Nation's seat of Alon…

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"I can't believe he's treating me like a fetch girl."

Dire muttered angrily to herself as she seamlessly flew across the city like a wingless angel. Su Yang trailed her, smirking. Sometimes she'd alter her appearance to look really scary, enough to bring tears to the eyes of even the silver-haired girl. She finally admitted deep within herself that she was afraid of Su Yang. She was always afraid of her.

Su Yang looked exactly like her mother, just without the eyes of hatred. Dire didn't want to admit that. She…took out her hatred on an innocent person and now paid for it. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape her. She couldn't escape the abusive memories.

She was terrified to turn around, knowing that Su Yang would show a scary image or lunge at her. Her mother's doppelganger. They looked alike, but were different. Dire thought that much was supposed to be obvious. Then why did she let…

Dire froze when she noticed someone familiar, walking with two other girls. They seemed to be chatting happily, except the emotionless elf kid. She saw Loli Saga mangas in their hands. Their smiles brought a sense of loneliness to her…a pain in her chest. It made her miss the Forgotten Party as a whole. Momo always being nice, Olivia cooking. Su Yang, laughing then being jealous of Master Aunder flirting with the waitresses that served him funny-tasting drinks. Broody Julius sitting at a table by himself, glaring at the world. Dire herself would still be innocent. She'd still be carefree—if only the memories didn't return. Everything was gone now…everyone.

Master Aunder didn't talk to her much anymore, Su Yang's ghost haunted her—even made fun of the girl. Dire's sheer craving for revenge against her family just barely kept the silver-haired girl together.

Tears threatened to flow, but she forced them back. The last encounter with the witchling in the middle of the group below resulted in a fight because Dire lost her temper after the Falcon escaped. She had no animosity against the witchling nor her friends. She…didn't want to be a bully.

Abruptly, an android woman dressed in a blue and green police uniform, aimed a large gun at the hovering girl. Before Dire could react, it released a searing laser.

Something like this shouldn't be able to hurt Dire, but that was no ordinary android. And the weapon she carried…

The girl felt her muscles give up as she dropped to the road. Su Yang's worried expression from fifty feet above…confused her. Didn't she hate Dire? The silver-haired girl's time to think on the subject matter, the surrounding warm liquid beneath her, and the intense pain, faded as an enormous speeding vehicle approached. It…was time to go. Unable to move, she closed her eyes. Yet, death didn't come.

Dire opened her eyes to see the witchling standing over her. In her right hand was a golden staff, stretched out toward the large truck. The tears finally erupted.

"Why… did you… save me?" Dire managed to get out, despite the pain. "I tried to… hurt you remember?"

The witch shrugged.

"You probably don't remember me. Not ever since that mean lady cursed us and a bunch of people." The witchling shook her head, then smiled. "You're not allowed to die unless it's by my hand."

A burst of healing magic shot from the hands of the green-haired girl with different eye colors and coated Dire. The broken bones healed and the pool of warmness vanished, along with the pain.

"My name's Natalia," the witchling said. "Remember that."

Dire could only stare at her backside as the other girl and her friends walked away. The feeling of…sadness and maybe desperation swirled within the confines of her mind. She…wished for friends of her own. She wished she could be friends with Natalia... Anything to wash away her loneliness.

Dire stood, eyes downcast. She glanced at…the now-destroyed android that attacked her without provocation. Then she noticed the No-Fly Zone sign. This city was just too much. Death without warning for flying in this area, even for tourists who didn't know the rules.

This place wasn't safe. Eyes were watching her. Government eyes. Maybe Natalia was headed to the royal palace. But why?

For now, Dire would have to finish her fetch quest. Her training lectures about honor would drag on even longer if she didn't hurry. She noticed Su Yang following again, worry in her eyes. Eyes…that her mother would never have.

Natalia's words flashed through Dire's mind.

You're not allowed to die unless by my hand…

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She chuckled. That was a promise to see her again. Dire would rather play than fight, but if she wanted a rematch, then she'd get one. Or maybe a cookie-eating contest.

Her stomach growled. Cookies sounded nice right now.


Nation's seat of Alon…


Tessa pouted, then resorted to texting Clyde. She winced at the possible reason of him not answering the phone being…intimacy with those women. Why did the goddess have to send her here to face the madness?

She took a deep breath and let it out along with some of her anxiety. Her old friend was free to live however he chose, same for her. Who wouldn't, being granted magic in an anime universe?

Maybe I should explore the city a bit, she thought. Her body would thank her for the exercise, anyway. Maybe she'd find some place that sold items.


Lot City, Satovia…

Unknown hidden office…

The Oyabun knew he shouldn't be alive, but as the man who held the knowledge of many dark and forbidden secrets, the supernatural community would not easily keep him down.

He looked up at his elite assassin.

"Good work, preserving my body," he said softly. "I managed to find out a few things about the spiritual world." He eyed the woman. "Thank you for not betraying me and keeping this organization running. Six years passed in that particular spiritual plane, so I dearly miss my wife and daughter." He stood up. "How many respawn dolls do we have left."

"Only one," the woman said. "Honestly, I wasn't sure if it was going to work at first, since some time passed and the circumstances of your death."

The man flinched.

"That's right, those damned inquisition bastards." He inhaled and exhaled. "But seeing you in nice clothing, the office in perfect condition, the amusement in your eyes, and the sun shining brightly outside, means someone or something actually defeated the inquisition. Or did the Watchers actually step in for the first fucking time of their infinite lives to help a dying city? I didn't see nor sense my wife and daughter's spirit over in death, thank goodness."

"Sir, the same group you ordered me to watch, saved the city," the elite assassin said.

The Yazuka leader nodded.

"I just wish those bastard crusaders didn't hypnotize you that day. The moment you shot one of their friends, cut away any chance to establish a relationship with them."


The Oyabun gave her a skeptical look.

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"Get on with it. You never hesitate with sentences."

"Team Stone left," she said.

The Oyabun sunk back into his chair, expression grim.

"And took your daughter with them."

He jumped up.


"Calm down sir," the elite assassin said. "Your wife gave your daughter THAT task you've been attempting to talk her into for so long. She encouraged Misaka to get help from Team Stone. They actually agreed."

The Oyabun nodded.

"Well I'll be damned. That could only mean that my wife finally told Misaka about everything…She told my darling daughter how to use her gifts. I'm so proud of her." He sighed. "And she's gone, so I can't hug her."

"Just call her," the assassin said.

"Oh yeah, technology exists again," the Oyabun said, then cleared his throat. "Six years as a spirit can make a man forget the pleasures of being on the side of the living. Anyway, my wife should know everything about my plan, although I had to execute it earlier. She most likely told Misaka about it during the training…otherwise my darling daughter would probably still be mourning."

The assassin sighed.

"Go inform my wife that I'm back," the Oyabun said. "I'm going to take a fucking shower before seeing what she cooked."

"Yes sir," the woman said then vanished.

"I'm lucky to have such a loyal ninja," the Oyabun said as he pulled out his smart phone. He gazed at the wallpaper of little three-year-old Misaka, eyes starry. "You make your father proud."


Nation's seat of Alon…

Natalia allowed herself to relax as Princess Dire faded out of sight. The others seemed to breathe easier. Her risky gamble worked, not that the silver-haired girl had any murderous intent. Oh there was something deep within those eyes, an unstable woman stuck in the same situation as Natalia, but her problems were from a truly messed up sort. To have her own family use her as a scapegoat for her home Nation's anger.

Natalia had stealthily performed a quick-memory drive to gather everything she didn't already know about Dire. The silver-haired girl's parents ruthlessly abandoned their most bright child for the "good" of the royal family. Her siblings and cousins were snakes, conniving, cold people just like their parents. Dire on the other hand was kind and a bit timid, leaving everyone to believe her to be weak. Some of the older ones bullied the girl, others left her alone.

Even when she turned twenty-three, her only friend was a cat that often talked with her. And behind the true form of that cat turned out to be the Witch. And the witch, a dark goddess by the name of Fatalus. The name alone gave Natalia shivers. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

More evil than the murderous living at the bottom of the depths of Hell, Fatalus's reputation of being one of the most powerful dark goddesses around existed for a reason. How did they attract such a being to the Lion continent? Many legends spoke of a god who once protected it, blessing all of its inhabitants. What happened to him? Possibly Fatalus. Or maybe she moved in after he disappeared. Well, there was simply no point in thinking of her now. Husbando onii counted on Natalia. She wasn't sure why he assumed the attack on the palace was going to suddenly get called off. Her job would be to detect any hidden third party darting away on the rooftop of a building near the palace.

Sure enough...she actually did. An obvious wizard dressed in black, hiding his face with some kind of…dragon mask?

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Somewhere in the Nation's Seat of Alon…

"Call off the attack," someone said, He was a muscular man with a cigar hanging out the side of his mouth. Transparent gold aura surrounded him like molten lava as he shook his head, visibly frustrated. Well, the busted lamps, tossed chairs, and a hole the size of a coffee pot in the window indicated that much. "We cannot afford to lose any more people. I've sent Black Mask to quickly kill off those captured so that they don't spill any of our secrets under torture, but at this rate, we won't save this nation. It's due to those ignorant youths." He sighed. A woman with a dangerous gleam in her eye, smiled.

"Shall I send Black Mask to deal with them?" she said. "Or maybe I should take care of this myself. If only we would've noticed them at the restaurant before it was too late."

"We didn't know they stopped yesterday's message from getting out," the man said. "It wasn't their fault. They saw what appeared to be wizard-thugs moving to kill androids. That princess's message to some non-existent hero and the queen's announcement has blinded them to the truth. Send Pink Allure to explain things."

"Pink Allure is more likely to try to have sex with them—"

"She won't," the man interrupted. "She knows there's a time to play and a time to mess around. After all, she's been right under their noses the entire time." He chuckled. "She works as a staff member at the hotel they're staying at, under the guise of a clumsy worker. She's watched them, but sensed no threat. Once they know the truth, there is no doubt we can get them on our side. Our nation depends on this."

The woman nodded.

"The dictatorship of the queen has to end now."

"When she goes, we'll immediately use the treasure to fund the other states," the man said. "All of the junk technology can be used to build up the other towns, form new cities. The magic cores inside the androids are worth millions."


Really Long Fucking Name, Alon… [Nation's Seat]

"I just fucking knew it," Clyde said after bashing the head of a stray wizard against a trashcan. "We're being watched."

Tear nodded.

"I know of one suspicious girl at the hotel," the succubus said. "I suspect she'll come to us in disguise or maybe bold enough as herself."

"That may be the moment she attempts to assassinate us I guess," Clyde said. "In that case, I want a preemptive strike. Before she can make a move, we do the capturing."

"Uhmm…how do you know this?" Misaka asked, timid.

"We don't," Clyde said, "but there's no way they don't know by now that we've stopped all of their attacks. Think about it, Misaka. News reporters everywhere. A team with a lot of egos and probably ideologies looking to see how everyone's reacting to their stand against the ruling monarchs."

"What if we're on the wrong side?" Alice said, surprising the entire crew.

"We shouldn't be in this shit at all," Clyde said. "I just want to do the damned blessing and get us the hell out."

"Should we forget about this Palona and just approach the palace?"

"I thought of that, but if Palona doesn't come to me, I won't be able to prove that I'm the person she's looking for," Clyde said. "We'll be shot at by the dumbass guards."

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Harumi frowned.

"I'm up for calling it a day. I want to check on Liru and the dragons again. They've got my poor sister addicted to the Hero-sama anime."

"I love that one," Misaka blurted out, gaining their stares. Blushing furiously, she tried to make herself small, but Tear didn't let her.

"You're so cute," the succubus said, pulling her into a boob-filled hug. Clyde felt a little longing. Tear took that time to smirk at him. Her eyes were inviting. Which only meant that he needed to spend more time with her. Otherwise, she was most likely going to jump in right in the middle of the hotel hallway.

Alice noticed the exchange and shook her head. Tear gave her a devilish perfect smile.

"Oh shit, somebody's coming," Yusuke said, pointing ahead. A tall and skinny dark man dressed in red robes approached, surrounded in gray and white aura. He actually emitted a bit of pressure.

Clyde was completely unphased and uncaring. Mainly because he forgot to use his Blood Ki on the goddamn dark magic book. He went through all of that hell—fuck it. He'd unlock his new skill in the middle of the city.

"Yusuke, Misaka, this is a good chance for you to handle a mini-boss," Clyde said. "Harumi, Alice, Tear, back up Misaka when needed."

"Not me?" Yusuke said then playfully held up a hand. "I'm fucking with you, I know she's new." Yusuke's white aura intensified.

"A ninja and a girl. A normal girl," the red-robed man said. "The ninja, I would respect if you were actually capable of doing a decent amount of damage. But you suck. As for the girl. Why? Just why? I will hit a girl if that's the point you're trying to make. Unless she were a loli, then I'd become her—"

"Dude, shut the fuck up," Clyde interrupted. "Yusuke, Misaka, attack. He's lucky I'm letting the androids send him up for execution. Otherwise, I'd ask for Tear to Futa-banish him."

Tear laughed.

"It's been a while since we've sent someone there. I'm thinking their leader deserves it?"

Before Clyde could answer, his phone buzzed, indicating a text message. What he got instead was a picture of the Supreme Demon Lord taking a shit. A second message revealed her playing with herself, her expression being…the Ahegao face…

Asu: her thoughts are filled with you in that War god state you told me about.

Clyde was at a loss of words. Goddammit Asu.

Clyde: Asu, focus on the main mission. We need useful data.

Asu: it's important. But I'll keep sending everything. I won't let you down, oh great dong master of eternity.

Clyde: Asu!

No reply. He sighed, not making an attempt to delete the photos.

"I'll just keep them for research purposes," he said softly.

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