Lot City, Yaponiya…

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Early afternoon…

Arch Priestess Ichiko and the high priestesses, Megu, Emi, Jade, and Yami were on their way to meet this Head Maiden. If the Stone chose her to be the head, Ichiko and the others had no choice but to accept that. Duty, protecting the world, came before the personal needs or preferences of the Stone Maidens. None of the young women were going to abandon the teachings after all of the hardships.

It was late night on the Stone's side of the world, but Clare sent a text message on behalf of the Stone Maidens, requesting a formal introduction.

Ichiko honestly couldn't wait to meet him. She was so relieved to hear Clare's praise, although deep within that voice sounded like a woman who wished….she could be closer to him. Stone Maidens were only allowed to lose their virginities to the Stone, but that didn't exactly apply to shrine maidens. Clare helped relive a huge question. What if this Clyde turned out to be some creep? Sure, the maidens weren't going to take the abuse, but Ichiko was afraid that attempting discipline on the Stone with just five, instead of thirteen of them, would go horribly wrong.

The young woman allowed her thoughts to drift to Team Stone. She saw most of them thanks to the news camera's persistence. There…were more women than men. Way, way more women. Ichiko had no problem with this as it felt a bit more comforting than being at the whims of a bunch of unknown men, but…that number was just too many.

Ugh. She wasn't sure why she secretly hoped to forge a relationship with the Stone. It wasn't fair that they were bound to him and him alone. Not fair! But the duty of a maiden did not involve love. Nope…Instead it was wisdom and combat and blah blah blah. She could picture her grandmother laughing at her. What a cruel woman.

"Jae could you lower the volume of your crunching," Megu snapped. Jae ignored her, lacking emotion as usual. In fact, her munching grew suspiciously louder.

"Don't start with her," Emi whined. "You'll only make things worse."

"Don't defend her," Megu said.

"Knock it off," Ichiko barked at all of them. "You're supposed to be High Priestesses. Act like it!"

Yumi smiled at her sadly. Ichiko pet her head.

"Without you Yumi, I'd have a head of gray hairs," Ichiko said.

As the large house of the Stone finally came into view, the maidens could only be awed. Clare told them the funny story of the young man starting off in an apartment. However, he had a home and wasn't stuck in an all-girls boarding school like them.

Ichiko took a deep breath, asserting herself as the leader and Arch Priestess of the group. She rang the doorbell. She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

The house's defenses…looked to have spawned some kind of shadows to watch the young women. She assumed they automatically attacked monsters. Her assumption seemed to be right because the creatures nodded, not deeming them a threat, and sank back into the ground. She let out a breath that she didn't realize she held.

The door opened and a beautiful woman dressed in casual clothing greeted them.

"My great and lovable master whom I want to lay in his arms forever is not here to donate to the—"she paused and smiled. "So, you've finally come."

Ichiko gave her a respectful bow.

"Are you the Head Maiden, Asu?"

"Indeed," Asu said. "Although, you may say I'm still in training. Come in, come in! My master's prophet told me all about you a few days ago. I'll show you to your rooms and then the secret temple. My great and handsome, loving, hot, chocolate master doesn't want to be worshipped. So I don't do it in front of him."

"Are you really a…."

Ichiko observed the woman. She had normal brown skin, white hair, and violet eyes.

"Oh, the disguise," Asu said. "I forgot to turn the human form off. Ever since someone attacked me, the Fireside magical girls, you know the ones that work for Clare, insisted that I wear it."

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Asu shimmered. Her skin shifted to a purple-gray tone and her hair took on a purple-white. The woman's eyes remained the same. Ichiko could no longer ignore the large breasts that seemingly mocked her average size. She resisted the urge to poke one.

"Yep-yep-yep, I'm a lich," Asu said. "My Master himself isn't human. That also applies to most of Team Stone. If you have a problem with it, welllllllll. You'd better turn around now." Her smile was still cheerful, without any malice behind it. However, Ichiko could feel the intense power within the Head Maiden. She gave her a bow.

"No problems, Head Maiden," she said. "I'm not human either." She allowed her pointy ears to show. "My mother's the elf queen."

Asu froze.


"I hid it from all but the maidens," Ichiko said. "And it must stay hidden. My family and I aren't on speaking terms. I even lived in Lot City during childhood for a while before grandmother, the Stone Maiden Counselor, called me to duty." She eyed Asu. "I'm an Arch Priest. But you…hand-picked by the Stone himself, chosen by fate..." She grabbed Asu's hands, eyes starry. "I acknowledge you as the true leader of the Stone Maidens."

Asu stared at her blankly, then shrugged.

"Alright, alright, you're creeping me out, Ichiko is it? Look, until my wonderful, nice-butt, master gets back, you will help with the chores, prepare meals and stuff. Worship—I mean Maiden stuff is up to you." She placed a hand on Ichiko's head. "Relax. Team Stone, that includes me, are all good people." She smiled warmly. "Also it's nice to have someone to talk to. My master left me behind to greet you on Ming's orders, but it felt so cruel not to be able to stare at him directly with wild fantasies."

The Stone Maidens nearly fell backward. Asu gestured them to follow. They did.

"The house is huge, but I doubt we can bring all of the Stone Maidens here," Asu continued.

Ichiko chuckled.

"There's thirty of us total, but don't worry about them. They will stay in the main temple."

Asu nodded.

"I hope I get to visit this temple one day."

Ichiko's eyes took in as much of the Stone's house as possible and found it surprisingly normal. Many doors were closed and locked, the residents not wanting their privacy violated. If the Stone knew they were coming... The Stone's prophet—to think that he already had her on his team. Ichiko was certain they'd have to send a group of maidens to locate her.


Tuesday. Week 4. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Late autumn. Last week of the month.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Nova, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 4 of 30.]

[Stone mode: still recharging. You must rely on your learned strength for now…]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia.]

[Card bearers in Sawing Glades: 1, Ming.]

[Cook-off opponents in Sawing Glades, Terravan: 23. Harumi, Advanced Chef Yuki, Liru, Kitome, Alice. The rest are unknown.]

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Clyde and the team wasted no time boarding the bus after breakfast. The young man made sure to thank Master Chef Hector before heading out. He didn't want to leave the impression of being an ungrateful piece of shit. Somehow, he felt that the chef knew more than he led on. And he addressed the succubus as High Lady Tear.

Tetra wasn't at all bitter about being stuck on driving duty, her cheerful attitude not being missed by the others.

And so, the long drive began again. The young man wondered if maybe taking the train was the better idea. He glanced at the billion-dollar bus. Maybe not. At least this wasn't a fantasy world where they'd have to spend weeks on horseback. To kick the nail in that hypothetical coffin, he'd have to learn how to ride one. "City boys" didn't have the seemingly inherit skill.

Alice and Harumi, Clyde's two pregnant fiancées, were seated at his side carrying on a conversation. Although he was technically in it, the young man's thoughts wondered to the knowledge of the world around him. His limited knowledge that is.

[*World Objectives:

-Slay the demon lords: 3/15. Reward: *World star fragment*.

-Receive special training. Reward: Stone magic line access.

-World side objective: learn more about this world. Current knowledge of Satovia: 6.5%

System opinion: You still need knowledge! Quit slacking.

*Challenges remaining: 1 (max 3). Challenges completed: 3.

-Challenge: kill 1 enemy using a throwing knife without being detected.]

Roughly six percent knowledge of Satovia. Sure, it was just a side objective, nothing mandatory, but he called this world his home. There were so many things the young man wanted to know.

"Clyde, are you well?" Alice asked. "You seemed spaced out."

Clyde blinked, focusing on the half-demoness.

"Just wondering thoughts, that's all," he said. "I'm also mentally preparing myself for Naoko and Natalia's training."

Kitome, who sat on the couch opposite of them snorted. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"I didn't learn a damn thing. Are they even capable of teaching?"

"Unsurprisingly rude," Natalia said as she approached with Nina and Naoko. The gothic loli seemed to be rubbing her head.

"What's wrong with her?" Harumi asked.

"She took a sip of Chika's blood," Natalia said. Clyde frowned. No nickname? He let the irrelevant thought go. To think even the loli-witch knew the risks of pestering the silver-haired girl. The only one completely oblivious was Kitome.

Maybe that was why Chika and Kitome never seemed to argue with each other. Well, they got along—but the young man seen the girls bicker with almost everyone else.

Abruptly, his phone buzzed. A missed text from last night. Clare? Hopefully nothing happened. His eyes widened when he read it. The Stone Maidens really did appear. Not that he doubted Ming, but simply couldn't fathom how they knew where he lived. Sure, the leader, someone named Ichiko was a childhood friend of both Clare and Naomi, but that still didn't mean much. Or did it? He hoped they respected his lich. The young man didn't want to leave Asu behind—her knowledge and power had its uses. Still, as the Head Maiden, she had duties, including the introduction of herself to the main force. And guarding his power core was nice.

"Well, it seems like the maidens arrived," Clyde told the group. He made eye contact with Ming, nodding. The beautiful dual-eyed girl smiled.

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"I hope they don't cause trouble for Asu," Nina said, perching herself on Fumi's lap.

"They won't," Ming said. Ruri, seated next to her, sniffed.

"More girls, just great," the hellhound said sarcastically. "Do they really have to live with us? Why not send them back to their temple or whatever?"

Clyde rolled his eyes.

"Says the girl who doesn't want to return to her clan." He spoke over her upcoming protest. "Even if we wanted to, there was no stopping their visit. They've got a duty to help out with saving the world from the Viper. I don't know about you, but I don't mind the extra hands."

Ruri pouted.

"You know what I mean."

No one voiced it. The possible increase in an already crowded harem. The system made no noise about it, so he'd focus on keeping things professional between him and the Stone Maidens. Natalia crawled onto Clyde's lap.

"Pervy husbando onii, it's training time." She eyed Ruri. "He won't cheat."

Ruri chuckled, shrugging.

"What's this training about?"

"No need to worry about that," Natalia said. "Naoko and I still have to pull out pervy-nii's power. Lady Alice, Chika, and Kitome joined us yesterday, but today…we're going to take Harumi with us."

"Wait what?" Harumi said.

"Bye!" Natalia said, triggering the teleportation. And just like that, Clyde, Natalia, Alice, Naoko, Chika, Kitome, and Harumi were inside the spiritual instance.

Harumi glared at the loli-witch. She anime-dove into the pink-haired young woman's breasts.

"You need training too," Natalia said. "And Lady Alice might bully me."

Clyde sighed.

"So what can I expect today?" he asked Naoko. He bit back any sarcastic suggestions so that the others wouldn't suspect the dreams they had the previous night were memories. The young man wondered if he was going to regret returning Tear's panties for the laundry. Then again, he doubted the brats would be redundant with the training. The mischievousness hidden behind Natalia's adorable loli smile confirmed it.

"We've brought a lot of food," the kuudere loli said. "We also summoned some hungry monsters to kill everyone." She pointed at the pots on portable stoves and a lit campfire with a spit in place, ready for roasting. "Natalia shall observe. Harumi, you will be onii-chan's assistant. Kitome, Chika, and Alice will be training with me."

"What? No! I want to participate in whatever's coming," Kitome said, her voice almost an angry whine.

"No can do, meanie-faneamie," Natalia said. "You're close to a breakthrough for a major powerup. The same applies to Lady Alice and Chika."

Kitome opened her mouth to persistently protest, but a roar from afar interrupted.

"Okay, we don't have time to sit here and argue. We're here to train. Get to your assigned stations," Clyde ordered.

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Kitome muttered something under her breath, but reluctantly hurried off with Naoko and the others, leaving him behind with Harumi and Natalia. Clyde spun to face the loli.

"How do you know about my new powers?" Clyde said.

"Whatever could you be talking about, husbando onii?" Natalia said, smiling innocently.

"You know something about that old man," Clyde declared.

"Clyde, hurry, the monsters will be here any second," Harumi said.

"Use your cooking, pervy nii," Natalia said.

Clyde had to admit to himself that he was excited about trying out his new summoning ability, but what did the loli know about the Master Chef? Why did people insist on holding secrets when the fate of the world was at stake? Dammit anime logic.

He rushed toward the cooking area, grateful to see that Harumi had already started preparing something.

"Natalia said you have the power to make food come to life," Harumi said. "I hope you can do something about those!"

He turned where she pointed to see a fucking giant ant and scorpion maybe less than a mile away, approaching at a leisurely pace from a hill in the distance. Another creature…a fucking dinosaur emerged behind them, letting out another roar.

"Dammit Natalia, this is the first time I've activated these powers," He said, turning, only to see nothing. The loli was gone.

"Clyde," Harumi said, a little nervousness in her voice.

He nodded.

"Let's do this."

The young man opened himself up to his new power, aura surrounding him in a magnificent burst of light green and orange.

Harumi stir-fried vegetables with a mix of mouthwatering seasonings and spices. Clyde utilized the Soul Heart style to prepare the meats.

Suddenly, the food cooked instantly…

[Ability triggered. Food Summoning Fighting Food-Ons.]

Harumi gasped as the food lurched into the air, somehow without splashing anything hot onto the duo. Because that was how things worked apparently…

They took shape into a giant creature with a roast beef head. The entire thing looked like…a giant fucking meat robot. A meat and veggie mech? Its weapon, a sword, was a glowing carrot. The green and orange aura surrounded the delicious creature.

[Get ready. The enemy approaches.]

Clyde's grin was almost manic.

"I'm going to call it, Meatbot."

Harumi anime-fell backward.

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