Clyde shuddered at the Gin smile curled across Tear's face. To think his fiancée went out and caught herself a dragon. He almost voiced it, but figured this was one of those statements that sounded badass in his head, but would only cause the others to groan.

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"Clyde, meet our new guest, Kimiko," Tear said. "Kimiko, Clyde."

Kimiko bowed slightly, tears dotting the corners of her eyes.

"Nice to me—meet you."

Tear placed a hand on the dragon girl's shoulder. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"We're going to have a chat in the boardroom."

"You mean an inter—"

"A chat," Tear said, interrupting Natalia, Gin smile still on her face. "I may not make it to dinner on time."

Tear quickly kissed Clyde before directing her victim to the boardroom, followed by Tetra. Hinako glared daggers at the succubus's back. She hugged the young man, allowing him to feel more than enough boob, before following the others to the boardroom. He needed to spend some time with her.

He turned to see Harumi standing and smiled. Natalia, on his back, whacked him on the head.

"Onii-chan, no baka!"

Clyde snickered, then both he and the pink-haired girl erupted into laughter. Unfortunately, getting the loli off his back wasn't possible—he really wanted to pull Harumi into his arms.

No, the young man couldn't be denied this luxury.

"Let's go check on Alice and Chika," he said. The moment he reached for those delicate hands, Natalia swatted his.

"No hand holding! Pervy cheater nii."

"What's gotten into her?" Airi said.

"The usual loli shenanigans," Clyde said, starting toward his room. Harumi and Airi followed.

"Harumi shall not be tainted by you anymore," Natalia said.

"Little girl, I will paper fan you," Clyde said, earning himself a nibble on his ear.

Chika and Alice were playing the Loli Saga fighting game, eyes burning with competitive rage. The multiple super-fast clicking of the controllers made the young man flinch a little. Well, the flinch was mostly due to Natalia's squeeze of fury, before she finally hopped off his back.

"Don't break my controllers," she whined. Harumi sighed. He quickly used the opportunity to pull her into a hug.

"How are you feeling?" he said.

"A lot better now," Harumi replied appreciatively, her voice nearly seductive.

"I've missed yo—"

Airi did her trademark throat clearing, then whispered,

"Soap opera duo, you're kind of being watched."

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And indeed Alice, Chika, and Natalia trained their glares on him, game paused.

"What? It's important to check on her well-being, because you know," he said.

To his surprise, they nodded.

"That's pretty thoughtful, pervy-nii," Natalia said, folding her arms. "I always believed in you."

"The words of a caring soon-to-be father," Alice said, voice tinged with respect. "That will be passed on to all of us."

Clyde felt his face grow hot and tried to be nonchalant. Gaining their approval, especially Alice's, felt...incredible.

Chika walked over and hugged Harumi.

"I claim godmother," she said. "Or wait, maybe big sis."

Harumi giggled, hugging the girl back.

"Hey, I want to be godmother too," Alice said, hurrying over to give her friend a hug.

Airi laughed.

"That position is already taken. You'll have to be big sisters."

[Your relationship with Airi has increased to friend, closer level 9, passionately interested and very curious.]

[Your relationship with Harumi has increased to Absolute Cherished, level 9.]

[Your relationship with Alice is already maxed, at Soulmate. Your chances of triggering a duo attack with anyone fighting with you has increased from 1% to 3% Duo attacks will always present chances to inflict massive damage, rare and hidden status alignments, and more. Triggering a duo attack with a wife will increase damage further and a chance to instantly KO standard enemies.]

[Your relationship with Chika has increased to beloved level 2.]

[Your relationship with Natalia has increased—]

His prompt-viewing was interrupted with the loli anime-diving into him.

"Make babies with me too pervy nii-chan!"

The others shot her a blank stare.

"I think I'd rather not see him on one of those Catch a Predator shows," Airi said. Natalia pouted as she wrapped her arms around Harumi.

"You're a predator," she snarked.

"And you're bait," Airi quipped, while rubbing a fist into the loli's head.

"Harumi, Airi's bullying me," Natalia said.

Clyde let out a breath and took a seat on the super bed.

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"So who wants to get whipped?" he said, wiggling a controller. Then he regretted his words.

"Me! Wait, I'll go get my bag of tools," Chika said, eyes shining and brimming with stars. Clyde anime-dove into her, refusing to allow the silver-haired girl to escape.

"Oh no you don't," he said, laughing.

"Dog pile!" Natalia yelled.

"Wait!" But it was too late. The women piled on top of him.

Everyone laughed. Clyde's boner shot up and Airi's crotch was right on it. He saw her quickly cover her mouth, blushing heavily.

"What are you doing?" someone deadpanned.

They looked up at Ruri. She had a blank glare on her face. She looked as if she was about to sniff the air, but Airi interjected.

"Well it's been fun, but I'm going to go check on that hotpot progress."

She hurried out the room. The others slowly got off Clyde. He quickly sat up and hid his bulge under the guise of a book that happened to be on the bed. He sat the controller on top of it for good measures.

Nobody caught onto his antics, allowing the boner to safely deflate. Alice gave him a sideways glance, but nothing indicating a bust.

"I'd better go check on Ming," Clyde said.

"She's writing," Ruri said. "And kicked me out."

"Nyaa, that's probably because she didn't want any fleas," Neko said, peeking her head into the room, then took off running as the hellhound chased her. Natalia roared in laughter.

"That's a good one," the loli said, wiping a tear from her eye. "Why didn't I come up with that?"

Clyde shot her a Toru-approved blank stare.

"Don't come crying to me when she bites your head off."

"I should glue you to the ceiling for the rest of the night," Alice said then strolled off.

Clyde laid back. Natalia almost straddled him, but his mystic senses allowed the young man to dodge at the last second.

"It'd be years before you can catch me, kid," he said with a chuckle, then stood. "Let's go make sure the hound hasn't slain the pussy."

Now it was Harumi's turn to shoot the young man a blank stare. He shrugged.

"My jokes can be an acquired taste for this world," he said.

"Uh-huh," Harumi replied skeptically.

When they made it back to the front room, they found Ruri and Neko on their knees while Yuki glared daggers at them.

"You will stay like that until the food is ready."

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"This is all your fault, cat," Ruri hissed.

"Nyyaa, you're the one who almost knocked her over, hound," Neko retorted in the same hushed voice.

"If you bring dishonor to this house again, I'll have you commit seppuku," Ako said, "or beat you with a punishment crop. Grandmother has already given me purrrmission, nya."

The entire room doused into silence.

"And you cringed at my jokes," Clyde said to Harumi. The pink-haired girl softly facepalmed.


Early Evening…

Corpolanis, Terravon…

Chiyo cheerfully marched to her little sister's apartment door, grocery bag filled with snacks and anime DVDs. She couldn't wait to spend more quality time with her precious orange-head. Ami would be a little angry, she did trick the middle sister into taking over hosting duty. Ah, what a small price to pay just to get Kimiko hooked onto Hero-sama and the Maidens of Justice. She'd try Loli Saga next. Both shows were adapted from the mangas, written by the same author. Hero-sama was one of Ming's earliest works, but it didn't get published until months after the Loli Saga exploded into popularity.

Chiyo frowned when she noticed the door unlocked. She taught each of her sisters the meaning of responsibility. Leaving doors slightly open for burglars wasn't in the lessons.

When she didn't find Kimiko inside, a burst of worry coursed through her veins. Her precious sister was a beautiful young girl. What if stalkers got to her? What if she was currently being raped and tortured endlessly? What if…

Chiyo pushed away these thoughts. As if a dragon would succumb to such mortal misfortunes. The bad feeling the woman had did not go away.

She closed her eyes, tapping into her sister's draconic magic trail. She was… Oh no. Fifty miles away. Right where the Kitsune lives. And there could be more.

Boiling utter rage blasted into Chiyo. No one would hurt her sister and live to tell the tale. She dashed outside and transformed into her full dragon form. She'd kill anyone who dare hurt her precious orange-head.

All on one swift move, she launched into the air and Jumped.



Aunder chuckled.

"So that's where the Falcon is hiding?"

Dire nodded.

"It's not a precise location, I don't think Olivia trusted me very much. Why give a kid valuable information when she doesn't need it. She wasn't sure, but marked it as one of three locations. After seeing a report on the news today about a supernatural fight and someone claiming to witness a man with crazy gray light surrounding him in the shape of some kind of bird, I just knew it. Well, it's only a possibility, Sensei."

Aunder stared at her flatly.

"Since you still want to play these games, I'm assigning this task to you. Go kill the Falcon." He held up a finger at the silver-haired girl's protest. "Hmm, actually… if he's a worthy fighter, come back here and let me know. That is, if you live."

Dire pouted.

"Really sensei. You're sending me on a mission where your precious student could die?"

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Aunder chugged the rest of his beer while gazing out the window of the hotel room.

"I'm drunk. Do you want your precious teacher to go out in that condition?"

Dire let out a sigh and stood.

"You just want to bring in women so you could do pervy things. Pervert!"

Aunder laughed.

"Maybe. I don't expect for a snot-nosed brat to understand that. Now get moving. I want him dealt with tonight. If you do well, then you'll be one step closer to graduation."

"Fine, but you'll…have to do pervy things to me—"

"Don't say things like that when in your child form," Aunder said. "It's fucking weird. Do not bring dishonor to me, brat." He turned. "Let's see you put my training to use."

"I'll make you look at me, sensei. I won't be a one-time fling," Dire hurried off.

Aunder sighed.

"Well, to the hotel bar I go. That lonely serving woman should be getting off in a few." He chuckled. They'd already made arrangements to drink together at her place. He'd spend the night. There's nothing like waking up with a soft voice and beautiful face smiling at you, Aunder thought.


In the skies…

Sol frowned as he rode the back of a giant yellow dragon. Hellfire. How did he let this woman convince him to go with her? She was presumably about to set up a trap at the center of Ring City to lure the Stone.

Honestly, he doubted the other man would still be in the nation after today's demonstration. His warning left no loopholes to be found.

Yet Risa Soulless seemed certain of his general location.

"It's cold as shit out here," Sol said. "Hellfire, couldn't we do this tomorrow, preferably in the afternoon?"

"Oh shut up, mortal," Risa said via telepathy. "I told you I'd do something for you as a sign of goodwill. Now sit back and enjoy the show. Afterwards, you're giving me the details of the group. Unless I'm lucky enough to get who I'm searching for to show up. Maybe I'll barbeque you for withholding information from an elder dragon."

"Your threats don't faze me, lizard," Sol said.

"Dragon, you pathetic primate," Risa snapped.

Sol rolled his eyes.

"We could've saved time by jumping."

An enormous, unsettling and deep, chuckle rumbled through the air.

"You've got a front-row seat to the art show of a real dragon. Be grateful, mortal."

Sol sighed.

Just what did he get himself into?

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