Nation's Seat of Alon…

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Late afternoon…


Clyde's glare and intimidating aura washed over Natalia until she was nearly teary-eyed, attempting to hide behind Harumi. Finally after a minute, which felt almost like an eternity to the loli, the young man relaxed, dispersing his unconsciously emitted dominance. The hotel staff and passing guests seemed confused.

"I sure hope you know what you're doing." He laid back on the couch, Alice at his side. One of the cleaning androids, a yard or two ahead, glared at him.

"I just cleaned that couch," she said. "Don't mess it up. And don't eat on it."

"Oh quit your whining," Matsume said, smacking the back of the android, grinning. "As soon as we leave, you'll be stuck with the dull crowd again. Enjoy us while you can."

The android rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath.

"Alice, I need your help," Chika said with comedic teary eyes. Alice snuggled into Clyde.

"Can't you see I'm in my happy place," Alice said. "I'll help you later."

"Plleeeassse," Chika said, grabbing the half-demoness's arm.

"Aren't you the genius girl?" Alice said.

"I need a second opinion and you're the only one who knows the inner workings of the project, being partnered with Chika corp," Chika said.

Alice sighed, reluctantly allowing the silver-haired girl to take her away.

"Chika works too much," Harumi said as she sat next to Clyde. Natalia seemed a bit nervous to sit. The young man gestured at the seat on his left.

"I told you I'm not mad," Clyde said. "Hell, who even is that kid? Like, I know jack shit about her, except that one of your spells is named after her and that she had a temper-tantrum, but ended up not killing us…with a cheerful smile on her face. So a creepy loli."

Natalia hesitated at first, but took the seat.

"You know my skill name? I don't remember telling you," she said.

Harumi chuckled. "Should you really be surprised at that, Natalia?"

"I guess not," the loli replied.

Abruptly, Kanako rushed out of the hall, flying toward Clyde, legs in spiritual tail mode, eyes teary.

"Master help. She's too much." Kanako anime-dove into the young man. He had a bad feeling about it.

"Oh no," Harumi said tiredly.

Airi emerged from the hall, eyes starry. "Just a few more questions. I need to know every part of your genie body. How do you bend the universe to your will in order to grant wishes? Every—ow!"

Harumi pulled away the paper fan.

"Don't make Kanako cry."

Airi sighed.

"I was only trying to…" She stopped at Harumi's glare. "Fine, fine, I won't ask her anymore questions. For now." She turned her gaze to Clyde.

"Ah snap, look at the time," Clyde said, moving Kanako to the side before standing. "I've got a quick meeting with Tear in her room. She's our information queen, you know."

Harumi giggled. "I see someone's trying to redirect things to our succubus."

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"It's fine, I'll wait," Airi said, "but you can't escape me forever." She suddenly anime-dove into Clyde. "Come on, just one question. Two. At least write a journal or book. None of the thing you're able to do make sense. I need to solve these mysteries."

Clyde nodded. "Mysteries, you say. Wording it that way…Hmm, maybe you would be the one to crack things. Let's start with something I've been meaning to look into." He warped the Root Tree seed from his inventory.

[Root Tree seed. Item class: epic.]

Unlike the last time he looked at it, the seed now glowed with power.

"Holy shit, this is new," Clyde said. "What's—"

Airi seemed to spasm with excitement.

[Your relationship with Airi has increased to endearment, friend, closer level 10, passionately interested and super curious.]

"Where did you get that? And it's ready to be planted," Airi said. "Oh-oah! Let me nourish it. We druids live for this stuff."

Clyde wiped away the nosebleed. The Super Druid had her cute moments, separate from the seductive and knowledge-craving onslaughts. He handed the seed to the young woman.

"You handle it, then talk to me later about what it actually does and whatever the Root Tree is," Clyde said. "It's an odd gift from a forest monster girl. Anyway, I'm going to talk with Tear for a bit."

Clyde pet Natalia, kissed Harumi, but before he started toward the hall, Airi said,

"Where's my kiss?"

Harumi delivered quite the swift paper fan. "Come on, let's go do your Druidry. And you're going to tell me why you're so excited by this seed."

"But my kiss," Airi said, pouting. "I refuse to do anything until I get mine."

Clyde chuckled as Harumi dragged the Super Druid away.

"You can get that later, but not while mine is special," Harumi said.

Natalia hopped on Clyde's back.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"You're going to do pervy things with Tear," Natalia said.

Clyde sighed.

"Why must that be assumed for a conversation between two adults. Anyway, go take the rest of the day off. I still need time to process your plan to use Dire as a tool."

Natalia flinched, then slumped off his back.

"Don't get down about it," Clyde said. "So far, none of your genius plans failed. Yet." The young man started toward Tear's room, but not before giving the loli another head pat. Good thing Ruri was occupied with Ming, no doubt to pester her about the next Loli Saga release.

Clyde knocked on the succubus's door before entering. She was sitting at her desk, dressed in an incredible nightgown, a few papers and books stacked in various spots.

The door abruptly shut by itself the moment Clyde was fully in. He heard the beeping of the electronic locking mechanism.

"Well hello," Tear said. "You're finally paying your dear fiancée a daytime visit."

"Don't put it like that," Clyde said, flashing a smile, pulling Tear into a kiss. "But you're right. I'm here to hang out."

Tear's eyes lit up, a devilish smile curling across her face.

"Finally, someone to listen to my problems." She pushed him on the bed, straddling the young man. "I hope your listening ear's ready."

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Clyde sat up, pulling his fiancée closer. "I'm all ears." He kissed her. "All the time."

Tear smiled.

"I know you are. Even your little friend below agrees."

Clyde softly grunted as Tear's soft ass moved against his super-boner. He kissed her, she returned it, until they engaged into the heat of passion. He stripped Tear, she stripped him and he found his tongue gliding across massive breasts. He glided it across another place too, tasting her before entering. It always surprised him of how tight the succubus was.

Clyde was her first time in the real world, not that he for sure knew how succubus absorbed energy. Some legends say dream sex, some say the dream itself acted as the draining mechanism.

None of that mattered. He simply enjoyed feeling her, the succubus's warm breath against his neck, her legs closing around him, and the moans.

He almost released inside, all three rounds. Really the only thing stopping that was logically thinking. Now knowing that Naoko possessed strong healing powers, the young man no longer had to scramble for a replacement for both his main healer and backup. Kanako also had healing skills, but could only target very few at a time.

The duo ended up chatting while naked in bed.

"Conversation succubus-style," Tear said, "smooth." She snuggled into her fiancé. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"You don't mind if I asked questions that may break the mood," Clyde said, his voice half-joking.

Tear shrugged.

"Ask away. It's going to take a lot to step on a landmine. And I have some questions for you, my secret-keeping hubby."

"It's not like I try to keep things I find a secret," Clyde said. "It's pretty easy to forget things when its tossed in an interdimensional storage place."

"It's time for that to end," Tear said. "Some of us can make the objects you discover more powerful you know. Even I like to flex my abilities sometimes." She smiled. "Maybe earn a little brownie points."

Now it was Clyde's turn to shrug, but he also nodded, understanding.

"Alright. If I don't forget, I'll make sure to show you the items I find."

Clyde snuggled his face into Tear's breasts, getting a giggle from her. He pulled back.

"You said you were from the Continent closest to the Monster Kingdoms, right?" he asked.

"Yes," Tear said, "my home nation is called Ceruliam. For a public show, we didn't label ourselves as a part of the Supreme Empire, but Mother and the Supreme are long-time blood friends. Monster Kingdom soldiers patrolled both our lands and theirs, although they stopped due to stray adventurers that attacked them every now and then."

Clyde grunted.

"Wait, your nation is just monsters or—"

"It's a hybrid nation," Tear said. "The human men get along fine with the monster and demon girls. And we have a magical law that makes it so that any monster must maintain a human form within our boarders. They also aren't allowed to attack humans. Not that our monster girls allowed the typical monster to do such a thing." Tear sighed. "Being so close to the Supreme's core influence, they're highly protective of men when it comes to the creatures that threaten them."

"Do you miss your family?" Clyde said, stroking Tear's hair the way she always seemed to enjoy.

"I still keep in contact with Mother," Tear said, "although…our great grandmother is a bit, well, really scary. Sometimes she says things and may mean it or could be joking. I'm an only child, but Alice, Natalia, and Melody are like my little sisters."

Clyde smiled.

"So there is someone you fear after all."

Tear laughed.

"Trust me, if you were to meet that crazy woman, you'd be having nightmares. Don't let her looks fool you. And definitely, never, ever, treat her like a child. A monster that tried to make fun of her child-like appearance, figured out something interesting at the last moment of his life when Grandmother smiled cheerfully." Tear shuddered. "She formed the knife from his blood, before shoving it through his throat."

"So your grandmother's a fucking murderous loli psychopath. Good to know," Clyde said. A loli-grandmother. Adding it to the trope list. "You know, Alice actually said the same thing, back during that thunderstorm—about her grandmother being scary."

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Tear grinned.

"Even Mother's on guard when she's around."

"What about the Supreme?" Clyde asked.

"They're drinking buddies," Tear said, as if those words were no big deal. "The Supreme doesn't count. Her only fear is going mad if all men disappeared."

Clyde laughed, before the duo elapsed into a few minutes of silence, enjoying the proximity of each other.

"So, what's it like in your world?" Tear asked. "You sometimes say things that make no sense to us. Like sayings from your nation?"

"I could say my world fucking sucks," Clyde said, "but it's what you make of it. There is no magic, at least not known publicly. Same for the beings that are not human or animal. It's a mundane place, really. A lot of the things here are myth in my world. Stories of a book, mysteries, or superstitious things."

Tear gave the young man a skeptical look.

"Maybe there were times that our worlds collided and we didn't know. What's your world called, again?"

"Earth," Clyde said.

Tear's eyes widened.

"If I'm not mistaking…I think my uncle took Alice there when she was a child. Uncle didn't talk about the world he visited much, except that the rules or whatever are different. You've got to tell me—"

A knock interrupted the excited succubus.

"Sazuki's looking for you, Tear. Stop doing pervy things to pervy-cheater nii," Natalia said.

"Does she need help now?" Tear said.

"Yes. You were training her with Undine, remember? And why the barrier on the door? Let me join!"

"Well, it seems like she's back in high spirits again," Clyde said with a laugh. He and Tear quickly dressed, the succubus choosing to wear casual clothing instead of her nightgown. Well, casual clothing was probably a stretch. She wore things that would make her a target for muggers or even people that hoped to contact her rich father for ransom.

"Just when I thought we'd have more than a couple hours of alone time," Tear said.

"You're lucky to have that, but he's my fiancée too," Natalia said. "A pervy cheater, but my pervy cheater-nii."

When Clyde opened the door, Natalia stood there, arms folded and pouting. Naoko was right beside her, silent. Well, eating a large cookie. He'd give her a pass this time.

Tear pulled Clyde into one more kiss before starting down the hall with the lolis. Damn, he didn't get the chance to ask anything about the demon realm. Still, the bond between he and the succubus grew. Even the system agreed.

[Your bond with Tear has strengthened.]

Clyde pulled out the book of Blue Ki, but froze. Should he give it to Tear first before reading it? He warped it back to his inventory. Why settle for novice or third-rate abilities when someone powerful offered to upgrade it. When did she get such an ability, whatever it was? To be fair, he rarely told them about the items he collected.

One particular item caught his eye as he scrolled through his inventory.

[Firestone Diamond. Item class: unknown. This would make one hell of a crafting item.]

The word unknown was relic-colored. Kitome. He needed to find Kitome! Maybe she could do something with this. Or Natalia. Shit, they were both good at magically crafting. That thought kind of annoyed him. His crafting level seemed to be maxed out. Five plus.

What if to level it up further, an unexplained secret quest needed to be completed? That or maybe he'd find someone to trigger an event that could lead to the continuation of his crafting progression.

First, he needed proof that crafting levels went beyond five. He'd analyze Kitome.

Shit, he had plenty of time to kill until Yuki captured the spy, anyway.

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Since Clyde didn't know the location of the blue-haired magical girl's room, he texted her.

Kitome: I'm in Melody's room. Room 3C.

Clyde: I'm in the hall on the first floor. I'm headed your way.

Kitome and Melody seemed kind of like an odd pair hanging out. Then again, this wasn't the first time.

On his way to the elevator, an android suddenly blocked the young man's path. A familiar android…The one who watched he and Ming fuck like rabbits. He of course didn't bring it up.

"Excuse me, do you have some time to talk about our lord and savior," she stopped and giggled at Clyde's expression. "I'm kidding."

"So that meme's used in this world too," Clyde said.

"Meme? I can't compute that—anyway, I wanted to ask you something," the android said, seeming a bit flustered. The only reason why the young man could tell them apart from people was due to the core he sensed. "My name's Wonder by the way. But you can call me Wonder Onee-sama."

"I am not about to call you Onee-sama," Clyde said, voice just a tiny bit incredulous. He noticed her huge breasts for the first time. She fit the bill of Ara-Ara perfectly. Black hair, emerald-green eyes, and a little shorter than Harumi. She also had a tiny bit of freckles across her face. Interesting design choice.

"Then Dera-chan?" she said. "My real name is Dera. Wonder's my online gamer tag. I play Loli Saga fighters online a lot."

He sighed.

"Dera. That's my final offer. Anyway, what do you need?"

"It's going to sound weird, but we androids were created by magic with working parts, if you catch my drift," Dera said.

"I don't," Clyde lied. He knew damn well what she implied, but wanted to verify. He just had sex with his pervy beautiful succubus. Sometimes her sexual energy lingered on him.

"I have a vagina," Dera said simply. "Since I'm constantly here, tasked to work, and have little free time, which isn't fair by the way, I never had sex. When I saw you and that girl go at it that day, I just knew I had to try it."

Clyde allowed his eyes to stop widening.

"Do you even feel anything?"

"Of course," Dera said. "Like I said, we were created by magic. We're not machines, but something beyond that." She seemed to wilt. "I just wish people saw us that way. Did you know depression in androids is more common than in humans?" She sighed. "But that's not what I'm here to talk about. I want you to plunge your sex organ into mine and make me feel good."

"What the fuck is she talking about?"

Clyde spun to see Kitome and Melody, glaring at both he and Dera. Goddammit, his luck sucked. Even if he wanted to consider giving this an experimental go, for science, that option was gone.

"She was telling me some interesting facts about androids," Clyde said. "And now she's about to be sent to Seth."

"Uh-huh," Kitome said, not buying his words.

Melody shook her head and gave the young man a Gin smile.

"I certainly hope my lover isn't considering what I think he is, when his lovable fiancée has to fight for alone time with him. Certainly he's not a machine fan."

Clyde laughed nervously.

"Pssh, as if—"

"And what if he was?" Dera struck back, Gin smile on her face. Gin from fucking Bleach…the fake smile of death that many "Ara-Ara" types wielded like a weapon. He just started a fucking war—the android girl wasn't backing down. Aura surrounded all three women.

The hallway's lights dimmed, as if the aura sucked at the power.

"I will smash a bot," Kitome said darkly.

"I'd like to see you try," Dera said. "I'm sure the hotel would love to hear the sound of human bones cracking."

"Alright, enough of this," Clyde said. "I don't need blood and oil or whatever androids bleeds ruining the place."

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