[Your relationship with Ruri has increased to Friend, Closer level 10 and endearment.]

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When Clyde and Ruri made it back to the hotel, they were met with…an unexpected showing. Yuki flaunting off her sword skills to a small crowd of hotel guests.

Many of them asked the same question the young man wondered: Just how Yuki was able to pull off twenty-five strikes per second. Anime logic. Well, demoness superspeed.

There were a few androids mixed in with the crowd. The only reason why Clyde even knew of their inorganic nature was because they gave off the exact same energy. He felt no heartbeat through his mystic senses, but…now that Ruri gave him an insight of their cores, the young man somehow just knew they…lived.

Maybe androids were similar to golems, relying on the self-sustaining magic to act as their soul, but that meant…if destroyed, the inorganic beings were gone for good.

Alonian Androids seemed to have some kind of obligation to the monarch of this city or maybe they didn't leave in fear of not being accepted anywhere else.

From a distance, Toru waved at Clyde to join his table. At it sat Fumi, Misaka, Sazuki, Tetra, Seth, and Kanako. The genie rushed up to the young man, legs shifting to spiritual tail mode as she anime-dove into his waist. She looked up to him, cheery.

"I see everyone's started a party without me," Clyde said, smiling. He followed her over to the table, flanked by Ruri.

"Apparently tomorrow's the start of a new holiday, so the hotel staff is celebrating now because they'll be working tomorrow," Kanako said.

"I guess when you're the queen, you can create holidays at will," Sazuki said with a bite of sarcasm in her voice.

Upon closer inspection, Clyde noticed cups in the hands of Airi, Tetra, and Misaka. Misaka hadn't touched her drink yet, but Airi was already waving down a butler for a refill.

"Seth, Misaka, make sure Airi stays out of trouble," Clyde said tiredly.

"That's kind of why I'm here," Seth said, his voice clearly unhappy. "I lost a bet with Alice and then lost rock paper scissors against Harumi, so I get to babysit the drunk."

"I'm not a drunk," Airi said, "and I don't need babysitting. This is my second glass."

"Seventh," Seth said without missing a beat. "I had to stop her from requesting the Pegger's Dream three times. She even asked for the Jabberwock Surprise. Pissed Kitome off and made her leave."

Airi pouted. Clyde sighed.

"Speaking of Harumi, where is she?"

"I think she's in her room," Misaka said.

Clyde stood. Suddenly, he felt softness and arms behind him.

"I forgot to mention that Yuki had something really really strong," Toru said.

Clyde felt himself being turned around. Seconds later Yuki was carrying him away.

"Hey what the hell," Clyde said, laughing. Ruri followed, a gleam of annoyance in her eye.

The demoness opened her room door, kissed Clyde, then collapsed onto her bed. Ruri stripped Yuki down to her bra and panties, tossing the maid outfit to the side. The young man placed a blanket over her. He shuddered as a blast of cold hotel room air hugged him.

"I'd like to get a couple of things from my room," Ruri said. "Do you mind joining?"

"Sure, I guess," Clyde said. "I've got nothing better to do. I don't plan to drink with the others though."

"I'm not that good with alcohol either," Ruri said. "That's Matsume's thing."

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"It's surprising she isn't out there," Clyde said. "Airi's only drinking buddy is Tetra."

He forced away the thought of Tetra's soft breasts and the sensation of nibbling at her elf ears. Ruri fumbled with her key card at first before opening the door to a cool, luxurious, Tear-approved hotel room. In fact, they were the size of small apartments, each equipped with their own bathrooms, TVs, kitchenettes, and so on. The young man had a feeling that if the hellhound hadn't eaten all of the food in her fridge already, it would be gone by the next day.

The moment Clyde stepped deep enough into her room, Ruri jumped him—he landed backward onto the bed. Her lips caressed his as she pressed her body against the young man, triggering the rise of mount fucking Everest. They soon found themselves naked and rocking the bed. The hellhound girl's tightness swallowed him as he rode. Sometimes she took the top, sometimes the duo switched to doggy-style. Ruri's moans were like a rarity, almost as if discovering the pot of gold on the other side of a rainbow. Just without the stupid leprechaun there to kill you for winning the award.

At the climax, he pulled out. Ruri rested on top of him as they panted, but she wasn't done yet. Lust shined in her gaze as she grabbed Clyde's wood.

"One more round for the road."

As if Clyde would say no. The moment he pet Ruri, she stirred up in a frenzy, pulling the duo into intense wild sex. Bliss and tightness and so much wetness—the young man ended up initiating three additional rounds afterward.

"Let's go check out the bath, while the android fetches your new sheets," Clyde said after they rested. Ruri licked his cheek, blushing, knowing that she completely opened her guard to him.

Short white hair that draped past her neck, sky-blue eyes, and a carefree attitude mixed with royalty defined just a part of Ruri. The young man would find the depth of her heart. A somewhat cruel thought briefly flash into his head: he was glad that Ruri wasn't wasted on Yusuke. He pushed it away. Undine's beauty and bust competed with Tear.


Friday. Week 4. Month 2. Year 1. Season: Late autumn. Last week of the month.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Nova, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 7 of 30.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia.]

[Expecting: Harumi, Alice. Time left: Harumi, kitsune- 5 months till due. Alice, half-demoness, half-angel: 5 months till due. Alert! The time could shrink or increase as the infants absorb energy—and nature determines how powerful they are.]

[Card bearers in city: 8, Ming.]

[Cook-off opponents in Nation Seat: Attincusburon, Alon: 4000. Harumi, Advanced Chef Yuki, Kitome, Alice. The rest are unknown.]

[Blood Ki progress: 100% Congratulations! You now have access to Blood Ki. Warning! This Ki is highly dangerous. But you've been warned plenty of times...]

[Body adjustment at 100% You no longer have to worry about accidentally crushing everything around you.]

[Ki increased x3 due to Bracelets of the New Path. Ruri jumped to: Control: 4, Agility: 4, Lust: 4]

[Adventure quest: During the Winter break, you must travel to the nation of Alon to give your blessing to the princess. Neko must be present. Her sister is an optional addition but will increase the awards. Beware of the wizard gang around this area. The troubling bunch may be the least of your problems if the Gargoyles are still around.]

[System notice. Today is a newly made Alonian Holiday: Monarch Day. Drink in the name of the Alonian rulers! A city-wide magical aura has added an extra 20% potency to all alcoholic beverages consumed.]

When Clyde arose from his bed, he…felt mobile, faster, as if Ruri's nimbleness injected a piece of itself into him. Fuck. He needed to find Natalia and hug her. Wait, why was there J-pop music blasting in the background? Oh god, this better not be an anime opening nightmare, he thought. Fortunately, he was awake.

He turned to the side to see Natalia playing her game. She looked at him and smiled.

"Good morning, husbando onii."

Clyde chuckled.

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"Good morning, squirt." He put on the bracelets, gaining a bright-eyed expression from the loli. "Thank you again for these. They're fucking amazing."

Natalia anime-dove into him, hugging tightly.

"You mean it, onii?"

"Damn right."

He ended up brushing his teeth with Natalia riding his shoulders and playing her damn game in his ear. Fortunately, she spared him while he dressed and at the breakfast table. All of his fiancées greeted and kissed him at different times. Melody asked how Natalia got the jump on them.

"That's a secret, strawberry head."

Melody shot her a brief micro-glare, before wisely deciding it wasn't worth getting roasted. Harumi tiredly sat next to Clyde and then laid her head into his lap without even touching her food. The young man gave her a head massage. Ruri looked a little jealous, but smiled and continued to eat. Clyde of course returned it.

"Are you okay, Harumi?" Clyde said.

"Airi kept me up late," she said. "Chika and I had a terrible time putting her to bed."

Chika frowned.

"Speaking of Airi, where is she?" the silver-haired girl said.

"Still out," Seth said.

"Not for long," Tear said. "Support team will be needing her assistance."

Hinako gave the succubus a grateful look. Maki and Sophia, actually being allowed at the same table by Yuki, nodded solemnly. The young man's current support force stood as: Hinako, Tetra, Maki, Sophia, Fumi, Sazuki, and Kiko. He decided to keep Fuyoko and Naoko on the attacking force because… well, they were strong as fuck. If his lich and the Stone Maidens were around, they'd go on support too.

Nina yawned.

"Natalia I need more manga."

Natalia frowned, letting out a sigh seconds later. She hopped out of her seat.

"Come on," she said in a bored voice, motioning for the gothic loli to follow. "I brought a few Loli Saga volumes with me. You better not lose them."

"Wait for me," Naoko said, her voice without emotion, as she hurried to catch up with them.

"What are you doing, cat?" Alice said. Clyde's gaze followed hers to the floor. Neko was tangled up in yarn. A few nearby male hotel guests were eyeing her hungrily.

"Nyyyaa, this happened on its own," she said, clearly lying. "It almost comes to life when you—ow!"

Ako pulled back the paper fan.

"And you call me the embarrassing one, nya." The busty beige-haired samurai catgirl sliced the string away in one swift claw movement. The male guests looked a little terrified. "Come on, you and I have shopping. Coming, Matsume, Yuki?"

Matsume grimaced.

"I guess. Better keep that one in check." She smirked at Neko.

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Neko frowned.

"Nyaa, you can't force me to go with the tit brigade."

Matsume laughed evilly.

"It seems like a certain kitty hasn't been drinking enough milk."

Tear laughed.

"Be sure to get some good photos for me, Yuki."

The kuudere demoness shrugged, but even Clyde could see the humorous twinkle in her eyes. That and the faint smirk.

Clyde was a little annoyed at them, taking away Yuki. He wanted to hang out with her. She would always be one of his favorite people ever. He had a sneaking suspicion that she may know. Maybe.

He noticed Harumi was in her kitsune form, her tail wagging as he petted her.

[Due to the extended use of your Head pat talent and unconsciously channeling 0.5% blood Ki, you have cured Harumi's deep fatigue. Normally this status can only be cured naturally by sleep.]

[Your relationship with Harumi has evolved from Absolute cherished to Absolute treasured level 1.]

[To put that into perspective so far, relationships can evolve from endearment to cherished to treasured, adored, precious, beloved, and then worshipped. Worshipped cannot be obtained unless by unnatural means or if your relationship to the interest is master and servant. There are special statuses such as soulmate, alpha, and others, each coinciding with the culture of the woman. Good luck discovering them all.]

Clyde mentally cheered. Finally, a little clarity to this system. What would happen if he achieved special status for all of his fiancées?

The young man gazed at a fifty-inch TV mounted on a nearby wall, playing the news. The others followed his gaze.

A news reporter said,

"The palace has been on Maximum Alert ever since the rumor of a possible terrorist wizard attack spread like wildfire. There are also rumors that the decorative gargoyles surrounding the palace are awakening during the night, some possibly attacking men. This should not be a problem for those outside of the monarch grounds; however, the rumor continues to grow through the circle of male staff and young butlers. No statement of confirmation have been given by the queen yet. Back to you, Nack."

"We'll be right back after the break," Nack said in the main studio before the TV flipped to a commercial.

"Well fuck," Clyde said, shaking his head. Wizard gang? Why didn't the system call them terrorists? Or hint at an organization? They needed information "Anyone else getting tired of these goddamn wannabe Gandalfs terrorizing this city?"

"Gandalf?" Tear said, confused.

Clyde waved away her query. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"We need to locate where the wizards are hiding and do something about them. I doubt Palona would be stupid enough to risk appearing out in public otherwise."

"That's what you've got support squad for," Tetra said, smacking Clyde's back.

Hinako nodded. Misaka adjusted her classes, believing she was going to blend in with the background.

Misaka, one of the most gorgeous young women around, a fucking phoenix, would not be wasted or voiceless. She seemed to gulp when Clyde and Tear—some reason the succubus knew his thoughts—grinned evilly at her.

"I don't think Toru's training will be enough, so Misaka, you'll be coming with Harumi, Yusuke, Alice, Tear and me."

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Seth chuckled.

"I am not jealous of you, Yusuke."

Yusuke rolled his eyes, transforming into a ninja.

"What do you want me to do?" Undine said, eyes starry.

"Work with support team for now," Clyde answered. "I know someone as powerful as you don't want to hear that, but if they're attacked—"

"I get it," Undine said. "I'm not going to pout like some fifteen-year-old human girl. If support team is attacked or if they need to send out someone with magic to a specific location due to the attack team not being available, then that's where I'll shine."

"Yusuke, she's a keeper," Clyde said. The ninja laughed, blushing. Undine shrugged. Alice rolled her eyes.

Clyde continued to pass out his orders, breaking more of the attack force into groups. He texted Matsume and her shopping group to congratulate them on being their own party and to search and tail possible wizards as well as following any leads sent out by the support team.

"While this is a patrol, prioritize locating their hideout," Clyde said. "Move out!" The team nodded and exited the building with their parties.

Misaka sighed.

Clyde turned to her.

"We're teaming up mostly to get to know you better, if you don't mind."

Misaka nodded.

"Ah, I see." The bright look of approval in her eyes was exactly what the young man wanted.

[You have established a relationship with Misaka.]

[Your relationship with Misaka has increased to friendly- Team Stone subordinate level 3.]

Clyde held back the sigh. It was his own fault. Besides, only a week had passed since the beginning of the adventure quest. If he kept her close, they'd become friends. Just in case, he decided to be transparent with her.

"I'm hoping we can become friends," Clyde said. A little warmth on his face reminded him the embarrassment of saying cringy words like that.

He did not know at that moment Misaka saw the human within him and appreciated it greatly. She could now relax, unaffected by his intimidating aura. She even giggled.

[Your relationship with Misaka has increased to friend level 3. Great work! Sometimes being lame put people at ease. You never fail at the cheese.]

Oh fuck off, System, Clyde mentally snapped.

"Let's try walking around until we spot something or support team calls us," Tear said.

"Give me a sec," Harumi said, "I forgot my jacket."

"Yeah, it's cold as balls outside," Yusuke said.

Alice tilted her head.

"Cold as balls?"

Clyde wanted to smack the innocent demoness's father for keeping the princess sheltered. First the birthday cake, now this. And of course Tear showing Alice all kinds of videos on the internet.

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