As if he had any complaints about the demoness doing that to him in public.

One quick glance made him gulp at the most menacing of the parents. Even if she was beautiful and busty. Kitome's mom sported a biker girl look mixed with the same fiery intimidation as her daughter.

Since his table wasn't full quite yet, he took the time to check out his prompts.

[Congratulations, you have reached levels 93-99! Stats increased! You have learned Silver tier skill: Meteor. A powerful skill with highly destructive capabilities. Send down a giant meteor to destroy your enemies. Just…don't accidentally blow up a city with it.]

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[You have learned the passive skill Life's breath. While in Stone Mode, your presence will begin to heal those that need it in the area.]

[Your battle has been noted by MANY of the higher powers.]

[Due to using your power in a heroic manner, again, you have been deemed *Safe* by the Watchers. All restrictions removed. You are free to attend the academy or leave as you see fit. It is recommended to continue attending, for it houses secrets…]

[Adventure quest: [Complimentary Advanced notice from a watcher.] During the Winter break, you must travel to the nation of Alon to give your blessing to the princess. Neko must be present. Her sister is an optional addition but will increase the awards. Beware of the wizard gang around this area. The troubling bunch may be the least of your problems if the Gargoyles are still around.]

[Quest completed: attend the parents meeting on Friday.]

Quest log:

Main story.

-Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

-Get to know Sazuki over time.

-Take all female party members on one date.

-Investigate the Dragon threat.

- kill 10 enemies using Ki skills during the day. (MS)

- visit the dojo. You must take either Kitome or Melody with you.

- investigate Hideo's secret laboratory

- buy Melody a ring or something that symbolizes your proposal. (MS. Urgent.)

- assign Airi the job as Dungeon Finder. (MS)

Clyde finished his meal right as the remaining parents arrived. Toru managed to get Sazuki to postpone the festival games in favor of entertainment and concerts, which the people seemed perfectly okay with. None of them retained the memories of being trapped in a hellish version of the academy.

The parents were there, but that didn't stop the skeptical gazes, silently wondering why Alice was sitting on Clyde's lap. Or the fact that Team Stone had a lot of women, many of which were surrounding the leader.

Clyde's agenda: get the parents meeting done with, talk with the crusaders, the Wind, and then Selkie and the chuuni.

He allowed himself just a sneaking glance of Chizuru's breasts before addressing the table. Alice's soft body had no intention of allowing him to stand without smacking someone in the face with his boner. The half-demoness didn't seem to care that her smirking mother watched. Natalia smiled when he made eye contact, which he returned.

The red-cloaked being was filled with doubt…so much doubt. If they weren't the Stone Maidens, he would've quit this job a long time ago. Although, the annoying women should be called the bickering maidens instead. He sighed. Seeing Amaterasu, She Who Dawns Time, act like a normal person felt a bit eerie. He wasn't sure what happened in the dimensional bubble, but he felt the magic thrown. The Stone actually beat her. He hoped she cried.

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