[Due to word spreading of Team Stone's deeds, Your reputation has increased to level 6: You're worth listening to!]

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[Secret quest completed. Learn the basics of adventuring from Airi. Reward: 150,000 EXP. 1 Super MP Potion. Item class: common.]

[Base HP and MP bonus from Tear: +100%]

[Perk bonus on hold until you marry her: GOD tier skill: Absolute Zero. Once per cooldown, you may target up to two enemies. Freeze them in time for up to fifteen minutes (the time increases as you age in godhood, not that it should matter.) This skill is unblockable. If you kill the enemy, the body will be released from the time-stop. You may also claim the soul.]

[Warning, God tier skills will drain an enormous amount, maybe even all of your MP upon use. Use sparingly. You do not have to train this skill.]

[Tear shares a very similar culture to Alice. The fiancé will continue to be known as life mate or sometimes love mate—although in the succubus's case, just love mate. ]

In the backyard, Clyde and Harumi sat side by side in chairs as Airi gave them the basics of adventuring. It was a bit chilly with an unwanted icy breeze hugging against the trio every few minutes or so. Few cars passed by. A dog barked a few times in the distance, as if warding off an intruder, including the poor mailman stuck running a morning route. A siren wailed from miles away, its echo barely touching the ears of the young man.

"Before I proceed any further, do you have plans to get an official adventurer registration?" Airi said. She pulled a golden card from her wallet. On it were her details, rank, and a few other mundane things. "This card will make you a part of the adventurer community."

"I'm not really interested in being a part of that," Clyde said. "I'd simply like some pointers."

"It's easy to explain, but you won't really learn until you actually try it," Airi said. "Are you?"

"During winter break," Clyde said, gaining a frown from both women. "It's not like I want to during this time, but I don't have a choice. Let's just say, Selkie passed some alarming information. Anyway, do you guys really travel by feet and camp and shit?"

Airi stared at him blankly a few seconds before speaking again.

"If you have a vehicle, can fly, or any of the sort, then you utilize those mediums. But there are nations, mostly among the monster kingdoms, that don't allow vehicles."

Airi shuddered. As the gust of icy wind licked Clyde, he was reminded that winter break awaited just around the corner.

Harumi shifted into kitsune form and sighed in content.

"No fair," Airi said. "Can we please take this inside? That wind's picking up."

"One more question," Clyde said, "then I'll call it quits until later."

"Make it snappy," Airi said, eyes glistening. Her attire of yoga pants with a long-sleeved shirt didn't help her case.

"What's the daily life of an adventurer?" Clyde said. Truthfully, he wanted to know if it was like the games and books or mundane.

"A typical adventurer travels from village to village, town to town, and take jobs from quest givers or…mayors, mostly to deal with monster problems. And just in case you're wondering, no we don't do fetch quests. We're not going to take someone's newspaper and give it to their dog."

Clyde snickered, but the cold wind wiped away Airi's grin.

The grim silent conversation of Tear and Natalia greeted the trio upon entering the house. Clyde took a seat by his fiancée. The succubus laid her head on his shoulder.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Some of our spies reported something strange, but I can't understand it," Natalia said as she walked over to Clyde. She sat in his lap and looked at Tear, worry in her eyes.

"Well, go on," Clyde said. "Don't leave me in the dark."

Harumi sat next to the young man, still in Kitsune form, and snuggled into him. Natalia continued.

"I'm still investigating, but spies have said the Supreme's inquisitors look as if they're preparing to mobilize."

"Inquisitors," Clyde said softly to himself, as knowledge of them flooded to his mind. In many books and shows, they were assholes. Powerful assholes. Still, this information wasn't enough, and he needed to push for more. "Why is this a problem? I know the history of inquisitors, at least in my world isn't exactly good, so what's causing the—"

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"We're not sure just yet since they hadn't actually left the capital of the Monster Kingdoms, but our spies spoke of rumors. Rumors saying that their tasked to capture Tear."

"Well they will be met with resistance," Clyde said. "Team Stone…I'm not going to sit back and let it happen. Tear, you asked if I was willing to take the risk. Well, this is my answer."

The succubus smiled. Somehow, the young man could feel her taking comfort within his declaration.

"I just hope they don't come to this city," Natalia said. "They're ruthless and will do whatever it takes to get what they want. And just one of them is stronger than anything we've faced so far."

"Even Amaterasu?" Clyde said.

"I don't know," Natalia said. "But if I'd have to set them on a threat scale, nii-chan, it would be to, Extreme."

"Let's just say they do know where we're at. Do we have an estimated time for their arrival?" Clyde asked.

"They may start Jumping within a few days," Tear said. "Inquisitors love to plan before undertaking a task."

"In that case, we've got to prepare for them," Clyde said. "Wait. Is she sending them all?"

"Possibly," Tear said softly.

"Clyde, this isn't something we're ready for," Natalia said. "To give you a perspective on just how strong they are, one of my spies used a magic mirror that allowed him to see their strength. The lowest power level is five hundred."

"Don't forget about the scout we should expect to feel by tomorrow," Melody said as she entered the living room. Alice and Chika followed shortly. Kanako, Ruri, and Matsume were already present, listening and waiting for instructions.

Then the idea hit the young man like the biggest Truck-Kun in inexistence. He thought back to the territory's warning message the previous day.

[You will be alerted if any major power enters the city. If you were in possession of a *Heart Core,* all attack, magic and non-magic, defenses and other stats would be halved for any major power entering your city without permission.]

[Current Lot City stats. Crime rate: 1% Emergency: none. Citizen happiness: decent. Current concern: none.]

He made a mental "fuck yeah" note at that drop in crime. This was probably the safest city in the world.

"I have an idea," Clyde said, "but first, Airi, I'm making you Team Stone's official Dungeon Finder."

"Only if I get to go," Airi said.

"Of course," Clyde said.

"Then it's a deal." Airi spared a micro-glare at Natalia, who blocked her chance to anime-dive into the young man.

[Quest completed! Assign Airi the job as Dungeon Finder. Reward: 200,000 EXP. 1 universal dungeon key. Item value: well-above standard.]

"What are you going on about?" Natalia said. "Are you saying you know of a way to fight them?"

"It's not guaranteed to work, but let me point out something important here," Clyde said as he first moved Natalia off him, before walking over to Kanako. "We have her."

The genie blushed, eyes slightly teary. "I've got three wishes left. I'm pretty sure I can't simply wish away all of the inquisitions powers—I've already tried to cheat off the Supreme. Even her influence. No dice."

"Sorry," Kanako said, but before she could slip into tears or depression, Clyde continued.

"That's fine," Clyde said. "There were rules and contracts set up to prevent a genie from being impossibly overpowered."

"More like the gods not wanting beings that could potentially rival their power," Alice said. The young man agreed.

Clyde did a check of his inventory, although he felt kind of like a masochist, verifying just how little loot he had. He considered denying his right to identify as a gamer until he fixed the issue.


$ 571,295,400

-Map of Lot City, Satovia.

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-Map of Libado Grasslands, Satovia.

-Map of Ashen City, Satovia.

-Map of Niyoto, Satovia.



-Reminder for practice- note.

- Zelt's printer. Level 1/25.

- Deed to the Ashfall estates, treasures, etc.

- Honey Potion of Healing (item class: rare.)

-Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

- Place of Power Core (item class: Relic) (item value: priceless)- establish a place of power.

- Super health potion x3 (item class: common)

- Max MP replenish potion (item class: epic)

-Super MP potion (item class: common).

- bundle of materials [2 uses left]. (Item class: rare.)

- Forger's hammer. Item class: very rare

- Exploding blowup doll. Item class: *One of a kind* Unsuspecting enemies will experience a nice surprise. Does dark deity damage.

- Sharpened Crystal Dagger. Item class: uncommon

-1 ruby, 1 diamond, 1 emerald, 1 casper-jewel.

- Root Tree seed. Item class: epic.

- Mysterious Harp. Item class: *One of a kind* this special harp is loved dearly by a special type of harpy called the Gandharva. Handing this to her will get you a *World Star Fragment* and another reward.

-Breast enhancement potion x 2. Item class: bizarre.

-World Map. item class: *legendary*

- Universal dungeon key. Item value: well-above standard

Plants and herbs:

- Uni-plant. This plant can be used in medicines and potions. An alchemist could make use of it.

He wanted to keep track of the inventory just to make sure every item got put to use. Well, except his house key and the reminder for practice note. The flames of determination blazed within Clyde's eyes as he planned to defend the city. Defend Tear. What better way to win a fight than strategy? He wasn't sure if he could simply overpower the inquisitors. And of course, being shut off from the power—this was his greatest fear when it came to facing opponents that outclassed him by level. Sure, a higher level didn't make them impossible to beat, but it sure as shit made enemies as tedious as tanks.

"Has anyone ever heard of a Heart Core?" Clyde said as he took a seat. Natalia beat Airi to the anime-dive.

"Onii-chan, do you have one? Where? Let me see!"

"Move you brat," Airi said, pulling and failing to move the loli. "That's my diving spot." Kanako held onto his waist, as if to join the fun.

"No, I don't have a core, which is why I'd like Kanako to magically spawn one or something," Clyde said.

Kanako glared at him as she snapped.

"Do you have any idea of how powerful a single Heart Core is?" The genie poked his nose. "Natural dungeon barriers protect them."

"So they're in dungeons," Clyde said, grinning evilly. He pulled out the World Map, observing it. Everyone gave him skeptical looks.

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[World Map.]


The human nations: Yaponiya, Alon, Lewdlands, Vin (a part of the Satolin continent), Zextral Continent (and it's nations), Eagle Continent, Poison Islands, the Lion continent.

The Monster Kingdoms (also known as the Supreme Empire): Messalay the land of dark elves, Elroot the land of the elves, Demontopis, Twintopus (a part of the Topus continent) and the Morbid Continent, which holds the capital city, Lilus, home of the Supreme demon lord.]

"Kanako, I want you to give me a location for the closest Heart core," Clyde said. "Just point it out on this map."

"Are you sure you want to use a wish, Master?" the genie said.

"If you're unable to bring it to me, then we'll have to fetch it," Clyde told her. "We've got a day for the scout and then only a few days for the main group, right? The reason I need this is so that I can weaken them significantly the moment the bastards step into the city. That will go for any major power."

"You…you can do that?" Tear said, interest peeked. She leapt up and grabbed Kanako's hands. "Please help us, Kanako. You're the only one with the power to make Clyde's plan happen."

Kanako gazed into those pleading blue eyes and nodded. As Tear let go, the genie's eyes suddenly glowed.

"The nearest heartcore is in a dungeon found…." She titled her head. "Right here." She pointed at a spot on the map.

[Wishes left: 2]

"A dungeon right at the edge of Yaponiya…By an abandoned town called Hallowsfer. Odd," Kanako said softly.

[Quest: Go to the dungeon near Hallowsfer. Retrieve the Heartcore! This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused.]

He checked the quest log as a whole.

Quest log:

Main story.

-Defeat Dark in a Real game (Stone-Token quest.)

-Get to know Sazuki over time.

-Take all female party members on one date.

-Investigate the Dragon threat.

- kill 10 enemies using Ki skills during the day. (MS)

- visit the dojo. You must take either Kitome or Melody with you.

- investigate Hideo's secret laboratory

- *Go to the dungeon near Hallowsfer. Retrieve the Heartcore! (MS)

[Your knowledge of Satovia has increased to 6%.]

[System opinion: System opinion: You still need knowledge! Quit slacking.]

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"Are you familiar with the area, Tear?" Clyde asked.

"I can Jump us to Hallowsfer, but we'll have to walk to the dungeon," Tear replied.

"What should we expect?" the young man said.

"To be honest, I'm not sure," the succubus said.

Clyde nodded.

"In that case, the party will be Me, Airi, Tear—"

The others nominated themselves simultaneously.

"No, no, no," Clyde said, "I'm keeping this to four. And—"

"It's obviously me," Alice said. "Right, love mate?" She held his arm.

"I'm the Right Hand," Natalia said. "And pervy-nii needs me."


"It's just a single dungeon," Clyde interrupted Ruri. "We don't have a lot of time for bickering. Harumi's coming."

The other women pouted, but put up no further argument. "Let's prepare and meet up within an hour."

Clyde took one look at his equipment and winced. Who the hell would go to a dungeon housing a potentially relic-rare item with shitty gear? Not counting the necklace Kitome made for him. What kind of awesome accessory would she make next?

One hour for crafting… He'd start with armor.


- Wind blade. (very rare) +16 to attack. Wind element.

-School uniform or casual clothes.

-School shoes or casual shoes.

- Necklace of Her Devotion. Item class: *One of a kind* This necklace was made with love. Unknown benefits. Has a 1% chance of triggering Enlightenment mode 1 during battle. All stats will increase by 100% during the mode.


- Steel-set armor (Rare). +25 to defense.

- silver dagger- +ice and earth damage. (rare.)

Clyde had some serious work to do. He also had no intention of hanging out in the dungeon all day. The professors were sure to start nagging them about finals and how it counted.

Chika took top student, scoring perfects on all her tests, including the entry exam. He blinked. What could he do with a genius yandere waifu? Besides Chika's cravings.

The massaging of his shoulders pulled him out of his thoughts. Alice sat next to him.

"How can I help?" she said. "I have all of Hades' resources. Tear's network maybe topnotch, but…ugh, I don't want to be useless." She dove into Clyde's lap. "I'm your fiancée. You can't leave me behind. At least…not without something to do."

Clyde looked into those glistening pink eyes. Normally, she'd be at his side. Alice was not only among the strongest members of his party, with a transformation in progress that needed the EXP, but also a powerful healer. But he needed to make use of every party member on smaller scales.

"I limited this to four people in order to make it easier to track," Clyde said. "And mostly selected at random. I need to make sure I'm in synch with all of the party, so whenever Airi finds a new dungeon, I'll choose three more and go from there." He kissed the half-demoness. "It's Sunday. Just relax. Enjoy it. Because tomorrow, we may be in some shit."

Alice sighed.

"Fine. I guess it makes sense. I just hate…not doing anything."

"Do you mind helping Yuki train Sazuki and Kiko? I'm about to acknowledge as official members very soon," Clyde said. "Train them…as if they were going to fight the inquisitors."

Alice grabbed Clyde's hand and squeezed.

"Fine," she finally said. "I won't be showing them any mercy."

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