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Corpolanis, Terravon…

Fifty miles from Ring City, Terravon…

Kimiko tiredly entered the code on the pin pad. The gate made an annoying screech before disengaging the lock to let her in. As she made her way to her apartment, the young woman reflected on the day. She honestly had no idea what made a kitsune threatening, but they seemed like nice people. Maybe that was why Chiyo hadn't mention that lone kitsune this entire time. She threatened no one.

As long as Kimiko didn't receive a summon back to the mansion, nothing would happen. She'd continue to satisfy her sisters with high college scores and awards in exchange for allowance. Well…assuming they didn't find out that she secretly worked at a maid café during the summers. Her sisters could not discover that! It was not like they'd suddenly track her in another nation, anyway.

When Kimiko opened the door to her apartment, she was greeted by the purr of a white-furred cat.

"Yui," she said softly, petting the feline. It hopped on her shoulder. "At least someone loves me."

She flipped on the main lights and immediately regretted it. A woman with long white hair and the same orange eyes as her, gazed at Kimiko. Her dazzling white and silver flowery kimono only added further grace to this person. Someone who took care of her in place of dead parents.

The young woman couldn't read her big sister's mood. Shit.

"Chiyo," she said. "What brings you to my measly apartment?"

Chiyo's draconic aura seemed to shake the entire block, even though she didn't exert any power. Just looking at her, Kimiko felt small. With just a thought, the sitting woman could vaporize her.

"Where were you today?" Chiyo asked in an even voice.

"Out," Kimiko said simply, a spark of anger overriding any initial fear. Dragons didn't enjoy controlling individuals. Even if the other person was the family head.

"I've waited for you all day," Chiyo said, her voice still without emotion. Then her voice hardened to a dangerous tone. "Do you know why?" A little aura shimmered around the woman.

Kimiko gulped, but she was a dragon. She would not be afraid. Even if Chiyo was scarier than her deepest nightmares. Chiyo revealed a…DVD box. Kimiko nearly fell backward.

This damned Otaku woman…She held the power to destroy the world, scared the shit out of anyone that even slightly pissed her off, and…was addicted to anime like a drug.

Chiyo dove into Kimiko, her super-deadly, world-destroying mood gone, replaced with playfulness. Fortunately, Yui hopped away in time, not wanting to get involved in the mess. "I was so worried. And it's Chiyo-neesan. Or Nee-sama."

"Those words will never come out of my mouth, you anime addict," Kimiko said, failing to get out of her big sister's embrace. "Go get a boyfriend already."

"But I want a god, like Hero-sama," she said, pointing at the main character of the anime. Kimiko sighed. The only other person who knew this side of Chiyo was Ami. That cruel bookworm was probably asleep in the grand library.

Well, at least Chiyo wasn't angry.

"Let me make some tea," Kimiko said, finally managing to get away. Yui hopped into Chiyo's lap when the woman took her place back on the couch. The TV turned on by itself. Well, at the dragon's will. Following that, the DVD went into the player.

Her sister's anime obsession made having normal conversations with her impossible sometimes. On top of that, her newest favorite anime, Hero-sama and his Maidens of Justice, annoyed the hell out of Kimiko. Harems were normal among dragonkin and rumored to be so among gods too. But there was a limit. And how could women possibly entertain the idea of sharing? Even if it did increase his power, which would be used to save the world, somehow.

Kimiko would never really understand anime. Maybe that was the point. Allowing the brain to enjoy its candy. She could respect that.

After making the tea, she served it alongside of mini tea-cookies and ate with her sister. The anime actually made her laugh a few times. And cringe. Yet, seeing Chiyo happy warmed her up inside.

She didn't know when she fell asleep, but upon waking up, Kimiko was tucked in bed. A note on her nightstand read,

I Love you. Please visit more often, your big sister gets quite lonely. And call me Nee-san. Or Sama.

P.S. An elder from the Northern family will be visiting tomorrow. I'd recommend not visiting until she leaves. She's quite the meanie to the young. I'll do my best to entertain the stickler. So much for my Loli-saga fifth-reading binge.

Kimiko sighed. An elder dragon. She hoped Chiyo would be okay.


Sunday. Week 4. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Late autumn. Last week of the month.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Nova, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 2 of 30.]

[Stone mode: still recharging. You must rely on your learned strength for now…]

[Faith Store is available…]

[You have received the Ki list for Team Stone.]

[Quest. Dragon business, step 2. Go ask Naoko, the entity about the Soulless family and other dragon-related questions. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Reward: unknown.]

[Quest.???. Visit the capital city of Terravon. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Reward: unknown.]

[Harumi: Life: 4. Lightning: 4. Heart: 7.]

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[Kitome: Strength:2. Passion:5. Energy: 2.]

[Alice: Soul: 8. Command: 8. *Radiance*: 8.]

[Chika: Vitality: 10. Speed: 10. Aura: 11.] Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

[Yuki: Heart(above), Mystery: 3. Power: 3]

Maki: Ambition: 2 Command(above), Submission: 2]

[Neko: Unpredictable: 1 Spark: 1 Rain: 1]

[ Tear: Spirit: 3 Passion (above) Love: 3]

[Kanako: Sweet: 2. Magical: 2. *Range*: 2]

[Airi: Leadership: 1, Defense: 1, Nature: 1.]

[Melody: Purity: 1, Romance: 1, Command(above)]

[Ruri: Control: 1, Agility: 1, Lust: 1]

[Matsume: Fierce: 1, Fire: 1, Composure: 1]

[Kiko: Acceleration: 1, Trust: 1, Vigor: 1]

[Noona: Light: 1 *Disguise: 1 Compassion: 1.]

[Untouched/unconsumed after Ki system introduction.]

[Ming: Desire, *Prophecy, and Focus.]

[Hinako: Wisdom, Courage, Wind.]

[Natalia: ???, ???, ???]

[Misaka: Calm, *Immortality*, *Phoenix Fire*.]

[Sophia: Poise, Discipline, Power(above).]

[Ako: Sharpness, Wisdom, Romance (above.)]

He managed to get the list from her, but Yuki quickly retrieved Maki shortly after. She was lucky the demoness didn't catch her with breasts pressed against the young man.

Eyes still closed, and the sensation of softness on both of his sides, the young man evaluated and appreciated the crests. And holy damn were some of them intense. Radiance was always gold. Range took on the relic-silver color. Increasing them to a nice number would be amazing.

However, the slow sex method dragged. Sure, he enjoyed himself, but out of love, not for the stats. Dammit System.

Ming and Misaka…Perhaps the most difficult to get? Focus… well fuck. He needed just one point of it to…

She did ask him to duel. If he defeated her with the right wager, he could finally fulfill the requirement for the next rank. Dammit. She wasn't someone he could simply ask, right? Of course not. Bashfulness aside, the other women would appear and deter everything. Getting angry at them for selfishly wanting to increase stats that they couldn't see. Yeah right.

Ah fuck, Clyde had to visit Amina, his deck leader. Oh well, what's another day of forgetting. The amount of shit on his plate felt beyond exhausting.

Focus could wait for now. He didn't see himself entering a dungeon anytime soon, so he'd be fine. Could his deck really defeat a goddamn regional champion?

Clyde checked the system and there awaited him was the Faith store.

- Faith level 20. Faith points: 50.

[Select your purchase.]

[Skill. Healing Song. Cost: 10]

[Item. Wand of Light. Cost: 10]

[Skill. Faith Punch. Cost: 5.]

[Talent. Enchanting. Cost: 40.]

[Talent. Blacksmithing light-element weapons only. Cost 40.]

[Skill. Special attack: Chaos Construct. Cost: 50.]

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[Item. Atom Potion. Cost: 1900.]

[Item. Grenos, legendary sword. Cost: 2500]

----[You need a faith level of 50 or more to scroll beyond this point]----

Clyde knew he shouldn't be surprised by the sudden price jump. The same went for the Non-explanation of the items. Only one could be selected per month. Harsh.

He didn't need the healing song since he had healers on his team. He sure as shit wasn't going to waste his single purchase on the cheapest selections there. Enchanting…he still needed to assign that job to Natalia. A blacksmithing talent restricted to light weapons. Fuck that.

Could he really rely on the loli for enchanting? Maybe, but that didn't excuse his forgetfulness. A special attack didn't excite him much since he had a pool of amazing abilities that even evolved. What's another death beam to the rest?

Wait… Chaos Construct. That sounded like a summoning. Only one choice…

Fuck it.

[You purchased Enchanting.]

Yeah, fuck Natalia, Clyde thought.

[Congratulations, you've unlocked the ability to enchant your weapons (and ally's) using various magic items. This is a rare talent!]

[+2 intellect.]

Oh piss off, System, Clyde thought.

[Thank you for shopping at the Faith store. See you next month! Ta-ta!]

The shop vanished from his system menu.

Clyde opened his eyes, scoping out both sides of him. Alice was gone. On his left laid Tear, his right Harumi. A familiar sensation of solidifying occurred down below. A look of bliss smothered his face as he enjoyed the breasts. He snuggled his face into Harumi's without waking her.

When he looked back in the succubus's direction, she was awake and smirking. Clyde shrugged. What man wouldn't appreciate this situation?

He crawled over to the woman and kissed her. That flipped her switch. Someone cleared their throat.

The duo stopped kissing to look up at a glaring Alice, Melody, and Airi. Well, Airi had a grin on her face.

"Room for one more?" Airi said, soliciting a blank stare from the redhead. "I'm only kidding." She blew an appreciative whistle. "How about removing the blankets and showing off that erect—ow!"

Melody tossed the paper fan back onto the dresser.

"Clyde, didn't you say we were taking a trip to the capital city?" Alice said. "We're going to miss the train if you don't hurry."

Clyde sighed. Tear held onto him tightly.

"Can't you just go tomorrow?" Tear said.

The sound of a paper fan smack made the young man chuckle.

"We don't have time for you to slow things down, you horny succubus," Alice snapped.

Tear's breasts squeezed against him didn't make rising out of bed easy, but he knew Alice was right. Professor Oak's quote actually works this scenario, Clyde thought, but I'll damn well ride my bike anywhere.

After dressing in casual clothing, Clyde met with the others at the breakfast table. Yuki boldly gave him a morning kiss.

"Clyde, kill yourself," Seth said.

Toru sighed.

"At least we didn't hear a peep from him last night. Unlike a certain pair." He glared at Yusuke and Undine, who in return, smiled sheepishly. "Two fucking hours."

The entire table erupted into laughter. Nina the gothic loli and Toru's assistant rolled her eyes.

"I wonder if I should've stayed back with Fumi."

"You do know that Fumi will be here this afternoon," Toru deadpanned. Nina middle-fingered his blank stare.

"Why so late?" Seth asked.

"She had to get her vacation hours approved," Toru said. "Of course my father did give the boss a little compensation. She's one of those stickler types."

"Dude, Fumi's boss is hot," Seth said offhandedly.

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"She's way out of your league, dumb blond," Nina said.

"I don't want to hear that coming from a child," Seth said. "What are you doing at the grownups' table?"

Nina's anger aura erupted around her, but thankfully, a glare from Yuki settled things down. Clyde somehow managed not to laugh at Seth's jive, although Seth seemed to notice the amusement in his eyes.

"Dummy blond, pass the pepper," Natalia said. Her blank stare wasn't fazed. Seth knew the deal, the loli's nickname for him since the beginning, unchanged. And all he could do was mutter some choice words while passing the pepper.

Noona seemed fascinated by the entire banter, although she hid her excitement behind a somewhat neutral expression.

"Come on, Clyde, let's get going," Alice said.

"Fine, fine," he replied. "Let's see—"

"Melody, Airi, and Natalia's coming with us," Alice interrupted.

He shot her a blank stare, but Melody's glistening eyes made it impossible to change the team. Not that they were headed to the capital to fight. In terms of power, they were fine.


"Tear has to talk with Harumi and Liru today," Alice continued. "I'll take up healer if we come to that."

"I'm going!" Seth said.

"No you're not," Alice intervened.

"Too late—"

"Your role is important, idiot blond," Alice said. "You're going to be working with Toru and Misaka. Coming with us will only prove Natalia right."

"You've got a roundabout way to saying things," Seth said. "What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing," Alice said. "Just stepping it up. As Team Stone's number two, I've taken the liberty of preparing today's agenda ahead of time."

Everyone blinked. Clyde nodded.

"She did save us the trouble with train tickets," Clyde said, "but leave the Team picks to me."

"Why?" Alice said. "What's wrong with us?"

"Nothing," Clyde said, "but that's not the point. I have specific reasons—"

"Then everything's fine," Alice interrupted. She folded her arms.

"Clyde would've chosen the members with the biggest breasts to accompany him," Ashard said with a chuckle. Nobody laughed. "What? Am I wrong?"

"Yes," Kitome said. "You are exactly wrong—and you weren't around for his picks."

"Yeah, stupid slave fairy," Natalia said. "You're voicing what YOU'D pick, pervy dum-dum fairy."

Clyde sighed. Arguing with Alice over something so little wasn't going to get him anywhere. So what if she asserted herself today? He liked this change of pace.

He stretched.

"Thanks for the meal, Yuki."

The demoness nodded, blushing.

"Clyde, have I ever told you to jump off a bridge?" Seth said.

"Alright, let's go team," Clyde said, ignoring the blond boy. "I think Alice is trying to take Right Hand back from Natalia."

"Well she can't have it," Natalia said. "It's mine."

Alice grinned at her evilly.

"We'll see about that."

Before the group headed out the door, Clyde looked at Naoko. The kuudere loli stared back at him with glistening dual-colored eyes—one green, the other red.

"I need to talk you later about dragons," he said. She nodded without saying anything. He was about to step outside to join the others, but noticed a magazine on a shelf, covered in plastic wrap. The cover turned out to be a picture of he and Melody kissing. The name of the magazine: Untouchable Gaming's Upcoming Mula!

So that random photographer published the picture after all. Clyde bet he'd be baffled to hear that Melody now had a ring on her finger.

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Alice had the cab waiting, ensuring the smooth ride to the train station. Two hours later, they found themselves gawking at a place brimming with color.


Unknown city, Terravan…

Friend's apartment…

Sol glared at his friend.

"Are…you seriously into this…strange, filth?" He said, pointing at the laptop monitor.

"It's called a prank," the boy replied. "I hope the image of two gorillas wildly fucking is embedded in your head forever."

"You're a sick piece of shit," Sol said, laughing. "I leave for two weeks and you've proposed to three…What do you call them. Hooks?"

"Hookers man, hookers," the boy replied. "And that was a joke. Sheesh. That's why I'm here, to teach you a good form of humor." He stood and closed the laptop. "I swear, it's like you're from another world sometimes." The boy reached into a minifridge. He pulled out two beers, passing one to Sol. "Don't worry, I have you the orange kind, for pussies who can't handle the bitter stuff like the rest of us."

Sol rolled his eyes.

"I told you, I've never had such a drink before, gorilla fucker."

The boy's eyes widened then he chuckled.

"So you do have a sense of humor." He opened his bottle of beer and chugged. "Ah! Now that hits the spot. I have two hot girls from class coming over in a couple of hours to fuck our brains out. You down?"

Sol grinned.

"Daichi, when am I not down for some fun?"

"When you're busy questioning my jokes," the boy replied.

Just then, Sol received a flashing red prompt that made his breath drop.

[-Territory- Alert! Level: **CATASTROPHIC**. An incredibly powerful enemy player and his group has entered your city with unknown intentions. This could spell true disaster for all of those innocent people. This is no time for you to mess around. Emergency! Emergency!]

Sol's eyes hardened. A tingle of excitement and wildness jolted through his bones. Who would dare attempt to take his territory?

"Sorry Daichi, I've got to go," Sol said.

"Wizard shit?" the boy said.


"Ooh. Well, try to get back within two hours or I'll end up fucking both chicks by myself. One of them thinks you're really cute."

Sol chuckled, but didn't explain to his friend that the women took one look at his muscles and then seduced him.

He hurried outside the apartment and made the Jump. Whoever wanted to fuck with his city was going to die. He would be showing no mercy.


Unknown area…

Perched in her favorite chair, Venus stared down at Satovia using God Sight. She could sense an impending battle—two powerful energies and participants of the stone-viper games, colliding like rocks in space. He was at the center of it.

She licked her lips, her horniness increasing by almost three thousand percent. Yet, she still saved herself. Whether he knew or not, her place in the harem was already set.

Too bad the rules and eyes watching the goddess had no intention of letting her go to her true love. She tore up the letter of yet another suitor. Do they not tire of this? She thought.

Venus clapped once. Mortem appeared, bowing lowly.

"Send Tessa on a journey to save that village. It's going to be tormented by monsters in five days. I need my daughter to make it there in three. The villagers saw my vision. Now they must wait for my prophet. Make it snappy."

"Yes," Mortem said, almost grudgingly before vanishing.

Venus didn't understand why that pet hated her. She always treated it adequately. Maybe his appearance gave that impression.

She sighed. This was but a challenge. And it would lead to the most passionate night of her life. Unfortunately, the Supreme's influence may more than likely change their baby into a girl. Then again, it may not work for two godly beings.

Who was she kidding? The Thousand Year Dragon succumbed to it. So would her child.

Too bad Venus would never get any thanks for stripping away most of that troublesome dragon's core power.

She chuckled.

"That's fine. Everything will go according to plan."

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