Lot City, Yaponiya…

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Hijo's room, within his mansion…

Hijo finally received the email back from his clan. His mouth dropped at the lengthy message and warning about Undine. He…couldn't believe it. She seemed so kind and amazing and sexy and someone he'd spend the rest of his life with.

The email even had a painting of her, but it just…something wasn't right about it. While the woman on it was beautiful, she seemed…dark. Sure his clan wasn't pure—but the Undine in the picture resembled a dark goddess. Raw evil.

"This email is full of shit," Hijo said softly. The goddess gave off vibes of…purity and happiness. He desperately wanted to steal her from Yusuke.

His sources brought in plenty of dirt on him. A delinquent, trash anime-loving loser. What made him pause was his possible association with a group known as Team Stone.

Hijo knew little of them except from the rumors. Apparently they saved the city from a lava death caused by a flying vampire. As if the green-haired boy would believe such nonsense. Team Stone…Come to think of it, the nobody that Toru strongly defended mentioned that.

His eyes widened. This definitely wasn't the Toru he once knew. Why did he defend that guy? Hijo had to be wrong about him being a nobody. Shit, he was probably the son of some really powerful executive-type. But who?

Wait… Team Stone. He dialed a number. A gruff voice answered.

"What the fuck do you want, Hijo? Can't a man jackoff in peace?"

"Still with the jackoff jokes," Hijo said with a laugh. "With a wife that beautiful, you probably forgot how to curl your hand, you lucky asshole."

The voice on the other line chuckled.

"It's been a while, sport. What's up? I know you don't do time-wasting calls."

"You're Maki's big cousin right? So I'm assuming you share some of that power your family's famous for having," Hijo said. "Etsuji, I've got a favor."

"You do realize I'm the black sheep of the family," Etsuji said.

"It cannot be helped," Hijo said. "You separated yourself to dedicate time to our clan. A good thing too. The Tanakas unleashed one hell of a scandal on the public."

Etsuji chuckled.

"That damn cousin of mine…So, what's the favor?"

"I need you to uncover more about this Team Stone. You remember Toru, right? His father runs the large chain of sporting goods. Even recently, he partnered with another super chain, Untouchable Gaming. Owned by Mr. Nicholas Donovan himself. Lucky bastard beat us to it. Anyway, find out Toru's role on the team."

"Why me?" Etsuji said.

"Don't get modest on me now, old man," Hijo said, turning his gaze to the disturbing email on his computer screen.

"I'm only thirty-three," Etsuji said with a chuckle, "but I suppose I do owe you that favor."

"And I know you'll do whatever it takes to find me this information," Hijo said. "Even if it means getting in touch with your supernatural contacts."

Etsuji laughed on the other line.

"Very well. I don't even want to know why you're wasting your favor on this Team Stone. They must be big."

"They could be a threat to our clan," Hijo said, "but I have no proof. I'm more interested in Toru's role in it, anyway. He's changed."

"Hmph. I take it you prefer the sausage over the pie?" Etsuji said with a snicker.

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"What? No, you ass," Hijo said.

"I'm just fucking with you," Etsuji said. "I'm out."

"See you," Hijo said then hung up.

He frowned, finding himself stuck staring at the email again. That woman and Undine had to be different people, using the same name. Sure, they were very similar, but that's that.

"Fuck," he said softly. He could just challenge Yusuke…He tossed away that idea. That woman clearly wasted her love on him. How did the delinquent trash win the heart of someone like that? An unremarkable nobody.

Maybe if he pursued Kitome, maybe become friends with her…no. Even if he pulled off a miracle like that and got an invitation to her house, that mother of hers would make investigating impossible. How did the father put up with her? Breasts… Or maybe he's just as ruthless. What an off-putting family.

Hijo closed the email, glimpsing at the clock on his computer.

"Damn, it's that time already."

Fortunately, he was already dressed in the proper attire for his violin lessons.


Ring City, Terravon…

Kimiko decided to follow the strange couple on nothing more than a whim. Oh, who was she kidding—the power from those two practically radiated, "I'M MORE THAN WHAT MEETS THE EYE." Freaking couples.

Her luck with men sucked—all perverts to her. Over time, she simply began to hate couples. Sure, an overreaction to being single, but she hated them nonetheless. The lovey-dovey walking pair of dynamite were no different.

They were on a date…

Kimiko almost abandoned her investigation, even considered middle-fingering the entire world to spread out her wings and take flight. But Chiya's wrath would be scarier than even a world war. That thought made the orange-haired young dragon girl shudder. Eldest sisters were scary.

Kimiko saw the pair stop. The young man chatted someone up on a phone.

Abruptly, Kimiko's foot timed a stride with a rock and she tripped, landing face-first.

"Mom look! Blueberry panties! Blueberry panties!" a little boy chanted.

Kimiko quickly lurched to her feet blushing furiously, tears dotting at the sides of her eyes. The mother was already halfway across the street, scolding her son. She shot the orange-haired girl an apologetic look.

"Nice ass."

The orange-haired dragonling turned to see three thugs grinning evilly. One pointed a gun at her. That…could be quite troublesome in her human form. And she hadn't lived long enough to develop a natural resistance to human projectile-based weaponry. She could put up a shield, but…would it deflect the bullet?

"Come on, to the alley," the leader said. "We're going to have some fun. And if you scream, we'll blow your brains out."

Kimiko walked into the alley, blood cold, quiet. All men were the same. Violating scum. They were far out of sight and she could hear the leader unzipping his pants.

As if she'd let some lowly human trash do this do her.

She allowed the ancient magic of the dragons to zip through her blood, triggering the transformation. She was the fastest shifter of the Rose sisters. She had to be—or else her big sisters would simply overshadow the "whelp." Years of being compared to them took its toll.

The human garbage were frozen at the sight of a fifteen feet tall, magnificent dragon standing before them. Of course she cast a spell to prevent anyone else from seeing her. Kimiko wasn't taking any chances with Chiyo's wrath, but she wanted to teach these scum the consequences of violating even the breathing space of a Rose sister.

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Beautiful snow-white scales with magical pink roses floating around her, Kimiko was a force of nature. An Alligator-like head with razor-sharp teeth, long tail, glowing red eye color, terrifying claws and bright orange aura, the human men didn't know how to react at the sight.

She bashed them to the wall with a swift tail strike that they didn't see then roared. They groaned, blasted with intense pain, but no injury. Just raw fear. Terror. Kimiko instilled more into them by giving them a nice and toothy grin. Two of the thugs fainted. The leader peed himself.

Satisfied, Kimiko shifted back into her human form, clothes fully intact. That was the first lesson taught by Big Sister Chiyo. Or as that anime addict would insist, "onee-chan." Ugh.

"I take it you won't be troubling anymore women," Kimiko said. "Any one of them could be what I am or worse. And they'll kill you. Gut you with a claw, give you the blender treatment." The leader started to cry. "Bye now. And I will know if you violate any innocents. You'd better turn your life around."

Kimiko continued forward, unperturbed. She undid the magical cloaking before rejoining the crowd. Sadly, her queries were nowhere in sight.

"Bloody hell," she snapped. "Stupid humans."

She noticed the Tea-cookie shop ahead and allowed just a brief smile of bliss to curl on her face. A large and hot choco-tea cookie topped with cold whipped cream. She couldn't wait!

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Late afternoon…

Clyde's house, backyard…

Clyde tried to tune out the Toru-style blank stare Alice beamed onto him. They spent an hour under Naoko and Natalia's "training," which shifted from the cliché, "focus your power," to loli bickering. Mostly Natalia not agreeing with the teachings and methods of the kuudere elf loli. Fuyoko and Airi watched, sitting at a table yards away, enjoying a spicy tea that the locals loved. Yuki seemed a little annoyed, but couldn't do anything about the smirks of the two women. Especially Airi. She didn't want to risk being drawn into a tunnel of a million questions about demonesses.

"Why am I here?" Alice finally said, though under her breath.

"You need this training as much as I do," Clyde replied.

"Training? You call this training?" she hissed. "You just didn't want to endure this by yourself."

He finally looked at her.

"Alice, you've got a terrifyingly strong power hidden beneath you," Clyde said. "I'm counting on this training to remove your block so that you can access it."

The half-demoness sighed.

"That much I understand," Alice said, "but why these two? I think we're better off figuring things out on our own."

"I know it looks bad," Clyde said, "But—"

"You should consider learning the way of the samurai."

Clyde flinched as Ako appeared right in front of him. The lingering magic of her Jump faded from the air.

"I'll pass, but thanks," he said to the catgirl.

"If you want, I can scold them, nya," Ako said. "And if I fail, then—"

"No, no you're not going to commit any self-harm," Clyde interrupted. "Sheesh, why are you so suicidal? Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question. Wait…" The young man really looked at the catgirl. "What does it mean to learn the way of the samurai?"

The emotionless catgirl actually smiled. Well, half-smiled. The second she opened her mouth to speak, Natalia anime-dove into the young man, tightly wrapping her arms around him.

"Waah—he's my student. Go get your own, milk-drinker!"

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He shot the loli a blank stare as he felt the tears damn his shirt.

"I concur," Naoko said. "It is imperative for us to teach the Stone how to access the power within and control it through his veins without suffering from the backlash of the strain. We must eliminate the strain. It won't happen overnight, but we have less than thirty days to make progress."

"Instructing him on the way of the samurai will not interfere with this Stone Mode training, nya." Ako said. As the two kuudere people glared at each other, the young man could just sense the voltage between them. They were wasting time.

"I'm starting to think you were right," Clyde muttered to Alice. She sighed.

"Enough fighting," Alice snapped. "Either you show us why we should listen or piss off."

"Language High—ow!"

Alice tossed the paper fan to the side and glared daggers at the trio.

"We're sorry," they said, unable to take the power of her scrutiny.

At last, Naoko and Natalia worked together, teaching Clyde and Alice how to control the magic within. For Clyde, it was the power. For Alice, they weren't sure if calling it magic did it justice, but stuck with the term.

Ako jumped in to teach the duo the discipline of the samurai. She even taught them some combat. They also had to exercise because reasons.

After two hours, the pair were exhausted. Fortunately, the lessons were done until the next day. A prompt grabbed Clyde's attention.

[??? 5% of 100% complete.]

[You have learned the samurai combat style! Train with Ako or a samurai master to raise its rank!]

Clyde allowed one more brief thought to enter his head as he and Alice headed to the baths. A silly thought, really. But, why wasn't his appetite endless like most protagonists?



All-You-Can-Eat Buffet…

Sol downed his twenty-third large plate of amazing Alonian cooking. The only thing he didn't like were the greasy duck tenders. They were tasty, and the deep fried food didn't threaten his health as much in this world. Yet, the young man didn't want to introduce his body to any bad habits. He looked at his table and the teary waitresses coming to collect the empty plates.

Fifty-third? One hundred fifty-third? He did very hardcore training, but that shouldn't have generated an appetite like this. Ah well, who was he to complain about a gift from the Bright Ones.

He tipped his main waitress a large amount before leaving. That was probably the reason why the restaurant didn't ban him. Well…some people started showing up to watch him eat—and often challenged the young man to eating contests. He never lost those. Somehow, this got him a few beautiful women in bed. This world just made no sense.

Even after being here a few months, Sol just could not comprehend it.

Back in the hotel room, he played a few videogames. Some people of this realm showed him the ropes and he loved it since. Somehow, he was just too good—he never lost. Unfortunately, humans of this realm regressed their friendship for losing all the time.

He never gloated or rubbed his wins in their faces. He won every tournament they signed him up for, even against the regional champion. What more did these people want?

Suddenly, someone squeezed his muscles. He turned to see…a girl in his bed, smiling at him. But not just any girl. A yandere.

"Hellfire," he muttered.

"I miss you," she said. "Please take me back."

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"No," Sol said simply. "I do not mingle with the mentally unstable."

The yandere's smile widened.

"But you do like my breasts," she said. "Is there anything wrong with sex?"

"Yes," he said.


"Why would I get close enough for you to plunge a dagger through my throat," Sol said.

The yandere shook her head sadly.

"You are my world, Sol. If I can't have you, no one can."

[Sol activated Forced Return!]

With his hand aimed at the crazy pink-haired woman, he fired a bolt of magic that forcibly warped her home. Four hundred miles away…

"How did she find me?"

[Trap detection has upgraded.]

[Trap detection. GPS marker magnet soldered to the back of your phone.]

Sol wasted no time, ripping it off and crushing the device. He…just didn't understand this world.

"It's time to leave this town," he said. "Another step on my journey."

He looked at the yandere's keys.

"How long will it take for her to report it stolen?" he said softly. He figured she'd find a way back to this city within a day. Maybe even a few hours—a borrowed car from her parents or friends, stolen vehicle, train—that crazy woman was persistent. But this time, she wouldn't find him.

Sol made sure there were no more tracking devices on his person. He sent his belongings to the inventory, then hurried to the hotel staff. It took only a minute to pay for his stay.

[Warning! The yandere is headed this way!]

Sol decided not to risk it with the car. What if it was rigged with tracking devices? He tossed her keys into a nearby trashcan while no one was looking then made a run for it.

He Jumped right as he sensed the familiar three presences of the monster girls that followed him around town.

Selkie was only a second off—she almost negated his ability to Jump.

"Fuuuuccccckkkk!" the entity yelled. The crowd gave her skeptical glances before shaking their heads and strolling off.

Fuming with rage, Selkie stomped away, almost wanting to give up. But...her sister. She'd have to pull herself together and tough things out.

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